Topic: Please list Gods ABSOLUTE laws... | |
We are not talking about The will. If you have run out of points to make or questions to ask on this subject just say so. If you want to talk about the WILL then start another thread, but I have talked with you about THE WILL before many times and I have not changed my point of view on it. The Will is inherent in all life forms. It is the power of self direction. JB ok "JennieBean" ...since you wish to control what words can be used...instead of "Free Will" I will use the word puppet ..just to humor you you claim to be trapped in some type of holographic projection controlled by a universal mind that is creating a reality that you have no control over ..since you are trapped in the game you are nothing more than a puppet of the game |
My will is controlled by my will... My reality is controlled by my will subject to how that which is I am concides with that which is you are. My freedom to chose is never controlled by the choices YOU perceive to be available but by the choices I Perceive to be available. "AdventureBegins" your will is control by the enviroment your exist in ...just because you believe you have the will to do something doesn't mean you have the energy or in a condition to turn that will into an action ... |
If you can actually prove such a thing as an absolute law of god... ![]() "AdventureBegins" all laws the God has set forth no matter which God are absolute...the believers can pick and choose which ones they will follow but in doing so will face consequences absolutely Absolute only within individual minds... Each with infinitely different concepts of "God". "slendidlife" yep that's exactly how it works ....God/Yehweh has different laws than false idol God/Jesus I'm not quite sure of what you're saying here, Funches. Are you saying that there is only one set of laws, as taken literally from the Bible? If so, how would it be possible to have a law be upheld and understood uniformly across the board with a nearly infinite number of perceptions? "Spendidlife" just like a judge will tell you that there is no excuse for "ignorance of the law" the same applies to the laws that Gods have set forth so it doesn't matter how the believer perceives them they just suppose to follow all God's laws to the letter mis-interpetion and all if God said "Thou Shalt Not Kill" then don't kill ..etc. etc. etc. Yeah, but... These "laws" are written by mortals... Isn't it possible that, regardless of how the "authors" arrived at the data, these written laws were subject to initial mortal interpretation? Then, through generations and countless translations, don't interpretations continue to morph? |
My will is controlled by my will... My reality is controlled by my will subject to how that which is I am concides with that which is you are. My freedom to chose is never controlled by the choices YOU perceive to be available but by the choices I Perceive to be available. "AdventureBegins" your will is control by the enviroment your exist in ...just because you believe you have the will to do something doesn't mean you have the energy or in a condition to turn that will into an action ... Prove it... My CHOICES are subject to the environment and what is available in this physical reality... My will and how I choose to use it is only subject to or limited by my perception of my limitations... in this reality or the next. I am only limited by what I am. Glory is my destination and life is the path I take upon my journey. Ain't it wonderful?!! |
Yeah, but... These "laws" are written by mortals... Isn't it possible that, regardless of how the "authors" arrived at the data, these written laws were subject to initial mortal interpretation? Then, through generations and countless translations, don't interpretations continue to morph? "Spendidlife" ...according to the believers of the faith the "Laws" was handed down by God ..mis-interpetation or morphing of these laws can only take place if the faithful do not attend the places or gathering where the laws can be discussed |
My will is controlled by my will... My reality is controlled by my will subject to how that which is I am concides with that which is you are. My freedom to chose is never controlled by the choices YOU perceive to be available but by the choices I Perceive to be available. "AdventureBegins" your will is control by the enviroment your exist in ...just because you believe you have the will to do something doesn't mean you have the energy or in a condition to turn that will into an action ... Prove it... My CHOICES are subject to the environment and what is available in this physical reality... My will and how I choose to use it is only subject to or limited by my perception of my limitations... in this reality or the next. I am only limited by what I am. Glory is my destination and life is the path I take upon my journey. Ain't it wonderful?!! "AdventureBegins" sure I can prove it with this simple phrase ...can God make a rock "AdventureBegin" can't lift |
My will is controlled by my will... My reality is controlled by my will subject to how that which is I am concides with that which is you are. My freedom to chose is never controlled by the choices YOU perceive to be available but by the choices I Perceive to be available. "AdventureBegins" your will is control by the enviroment your exist in ...just because you believe you have the will to do something doesn't mean you have the energy or in a condition to turn that will into an action ... Prove it... My CHOICES are subject to the environment and what is available in this physical reality... My will and how I choose to use it is only subject to or limited by my perception of my limitations... in this reality or the next. I am only limited by what I am. Glory is my destination and life is the path I take upon my journey. Ain't it wonderful?!! "AdventureBegins" sure I can prove it with this simple phrase ...can God make a rock "AdventureBegin" can't lift "AdventureBegin sees the rocks that god has created and knows which rocks god created for AdventureBegins to lift and which rocks were created for 'funches' to lift. AdventureBegin knows when a lesson is for him and when a lesson is for another. |
Mortals are to scare to think that they are alone and only they are responsible for what as happened. For ever man as blame the Gods for everything bad that as happened to him, in today's world we do not blame God for bad weather or catastrophes but still uses his name to blame a lot of things instead of looking at ourselves as imperfect being.
If you read all of the religious writing it is so easy to see that it cannot be written by a higher form of being or God way to much things in there that do not fit, a God doesn't tell his children to kill is other children or to exclude gender or color we are all his children, a God doesn't need adoration or places of worships these are human emotions and if God has or needs the same emotions we human do then he is as imperfect as we are. Isn't it God who is suppose to have created the Earth Sky and Oceans and then this great God put humans on his creation so we could destroy it. That doesn't sound to me like the action of a God, Higher Being, Sees All Knows All. Last thing wasn't man created in Gods image, then look at men and you'll see what kind of God we have. |
"AdventureBegin sees the rocks that god has created and knows which rocks god created for AdventureBegins to lift and which rocks were created for 'funches' to lift. AdventureBegin knows when a lesson is for him and when a lesson is for another. which means you're not going to let your "will" get you a hernia "AdventureBegins" in this case your will is controlled by God |
"AdventureBegin sees the rocks that god has created and knows which rocks god created for AdventureBegins to lift and which rocks were created for 'funches' to lift. AdventureBegin knows when a lesson is for him and when a lesson is for another. which means you're not going to let your "will" get you a hernia "AdventureBegins" in this case your will is controlled by God Not so... If I (in all faith) decided that it was important for me to lift on of 'your' rocks... said rock would be lifted. (cause I know how to use a floor jack). |
Not so... If I (in all faith) decided that it was important for me to lift on of 'your' rocks... said rock would be lifted. (cause I know how to use a floor jack). "AdventureBegins" the question was can God create a rock that you with all your "will" can't lift you probably need more than a floor jack for this rock is the answer yes or no |
Not so... If I (in all faith) decided that it was important for me to lift on of 'your' rocks... said rock would be lifted. (cause I know how to use a floor jack). "AdventureBegins" the question was can God create a rock that you with all your "will" can't lift you probably need more than a floor jack for this rock is the answer yes or no I am a human... My will will allways be extended by those gifts, skills, and gear that have become available to me. so yes a floor jack can be an extension of my will. Or if it was necessary I would enlist the will of a few friends... And said rock would still be lifted. Narrow view gets narrow answers. Wider view opens many possibilities. |
Yeah, but... These "laws" are written by mortals... Isn't it possible that, regardless of how the "authors" arrived at the data, these written laws were subject to initial mortal interpretation? Then, through generations and countless translations, don't interpretations continue to morph? "Spendidlife" ...according to the believers of the faith the "Laws" was handed down by God ..mis-interpetation or morphing of these laws can only take place if the faithful do not attend the places or gathering where the laws can be discussed This sounds like fairy-tale. Dungeons and Dragons |
We are not talking about The will. If you have run out of points to make or questions to ask on this subject just say so. If you want to talk about the WILL then start another thread, but I have talked with you about THE WILL before many times and I have not changed my point of view on it. The Will is inherent in all life forms. It is the power of self direction. JB ok "JennieBean" ...since you wish to control what words can be used...instead of "Free Will" I will use the word puppet ..just to humor you I cannot discuss details about what you are calling "free will" because we do not agree on the basic premise and nature of that term. Sorry. I am not going to argue with you under your premise. It would be a futile waste of my time. That would be like you trying to argue with me about what you think goes on in Hell when I don't care or even believe in Hell. I believe that the WILL is always and forever FREE and that "Gods Will" (as some people call it) is my will and that my will is "Gods Will." And I believe that I am God in the sense that we are all connected and all individual parts of the ONE. That is a pantheistic view. you claim to be trapped in some type of holographic projection controlled by a universal mind that is creating a reality that you have no control over ..since you are trapped in the game you are nothing more than a puppet of the game I do not claim that. You have not been paying attention funches. 1.) I am not "trapped" and I never said that I was. 2.) I take my share of the responsibility for my part in the manifestation of this dream-like holographic projection you call "reality" and I am part of and connected to the universal mind. 3.) The only way anyone can have any "control" of their reality is to use their WILL which is the power of SELF DIRECTION. People who are not aware of their power of self direction (The Will) can't use it to its fullest potential and have less power to manifest their reality. If you are not aware of how the laws of this holographic environment work, then you can easily be described as a "puppet" or a "robot." That is just part of your spiritual evolution. We all go through it. |
We (humans) are like children we blame or thank God for everything this way it takes the responsibility off of our shoulders. Something good happens to me it is because God was with me and listened to me if something bad happens it is because I was bad and God punishes me. Ever heard all those athletes that say after winning "The Lord was with me and I thank to him if we won" (something like that) me I always wonder how come the other team who had a lot of believers who prayed the Lord to help them win the big game didn't win, does God have favorites amongst is believers.
We (humans) are like children we blame or thank God for everything this way it takes the responsibility off of our shoulders. Something good happens to me it is because God was with me and listened to me if something bad happens it is because I was bad and God punishes me. Ever heard all those athletes that say after winning "The Lord was with me and I thank to him if we won" (something like that) me I always wonder how come the other team who had a lot of believers who prayed the Lord to help them win the big game didn't win, does God have favorites amongst is believers. Apparently so. Its a good thing the "chosen people" don't play football. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 10/31/08 12:57 PM
We (humans) are like children we blame or thank God for everything this way it takes the responsibility off of our shoulders. Something good happens to me it is because God was with me and listened to me if something bad happens it is because I was bad and God punishes me. Ever heard all those athletes that say after winning "The Lord was with me and I thank to him if we won" (something like that) me I always wonder how come the other team who had a lot of believers who prayed the Lord to help them win the big game didn't win, does God have favorites amongst is believers. Atually he does have favorites, the book is full of them - he also makes it very clear that he made a certain portion of mankind to destroy,"for destruction", to attain his good pleasure as it says. knowing before hand that you have created things just to destroy them, and for no other purposes, is in my mind the sign of a flawed all knowing, all powerful, all loving being/entity, in fact i see no difference at all between this and a ego-maniac or madman. |
Was funches/Sue a lawyer in a previous life????
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Was funches/Sue a lawyer in a previous life???? ![]() Suech, is a politician and a bad one at that, or is that an oxymoron? ![]() |
Was funches/Sue a lawyer in a previous life???? ![]() Suech, is a politician and a bad one at that, or is that an oxymoron? ![]() ![]() An oxy -something..... ![]() |