Topic: Please list Gods ABSOLUTE laws... | |
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Sat 11/01/08 04:42 PM
your expanding it to mean nothing would have to exist everywhere. can it noe exist somewhere? why does it have to exist everywhere to exist?
does something exist "everywhere? prove it. Something exists, therefore the existence (or condition) of "nothing" is not possible....."anywhere." But when we start talking about "everywhere" or "anywhere" then we are talking about locations.- (Space and time and matter) Locations must have three dimensional space. Three dimensional space must have matter. So yes, "something" exists "everywhere" because the existence of "something" is what creates locations (space and time.) Without this manifestation of space and time (which I assert and believe is a holographic-type projection by the universal mind stuff) everything is just located HERE NOW. So in reality HERE NOW is all that can exist as far as location and time are concerned. This 'time' and these 'locations' only exist within in the mind. (The universal mind) If HERE NOW is all that truly exists, then "nothing" and "something" cannot BOTH occur because there are no locations without "something." (Three dimensional space and time and matter) ..and "nothing and something" cannot both occur in the single location of HERE NOW, and space and time cannot occur without "something" (matter). |
i give up you win -
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i give up you win - ![]() I have not won unless you understand what I am saying. |
i give up you win - ![]() I have not won unless you understand what I am saying. i can't prove there is somewhere without "matter" a complete void where not even the smallest particle exist, in reality or theoretically, thus case closed. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 11/02/08 09:52 AM
i give up you win - ![]() I have not won unless you understand what I am saying. i can't prove there is somewhere without "matter" a complete void where not even the smallest particle exist, in reality or theoretically, thus case closed. ![]() The problem is not with the hypothetical particle (which is simply a wave) but you can't prove there are any actual locations without the existence of space and time and matter. So it is not about finding a location that is void of matter or particles. You would have to find a hypothetical location outside of time and space that has no vibrations, or waves or energy of any kind. If time and space exist inside of the mind (universal mind) then you would have to go outside of that universal mind to find this void of nothing. Hypothetically, if you could leave your body and do this and if you did find that place or condition of "nothing" it would be a place of no time, no space, no thought and no vibrations. It would be HERE NOW. All that would be left is YOU, (the observer) and unless you are nothing, then you are "the something" that exists. You are the one. You exist. ![]() You exist is the only absolute law. |
i give up you win - ![]() I have not won unless you understand what I am saying. i can't prove there is somewhere without "matter" a complete void where not even the smallest particle exist, in reality or theoretically, thus case closed. ![]() The problem is not with the hypothetical particle (which is simply a wave) but you can't prove there are any actual locations without the existence of space and time and matter. So it is not about finding a location that is void of matter or particles. You would have to find a hypothetical location outside of time and space that has no vibrations, or waves or energy of any kind. If time and space exist inside of the mind (universal mind) then you would have to go outside of that universal mind to find this void of nothing. Hypothetically, if you could leave your body and do this and if you did find that place or condition of "nothing" it would be a place of no time, no space, no thought and no vibrations. It would be HERE NOW. All that would be left is YOU, (the observer) and unless you are nothing, then you are "the something" that exists. You are the one. You exist. ![]() You exist is the only absolute law. ![]() ![]() |
The problem is not with the hypothetical particle (which is simply a wave) but you can't prove there are any actual locations without the existence of space and time and matter. So it is not about finding a location that is void of matter or particles. You would have to find a hypothetical location outside of time and space that has no vibrations, or waves or energy of any kind. If time and space exist inside of the mind (universal mind) then you would have to go outside of that universal mind to find this void of nothing. Hypothetically, if you could leave your body and do this and if you did find that place or condition of "nothing" it would be a place of no time, no space, no thought and no vibrations. It would be HERE NOW. All that would be left is YOU, (the observer) and unless you are nothing, then you are "the something" that exists. You are the one. You exist. ![]() You exist is the only absolute law. "JennieBean" now that was some pretty good logic ....are you becoming un-asimulated?.. is resistance no longer futile?.... are you no longer borg? |
The problem is not with the hypothetical particle (which is simply a wave) but you can't prove there are any actual locations without the existence of space and time and matter. So it is not about finding a location that is void of matter or particles. You would have to find a hypothetical location outside of time and space that has no vibrations, or waves or energy of any kind. If time and space exist inside of the mind (universal mind) then you would have to go outside of that universal mind to find this void of nothing. Hypothetically, if you could leave your body and do this and if you did find that place or condition of "nothing" it would be a place of no time, no space, no thought and no vibrations. It would be HERE NOW. All that would be left is YOU, (the observer) and unless you are nothing, then you are "the something" that exists. You are the one. You exist. ![]() You exist is the only absolute law. "JennieBean" now that was some pretty good logic ....are you becoming un-asimulated?.. is resistance no longer futile?.... are you no longer borg? I (we) only cooperate with myself (ourself.) You cannot assimilate yourself. |
The problem is not with the hypothetical particle (which is simply a wave) but you can't prove there are any actual locations without the existence of space and time and matter. So it is not about finding a location that is void of matter or particles. You would have to find a hypothetical location outside of time and space that has no vibrations, or waves or energy of any kind. If time and space exist inside of the mind (universal mind) then you would have to go outside of that universal mind to find this void of nothing. Hypothetically, if you could leave your body and do this and if you did find that place or condition of "nothing" it would be a place of no time, no space, no thought and no vibrations. It would be HERE NOW. All that would be left is YOU, (the observer) and unless you are nothing, then you are "the something" that exists. You are the one. You exist. ![]() You exist is the only absolute law. "JennieBean" now that was some pretty good logic ....are you becoming un-asimulated?.. is resistance no longer futile?.... are you no longer borg? I (we) only cooperate with myself (ourself.) You cannot assimilate yourself. to claim belief as fact is assimulating oneself |
The problem is not with the hypothetical particle (which is simply a wave) but you can't prove there are any actual locations without the existence of space and time and matter. So it is not about finding a location that is void of matter or particles. You would have to find a hypothetical location outside of time and space that has no vibrations, or waves or energy of any kind. If time and space exist inside of the mind (universal mind) then you would have to go outside of that universal mind to find this void of nothing. Hypothetically, if you could leave your body and do this and if you did find that place or condition of "nothing" it would be a place of no time, no space, no thought and no vibrations. It would be HERE NOW. All that would be left is YOU, (the observer) and unless you are nothing, then you are "the something" that exists. You are the one. You exist. ![]() You exist is the only absolute law. "JennieBean" now that was some pretty good logic ....are you becoming un-asimulated?.. is resistance no longer futile?.... are you no longer borg? I (we) only cooperate with myself (ourself.) You cannot assimilate yourself. to claim belief as fact is assimulating oneself I don't claim belief as fact. |
Is that ass-simulate...or ass-similate?
Is that ass-simulate...or ass-similate? maybe when a mule and donkey mate |
the Ten commandments are what most pople go by as absolute. 'The law' meaning all the stuff in leviticus, numbers and such was gobbly gook nonsense.
Edited by
Sun 11/02/08 02:27 PM
the Ten commandments are what most pople go by as absolute. 'The law' meaning all the stuff in leviticus, numbers and such was gobbly gook nonsense. Yeh but you are talking the planet earth and one specific religion. We are way beyond that concept in this conversation. |
Let us consider this for a moment:
In all the history of mankind... Man has changed and evolved over time, in beliefs if not in *the* species itself, as well as in arts, sciences, and society in general. Think of the most amazing of all Man's achievements and then consider that Man is only Mortal and not even a divinity in any way! Now, consider that the Angels are older than Man, the Gods are older than the Angels, and what we understand as God is the oldest of all that is. We would have to be deluded to think that they too have not changed over the eternity in which they have existed. Any progress Man has made, God and the older beings he created before Man made long before. Mind-boggling, but all *very* true. Would the laws God gave to Abaraham, Isaac, and Moses still be as absolute today if God came to Earth? No, and I'll tell you why. Because those laws were made for one specific time, place, and people: the ancient Hebrews, who were intended to inherit Canaan and make it their own. Those laws were to help them fulfill that destiny and keep them faithful to God. But the Hebrews were not the first peoples on Earth, and not the last to hear the world of God. Let us consider that the Babylonians were older, and most of the Bible's Old Testament comes from Babylonian traditions. To the Babylonians, other laws were absolute other than those the Hebrews beleived in. Yet, ironically, both shared common points and even some of the same identical religious traditions! Now for the truly mind-expanding part: as old as the Babylonians were, the Sumerians were even older than they as a civilization! So, almost all of Biblical tradition began in Sumeria, which is the place where the Garden of Eden was. Note in the Bible how it says Eden had four rivers, and two of them were the Tigris and the Euphrates? The other two rivers are tributaries or branches of them, which to the ancients seemed like they were separate rivers. The crazy part is that the Sumerian legends tell of walled gardens in which gods kept mortals to be their servants. The laws of those gods, to those ancient servants, were absolute. But today, the commandment "Thou shalt only eat of the fruit I tell thee to." no longer applies. So the absolute laws of yesterday just go the way of the dodo tomorrow. Man's laws are just as ever-changing. Today, the old injunctions to "Hail Ceasar!" and "Worship the Emperor!" are meaningless since the Ceasars are long, long dead. And let us travel farther back in time... before the rise of Sumeria. We see Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and the other civilizations of pre-history. Their laws are lost to antiquity, but perhaps a glimpse of them can be seen in the traditions of Greece, Egypt, and Meso-America, three countries whose ancient peoples claimed to have either had trade with, or were descended from, the Atlanteans. In the fullness of time, they clearly had to change and adapt to survive once the old continents sank thusly becoming the ancestors of peoples who had themselves become fundamentally different. And if the Bible is to be belived... Adam and Eve were held to laws that were designed to keep them as ignorant of the world outside of Eden as possible. When Lucifer taught them "forbidden" civilized ways, God changed his original laws for new ones that evolved and changed still further with time. And Adam and Eve were only the first people made in Eden! Clearly, for Cain and Abel to have found wives outside of Eden, other tribes of Man had to have been made by God unbenknownst to them. The truth is, that Adam and Eve were not the first of all humanity. They were just the first Hebrews, the people who could trace their descent back to Eden in Mesopotamia. Let us go back before the rise of Earth's humans, now, and think of this: Might we, like Adam and Eve, be blind to the fact that we aren't the only planet to host human life? Perhaps God made Man, not just on Earth... but on other worlds in the Multiverse. Maybe Mars had a civilization that died out when the planet died, with it's own laws said to come from it's deities? Let us just for the sake of argument say it did. Might this be where it all began? Who can say! How did Mars get wiped out? Some say it happened when the Asteroid belt was formed, and that the craters on the moon were caused by the Asteroid Belt's formation, a fragment of which wiped out the Dinosaurs on Earth. But what was there before the Asteroid Belt formed, and how did it form? Some say it formed when a planet that was in it's exact position was destroyed, and that all of the fragments that comprise the Asteroid Belt are in reality the remnants of that doomed planet. No, we aren't talking about Krypton here, but it may have been the inspiration for Krypton in the subconscious mind of Man. And, just as Krypton had a lone survivor, perhaps the real lost planet had survivors. One legend says that this was a world where Lucifer and the Fallen Angels once ruled, and that God destroyed it to punish them, whilst accidentally destroying life on Mars and annihilating all of Dinosaur life on Earth, which made room for God to create a new race of Man in the Dinosaurs' place. I have oft heard that some Mormons believe this legend and have it as part of their teachings... although I'm not sure what exact sect follows it religiously. At any rate, in this tale it is obvious that God held certain laws as absolute and exacted some terrible wrath for those laws having been broken. But, assuming the science of this is true and a catastrophe did destroy a planet inhabited by an extraterrestrial race, resulting in the Asteroid Belt's formation, perhaps God did not have a part in it and instead it was caused by more natural forces, like in the Krypton mythos. Then, we are no longer dealing in absolutes... and it renders the legend in a new light. Instead of fallen angels, being punished for rebelling, we have aliens who are looking for a new home after their world has been destroyed. So, even in those matters where Mankind is not fully concerned, God may or may not be dealing in absolutes concerning His will that change over time. Consider that we've gone from the wrathful God of the Old Testament to the peacful God who is Jesus' benevolent Father. That represents a massive change from a God whose will is absolute to a God capable of forgiving *and* forgetting. I say this: God made Man in His own image. That means God must, by this truth, be a lot like Man. Therefore, just as Man's law changes so does the law of God. In conclusion, let us consider that in all of this we are just talking about things from a Judeo-Christian point of view. God is also the supreme God of Hinduism, Islam, and a score of other great religions of the world to boot. So if God's laws were absolute you would not see so many different ways of worshipping Him. This, to me, is the greatest real-world evidence to back up my view of God as being as willing to change with time as any of His creations are. The sad truth is, most of the religions that claim to be following His will refuse to change in the ways where they should, yet are quick to change in ways they should not. New ideas, such as tele-evangelism are not exactly the way to go, whilst women still lack as much religious freedom as they should have. The day a woman can become a priest as well as a nun, I will say things have come far. But, it is not God that keeps this from happening. It is men who speak for God. If, for one instant, they thought about just how much Jesus *did* intend for women to be a major part in the faith (Consider Mary Magdalene, who was intended by Jesus to hold a rank as high as that of Peter, but for women!) they would reconsider their chauvanistic and controlling views. I am speaking of the Catholic Church here, not all of Christianity. My grandmother is a Methodist and an ordained Reverend, so there are progressive sects of Christianity out there. They just are not of the Catholic persuasion. My point? Never say that God's law is absolute when it is Man who does the speaking for Him. That is presumputous, when my experience with God has shown Him to be a being that embraces positive changes over time. So, no. God's law is not absolute. It changes. If it did not, we would still be naked savages in a garden, incapable of civilization. Apparently, God relized Lucifer had some good ideas and made room in His law for some forbidden fruit to be no longer forbidden. So, if even the "Devil" can't be all bad, then God too must be different than we think of Him being. What is the difference? Humanity. And it is the very humanity of God and all His creations that proves nothing is absolute. |
Thank you Draco7. Very interesting stuff.
Is that ass-simulate...or ass-similate? Maybe it was "ass-simile" - "as or like an ass" ![]() |
"If it harms none, do what you will." Believe it or not. No proof required. ![]() ![]() it is not enough... you cannot prevent injury altogether, so attempt to minimize it similarly, attempt to maximize virtue make the world a more beautiful place by your existence this is the Commandment of God the rest of the commandments are ways of stating the same in a panoply of various specific situations. but specific situations are quite varied so it is instructive to examine them and this is what all religions do. so there. God has spoken. ![]() |
So, no. God's law is not absolute. It changes. If it did not, we would still be naked savages in a garden, incapable of civilization. Apparently, God relized Lucifer had some good ideas and made room in His law for some forbidden fruit to be no longer forbidden. So, if even the "Devil" can't be all bad, then God too must be different than we think of Him being. What is the difference? Humanity. And it is the very humanity of God and all His creations that proves nothing is absolute. Well no...actually God doesn't change...people do...they drift FROM God & His word & have put countless souls in peril because of that. The devil ate from the tree of eternal life...that's the difference between Him & all those angels fallen from grace, & humans. The decision into eternity is ours while we still live. |
Which God???
If you can actually prove such a thing as an absolute law of god... ![]() |