Topic: who will move to Canada?
no photo
Sat 10/25/08 06:05 PM
I've never met anyone with the guts to back up a move to Canada or wherever statement. Seriously, the idea that your country has been hijacked because an opposing political party is elected is juvenile. You vote and then your side either wins or loses. Or would you be more comfortable under a dictatorship as long as your ideology is in power?

no photo
Sat 10/25/08 06:08 PM
I'll trade my Canadian citizenship for your American one.

There are way too many liberals up here for my liking.

papersmile's photo
Sat 10/25/08 06:15 PM

I'll trade my Canadian citizenship for your American one.

There are way too many liberals up here for my liking.

ain't that the truth; even the conservatives are too liberal!

madisonman's photo
Sat 10/25/08 06:23 PM

I've never met anyone with the guts to back up a move to Canada or wherever statement. Seriously, the idea that your country has been hijacked because an opposing political party is elected is juvenile. You vote and then your side either wins or loses. Or would you be more comfortable under a dictatorship as long as your ideology is in power?
I would have nothing but contempt for a nation that is so ignorant as to elect a man that has supported Bush 90% of the time. These are not normal times, we are in a war based on lies and propaganda 5 years later the country is bankrupt. We have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children, and hundreds of thousands more are mutilatded for life. All this so for what? so the munitions merchants can get rich and the oil companies? If america is that stupid then the grand experiment failed and its time to get out before they close the borders and declare martial law.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 10/26/08 05:32 AM
I'm staying.How can you change something if you run away from it?

Winx's photo
Sun 10/26/08 08:44 AM

I'm staying.How can you change something if you run away from it?


yepthatsme's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:10 AM

I'm sure Canada is much too conservative for you
seriously? they have universal health care that hardly sounds "conservative" to me. If they were conservative they would let the poor die in the gutter like we do.

have you ever heard of the saying...God helps those who helps made your bed now lie in it...
yes I have and that is why I am voteing for OBAMA! and I do volunteer work for his campaign. We cannot afford 4 more years of the failed policies of the republicans

I always think that it's hilarious when people cite the "failed republican policies". guess what: the house and senate are under democratic control. bush can't do all of this by himself without the cooperation of democrats! additionally if you want to find fault for the current economic times look at the democratic candidate for president. yes good old obama while being a community organizer through ACORN sued and pressured banks into making sub prime loans to people who could never afford to pay it off. they called banks racist if they didn't offer loans to people who didn't qualify. additionally, joe bidens son is a bank/credit lobbyist to whom obama earmarked 3 million dollars recently. if you are trying to find corruption first look to your own party and fix that before you try and work over the rest of the world. and about healthcare: massachusets has tried this whole government sponsored healthcare thing and here is how that went. family doctors with a relatively small patient pool have been forced to take on more patients than they want to by stste mandate. in order to get just a regular physical the waitlist is a year long. and to that huge number they give about people who don't have health insurance, approximately 70% of them qualify for medicare or medicaid and haven't taken it.
if you think that the government taking over everything and making decisions for the people is the answer, you don't belong in america, so please do leave if mccain wins, it will be a much happier place without you. people need to stop looking for handouts and start doing for themselves.

Thomas27's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:19 AM

besides, isn't is a bit childish throw a hissy fit and run a way when you don't get your way?

That's exactly what Biden and the Obama campaign did in FL when asked a series of straight forward questions....

Perhaps he's just following the example that has been set for him.

Winx's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:20 AM

I'm sure Canada is much too conservative for you
seriously? they have universal health care that hardly sounds "conservative" to me. If they were conservative they would let the poor die in the gutter like we do.

have you ever heard of the saying...God helps those who helps made your bed now lie in it...
yes I have and that is why I am voteing for OBAMA! and I do volunteer work for his campaign. We cannot afford 4 more years of the failed policies of the republicans

I always think that it's hilarious when people cite the "failed republican policies". guess what: the house and senate are under democratic control. bush can't do all of this by himself without the cooperation of democrats! additionally if you want to find fault for the current economic times look at the democratic candidate for president. yes good old obama while being a community organizer through ACORN sued and pressured banks into making sub prime loans to people who could never afford to pay it off. they called banks racist if they didn't offer loans to people who didn't qualify. additionally, joe bidens son is a bank/credit lobbyist to whom obama earmarked 3 million dollars recently. if you are trying to find corruption first look to your own party and fix that before you try and work over the rest of the world. and about healthcare: massachusets has tried this whole government sponsored healthcare thing and here is how that went. family doctors with a relatively small patient pool have been forced to take on more patients than they want to by stste mandate. in order to get just a regular physical the waitlist is a year long. and to that huge number they give about people who don't have health insurance, approximately 70% of them qualify for medicare or medicaid and haven't taken it.
if you think that the government taking over everything and making decisions for the people is the answer, you don't belong in america, so please do leave if mccain wins, it will be a much happier place without you. people need to stop looking for handouts and start doing for themselves.

The Democrats have only had the house for 2 yrs. Bush started 6 years before that.

I like Obama's healthcare plan better than McCain's. Nobody is looking for a hand-out. It comes out cheaper in the long run if the insured working people have medical. When people don't go to the doctor and wait until they are very sick and go to the ER, we pay for it.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:24 AM
I am still waiting for Alec Baldwin and the rest of Hollywood that promised to leave when Bush was elected.

Winx's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:25 AM

I am still waiting for Alec Baldwin and the rest of Hollywood that promised to leave when Bush was elected.

They did that?!

Thomas27's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:27 AM

I'm sure Canada is much too conservative for you
seriously? they have universal health care that hardly sounds "conservative" to me. If they were conservative they would let the poor die in the gutter like we do.

have you ever heard of the saying...God helps those who helps made your bed now lie in it...
yes I have and that is why I am voteing for OBAMA! and I do volunteer work for his campaign. We cannot afford 4 more years of the failed policies of the republicans

I always think that it's hilarious when people cite the "failed republican policies". guess what: the house and senate are under democratic control. bush can't do all of this by himself without the cooperation of democrats! additionally if you want to find fault for the current economic times look at the democratic candidate for president. yes good old obama while being a community organizer through ACORN sued and pressured banks into making sub prime loans to people who could never afford to pay it off. they called banks racist if they didn't offer loans to people who didn't qualify. additionally, joe bidens son is a bank/credit lobbyist to whom obama earmarked 3 million dollars recently. if you are trying to find corruption first look to your own party and fix that before you try and work over the rest of the world. and about healthcare: massachusets has tried this whole government sponsored healthcare thing and here is how that went. family doctors with a relatively small patient pool have been forced to take on more patients than they want to by stste mandate. in order to get just a regular physical the waitlist is a year long. and to that huge number they give about people who don't have health insurance, approximately 70% of them qualify for medicare or medicaid and haven't taken it.
if you think that the government taking over everything and making decisions for the people is the answer, you don't belong in america, so please do leave if mccain wins, it will be a much happier place without you. people need to stop looking for handouts and start doing for themselves.

The Democrats have only had the house for 2 yrs. Bush started 6 years before that.

I like Obama's healthcare plan better than McCain's. Nobody is looking for a hand-out. It comes out cheaper in the long run if the insured working people have medical. When people don't go to the doctor and wait until they are very sick and go to the ER, we pay for it.

I've been to the doctor once in the last three years and by the time I finished paying all the deductibles, insurance paid about $3.73. Roughly $4.00 for every hour I work gets paid into insurance.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:27 AM

I am still waiting for Alec Baldwin and the rest of Hollywood that promised to leave when Bush was elected.

They did that?!

It was a popular sentiment at the time.

Winx's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:28 AM

I am still waiting for Alec Baldwin and the rest of Hollywood that promised to leave when Bush was elected.

They did that?!

It was a popular sentiment at the time.

I didn't know that. But..I can understand where they were coming from.

Thomas27's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:28 AM

I am still waiting for Alec Baldwin and the rest of Hollywood that promised to leave when Bush was elected.

They did that?!

It was a popular sentiment at the time.

They took to Scientology instead.

yepthatsme's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:35 AM

I'm sure Canada is much too conservative for you
seriously? they have universal health care that hardly sounds "conservative" to me. If they were conservative they would let the poor die in the gutter like we do.

have you ever heard of the saying...God helps those who helps made your bed now lie in it...
yes I have and that is why I am voteing for OBAMA! and I do volunteer work for his campaign. We cannot afford 4 more years of the failed policies of the republicans

I always think that it's hilarious when people cite the "failed republican policies". guess what: the house and senate are under democratic control. bush can't do all of this by himself without the cooperation of democrats! additionally if you want to find fault for the current economic times look at the democratic candidate for president. yes good old obama while being a community organizer through ACORN sued and pressured banks into making sub prime loans to people who could never afford to pay it off. they called banks racist if they didn't offer loans to people who didn't qualify. additionally, joe bidens son is a bank/credit lobbyist to whom obama earmarked 3 million dollars recently. if you are trying to find corruption first look to your own party and fix that before you try and work over the rest of the world. and about healthcare: massachusets has tried this whole government sponsored healthcare thing and here is how that went. family doctors with a relatively small patient pool have been forced to take on more patients than they want to by stste mandate. in order to get just a regular physical the waitlist is a year long. and to that huge number they give about people who don't have health insurance, approximately 70% of them qualify for medicare or medicaid and haven't taken it.
if you think that the government taking over everything and making decisions for the people is the answer, you don't belong in america, so please do leave if mccain wins, it will be a much happier place without you. people need to stop looking for handouts and start doing for themselves.

The Democrats have only had the house for 2 yrs. Bush started 6 years before that.

I like Obama's healthcare plan better than McCain's. Nobody is looking for a hand-out. It comes out cheaper in the long run if the insured working people have medical. When people don't go to the doctor and wait until they are very sick and go to the ER, we pay for it.

we also will pay for the uninsure non working people. you see universal healthcare doesn't mean just working people, it means everyone. and i don't see how spending tax dollars on healthcare makes anything cheaper. you guys really need to stop drinking the kool-aid that they give you at those obama rallies. the brain washed chants and almost recording like policy regurgitation is sickening. obama won't even show a copy of his birth certificate, you don't see anything wrong with that? he's good friends with anti american unrepentant terrorists. is that ok too? his wife said just a few months ago that this is the first time in her life that she has been proud to be an american (only because her husband got the presidential nomination). before that we were just a mean, hate filled country. i don't want the leader of my country to believe that! america is the best country on earth still, yes it has potential to be even better, but i want a president who believes in the good of the country instead of saying that unless we elect him we are mean racist and hate filled. that is nothing short of trying to manipulate the people via guilt.

Winx's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:42 AM
Edited by Winx on Sun 10/26/08 09:46 AM
Obama has shown his birth certificate!!!frustrated frustrated

He was born in Hawaii.

What you are saying about healthcare shows me lack of empathy and altruism. Helping those less fortunate is what has made our country so great!

Obama never said that if we don't vote for him that we are racist and hate filled.rofl

Thomas27's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:45 AM
I bet Obama isn't a Shellback though!

I bet John McCain and I are though!

yepthatsme's photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:51 AM

Obama has shown his birth certificate!!!frustrated frustrated

He was born in Hawaii.

No he hasn't! There are lawsuits against him currently pending in several states saying he is not a citizen of the country and therefore can't be president! they wouldn't be there if he had shown his birth certificate, but so far he has refused! for the love of God, check your facts, do your research on this guy. your vote counts, and if you don't look up the facts for yourself you are throwing it away!

I personally am not crazy about mccain. he has flaws that i see and don't like, and wasn't my candidate during the primaries, but given the choice that we are presented with, he is the better of the two. at least he would pass a CIA background check which is more than what we can say for obama.

no photo
Sun 10/26/08 09:51 AM

I bet Obama isn't a Shellback though!

I bet John McCain and I are though!

me too. damn pollywogs