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Topic: Lawsuit in every state 'til O proves his b/c or NOT!
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:06 PM


Did you know that melanoma can cause cancer in the brain and eyes?

To add, If left untreated!!

And he did make available his medical records, all of them, lots and lots of pages of them, not just a one page statement from his doc like the new kid.

Peace, BB
spockWhy wont Sarah Palin release her medical records?spockWhat is she hiding?spock
McCains military record..Alot of stories about what really happened over there..Sure would like to put an end to that one too..But they are all unproven but it would be nice to know the truth..
spockIm just wondering why Sarah Palin wont release any of her medical records.spockI wonder what she is hiding from America.spock

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:06 PM

Wow. A paragraph about Mrs. McCain and pages about Mrs. Obama.
There is a definite agenda here.frustrated frustrated

Even saw a problem with a perfectly good article about Mrs. Obama in the People magazine.frustrated frustrated
If you dont stop you will get a headache..Goodnight winxflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:07 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 10/20/08 11:07 PM

Wow. A paragraph about Mrs. McCain and pages about Mrs. Obama.
There is a definite agenda here.frustrated frustrated

Even saw a problem with a perfectly good article about Mrs. Obama in the People magazine.frustrated frustrated
If you dont stop you will get a headache..Goodnight winxflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou


Night, Templter. Me, too.flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:43 PM


Did you know that melanoma can cause cancer in the brain and eyes?

To add, If left untreated!!

And he did make available his medical records, all of them, lots and lots of pages of them, not just a one page statement from his doc like the new kid.

Peace, BB
spockWhy wont Sarah Palin release her medical records?spockWhat is she hiding?spock
McCains military record..Alot of stories about what really happened over there..Sure would like to put an end to that one too..But they are all unproven but it would be nice to know the truth..
spockIm just wondering why Sarah Palin wont release any of her medical records.spockI wonder what she is hiding from America.spock

I know what you're getting at.:wink:

no photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:00 AM
we dont really fight the right anymore, the presidency is a puppet government, and capitalism is socialistic tyranny by the big bankers of the world to gain more and more real power over the laws, people and now property.

We are F U @ $ @ D HERE in the USA and its time to move on before the borders are closed.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 05:47 AM

No, I don't know that about Mrs. M, got back-up?

No, I don't think Mrs. O is classy, on the view she called her husband sweet and pathetic!!!!


---copy--ORIGINAL Barbara Walters asks Michelle Obama about how she reacted when husband Barack told her he was running for president. "Did you want him to be president," Walters asked.

No, said Obama. ""Please, don't do this. You know, I did not want Barack to go into politics because I thought politics was a mean business. And you know, I knew this man that I loved, he was sweet and pathetic, I thought. there was no way.......""
--end-- so nope, if a wife calls her man pathetic I wouldn't call her classy. (and yes, she has been rumored to be an angry woman, and should have been proud long ago.) And ck this out, no Birthday presents for those kids, and $1.00 a week allowance! Nice looking family.


Blogs are anybody's opinion. My kid could make a blog. It doesn't make it a fact.frustrated

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Tue 10/21/08 05:58 AM

Great, lets just say they are both disqualified.

So lets run Paul/Ventura against Hillary/Edwards.

Have fun with that!

Paul/Ventura, How Sweet that sounds, If that every happened, America would be AMERICA again

ohwidow's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:27 AM

spock:Im just wondering why Sarah Palin wont release any of her medical records.spockI wonder what she is hiding from America.spock

such determinations are "above my pay grade"

thanks, BB

PS http://www.adn.com/626/story/382864.html

click onto voice recording of Sarah's interview.

Maybe we should get a photo of S breast-feeding, bet that would 'cement' things huh? (smile) BB

reydar's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:30 AM

No, I don't know that about Mrs. M, got back-up?

No, I don't think Mrs. O is classy, on the view she called her husband sweet and pathetic!!!!


---copy--ORIGINAL Barbara Walters asks Michelle Obama about how she reacted when husband Barack told her he was running for president. "Did you want him to be president," Walters asked.

No, said Obama. ""Please, don't do this. You know, I did not want Barack to go into politics because I thought politics was a mean business. And you know, I knew this man that I loved, he was sweet and pathetic, I thought. there was no way.......""
--end-- so nope, if a wife calls her man pathetic I wouldn't call her classy. (and yes, she has been rumored to be an angry woman, and should have been proud long ago.) And ck this out, no Birthday presents for those kids, and $1.00 a week allowance! Nice looking family.


Blogs are anybody's opinion. My kid could make a blog. It doesn't make it a fact.frustrated

well so.. at least they get a $1.00...hell I don't even give mine a quarter.. LMAO!!!

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:32 AM

No, I don't know that about Mrs. M, got back-up?

No, I don't think Mrs. O is classy, on the view she called her husband sweet and pathetic!!!!


---copy--ORIGINAL Barbara Walters asks Michelle Obama about how she reacted when husband Barack told her he was running for president. "Did you want him to be president," Walters asked.

No, said Obama. ""Please, don't do this. You know, I did not want Barack to go into politics because I thought politics was a mean business. And you know, I knew this man that I loved, he was sweet and pathetic, I thought. there was no way.......""
--end-- so nope, if a wife calls her man pathetic I wouldn't call her classy. (and yes, she has been rumored to be an angry woman, and should have been proud long ago.) And ck this out, no Birthday presents for those kids, and $1.00 a week allowance! Nice looking family.


Blogs are anybody's opinion. My kid could make a blog. It doesn't make it a fact.frustrated

well so.. at least they get a $1.00...hell I don't even give mine a quarter.. LMAO!!!

Mine doesn't get an allowance. I said previously as to why.
We are a team and it teaches responsibility. I will probably do an allowance when they are older though.

no photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:32 AM

spock:Im just wondering why Sarah Palin wont release any of her medical records.spockI wonder what she is hiding from America.spock

such determinations are "above my pay grade"

thanks, BB

PS http://www.adn.com/626/story/382864.html

click onto voice recording of Sarah's interview.

Maybe we should get a photo of S breast-feeding, bet that would 'cement' things huh? (smile) BB
The Annenberg School of the University Of Penn.. I know people who do surveys for them and have taken a couple myself. They go out of there way to be unbiased and go to great links to make sure of it..

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:34 AM
Edited by Winx on Tue 10/21/08 08:48 AM
I saw this in another thread. It is so worth seeing. It is educational.



Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:03 AM

:smile:Did anyone see the video what happened to some muslim republicans that went to a McCain rally?:smile:Look at how they were treated.:smile:I guess the Republicans dont want minority voters.:smile:I cant support that or the horrible things I have been hearing the republicans say about black,gay,arab,and muslim Americans.:smile:I certainly dont want to be associated with people who act that way.:smile:

They dont want majority voters. The repubs would have won by a record amount if they LET Ron Paul participate. Look what they did to him in the primaries...

Ron Paul had the majority vote in the primaries. Why do few people know of his existence?

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 09:05 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Tue 10/21/08 09:05 AM

Great, lets just say they are both disqualified.

So lets run Paul/Ventura against Hillary/Edwards.

Have fun with that!

Paul/Ventura, How Sweet that sounds, If that every happened, America would be AMERICA again

That would be my dream come true. I would be able to sleep at night again...

Instead all this talk about melting the eceonomy into Canada and Mexico, and getting rid of our dollar, along with the talks of martial law, are keeping me awake...

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:02 AM
IF we don't want our country to continue down this raod, we need to do something different. Washington won't change for us. So we have to ask ourselves what we keep doing time and time again...

The answer to that lies in our votes. We have been voting for the specific people that claim to be from two different parties, that continually make our country worse. Look, we are doing it again...

If you want change, vote for someone who stands for it. Look at the policies. No matter who they are. Who cares if the majority of congress doesn't "endorse" them. Look at what congress has done to us. We need someone they don't want us to have.

I say again, we are are in danger of losing our country. They are pushing an economic crisis on us. They will eventually push for us to combine Canada and Mexico with the U.S. Our law system will be combined, our currencies, our militaries, etc. The Amero will take the place of the dollar.

Congress voted a bill through that is certain to to increase the effects of the recession. Obama and McCain are both pushing to lower the value of our dollar while hiding behind the false pretense of "taking care of us" as if we were illegitimate children that can't take care of themselves.

Why do you think congress doesn't take illegal immigration seriously? The answer is because the majority of the are globalists. They eventually want a one world government. The U.N. will be the world military, and the elite will continue to run things. (This is speculation but supposedly China is the guinea pig for the world government. Communism is what is being pushed. This is what Obama is puching for.)

Do your homework. The North American Union is REAL. Has been proven. Several memebers of congress warned us of this. It even had made Lou Dobbs on CNN.

You want change, it has to come from us first. Stop endorsing candidates that are pushing for the same things. Stop endorsing candidates that are pushing to take us down and invent a crisis.

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:15 AM

Just because Mc2old spent time in the Vietnamese hilton doesnt make him qualified and it doesnt add to his qualifications, that war was an illegal and unjust war and served this country NO GOOD.

Baracks time in the private sector has changed more lives and bettered this country in a fashion 10 fold to Sen McCains POW days.


Seeing this is a good start to opening ur eyes about how the economy got this way...and how Barack changed lives..


And about that no-show medical records......
WHAT IS OBAMA HIDING? Is he still snorting coke? Can he pass a urine test? Does he have AIDS? Does he have lung cancer? (although his doctor gave Obama a clean bill of health (a one-page letter PDF), noting that he has struggled to quit smoking but uses Nicorette gum "with success")Inquiring minds want to know.
I know, they slam McCain for being older, (BTW< Google vid of his mom - see nice lady of 95, speaking in interview on her son's behalf. Smart lady!) and that he's a survivor of *SKIN cancer - but he had shown his medical records, why won't OBMA? Note from his doc isn't good enough!

*Stage II melanoma Stage II melanoma for which McCain underwent extensive surgery in August 2000.

As for McCain’s medications: “The campaign also said Mr. McCain regularly took Vytorin to lower his cholesterol, a baby aspirin to help prevent heart attacks, a multivitamin and, occasionally, Claritin or Flonase for allergies.”

Nothing heard from O on his medical records, ETC!

BUT,U speak of O bettering his county too. Humm, last I read His district is a complete disaster...terrible schools, record crime, spiraling poverty. He wants to take that success and spread it around? Peace, BB

Hmmm...it appears that McCain is not being totally truthful about his medical history.


ohwidow's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:17 AM
Edited by ohwidow on Tue 10/21/08 10:17 AM
Obama Leaving Campaign Trail To Be With His Sick Grandmother


The lawsuit in Hawaii, and BO's trip to same, to visit an ailing grandmother, ---copy---

This is the same woman he found convenient to publicly humiliate and call a racist when he deemed necessary- this the White Grandmother that he trashed in his books. (Obama last visited Hawaii in August, when he spent a week on vacation after he had clinched the Democratic...)

If Obama's grandmother is truly sick I pray for her to recover but for those who are looking down their self righteous noses in disdain at suspicion over Obama's visit to Hawaii, need to look at the facts. Take your rose colored glasses off and ask if she truly is that ill, why not get on his private jet tonight??? I would and so would you....Secondly, ask yourself why his wife Michelle is not going. Come on....Thirdly, why not take the great grandkids???? That would be the "normal"thing to do but then Obama doesn't do things normally, does he???? I am very interested in this suit in Hawaii and it seems very suspicious that he is going THIS week....You see, when you lie and cover up you always have to watch your back or as the good Book states; Be sure your sins will find you out.... Lastly, can't recall hearing anything about his grandmother since he has been on the campaign trail.If she was sick, wouldn't we have heard something??? If she is truly sick, I pray for her to recover.....But..... --end copy---


New Lawsuit requires Obamas presence in Hawaii: Martin vs Obama
Andy Martin takes action to stop official harassment in Hawaii
Obama Hawaii investigation moves into high gear with lawsuit seeking release of birth records


--end copy--

Check out


to see, first lawsuit now getting some detailed

no photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:30 AM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 10/21/08 10:31 AM

Obama Leaving Campaign Trail To Be With His Sick Grandmother


The lawsuit in Hawaii, and BO's trip to same, to visit an ailing grandmother, ---copy---

This is the same woman he found convenient to publicly humiliate and call a racist when he deemed necessary- this the White Grandmother that he trashed in his books. (Obama last visited Hawaii in August, when he spent a week on vacation after he had clinched the Democratic...)

If Obama's grandmother is truly sick I pray for her to recover but for those who are looking down their self righteous noses in disdain at suspicion over Obama's visit to Hawaii, need to look at the facts. Take your rose colored glasses off and ask if she truly is that ill, why not get on his private jet tonight??? I would and so would you....Secondly, ask yourself why his wife Michelle is not going. Come on....Thirdly, why not take the great grandkids???? That would be the "normal"thing to do but then Obama doesn't do things normally, does he???? I am very interested in this suit in Hawaii and it seems very suspicious that he is going THIS week....You see, when you lie and cover up you always have to watch your back or as the good Book states; Be sure your sins will find you out.... Lastly, can't recall hearing anything about his grandmother since he has been on the campaign trail.If she was sick, wouldn't we have heard something??? If she is truly sick, I pray for her to recover.....But..... --end copy---


New Lawsuit requires Obamas presence in Hawaii: Martin vs Obama
Andy Martin takes action to stop official harassment in Hawaii
Obama Hawaii investigation moves into high gear with lawsuit seeking release of birth records


--end copy--

Check out


to see, first lawsuit now getting some detailed
LOL..You just keep going. You question Obamas health but fail to answer McCains..You say his records were release but to who and when..You bash him for family values when its well documented about McCains affair while being married..The law suits, well??? The BIG M Obama TAPE???? We are still waiting on all of the above. Answer a question honestly, do you work for the McCain campain..All the issues you bring up have been brought up for months on here. I wont hold it against you I just curious..Your comment about the Annenberg School of Penn. was way of the mark. Like I said I know people who work doing their surveys and have participated in a couple myself. They are very strict with they employees about it and well monitored..Americanright, the name says it all, biased all the way..

Winx's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:31 AM
Edited by Winx on Tue 10/21/08 10:36 AM

Obama Leaving Campaign Trail To Be With His Sick Grandmother


The lawsuit in Hawaii, and BO's trip to same, to visit an ailing grandmother, ---copy---

This is the same woman he found convenient to publicly humiliate and call a racist when he deemed necessary- this the White Grandmother that he trashed in his books. (Obama last visited Hawaii in August, when he spent a week on vacation after he had clinched the Democratic...)

If Obama's grandmother is truly sick I pray for her to recover but for those who are looking down their self righteous noses in disdain at suspicion over Obama's visit to Hawaii, need to look at the facts. Take your rose colored glasses off and ask if she truly is that ill, why not get on his private jet tonight??? I would and so would you....Secondly, ask yourself why his wife Michelle is not going. Come on....Thirdly, why not take the great grandkids???? That would be the "normal"thing to do but then Obama doesn't do things normally, does he???? I am very interested in this suit in Hawaii and it seems very suspicious that he is going THIS week....You see, when you lie and cover up you always have to watch your back or as the good Book states; Be sure your sins will find you out.... Lastly, can't recall hearing anything about his grandmother since he has been on the campaign trail.If she was sick, wouldn't we have heard something??? If she is truly sick, I pray for her to recover.....But..... --end copy---


New Lawsuit requires Obamas presence in Hawaii: Martin vs Obama
Andy Martin takes action to stop official harassment in Hawaii
Obama Hawaii investigation moves into high gear with lawsuit seeking release of birth records


--end copy--

Check out


to see, first lawsuit now getting some detailed

Good grief. In your eyes that man can't do anything right. You are so blinded. Every little thing you nit pick and scruntize to death.frustrated Why don't you do the same for McCain? I assure you that you won't be disappointed.

My own mom already knew that Obama's grandmother, the woman that raised Obama, was ailing.

It is most unfortunate that she just took a turn for the worse at this time.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:35 AM
Who cares about all this extreanous dino duuuuky.

When it comes time to vote I hope, no matter who you end up voting for, that you base your vote on ACTUALLY IMPORTANT THINGS...

where a person was born has no real bearing on what they stand for or the record they have built over the years.

Voting is a responsibility... We should treat it as such... we should research the true issues and vote based on what we think that canditate is bringing to the table.

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