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Topic: Lawsuit in every state 'til O proves his b/c or NOT!
Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:02 AM

Just because Mc2old spent time in the Vietnamese hilton doesnt make him qualified and it doesnt add to his qualifications, that war was an illegal and unjust war and served this country NO GOOD.

Baracks time in the private sector has changed more lives and bettered this country in a fashion 10 fold to Sen McCains POW days.


Seeing this is a good start to opening ur eyes about how the economy got this way...and how Barack changed lives..


And about that no-show medical records......
WHAT IS OBAMA HIDING? Is he still snorting coke? Can he pass a urine test? Does he have AIDS? Does he have lung cancer? (although his doctor gave Obama a clean bill of health (a one-page letter PDF), noting that he has struggled to quit smoking but uses Nicorette gum "with success")Inquiring minds want to know.
I know, they slam McCain for being older, (BTW< Google vid of his mom - see nice lady of 95, speaking in interview on her son's behalf. Smart lady!) and that he's a survivor of *SKIN cancer - but he had shown his medical records, why won't OBMA? Note from his doc isn't good enough!

*Stage II melanoma Stage II melanoma for which McCain underwent extensive surgery in August 2000.

As for McCain’s medications: “The campaign also said Mr. McCain regularly took Vytorin to lower his cholesterol, a baby aspirin to help prevent heart attacks, a multivitamin and, occasionally, Claritin or Flonase for allergies.”

Nothing heard from O on his medical records, ETC!

BUT,U speak of O bettering his county too. Humm, last I read His district is a complete disaster...terrible schools, record crime, spiraling poverty. He wants to take that success and spread it around? Peace, BB
Mam, I just lost all respect for you..All you do is throw crap. I thought you had some substance..You fit right in on here..Have fun!!

"WHAT IS OBAMA HIDING? Is he still snorting coke? Can he pass a urine test? Does he have AIDS? Does he have lung cancer?"


I know something that will calm your fears. If anything happens to Obama, Palin won't become President.

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:59 AM

Just because Mc2old spent time in the Vietnamese hilton doesnt make him qualified and it doesnt add to his qualifications, that war was an illegal and unjust war and served this country NO GOOD.

Baracks time in the private sector has changed more lives and bettered this country in a fashion 10 fold to Sen McCains POW days.


Seeing this is a good start to opening ur eyes about how the economy got this way...and how Barack changed lives..


And about that no-show medical records......
WHAT IS OBAMA HIDING? Is he still snorting coke? Can he pass a urine test? Does he have AIDS? Does he have lung cancer? (although his doctor gave Obama a clean bill of health (a one-page letter PDF), noting that he has struggled to quit smoking but uses Nicorette gum "with success")Inquiring minds want to know.
I know, they slam McCain for being older, (BTW< Google vid of his mom - see nice lady of 95, speaking in interview on her son's behalf. Smart lady!) and that he's a survivor of *SKIN cancer - but he had shown his medical records, why won't OBMA? Note from his doc isn't good enough!

*Stage II melanoma Stage II melanoma for which McCain underwent extensive surgery in August 2000.

As for McCain’s medications: “The campaign also said Mr. McCain regularly took Vytorin to lower his cholesterol, a baby aspirin to help prevent heart attacks, a multivitamin and, occasionally, Claritin or Flonase for allergies.”

Nothing heard from O on his medical records, ETC!

BUT,U speak of O bettering his county too. Humm, last I read His district is a complete disaster...terrible schools, record crime, spiraling poverty. He wants to take that success and spread it around? Peace, BB
Mam, I just lost all respect for you..All you do is throw crap. I thought you had some substance..You fit right in on here..Have fun!!

"WHAT IS OBAMA HIDING? Is he still snorting coke? Can he pass a urine test? Does he have AIDS? Does he have lung cancer?"


I know something that will calm your fears. If anything happens to Obama, Palin won't become President.
I guess they are calling McCain a liar..That makes you go Hmmmmm

ohwidow's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:03 AM
Okay, I admit, those were low blows. BUT, if he had released documents then no one would have had to Imagen anything! BTW, for facts, he did hard drugs, he has been accused of L.S. (and I didn't go there) and yes, he smokes. Trying to quit since Jan, here it is Oct.! (Yes, I smoked at one time, and quit. I know it's hard - but I never took 9 months to do it!) He's going to be held as an example for our young people, ick..... and isn't it a lie off his web site, saying he quit, when now he admits to 'sometimes?' (and if you see/hear one rat, there are 20 more).

Obama says he is running for president, so he needs a cigarette. If he is elected, would the stress have him relapse on cocaine? Just being a former user would place him at risk for relapse, now that he is smoking, he is at higher risk of doing cocaine again. Also, something he verbalized made me nervous. He said he inhaled MJ as "that's the point." This is not "recovery speak," or these are not the words you want to hear from someone who is now clean. "The point" of what, getting high? Someone in true recovery would not speak that positively about using substances.
---end copy--


Plus, O is now being called "the Expose Teflon candidate's subsurface health risks"


So, another low blow, if he lies about not smoking, others are now saying he lied about the last time he used hard drugs too.


It is also known that Obama lied on his Illinois Bar Application and relinquished his law license in 2007. AND that he did not use drugs... or use an alias. AND after 17 yrs, when he started his political career, is when he decide to finally pay nearly $400.00 in tickets. Not until then..humm


---food for thought---copy--

Here is a reprint of an article from Citizen Wells on September 15, 2008:

Hi Mr. Obama, my name is Uncle Sam. I am the personnel director
at US Govco. Mr. Obama, we have contacted your references and reviewed your application. There are a number of issues we need to resolve:

1. Your current employer states that you have been absent more than
present and they are not sure what you have been working on.

2. On your application you checked non smoker, but we have verification
of you smoking recently.

3. And, oh, by the way, one of your family members mentioned another
name you went by. You left alias blank on the application.

4. You indicated on your application that you are a US citizen. However, our investigator, after much digging discovered a lawsuit by an attorney, Philip J Berg, that states you are not a US citizen.

5. And one last item, we requested a drug test. We require that of
all applicants. Why have you not taken the drug test? (medical records released?)

All of you that have ever applied for a job know that the above
credentials and information are asked of the average citizen when
applying for a job.

Is Obama any better than you?

Should we expect any less of the president?

If you do not want to hire Obama, visit:


Oh, and by the way, Tony Rezko is talking and Rezko, Obama and admitted long time drug user Stuart Levine are well connected.

----- got my attention! BB

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:09 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 10/20/08 08:12 AM

Okay, I admit, those were low blows. BUT, if he had released documents then no one would have had to Imagen anything! BTW, for facts, he did hard drugs, he has been accused of L.S. (and I didn't go there) and yes, he smokes. Trying to quit since Jan, here it is Oct.! (Yes, I smoked at one time, and quit. I know it's hard - but I never took 9 months to do it!) He's going to be held as an example for our young people, ick..... and isn't it a lie off his web site, saying he quit, when now he admits to 'sometimes?' (and if you see/hear one rat, there are 20 more).

Obama says he is running for president, so he needs a cigarette. If he is elected, would the stress have him relapse on cocaine? Just being a former user would place him at risk for relapse, now that he is smoking, he is at higher risk of doing cocaine again. Also, something he verbalized made me nervous. He said he inhaled MJ as "that's the point." This is not "recovery speak," or these are not the words you want to hear from someone who is now clean. "The point" of what, getting high? Someone in true recovery would not speak that positively about using substances.
---end copy--


Plus, O is now being called "the Expose Teflon candidate's subsurface health risks"


So, another low blow, if he lies about not smoking, others are now saying he lied about the last time he used hard drugs too.


It is also known that Obama lied on his Illinois Bar Application and relinquished his law license in 2007. AND that he did not use drugs... or use an alias. AND after 17 yrs, when he started his political career, is when he decide to finally pay nearly $400.00 in tickets. Not until then..humm


---food for thought---copy--

Here is a reprint of an article from Citizen Wells on September 15, 2008:

Hi Mr. Obama, my name is Uncle Sam. I am the personnel director
at US Govco. Mr. Obama, we have contacted your references and reviewed your application. There are a number of issues we need to resolve:

1. Your current employer states that you have been absent more than
present and they are not sure what you have been working on.

2. On your application you checked non smoker, but we have verification
of you smoking recently.

3. And, oh, by the way, one of your family members mentioned another
name you went by. You left alias blank on the application.

4. You indicated on your application that you are a US citizen. However, our investigator, after much digging discovered a lawsuit by an attorney, Philip J Berg, that states you are not a US citizen.

5. And one last item, we requested a drug test. We require that of
all applicants. Why have you not taken the drug test? (medical records released?)

All of you that have ever applied for a job know that the above
credentials and information are asked of the average citizen when
applying for a job.

Is Obama any better than you?

Should we expect any less of the president?

If you do not want to hire Obama, visit:


Oh, and by the way, Tony Rezko is talking and Rezko, Obama and admitted long time drug user Stuart Levine are well connected.

----- got my attention! BB

No its about smoking..Arnt you just grasping for straws..Many accomplished men and woman smoke..I if you really would check some probably have done some sort of drugs..I would rather have someone learn from their mistakes than someone that keeps making them over and over again...Long term drug use PLZ...Hows the M Obama tape working for you? You keep bringing it up..Just wondering

ohwidow's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:37 AM
: US Law firm enters into agreement to represent API in The Michelle Obama tapes to be released soon in the US
Posted by africanpress on October 20, 2008

The touchy interview tapes of Michelle Obama, the wife of the US Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is soon ready for release in the US and will be aired unedited.

The release has taken long due to the fact that API wanted to clear all legal hurdles and be safe from getting sued by any one. API and a US Law firm - LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP J. BERG has just entered into an agreement giving the law firm the right to represent API in all matters that may arise due to the Michelle Obama interview and the release of the tapes in the US.

API has realised that the interview with Mrs Obama is of great significance in the coming elections. The release of the tapes is not intended to derail the elections or to destroy the chances that Mr Obama may have in getting elected the first black president of the United States.

For us in API we wanted to get the tapes released - aired by a news channel that has a good reputation in the US, one that has listeners interested in the elections.

Many networks have contacted us and due to the fact that we in API do not know them from before, it took time to go through all requests from the networks that took contact with us and to choose one that will air the tapes unedited.

API is not interested in selling the tapes to any network. Our demand is that the tapes must be aired unedited by the network that we finally select.

While doing the selection, we have landed into a problem with some networks who have taken upon themselves to inform the readers that they have already got an agreement to air the tapes.

So far, no network has been selected and yet we have received signed agreements by three networks claiming to have been finally given the go ahead to release the tapes.------end copy--


Deals with his US citizenship, Mrs. O racist remarks and more... BB

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:40 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 10/20/08 08:47 AM

: US Law firm enters into agreement to represent API in The Michelle Obama tapes to be released soon in the US
Posted by africanpress on October 20, 2008

The touchy interview tapes of Michelle Obama, the wife of the US Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is soon ready for release in the US and will be aired unedited.

The release has taken long due to the fact that API wanted to clear all legal hurdles and be safe from getting sued by any one. API and a US Law firm - LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP J. BERG has just entered into an agreement giving the law firm the right to represent API in all matters that may arise due to the Michelle Obama interview and the release of the tapes in the US.

API has realised that the interview with Mrs Obama is of great significance in the coming elections. The release of the tapes is not intended to derail the elections or to destroy the chances that Mr Obama may have in getting elected the first black president of the United States.

For us in API we wanted to get the tapes released - aired by a news channel that has a good reputation in the US, one that has listeners interested in the elections.

Many networks have contacted us and due to the fact that we in API do not know them from before, it took time to go through all requests from the networks that took contact with us and to choose one that will air the tapes unedited.

API is not interested in selling the tapes to any network. Our demand is that the tapes must be aired unedited by the network that we finally select.

While doing the selection, we have landed into a problem with some networks who have taken upon themselves to inform the readers that they have already got an agreement to air the tapes.

So far, no network has been selected and yet we have received signed agreements by three networks claiming to have been finally given the go ahead to release the tapes.------end copy--


Deals with his US citizenship, Mrs. O racist remarks and more... BB
Soon huh, waiting patiently..Better not wait to long..Tests to tell if its even valid take time or could that be the reason for the delay..Just giving you back alittle of your own..

reydar's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:46 AM
This is just another republican tactic to stop the right man from getting in office...They are scared and are pulling stuff out their ASSES to come up with ANYTHING to stop him... Please America come up with something better than this.

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:48 AM

: US Law firm enters into agreement to represent API in The Michelle Obama tapes to be released soon in the US
Posted by africanpress on October 20, 2008

The touchy interview tapes of Michelle Obama, the wife of the US Presidential Candidate Barack Obama is soon ready for release in the US and will be aired unedited.

The release has taken long due to the fact that API wanted to clear all legal hurdles and be safe from getting sued by any one. API and a US Law firm - LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP J. BERG has just entered into an agreement giving the law firm the right to represent API in all matters that may arise due to the Michelle Obama interview and the release of the tapes in the US.

API has realised that the interview with Mrs Obama is of great significance in the coming elections. The release of the tapes is not intended to derail the elections or to destroy the chances that Mr Obama may have in getting elected the first black president of the United States.

For us in API we wanted to get the tapes released - aired by a news channel that has a good reputation in the US, one that has listeners interested in the elections.

Many networks have contacted us and due to the fact that we in API do not know them from before, it took time to go through all requests from the networks that took contact with us and to choose one that will air the tapes unedited.

API is not interested in selling the tapes to any network. Our demand is that the tapes must be aired unedited by the network that we finally select.

While doing the selection, we have landed into a problem with some networks who have taken upon themselves to inform the readers that they have already got an agreement to air the tapes.

So far, no network has been selected and yet we have received signed agreements by three networks claiming to have been finally given the go ahead to release the tapes.------end copy--


Deals with his US citizenship, Mrs. O racist remarks and more... BB

I honestly believe that you are grasping at straws.

Why don't you do the same with McCain and Palin?

We could write a book about the questionable things that Palin has done.

Don't you just love how McCain had a gf while married and ditched his wife to marry her?noway

Don't you just love McCain's involvement with Keating 5?noway

Don't you just love how McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time?noway

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:04 AM

Okay, I admit, those were low blows. BUT, if he had released documents then no one would have had to Imagen anything! BTW, for facts, he did hard drugs, he has been accused of L.S. (and I didn't go there) and yes, he smokes. Trying to quit since Jan, here it is Oct.! (Yes, I smoked at one time, and quit. I know it's hard - but I never took 9 months to do it!) He's going to be held as an example for our young people, ick..... and isn't it a lie off his web site, saying he quit, when now he admits to 'sometimes?' (and if you see/hear one rat, there are 20 more).

Obama says he is running for president, so he needs a cigarette. If he is elected, would the stress have him relapse on cocaine? Just being a former user would place him at risk for relapse, now that he is smoking, he is at higher risk of doing cocaine again. Also, something he verbalized made me nervous. He said he inhaled MJ as "that's the point." This is not "recovery speak," or these are not the words you want to hear from someone who is now clean. "The point" of what, getting high? Someone in true recovery would not speak that positively about using substances.
---end copy--


Plus, O is now being called "the Expose Teflon candidate's subsurface health risks"


So, another low blow, if he lies about not smoking, others are now saying he lied about the last time he used hard drugs too.


It is also known that Obama lied on his Illinois Bar Application and relinquished his law license in 2007. AND that he did not use drugs... or use an alias. AND after 17 yrs, when he started his political career, is when he decide to finally pay nearly $400.00 in tickets. Not until then..humm


---food for thought---copy--

Here is a reprint of an article from Citizen Wells on September 15, 2008:

Hi Mr. Obama, my name is Uncle Sam. I am the personnel director
at US Govco. Mr. Obama, we have contacted your references and reviewed your application. There are a number of issues we need to resolve:

1. Your current employer states that you have been absent more than
present and they are not sure what you have been working on.

2. On your application you checked non smoker, but we have verification
of you smoking recently.

3. And, oh, by the way, one of your family members mentioned another
name you went by. You left alias blank on the application.

4. You indicated on your application that you are a US citizen. However, our investigator, after much digging discovered a lawsuit by an attorney, Philip J Berg, that states you are not a US citizen.

5. And one last item, we requested a drug test. We require that of
all applicants. Why have you not taken the drug test? (medical records released?)

All of you that have ever applied for a job know that the above
credentials and information are asked of the average citizen when
applying for a job.

Is Obama any better than you?

Should we expect any less of the president?

If you do not want to hire Obama, visit:


Oh, and by the way, Tony Rezko is talking and Rezko, Obama and admitted long time drug user Stuart Levine are well connected.

----- got my attention! BB

More hatemongering garbage here. All of this can be PROVEN FALSE. Just take the time and look it up.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/20/08 09:07 AM
In my opinion anyone with any brains would know better than to believe all this hatemongering garbage. All one has to do is use what the Lord gave ya between your ears to know that all of this is put out there by the racists of this country for the racists of this country to feed off of.

ohwidow's photo
Mon 10/20/08 07:59 PM
Third state lawsuit, this on in Hawaii

Friday's suit in Hawaii was filed by author of "Obama: The Man Behind the Mask" Andy Martin against Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle and Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the state Department of Health and is seeking a court order compelling the state to release Obama's birth certificate and any other related records in the interest of full disclosure.

While Hawai’i statutes call for a balancing or weighing test where production is considered by a court, most respectfully Plaintiff submits that the balance falls entirely on the side of disclosure where the original birth certificate of a presidential candidate is concerned.
Martin describes himself as a "legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic." He insists that he is not acting as a democrat or republican or on behalf of any campaign. Now, this self-proclaimed "Obama nemesis" is in Hawaii, waiting for a decision from the state circuit court judge.

Judging from the nature of the proceedings in Berg v. Obama, Martin could be waiting for a while.


The second suit - The suit in Washington State, filed against Secretary of State Sam Reed by Fall City, WA resident Steven Marquis.

The first - OBAMA SUED IN PHILADELPHIA FEDERAL COURT ON GROUNDS HE IS CONSTITUTIONALLY INELIGIBLE FOR THE PRESIDENCY - suit Philip Berg, Barack Obama, and U.S. Citizenship Pennsylvania attorney 59 days ago, Obama was served at his Washington, D.C. office on September 4. Since then, there have been almost a dozen pleadings filed by both parties and intervenors as well.


---end copy-- on another note...I was under the impression that suits had also been filed in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Utah as well??
copy---- Think freely. Take risks. Fight back. Oppose racism and injustice. Also welcome love. Be who you really are because life is too short to do otherwise. Be stronger than your condition. Be kind. Be supportive. Walk in somebody Else's shoes. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Above all, seek justice and do no harm-----
So, we won't be lied to!

Here is a link to an excellent reader letter. Calls Obama out on just about everything.

A Record of Mistruths -
Open Letter to Senator Obama
Posted on October 19, 2008


--small part of it copied-- You claim that you will reduce taxes for 95% of America , but you forgot to tell America that those reductions are after you remove the Bush tax reductions. You have requested close to $1 billion in earmarks and several million for Acorn. Your social programs will cost America $1 trillion per year and you claim that a reduction in military spending ($100 billion for Iraq ) can pay for it. While your economic plan of adding 30% to the size of our federal government is of concern, the greater concern is that you are deceiving America .---(end c--pls ck it out)BB

no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:07 PM

Third state lawsuit, this on in Hawaii

Friday's suit in Hawaii was filed by author of "Obama: The Man Behind the Mask" Andy Martin against Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle and Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the state Department of Health and is seeking a court order compelling the state to release Obama's birth certificate and any other related records in the interest of full disclosure.

While Hawai’i statutes call for a balancing or weighing test where production is considered by a court, most respectfully Plaintiff submits that the balance falls entirely on the side of disclosure where the original birth certificate of a presidential candidate is concerned.
Martin describes himself as a "legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic." He insists that he is not acting as a democrat or republican or on behalf of any campaign. Now, this self-proclaimed "Obama nemesis" is in Hawaii, waiting for a decision from the state circuit court judge.

Judging from the nature of the proceedings in Berg v. Obama, Martin could be waiting for a while.


The second suit - The suit in Washington State, filed against Secretary of State Sam Reed by Fall City, WA resident Steven Marquis.

The first - OBAMA SUED IN PHILADELPHIA FEDERAL COURT ON GROUNDS HE IS CONSTITUTIONALLY INELIGIBLE FOR THE PRESIDENCY - suit Philip Berg, Barack Obama, and U.S. Citizenship Pennsylvania attorney 59 days ago, Obama was served at his Washington, D.C. office on September 4. Since then, there have been almost a dozen pleadings filed by both parties and intervenors as well.


---end copy-- on another note...I was under the impression that suits had also been filed in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Utah as well??
copy---- Think freely. Take risks. Fight back. Oppose racism and injustice. Also welcome love. Be who you really are because life is too short to do otherwise. Be stronger than your condition. Be kind. Be supportive. Walk in somebody Else's shoes. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Above all, seek justice and do no harm-----
So, we won't be lied to!

Here is a link to an excellent reader letter. Calls Obama out on just about everything.

A Record of Mistruths -
Open Letter to Senator Obama
Posted on October 19, 2008


--small part of it copied-- You claim that you will reduce taxes for 95% of America , but you forgot to tell America that those reductions are after you remove the Bush tax reductions. You have requested close to $1 billion in earmarks and several million for Acorn. Your social programs will cost America $1 trillion per year and you claim that a reduction in military spending ($100 billion for Iraq ) can pay for it. While your economic plan of adding 30% to the size of our federal government is of concern, the greater concern is that you are deceiving America .---(end c--pls ck it out)BB
Same stuff has been posted for months...Im still waiting for the M Obama tape..Waiting patiently..flowerforyou

ohwidow's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:10 PM
I honestly believe that you are grasping at straws.

Why don't you do the same with McCain and Palin?

We could write a book about the questionable things that Palin has done.

Don't you just love how McCain had a gf while married and ditched his wife to marry her?noway

Don't you just love McCain's involvement with Keating 5?noway

Don't you just love how McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time?noway

humm, pls see last post, to document the lies, and correct some of them THAT U LISTED as well
(If U are interested in clearing things up).

Also, did U know, Oprah had joined the same church (Rev. Wright's) in 1984, but quit in 86, thinking it would be departmental to her career. And yet, it took Obamas 20 YRS!!

For those who believed Obama’s line about never having heard Jeremiah Wright’s anti American, anti white diatribes, please read these on Yid With Lid. There is hardly anything I can add to the above. The record of lies, the record of fraud and misrepresentation, is by far longer than that of many a more experienced politician.


no photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:17 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 10/20/08 08:21 PM

I honestly believe that you are grasping at straws.

Why don't you do the same with McCain and Palin?

We could write a book about the questionable things that Palin has done.

Don't you just love how McCain had a gf while married and ditched his wife to marry her?noway

Don't you just love McCain's involvement with Keating 5?noway

Don't you just love how McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time?noway

humm, pls see last post, to document the lies, and correct some of them THAT U LISTED as well
(If U are interested in clearing things up).

Also, did U know, Oprah had joined the same church (Rev. Wright's) in 1984, but quit in 86, thinking it would be departmental to her career. And yet, it took Obamas 20 YRS!!

For those who believed Obama’s line about never having heard Jeremiah Wright’s anti American, anti white diatribes, please read these on Yid With Lid. There is hardly anything I can add to the above. The record of lies, the record of fraud and misrepresentation, is by far longer than that of many a more experienced politician.

Blogspot/Youtube????? Sorry Not a reliable source..I cant beleive people take either one seriously. You said youself there are videos on Youtube edited to show people at McCains rally saying Kill Him..But you want me to take something off of it as truthful..Again you are calling McCain a liar for stateing there was no doubt Obama was qualified to run and a Christian..I guess that says something about him HUH

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:19 PM
Edited by Winx on Mon 10/20/08 08:19 PM

This is just another republican tactic to stop the right man from getting in office...They are scared and are pulling stuff out their ASSES to come up with ANYTHING to stop him... Please America come up with something better than this.

They are grasping at straws because they are so worried that a black man may become the president. It doesn't even matter if he is the best man for the job.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:30 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Mon 10/20/08 08:35 PM

This is just another republican tactic to stop the right man from getting in office...They are scared and are pulling stuff out their ASSES to come up with ANYTHING to stop him... Please America come up with something better than this.

You are right. But the "right" man has nothing to do with Obama. His policies correct nothing that was done.

The right man that was kept from getting into office was Ron Paul. He recieved more backing from the people that any other candidate. Recieved more military contributions that all the other republican candidates COMBINED. He won every poll he was allowed to participate in. PLease, dear god, please, Google Ron Paul, and look at JUST ONE of his speeches.

He doesn't doctor things up and make them sound pretty like Obama. Instead he gets his point across. Trust me, he is different from all the other politicans. He has dedicated most of his life to exposing the deep corruption behind our government, and he cites most of his sources.

The "republicrats" would have rather seen a corrupt dem in office, than Ron Paul, this is because Ron Paul would have exposed them all and done right by the people...

ohwidow's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:33 PM
>>Same stuff has been posted for months...Im still waiting for the M Obama tape..Waiting patiently..

--- I know templter, me too. They Say it is coming. Yet we know O-bots non-stop scrubbing of website & the web of the constant missteps of the Obama Camp, really happens.

PS. Tell me, how come people can dismiss Joe Biden's remarks at a debate, saying "Obama did not have enough experience to serve." AND that HE would be proud to serve McCain??

BUT,,,, the lies keep pilling up,(WHEW!!) so maybe if this gets the attention it deserves, little else will matter T.



The LIES keep piling up. The first site gives documentation that Ayres and BO shared an office for AT LEAST 3 years. The second site shows that BO gave Ayres’ “Small Schools Workshop” nearly $2 MILLION dollars when he served on the CAC and Woods Funds.

Inform yourself, backup documentation is shown! BB

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:34 PM

This is just another republican tactic to stop the right man from getting in office...They are scared and are pulling stuff out their ASSES to come up with ANYTHING to stop him... Please America come up with something better than this.

They are grasping at straws because they are so worried that a black man may become the president. It doesn't even matter if he is the best man for the job.

Not about race, it's about trying to keep the wrong guy out. But i really don't agree with the pulling of straws to do so. Look past the crap, and look at policies. Look and affiliations with organizations. Hell his message of "change" alone shows you that he is manipulative. Policies and political message to do not coincide.

Honestly the best thing for the people of the United States to do, is vote third party. If everyone would do so, maybe we might get a guy in there that has OUR best interests at heart. We honestly need someone like Dr. Paul in office. He knows what needs to be done.

Winx's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:38 PM

This is just another republican tactic to stop the right man from getting in office...They are scared and are pulling stuff out their ASSES to come up with ANYTHING to stop him... Please America come up with something better than this.

They are grasping at straws because they are so worried that a black man may become the president. It doesn't even matter if he is the best man for the job.

Not about race, it's about trying to keep the wrong guy out. But i really don't agree with the pulling of straws to do so. Look past the crap, and look at policies. Look and affiliations with organizations. Hell his message of "change" alone shows you that he is manipulative. Policies and political message to do not coincide.

Honestly the best thing for the people of the United States to do, is vote third party. If everyone would do so, maybe we might get a guy in there that has OUR best interests at heart. We honestly need someone like Dr. Paul in office. He knows what needs to be done.

I honestly believe that there is not way for Paul to win.
Nader can't win either. Nader took votes away from the Dems. last time and Bush won. I would hate for something like that to happen like that at such a critical time.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/20/08 08:41 PM
Okay so lets talk about McCain's association with terrorists too. He has a long association with at least one white supremacist, he has a relationship with Liddy, he has associations with abortion clinic terrorists.

Let's talk about McCain's association with Acorn.

Let's talk about McCain's record of voting against his fellow brothers the vets.

Let's talk about McCain's views on tax cuts for the wealthy which he has agreed with.

Let's talk about McCain's stance on war, which is not good for the American people.

I could go on and on.

McCain is not a better candidate than Obama at any level.

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