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Topic: How many posts have you really made?
Dan99's photo
Mon 09/29/08 04:59 PM
There are quite a lot of people here with a pretty hefty post count..

But, how many of all these posts are actually ones with any kind of substance. If you take off all the posts you have made that are merely just a smiley, or merely just a good morning, or a ((hug)), how many posts are you left with?

Personally i am yet to make a post with any substance, but hopefully one day i will.

Also, does anyone else get annoyed when you peek into a thread and see page after page after page of people talking about nothing?

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:00 PM

itry's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:01 PM

mry's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:01 PM

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:03 PM

Dan99's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:03 PM
I can see this is gonna be an in depth conversation! lol!

FETTS61's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:04 PM
frustrated frustrated :banana:

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:04 PM
at one time, on one site, I had a very hefty post count...I think I made 5 out of the 17,000+ that had any substance....the rest...quite meaningless really..

izzie's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:05 PM
my favorite thread is a thread where we go in and chat about our days.. and joke and laugh with eachother.. just chit chatting..

the best way to get to know someone is by their day to day actions...


Dan99's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:05 PM

at one time, on one site, I had a very hefty post count...I think I made 5 out of the 17,000+ that had any substance....the rest...quite meaningless really..

I musta missed those 5! lol

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:09 PM
I read a few posts here and there, a couple of times, I have replied with a serious and thought out post...on topic and to the point of the did not seem to really get recognized by the OP as he was more interested in hitting on the young women that sympathized with long as the OP is not interested in a serious post, then I don't bother anymore...

I try to read the political threads to learn...however, almost anytime I ask a question or make a comment, it is either not answered or just ignored...I am not argumentative enough in most of the political threads so I can understand that..

I really just do not post much anymore...maybe I got burnt out on it...*shrugs shoulders*

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:10 PM

at one time, on one site, I had a very hefty post count...I think I made 5 out of the 17,000+ that had any substance....the rest...quite meaningless really..

I musta missed those 5! lol

LOL... yea, I think it was when you were in Scotland...:wink:

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:11 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 09/29/08 05:14 PM
yeah deb, the political threads here are pretty much monopolized by nutcase partisan bomb throwers and if you just wanna discuss something without bashing Obama or McCcain they are not interested

Dan99's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:13 PM
I have filtered out the political threads until after the elections for that reason. Not that i really got involved posting in them, i am a foreinger that knows little about it all, but i got very bored even reading the threads.

Dan99's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:16 PM

I read a few posts here and there, a couple of times, I have replied with a serious and thought out post...on topic and to the point of the did not seem to really get recognized by the OP as he was more interested in hitting on the young women that sympathized with long as the OP is not interested in a serious post, then I don't bother anymore...

I try to read the political threads to learn...however, almost anytime I ask a question or make a comment, it is either not answered or just ignored...I am not argumentative enough in most of the political threads so I can understand that..

I really just do not post much anymore...maybe I got burnt out on it...*shrugs shoulders*

There are many threads everyday where the OP either takes no real interests in the posts made, or just disappears never to return again. I find that very annoying, especially if i have thrown a nice insult in and am waiting to see if they have a comeback! lol

izzie's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:17 PM

I read a few posts here and there, a couple of times, I have replied with a serious and thought out post...on topic and to the point of the did not seem to really get recognized by the OP as he was more interested in hitting on the young women that sympathized with long as the OP is not interested in a serious post, then I don't bother anymore...

I try to read the political threads to learn...however, almost anytime I ask a question or make a comment, it is either not answered or just ignored...I am not argumentative enough in most of the political threads so I can understand that..

I really just do not post much anymore...maybe I got burnt out on it...*shrugs shoulders*
and many times the OP will ignore a responce to the topic if they dont know you or dont like what you have to say..

realy depends on the OP and the subject matter...
example.. see above..


no photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:17 PM
I hate those "fire and forget" threads and tend to take em over and twist em around to my own purposes

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:17 PM

yeah deb, the political threads here are pretty much monopolized by nutcase partisan bomb throwers and if you just wanna discuss something without bashing Obama or McCcain they are not interested

I always read your posts in the political threads Robin, you are one that has a brilliant mind and you tend to stick to facts and accurate history...

Dan99's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:22 PM

I read a few posts here and there, a couple of times, I have replied with a serious and thought out post...on topic and to the point of the did not seem to really get recognized by the OP as he was more interested in hitting on the young women that sympathized with long as the OP is not interested in a serious post, then I don't bother anymore...

I try to read the political threads to learn...however, almost anytime I ask a question or make a comment, it is either not answered or just ignored...I am not argumentative enough in most of the political threads so I can understand that..

I really just do not post much anymore...maybe I got burnt out on it...*shrugs shoulders*
and many times the OP will ignore a responce to the topic if they dont know you or dont like what you have to say..

realy depends on the OP and the subject matter...
example.. see above..


I often miss posts like i did yours as you posted while i was typing!

I dont just talk to the people i know, but i know that does happen a lot.

I have nothing against chit chatting, but i do have something against pages of absolutely nothing. Chit chatting can be interesting, and funny, just a lot of what i read has NOTHING of interest, page after page..

lighthouselover's photo
Mon 09/29/08 05:22 PM

I read a few posts here and there, a couple of times, I have replied with a serious and thought out post...on topic and to the point of the did not seem to really get recognized by the OP as he was more interested in hitting on the young women that sympathized with long as the OP is not interested in a serious post, then I don't bother anymore...

I try to read the political threads to learn...however, almost anytime I ask a question or make a comment, it is either not answered or just ignored...I am not argumentative enough in most of the political threads so I can understand that..

I really just do not post much anymore...maybe I got burnt out on it...*shrugs shoulders*
and many times the OP will ignore a responce to the topic if they dont know you or dont like what you have to say..

realy depends on the OP and the subject matter...
example.. see above..


Whatever reason, I do not take a thread serious if the OP does not take an active part in it...

I will even check back the next day or so to see if they have shown any interest in the thread...many times they don't.

If I respond to a serious question about a serious issue, and I have put thought into it, which I generally do, and they just blow it off...I don't post anymore then.

Regardless, I tend to think of a thread as a conversation...when I am involved in a thread, I go back and read...I try to stay caught up with the posts and respond accordingly...

I have stopped posting in many types of just seems to be a waste of time...

not many people here know me, and the ones that do probably don't really like me all that I guess posting anything anywhere might be just a waste of space then... lol

Boston Legal is on tonight and I like that show...

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