Topic: Have faith in science | |
where i have to disagree about apes and humans being just like one another, is that i know man knows what he does to one another is wrong. in the back of his mind, he hears a little voice telling him he shouldn't but his compulsive behavoirs take over and he just does it. maybe for thrills, or maybe just because he can. i don't know how apes feel in the back of their minds that what they are doing is wrong, more that they do it for survival of their dna line. like when they kill off the young of the former leader. just like lions and many other animals do. man is different from animals. it just serves our own self interest to pretend we are just like them, then we can do whatever we want and not have to feel remorse, because hey, we're all just animals, right?!? and maybe i'm wrong, i've never been able to ask an animal what it thinks when it does what it does, so you never know. but i don't buy it. and a true christian loves his neighbors regardless of what they think or say about them. even the one who murders your family, hurts them in unimaginable ways, you should love him. as for what a true christian wants, is it selfish to want to help your fellow man, more than you want to help yourself? is it selfish to want to feed your fellow man, rather than gourge yourself with gluttonous behavior? is it selfish to want to protect your neighbor and his belongings just as much as you do your own? only when we want to truly serve and protect one another as much as we want to watch out for our own skin, will we ever begin to even move towards peace. as long as people are only out for themselves, you will always have someone trying to get over on someone else. and when jesus christ died for our sins, we were given a clean slate as far as our sins being paid for. so you don't really have to do anything, just believe. but i want more than that......and if you have another way that helps you get there, power to you. maybe someday you'll come to my aid when i need help, and in return someone will come to yours. but as for me, i believe in my God, and that he will help me become the man i know i could be, not the man i am right now. science may seem easier to prove because alot of the things are right there in front of you, and for the Bible, it happened thousands of years ago. and i wasn't there, and none of you were either. but the comfort, happiness and the inner peace i feel when i ask it from my God is real, and no science can ever take that away from me. and no pill or drug ever gave it to me. i believe the word and that if i try to follow it, my God will bless me. and not with material possessions which can be taken away at any moment, but with the spiritual possession that noone can ever take away from me. God bless!
So Eljay, is god an entity within the universe, or is the universe a subset of god? As far as my desire to analyze the bible (more then I already have), I have more desire to analyze Green Eggs and Ham. I do not use that book for any basis for any of my beliefs . . . so it is up to those that do to make that analysis. To the point of my previous post . . . If someone wants to talk about god, they must explain to me what they mean by god, to do that you must assign attributes to this god head. What this god does and does not that makes it real to them. Otherwise it is a scenario much like you spoke of with no real context . . . only pretext. I was merely explaining a clear way to assign context to a discussion lacking it otherwise. Okay - this point makes more sense. I was merely responding to the question you brought up as to my post to Abra. Here - the example was his defining the God of the bible (one who's attributes can be understood - though not in their entirety) It matters not the desire to analyse scripture, or even to believe it when it comes to stating what is understood about the biblical God. Any established premise would be drawn from the text when attempting to demonstrate a point. As to your question - most answers are going to be subjective. If by "subset" - you mean is God in all things and are all things God, the answer to that being "yes" is not supported by the text. The bible says that God created all things - and was able to stand apart from His creation - so given that as a textual obsevation, it would make God an entity "within" the universe, as you say. Though not confined by it. That is, the universe in all of it's expanse is not infinite - whereas, God is. |
See - here is a perfect example of the point I am making. You have omitted that the God of the bible is also a JUST one, and a Rightious one. Therefore - you see biblical logic and the behavior of God as flawed. This brings me to te point that I state over and over again. The biblical God you describe does NOT EXIST. You are forever falling short of your premises of defining the biblical God, and will forever continue to do so - because you prefer to stick to your premises - derived from Pretext -rather than bother to determine the premises that are established by Context. This is why nothing you have to say on the subject of the God of the bible is worth the time you take in writing it. Until you can establish a premise of God through context - your idea's are unacceptable, because your premise's are unacceptable. Eljay, you are so far off base I can't even believe that you posted this. You claim that the 'premise' that God is always Just and Righeous must be accepted! But then the bible goes on to tell story of a God that is not Just as Righteous! There is nothing just or righteous about asking people to judge their neigbors and stone them to death if they feel they are sinners! You're just DEMANDING that your premises be true NO MATTER WHAT! But that's total bull crap! That would be like Science telling you that their PREMISE is that electricity can't hurt you. So you stick your finger in a light socket and turn it on. What are you doing to do then? Clearly you're going to tell the scientists that their PREMISE is bull crap! Science can't just make up a premise and pretend that that's cool. They have to establish that there premises are worthy of beliving in! And they have to show evidence that if you do believe in them they will lead to results that are demonstrably provable. Religion doesn't do that at all. You can't just claim that all is all-wise, all-powerful, and all-loving, and then continue on with a whole lot of stories that reveal a God that's stupid, had no control over anything, and doesn't even seem to know what the meaning of the work LOVE even means! The bottom line is simple. If you claim the premise that the biblical God is all-wise, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving, then you better stick with that the whole way through your story. Otherwise you're just giving a premise that even the bible itself doesn't adhere to! Abra - I said nothing about the validity of my premises, just that yours are unacceptable because you establish it on a Pretext and not a Context. The fact remains that the examples you sight might justify your conclusion of disbelief, but not that of God not existing. If one disagree's with the concept of a death penalty, does that mean our justice system does not exist? This is what you are essentially saying. Science has nothing to do with the conclusions you draw from scripture, so let's not veer off on that path. God's "stupidity" as you put it, has more to do with your lack of reasoning and understanding to the context you are refering than it does to the God you have premised. (who I repeat - does not exist). |
where i have to disagree about apes and humans being just like one another, is that i know man knows what he does to one another is wrong. in the back of his mind, he hears a little voice telling him he shouldn't but his compulsive behavoirs take over and he just does it. maybe for thrills, or maybe just because he can. There seems to be a problem with your theory NoJoke. You say that men and humans aren't like each other. But are all men like each other? Do you lust to do the things that Jeffery Dahmer did? Would you love to be like Adolf Hitler? Do you only refrain from doing these thing because a little voice in the back of your head is telling them that you are wrong. Could you not decide for yourself that these things are wrong? When you read the words of Jesus are you surprised by what he asks you do to, and not to do? Do you think to yourself, "Damn! I would have never thought to behave that way on my own!" I don't know what you are like as a person, but I've never been tempted to do any of the things that criminals do. In fact, my family (made up of devout Christians and even some ministers) used to sit around the campfire and ponder why it is that we aren't tempted by all the thing the Bible says that we should be tempted to do. When I read the words of Jesus (which aren't really any different from the words of Buddha), I'm not the slightest bit surprised by what these men are asking people to do. I agree with everything they say! How can I 'follow' Jesus when I already think like him? It's pretty hard to follow someone who thinks that same way you do. Who's following and who's leading? If there's a little voice in my head telling me that some things are wrong to do, it's probably coming from my own self. I often wonder how many Christians can even think the way they do to be honest about it. They must lust to do some pretty bad stuff is all I can figure. In fact, a fellow just made some posts in a thread on the forums today (I guess it was yesterday now). He was trying to make the point that life would be meaningless if there isn't life after death. Somehow a believe in a gift of everlasting life seems to be enough to keep him in line. Without that carrot in front of his nose I guess we'd have another Jeffery Dahmer on our hands. ![]() I think we should all chip in an buy the man a Bible if it will keep him in line. These kinds of arguments just don't move me in the least. I've met far too many truly decent caring loving atheist to believe that men need to be bribed into being good. I wouldn't need to change my lifestyle one iota if angels came to me and told me that Christ is on his way. Like I've already said, I'm in total agreement with what he preached. I'd welcome him with open arms as a brother who thinks the same way I do. If he's as nice as me he'd give me a big hug too. After all, why should he be upset with me? Just because I refuse to appease the hypocritical "Cristians"? ![]() It isn't about religion. It isn't about believing in Jesus. It about BEING LIKE JESUS! (or Buddha!) You can't be like one without being like the other. Moreover, you need to be like either if you're already naturally like them. Then all you need to be is your SELF. The idea that all men are evil and sinners, and criminals is total bull crap. It simply isn't true. All you need to do is look around you to see that. Neither are Monkeys 'criminals' for the most part and according to you they have no moral values. Yet they honor their social groups with about the same consistency as humans do! There are good monkeys and bad monkeys, just ask anyone who has ever been around monkeys for very long! They're just like people. They aren't really any different at all from a moral standpoint. About the only difference is that monkeys don't have the mental ability to create complicated premediated crimes. They don't use money so they aren't going to rob banks. But they do rob from each other! And they fight over it. Just like human children. The fact that humans have a brain that is capable of dealing with far more complex social situations is really the only thing that sets us apart. I don't think we are morally any different from monkey. We're just capable of pulling off more complex premediated crimes. But yet there are many people who have absolutely no desire to do anything 'wrong'. And many of those people are atheists. |
To NoJoke,
By the way, there are things that the Bible claims is 'wrong' but there's no voice in the back of my head saying that it's wrong. Having an intimate physical relationship out of wedlock for example. I don't feel there is anything wrong with that, even though society has tried to ram that down my throat. If there was a God who was the 'little' voice in the back of our minds telling us what's right and wrong then we all agree with what's right or wrong. But we don't. Therefore it can't be true that we are all being guided by the same 'voice' in the back of our minds. It simply doesn't hold water. |
Eljay, I follow your logic to a point. I understand the need to begin your conversations with the same basic premise. When we speak of basic, however, we must mean the lowest common denominator, or lowest indivisible properties of the premise. I suggest you determine what you think that premise is but it must be the minimally acceptable indivisible properties of what you call God. Here’s the reason why. If one reads a scientific journal that has tested some theory, the first thing they read includes the properties of that which was tested. In the case of God a property can be a “human attribute” which must, of course, include all human attributes (emotions) but one cannot assign partial human attributes as that makes no sense. The first thing your verbal opponent will come down on are the ‘summaries’ of texts in which God exemplifies ALL human attributes you have not assigned. So you see, someone must come up with the premise to be discussed and since Abra is using full text summaries as argument, then I thing you should either provide the premise or proceed with full text summary rebuttles. Anyway, at least then you would both be on the same page. Just suggestions mind you as I think you could both have more enjoyable conversations that way. Hey Redi; I'm not sure that Abra and I could agree on a premise of who and what the God of Scripture is, as we've been tossing this about for close to a year now. However - that doesn't detract from noticing a conclusion based on a premise drawn from Pretext. Something I am quite sure Abra is familiar with. He doesn't need me teaching him about logic - just pointing it out when he abuses it. He is long past being motivated to drawing his conclusions about God from Context. I just don't see him sitting at home studying out all of the passages that refer to the "personality" of God. He is content with cherry picking his perceptions of Christianity, and I am content with refutting them. Our conversations are always enjoyable, else we wouldn't have them. In all sincerity - I hope that our paths would cross one day, because I find him to be quite enjoyable, even though he is a bit trollish. But your point is not lost - I will give it some thought and devise different approaches to his posts in order to at least bring about some different results. I could see where our discourse is getting a bit stale. ![]() |
Warning: ![]() Hey, I've been in three offices this week where the National Geographic (oh wait, was it Nat'l Geographic? Dang, I can't remember) cover page and cover story were about Neanderthal man and all the lates discoveries. Between the three offices I've nealy finished the article. Very good in case anyone would like to read about the "other" humanids that also inhabited this world. I wonder why theology never addressed this topic??? BACK TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM. As long as we're running amok off-topic here... Did you see the special on Neanderthals on the discovery channel the other night? Facinating. The recent discoveries are demonstrating that the theory that Homo-sapeins are decendants of Neanderthal are becoming evident. There is a scientist in Branford Conn who's company is mapping out the genome of a presummed Neanderthol bone. Quite facinating show! |
God's "stupidity" as you put it, has more to do with your lack of reasoning and understanding to the context you are refering than it does to the God you have premised. (who I repeat - does not exist). I disagree. Besides you're beating a dead horse. The Bible can't be true Eljay. The Bible claims that mankind is reponsible for bringing death and imperfection into the world. But we know that death and imperfection have been around long before mankind ever even existed. So the book is caught red-handed. It's a big fat lie. The premise doesn't match reality. |
God's "stupidity" as you put it, has more to do with your lack of reasoning and understanding to the context you are refering than it does to the God you have premised. (who I repeat - does not exist). I disagree. Besides you're beating a dead horse. The Bible can't be true Eljay. The Bible claims that mankind is reponsible for bringing death and imperfection into the world. But we know that death and imperfection have been around long before mankind ever even existed. So the book is caught red-handed. It's a big fat lie. The premise doesn't match reality. Okay - where does it say in the text that man is responsible for bringing death and imperfection into the world? |
Okay - where does it say in the text that man is responsible for bringing death and imperfection into the world? That's the whole story of Adam and Even and original sin. Why do you push this picture so hard? Why are you so anxious to believe that you're the reason that God had to send his son to be butchered on a pole? I'm not going to believe that on pure faith. That's asburd. I'd need to have no other choice before I'd believe that story. Why you want to believe such a terrible story based on nothing more than pure faith is beyond me. |
Edited by
Thu 09/25/08 01:22 AM
Warning: ![]() Hey, I've been in three offices this week where the National Geographic (oh wait, was it Nat'l Geographic? Dang, I can't remember) cover page and cover story were about Neanderthal man and all the lates discoveries. Between the three offices I've nealy finished the article. Very good in case anyone would like to read about the "other" humanids that also inhabited this world. I wonder why theology never addressed this topic??? BACK TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM. As long as we're running amok off-topic here... Did you see the special on Neanderthals on the discovery channel the other night? Facinating. The recent discoveries are demonstrating that the theory that Homo-sapeins are decendants of Neanderthal are becoming evident. There is a scientist in Branford Conn who's company is mapping out the genome of a presummed Neanderthol bone. Quite facinating show! I missed that show unfortunately but I just now looked up the program description on the Discovery Channel website and thought I better post this.This is what the show detailed so there is no confusion. Genetic History Revealed Aug. 7, 2008 -- DNA extracted from a 38,000-year-old Neanderthal bone has just enabled scientists to sequence the complete mitochondrial genome for the human-like species, according to a paper that will be published tomorrow in the journal Cell. The remarkable feat, which has led to at least three major discoveries about the extinct stocky European individuals, represents a breakthrough for studies on the human family. "This is the first complete mitochondrial genome sequence from an extinct hominid," lead author Richard Green explained to Discovery News. Mitochondria, which an individual inherits from his or her mother, are cellular powerhouses that possess their own DNA and include 13 protein-coding genes. The researchers sequenced the Neanderthal mitochondria 35 times to ensure their findings were as accurate as possible. After studying the newly completed genome, Green, a researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, and his team first concluded that the Neanderthal mitochondria falls outside the range of variation found in humans today, offering no evidence that interbreeding occurred between them and us. The researchers are quick to add that such interbreeding could still have happened and that the Neanderthals' "exact relationship with modern humans remains a topic of debate." Clearer is the fact that Neanderthals and humans split from a common ancestor around 660,000 years ago. The researchers based this initially upon prior research that determined humans and chimpanzees diverged from each other six to eight million years ago. They calculated mtDNA sequence changes for both humans and Neanderthals since that time. These accumulated changes then "let us calculate how long ago was the most recent common ancestor of humans and Neanderthals," Green said. He added, "This common ancestor likely looked something like Homo erectus." This extinct hominid is believed to have been super strong with a relatively large head and brain. What most surprised the scientists was how little purification acted upon the Neanderthal's DNA, meaning that the elimination of slightly deleterious alleles, or variant gene forms, didn't occur very often within the population. I would urge anyone who is interested in this finding to look up the journal Cell articles about it. Fascinating. |
Thank you Krimsa for clarifying!
Edited by
Thu 09/25/08 05:07 AM
where i have to disagree about apes and humans being just like one another, is that i know man knows what he does to one another is wrong. in the back of his mind, he hears a little voice telling him he shouldn't but his compulsive behavoirs take over and he just does it. maybe for thrills, or maybe just because he can. i don't know how apes feel in the back of their minds that what they are doing is wrong, more that they do it for survival of their dna line. like when they kill off the young of the former leader. just like lions and many other animals do. man is different from animals. it just serves our own self interest to pretend we are just like them, then we can do whatever we want and not have to feel remorse, because hey, we're all just animals, right?!? and maybe i'm wrong, i've never been able to ask an animal what it thinks when it does what it does, so you never know. but i don't buy it. and a true christian loves his neighbors regardless of what they think or say about them. even the one who murders your family, hurts them in unimaginable ways, you should love him. as for what a true christian wants, is it selfish to want to help your fellow man, more than you want to help yourself? is it selfish to want to feed your fellow man, rather than gourge yourself with gluttonous behavior? is it selfish to want to protect your neighbor and his belongings just as much as you do your own? only when we want to truly serve and protect one another as much as we want to watch out for our own skin, will we ever begin to even move towards peace. as long as people are only out for themselves, you will always have someone trying to get over on someone else. and when jesus christ died for our sins, we were given a clean slate as far as our sins being paid for. so you don't really have to do anything, just believe. but i want more than that......and if you have another way that helps you get there, power to you. maybe someday you'll come to my aid when i need help, and in return someone will come to yours. but as for me, i believe in my God, and that he will help me become the man i know i could be, not the man i am right now. science may seem easier to prove because alot of the things are right there in front of you, and for the Bible, it happened thousands of years ago. and i wasn't there, and none of you were either. but the comfort, happiness and the inner peace i feel when i ask it from my God is real, and no science can ever take that away from me. and no pill or drug ever gave it to me. i believe the word and that if i try to follow it, my God will bless me. and not with material possessions which can be taken away at any moment, but with the spiritual possession that noone can ever take away from me. God bless! You are saying that Humans know the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil. Hmmm wonder why no other living organism on the planet does? You would think that Mother Nature would have given this ability to other animals wouldn’t you. Look at those odds - millions upon millions of life forms on earth and we are the only ones who know the difference between Good and Evil. I read an explanation concerning good and evil once , some where...hmmm now where did I read that ?...Oh! That’s right the BIBLE explained it to me...not Darwin’s theory of evolution... |
- millions upon millions of life forms on earth and we are the only ones who know the difference between Good and Evil. Whoever told you that didn't know what they were talking about. Humans argue about what is good and evil all the time. Especially religious people who claim to follow the Bible. Have you ever noticed how many different religions, sects, and denominations there are that are based on the Bible? Very few of them will agree on what it ever says. Is it wrong to kill? Christian soldiers don't seem to have a problem killing the enemy. Even the Biblical God didn't seem to have any problem telling human to stone each other to death. I don't believe the Bible has a clear idea of what's right or wrong. |
"Religion has never really had a big problem with murder. More people have been killed in the name of god than for any other reason. All you have to do is look at Northern Ireland, Cashmire, the Inquisition, the Crusades, and the World Trade Center to see how seriously the religious folks take thou shalt not kill. The more devout they are, the more they see murder as being negotiable. It depends on who's doin the killin' and who's gettin' killed."
George Carlin |
You are saying that Humans know the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil. Hmmm wonder why no other living organism on the planet does?
The term "evil" is mostly used within the confines of religious doctrine. Even animals have a sense of right and wrong. You would think that Mother Nature would have given this ability to other animals wouldn’t you.
Who is "mother nature?" Look at those odds - millions upon millions of life forms on earth and we are the only ones who know the difference between Good and Evil.
This is not an agreed upon premise. The idea of "Good and evil" is usually confined within religious doctrine. Last I checked, animals don't have religious doctrines. I read an explanation concerning good and evil once , some where...hmmm now where did I read that ?...Oh! That’s right the BIBLE explained it to me...not Darwin’s theory of evolution...
So I guess if you had never read the Bible you would not know the difference between good and evil then. I don't think the theory of evolution was intended to be about "good and evil." So what is your point? |
Edited by
Thu 09/25/08 06:51 AM
I am not interested in the bible insomuch as it explain to me the difference between "good and evil." It is my personal opinion that you should be able to gauge this on your own, unless there is some kind of emotional or psychiatric problem that might compromise your ability to make these distinctions. Borderline personality disorder is one such affliction that can hinder a person's ability to navigate by use of their own moral compass. The common designation that we hear associated with this condition is "sociopath". A sociopath lacks the capability to demonstrate or emote empathy towards their fellow human beings.
Thanks for you stick 2 itivness and for your responces. Your answers always give me more to think about and that may be why I over extend the topics. According to your definition of science (and feel free to modify your previous definition in any way you see fit)…
0) Can there be non-physical? (def: “non-physical” – that which cannot be detected by any physical means) 1) Can there be interaction between physical and non-physical? 2) Can “non-physical” be cause over physical. 0.) non-physical does exist 1.) much of the non-physical is produced at the physical level and, seems to help maintain the structure required for the existence of the physical 2.) non-physical CAN be cause over physical |
Hey Krimsa,
The info. you posted about Neanderthal is the same info in the magazine article. Aside from the fact that Neanderthal DNA shows no markers in modern humans, what I found interesting what that the short stocky stature was not so much stocky as it was muscular. So much muscle mass, even in the women found that a 5,000 calorie daily diet would have been required. That and the fact that their brain mass was larger makes us realize something about current day issures. Mainly; when the fuel you need to run the engine costs more than the value of the energy it supplies, the engine is doomed to extinction. If we consider the process of natural selection worth anything at all, then we should pay attention to the lessons we've created about how it works. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 09/25/08 07:14 AM
You are saying that Humans know the difference between right and wrong, between good and evil. Hmmm wonder why no other living organism on the planet does?
You would think that Mother Nature would have given this ability to other animals wouldn’t you. Look at those odds - millions upon millions of life forms on earth and we are the only ones who know the difference between Good and Evil. Mother Nature, decided to change human development for two obvious reasons. One being that the physical structure of the evolving model, up to Neanderthal,was too muscle intensive and the fuel it required was a hinderance and starvation became a struggle. So the species that survived was us. One thing we needed in order to survive was the ability to live in packs - we call this, a society. However, our social graces were somewhat lacking and self awareness was required. Self awarness allowed us to understand the needs of the individual. Allowed us to understand the concept of past, present and future. Allowed us to understand that in our weak physical condition our only hope for survival was to create THE SOCIAL CONTRACT. That is when we bagan to create the ethical principls on which to live peacefully, within a group. So you see "nojoke", man is just an animal, and Mother nature, using a great tool called natural selection, has assured us a survival factor capable of surviving the extinction of almost every other living creature. LUCK OF THE DRAW, I GUESS. |