Topic: Have faith in science | |
SURE. ![]() But at what point do you claim 10/10 chance of something being right? In math all the time we will say something is a given when in fact it does have a small chance of being wrong, or right or whatever the case may be. The fact is, there is a chance that the Flying spaghetti monster exists . . . . assigning a probably at all requires us to, like you said, throw out everything we know. But sure we COULD do that, and have a very long, very small number as our probability. how about .000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00001 chance? Or maybe just .000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000001 Honestly you have a greater chance of quantum mechanically tunneling through your kitchen wall. When the probability extends the likelihood for it to occur with certainty to be vastly past the life of our universe then I call BS, and will with certitude say 100% Blah at lest in THIS reality. lol ![]() The problem with creationism . . . is we cant even assign a probability no matter how extreme. That is why it is not even wrong. Actually - you have the exact same problem with Isotopic dating as you do with the accounting of Creationism. And here's why. With Isotopic dating - you have the occurance of one element changing into another through the loss of material from the nucleus. The accuracy for this test states a premise that you must have two different examples to test from that were created at the same time. Well - how do we assure the test elements were created at the same time? We can't. So. 50-50 chance that the results of the experiment are worthy to extrapolate our theory back into time - 100 percent chance we can derive accurate data by studying the ongoing change of the test elements. Problem with that is that hardly anyone will be around for even the half life of the isotopes, let alone long enough to witness the chance change that is anticipated to occur. As to the bible - you have a 50-50 chance that the writers of the text are either right, and what they wrote is the truth, or they are wrong - and what they wrote is myth. extrapolation back and time has the same reliability that any staed fact for Isotopic dating does - no one is alive to testify what was witnessed. However - looking forward, if what was written comes to pass, than the accuracy for the text is supported by the occurance of what was predicted. Explain to me now - how one is more valid than the other. Which of these two remains more likely to exhibit is self as "absolute" outside of the testimony of man? Since I was not there to witness the writing of the bible to assert for myself that these men were in deed inspired by God - and you were not there to witness the experiments done on elements that cannot be verified to have begun their degeneration at the same point in time, tell me who's right? Is your faith in the presumptions of science more valid than mine in the testimony of eyewitness of scripture? Here's what I claim is fact. The validity of either of our beliefs is absolutely subjective, based on the acceptance of our world view. You can attempt to refute that statement if you wish. Aside from that. If you haven't stopped crying yet - you're a fool. Alright Eljay, you devoutly religious folks always start in on dating methods because it is more or less the "last frontier" between what scientists have repeatedly demonstrated to be reality and what your belief system cant seem to muster the strength to handle. Our understanding of the shape and pattern of the history of life depends on the accuracy of fossils and dating methods. So I understand that this is no small issue. However the ONLY argument I ever see your crowd making is that "its all inaccurate, can not be trusted and your interpretations of this data are somehow more credible and justifiable." Seeing as I had to explain to you what Cro-magnum man was exactly, maybe you are not making that assertion. I dont know. But you cant ignore this data and stick your head in the sand. It warrants your attention. As a former math teacher, you should find it interesting I hope. You simply can not sit here and declare that hundreds of millions of fossils that currently reside in display cases and drawers around the world are ALL inaccurately dated.That is paranoia plain and simple. Perhaps some would argue that these specimens, huge skeletons of dinosaurs, blocks from ancient shell beds containing hundreds of specimens, delicately preserved fern fronds, have been manufactured by scientists to confuse the public. This is clearly ludicrous. So unless you are attempting to assert that all of these findings found in museums throughout the world are simply all the same age then I dont know how exactly you are trying to support your beliefs. Were all of these fossils somehow buried in the rocks by some extraordinary catastrophe, perhaps Noah’s flood? How exactly could all the dinosaurs, mammoths, early humans, heavily-armored fishes, trilobites, ammonites, and the rest all live together? How could all of the marine creatures drown in the flood of Noah? Sea creatures dont drown! Its crazy speak. Rejecting fossil data cannot be supported by proof. You can refute the mountains of scientific data and evidence until the cows come home but clearly all you are demonstrating is that its far easier for you to make these claims yet a whole hell of a lot harder for you to demonstrate how these findings are erroneous or inaccurate in some respect. Go ahead, pick a respect. The fossils occur in regular sequences time after time; radioactive decay happens, and repeated cross testing of radiometric dates confirms their validity. First you state a premise of "devoutly religious folks" - what has that got to do with me? I am a seeker of the truth, nothing more than that. I do not follow any "religion" - I just think that the bible represents a more acurae account of the truth than the religion of Evolution. Science works with theoretical evidence based on the mathematics of their premises. They have no more empirical truth than reincarnation or UFO mythology. You are relying on their testimony because you chose to. no different than my relience on John's account of his eye-witness of Jesus. I would like nothing more than for you to prvide me evidence to the contrary - so that my doubts of these claims of a world that is 4.5 billion years old - or our lineage with chimpanzees having the same "parents". But to date - it does not exist. Unlike you - I'm waing for the facts to come in - not the likely hood that math shows the conjectures of Isatope dating is "acceptable and reliable given a consistancy of controls over 4.5 billion years". If there is anything I've learned from Abra is that the universe and our Earth is ANYTHING BUT consistant. And I have more faith in Abra's knowledge of this than I do the writers of these isotope theories. |
So - why have you not at least read the whole New Testament? Or have you?
I've certainly read all of the gospels. I haven't read the entire New Testament, at least not in whole. And the reason for this is because when I sit down in earnest to try to do that I simply can't get very far before it becomes totally meaningless. They sound like they are just stating things that they'd like us to believe but they aren't given and decent reasons for why things should be that way. Once you've seen the little man pulling the levers behind the curtain it's hard to believe what the puppet figurine is telling you. Why should you believe it? You want to ask question of this figurine directly but you CAN'T because it's just a book. All you can do is take what the authors are spoon feeding you, and what they are spoon feeding you often CONFLICTS with what they spoon fed you earlier in the book! You also can't separate the New Testament form the Old. You're fooling yourself terribly if you try to do that. Jesus is NOTHING on his own. Absolutely NOTHING. His entirety claim to divinity rests entirely on believing in the Old Testament FIRST! In fact, if you can't read the Old Testament FIRST and BELIEVE IT! Then you truly have no right to even look at the New Testament. You must believe and accept the Old Testament FIRST! Otherwise the New Testament is meaningless. Trying to do it backwards is truly the joke of Christianity. So then - now that you've pointed out all the problems - what is the solution. What should God have done instead?
There are so many. First off, why is God even allowing a fallen angel to screw with his creation? If the wages of sin are death and sin is disagreement and disobedience to God then why isn't this fallen angle dead? That's the first contradiction right there. Moreover, why is a fallen angel even required? Wasn't mankind evil enough of his own to fall from grace without the help of a fallen angel? ![]() Who's at fault for mankind's fall? Man? Or the devil? If it is entirely the responsibility of man, then why even make up a devil in the first place? I'll tell you why! Because the story was fabricated by mankind and they needed to invent the concept of evil demons to scare people with that's why! In fact, the idea that Jesus when around casting demons out of people is pretty silly don't you think? If a person is possessed by an evil demon then how could they be held responsible for that? Why should a person be responsible for having been possessed by an evil demon? Clearly if Jesus can cast the evil demon out of the person then the person never deserved to be possessed by it in the first place. The story makes absolutely no sense Eljay. It only makes sense as a truly silly superstition. But it makes no sense at all in terms of a genuine supreme being allowing ghosts and goblins to possess the souls of men. So right off the bat, if I were going to create a race of beings I would do it in an terrarium when there ware no evil demons and just let the race of beings that I'm creating answer for THEMSELVES. There's absolutely no need for any devil or evil demons. Either man is evil, or he is not! If he needs an evil demon to make him evil then he's a victim rather than a culprit! So right off the bat, I'm at odds with the whole story. Secondly, why is God creating women secondly as an afterthought? Why introduce the prejudice and bias based on gender? Even today we teach each other than such prejudice and bias is improper. Yet God seems to not only condone it but DEMAND IT! If I were God I would have created Adam and Eve as a totally egalitarian couple and frown on anyone who incites bigotry based on gender. And probably MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL,... I would NEVER asks anyone to slaughter an animal or anything to appease me for their disobedient of me. To me that sends an utterly WRONG MESSAGE. It's suggests a myriad of terrible things. It says that it's ok to kill animals for ceremonial rituals. It says that it's ok to disobey as long as you are willing to kill an animal to pay for your disobedience. It's basically a free ticket to buy the right to disobey! What kind of a message is that to send to people? It's no skin off their nose if they have to slaughter an animal to pay for disobedience! Hell's bell's if I were going to demand something as an appeasement for disobedience I would demand some kind of community SERVICE! I would make them to something POSITIVE and CONSTRUCTIVE to make atonements for their bad behavior. I would have them so busy doing positive and constructive things that they wouldn't have time to sin! Make them grow a Garden and tend it! That'll keep them busy for a while. It only take one stupid night of heavy drinking to roast a sacrificial lamb. And what is learned by that? Also, if I was going to inspire a book to be written it would FOCUS more own how to properly raise children than anything else. And I'm talking about how to MENTOR them with love, patience and understanding. I'm not talking about how to scare them into being BLINDLY obedient. On the contrary my Bible would be all about UNDERSTANDING! I also wouldn't change my tactics half way through the thing. I would teach people in the first half of my book to stone sinners to death and kill heathen, and then teach them in the second half of my book not to stone people to death and to turn the other cheek. I'd pick one moral value and stick to it! I'd probably agree with Jesus. But that conflicts with the CURRENT Old Testament. You can't just talk about the New Testament and ignore the Old. Either Jesus was the God of Abraham or he was NOT. If not, then fine. Let's rip the frigg'in Bible in half and toss out the Old Testament as being a completely FALSE GOD! The only problem is that Jesus is suppose to be that FALSE GOD! The Bible taken as a whole is an oxymoron. Jesus cannot possibly have been an incarnation (or even the Son) of the God of Abraham. He's WAY TOO DIFFERENT! I might actually be half-tempted to become a Jesus Freak myself if you can emancipate Jesus from the Old Testament. But I'm afraid that's not possible. As soon as you do that his crucifixion is meaningless. The Bible must be taken as a whole. There's no two ways about it. That's unfortunately because the New Testament alone might have had some merit in some sense. But the crucifixion is entirely dependent on the God who lusts for blood sacrifices to pay for disobedience. It's just not a doable religion. It's not a choice. Eljay. I can't choose to believe in Jesus without also believing in the Old Testament. And I can't possibly believe that the real creator of this universe is like the God depicted in the Old Testament. It's not a choice. It can't be true because it is based on oxymoronic propositions. The biblical God would need to be simultaneously all-wise and all-stupid. Or simultaneously all-powerful and all-helpless. Or simultaneously all-perfect and totally-flawed. These are all blatant contradictions. Therefore there's nothing to believe. What exactly is it that you actually believe Eljay? That Jesus Christ died to pay for your sins? But who did he pay? Himself? He was the one who demanded blood sacrifices to pay for sins! Was that a wise thing to do? Not likely since it ended up that he has to sacrifice himself to himself. What an idiot! Seriously, think about it! An all-knowing, all-wise, all-perfect God designs a universe in such a way that in order to save it he has to have himself nailed to a pole? Is that a wise God? ![]() I think not. Abra; Thanks for this post. I truly feel that you adressed my questions in the manner I'd hoped. You asked me what I believe. I believe that the Jsus of the New Testament is the comminicator of the Old. Your perception is that this makes him skitzo - mine is that I tend to see the actions of the old testament through the character of the Jesus I see in the New and ask - "if this is what he did, then what was his reasoning?" I try to understand it without passing judgement on it. As a for-instance. You see the sacrifices in the OT as a mere offreing to God and that's the end of it. The poor beast as a victim, and God as a vicious heathen. To me - I see the sacrifice as dinner. I have a special preference for the ribs. In the process of preparing the meal - an offering of thanks is given to God. As a matter of keeping God for-most in their thoughts, a practice which tends to keep one from evil actions, making this a ritualistic event assures that it will be learned by not only those participating in the ritual - but the children who are watching as well, because they need to eat to. Slightly different perspective than yours, but it offers the same results. Granted, it's subjective - but what difference does it make. One way or another - whether they sacrifice the beast as a sin offering, or stone it because it gored someone - no matter how you look at it, it's ending up as dinner. Simplistic you say? Why should it be anything but simplistic? I don't know why the evil spirit's run amok. I've always felt it is just a means of "testing" man. I have given this a great deal of thought over the years, and I've discovered that tests aren't such bad things. In school they were a means of showing me what I really knew, instead of what I thought I knew. In my job, it is how I have developed my expertise and level of experience - and has always been an aid to me in my teaching and mentor others. Despite the anxiety and stress of them at times - I have always expereinced a growth of knowlwdge. Much better than building flats over and over again for 12 hours a day, six days a week. I prefer the tests to being a machine. The tests of a "spiritual nature", I've always found to be ones that expand my awareness, increase my wisdom, and strengthen my faith. Even when having to suffer through the consequences. Brought about by my own stupidity more often than not, rather than a "cruel God and Savior lorditing over me." Again - subjective. Even simplistic. But that is my life. It always wasn't this way. The first 30 years were anything but stressless and peaceful. More often than not, my choices were criminal, and the consequesnces severe. Then, I just decited I'd had enough, and started paying attention to the idea's of scripture, and found them to be valid. Again - I started with Proverbs - unlike most people who either begin with Matthew or Genesis. So - perhaps you can see the perspective in how I think. By your post, I have a much greater appreciation in how you think. It is differnt than what I'd witnessed in the past. |
You are quite right in your assumption. Unfortunately assumptions have created wars ![]() Actually I am pretty sure that most wars have had their roots in religion. Acutally it is money and power..... oil I think the DeBeers might disagree with you on that. Gates does it with software. |
Edited by
Sat 09/27/08 11:50 PM
Your so wrong eljay, im not even going to go into it. I will say one and only one thing that blows your argument out of the water . . . . When we look at the results if it where 50/50 then we would see that they match the other fields of study only 50% of the time . . . . So when the tests are done accurately why do we then see it match up to the same degree of accuracy . . . Instead we see pretty functions which graph nicely . . and makes sense. You sir are not correct. Once again you fail to understand data analysis. I think its time for me to go study so have fun all. Go back and look over the data on how long it takes a readioactive isotope to change, and the accuracy of predicting when, and at what time intervals the changes occur. Absolute conjecture. However, science claims this doesn't matter. Ummm.. okay. Oh, yeah, and despite the fact that there is no emperical evidence to aqssure the test controls establish two different metiors as having been created at the same time period (an established criteria for the reliability of the experiment), the validity is established because the graph appears consistent. Ummm... okay. If I had offered conjecture like this in my advanced abstract calculus class - I would have flunked it. It matters not to me if you think I'm wrong and you want to invest yourself in this stuff. Just be weary of calling anyone a "blind follower of myths" I'm not saying I reject these theories - I just wouldn't bet a nickel on their validity until they can demonstrate controls that are only a hundred years old in theory to support an occurance that has lasted 4.5 billion years. Sorry - I don't buy it. That would be like asking a contol group of 5 Packer fans who the best qusarterback in the NFL is, and having the response be bret Favre - then claiming him as the best quarterback in the history of the NFL. It may be true - but not based on the experiment. You didnt really offer rebuttal to my post so I will respond to this one. In the past 150 years they have not found any fossils that Darwin would not have expected. So this is only part of the reason why I choose to accept this data rather than rely on a book of Christian mythology that professes to "give me all the answers if I only have faith." Science does not require faith. You either believe these theories based on the evidence they provide or you dont. You will not go to hell if you choose not to accept them either. An added bonus. ![]() ![]() Obviously since the early 1900s, science has made tremendous advances when it comes to the absolute dating of the fossil record. Im not sure if you were aware of this. Radioactive decay, though a major advancement in this field is not the ONLY method in which ancient discoveries can be dated. Phylogenetic trees are the family trees of particular groups of plants or animals, showing how all the species relate to each other. This to me demonstrates that, of course, we do not know everything (and clearly never will), but we know enough. However, your issue seems to speak specifically to the inaccuracy of radiocarbon dating so I will address this. Certain naturally occurring elements are radioactive, and they decay, or break down, at predictable rates. Chemists measure the half-life of such elements, in other words, the time it takes for half of the radioactive parent element to break down to the stable daughter element. Sometimes, one isotope, or naturally occurring form, of an element decays into another, more stable form of the same element.By comparing the proportions of parent to daughter element in a rock sample, and knowing the half-life, the age can be calculated. I will agree that you have a right to either accept this dating method to be accurate or dismiss it permanently. I hope that you will not do that at least Put down the bible for one moment and simply make an attempt to have a better understanding of this process. Do you enjoy going to museums? Natural history or other? Have you ever done that? |
Science is great. It finally explained a way that Mother Mary could have been a virgin and had a baby. Look up the meaning of the word hermaphrodite! I'm not saying she was or that this is what happened. Just wanted to point out to the people that have used the argument that Christ could not have been born of a virgin that there argument is not valid!
Science is great. It finally explained a way that Mother Mary could have been a virgin and had a baby. Look up the meaning of the word hermaphrodite! I'm not saying she was or that this is what happened. Just wanted to point out to the people that have used the argument that Christ could not have been born of a virgin that there argument is not valid! ![]() |
I found a quote you might find interesting. It was written by John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jefferson. John Adams of course the second president of the US. "I almost shudder at the thought of alluding to the most fatal example of the abuses of grief which the history of mankind has preserved-- the Cross. Consider what calamities that engine of grief has produced!" John Adams -letter to Thomas Jefferson . |
SCIENTISTS HAVE MANY THEORIES, BUT NOTICE THAT THEY USUALLY END WITH THE PHRAZE "AS WE KNOW IT" WHICH LEADS ME TO BELIEVE IT'S JUST A PERSPECTIVE, NOT NESSESSARIELY THE TRUTH. AS HUMANS WE KNOW A BEGINNING AND AN END, HOWEVER IT IS WRITTEN THAT GOD HAS NO BEGINING AND NO END. Yeah yeah, show me some Adam and Eve bones and then we will discuss the validity of incredulous claims with nothing to back them up. Christianity seems to have no problem writing a lot of checks that their asses cant cover. ![]() |
Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out that the universe was some bored college students experiment?!
Some of those MIT guys can get pretty creative. Most dont have intimate contact with members of the opposite sex so anything is possible.
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Timothy 1:4
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies If we follow this advice we would ignore most of the bible. Especially the genealogies found in Genesis. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 10/02/08 02:02 PM
I love threads like this, but it does seem that its rare to actually discuss science in them . . .
I have a short story of the creation of the universe, and it has a wonderful protagonist who is an extreme geek. Good stuff I should finish it sometime. |
Edited by
Thu 10/02/08 09:36 PM
Your so wrong eljay, im not even going to go into it. I will say one and only one thing that blows your argument out of the water . . . . When we look at the results if it where 50/50 then we would see that they match the other fields of study only 50% of the time . . . . So when the tests are done accurately why do we then see it match up to the same degree of accuracy . . . Instead we see pretty functions which graph nicely . . and makes sense. You sir are not correct. Once again you fail to understand data analysis. I think its time for me to go study so have fun all. Go back and look over the data on how long it takes a readioactive isotope to change, and the accuracy of predicting when, and at what time intervals the changes occur. Absolute conjecture. However, science claims this doesn't matter. Ummm.. okay. Oh, yeah, and despite the fact that there is no emperical evidence to aqssure the test controls establish two different metiors as having been created at the same time period (an established criteria for the reliability of the experiment), the validity is established because the graph appears consistent. Ummm... okay. If I had offered conjecture like this in my advanced abstract calculus class - I would have flunked it. It matters not to me if you think I'm wrong and you want to invest yourself in this stuff. Just be weary of calling anyone a "blind follower of myths" I'm not saying I reject these theories - I just wouldn't bet a nickel on their validity until they can demonstrate controls that are only a hundred years old in theory to support an occurance that has lasted 4.5 billion years. Sorry - I don't buy it. That would be like asking a contol group of 5 Packer fans who the best qusarterback in the NFL is, and having the response be bret Favre - then claiming him as the best quarterback in the history of the NFL. It may be true - but not based on the experiment. You didnt really offer rebuttal to my post so I will respond to this one. In the past 150 years they have not found any fossils that Darwin would not have expected. So this is only part of the reason why I choose to accept this data rather than rely on a book of Christian mythology that professes to "give me all the answers if I only have faith." Science does not require faith. You either believe these theories based on the evidence they provide or you dont. You will not go to hell if you choose not to accept them either. An added bonus. ![]() ![]() Sorry K - been too long to remember what post you are refering to. As to this one... You say science doesn't rely on faith, then in the next sentence you refer to "educated guesses". If this isn't functioning on faith - what is? Of course science functions on faith. Even if one refers to the definition of faith in the bible - it applies directly to science. The results of those "educated quesses are the exprience of the experiment (if applicable) or the mathematical reasoning of the premise (as in isotopic dating). No different than one who has their faith in God - prays for a healing of an affliction, and experiences the healing. I would not call the rndom discussions about scripture on these forums as representative of much of anything if the topic being discussed is not bothered to be researched. Else it's just taking someone elses word for it. Sometimes that's okay - depending upon the level of intrest. But in terms of active participation - pointless if the topic at hand is based solely ion an uneducated opinion. Obviously since the early 1900s, science has made tremendous advances when it comes to the absolute dating of the fossil record. Im not sure if you were aware of this. Radioactive decay, though a major advancement in this field is not the ONLY method in which ancient discoveries can be dated. Phylogenetic trees are the family trees of particular groups of plants or animals, showing how all the species relate to each other. This to me demonstrates that, of course, we do not know everything (and clearly never will), but we know enough. Though the dating methods are fairly active - to a varying degree of error, the extrapolation into the distant past looses it's validity due to the principle of uniforminity - which is a premise that must be accepted before any dating method can be validated. There's always the small print which MUST state that the conditions of the present testing must have been present at the time the object dated is thought to be from - else the presumption is invalid, as the mathematical charts that support the presumption serve no purpose if any of the required fields are altered. However, your issue seems to speak specifically to the inaccuracy of radiocarbon dating so I will address this. Certain naturally occurring elements are radioactive, and they decay, or break down, at predictable rates. Chemists measure the half-life of such elements, in other words, the time it takes for half of the radioactive parent element to break down to the stable daughter element. Sometimes, one isotope, or naturally occurring form, of an element decays into another, more stable form of the same element.By comparing the proportions of parent to daughter element in a rock sample, and knowing the half-life, the age can be calculated. Ah, but you aren't finished yet. This holds true ONLY when the two items in the comparison (for you cannot determine the date of an isolated item using isotopic dating - which you just described - without a second parent item to compare it to) are known to have been formed at the same time. This is a requirement that validates the test. That is the same thing as a believer stating the bible is true because it says it is. I will agree that you have a right to either accept this dating method to be accurate or dismiss it permanently. I hope that you will not do that at least Put down the bible for one moment and simply make an attempt to have a better understanding of this process. Do you enjoy going to museums? Natural history or other? Have you ever done that? Yes, and largly due to your influence I have been doing extensive research on Isotopic dating, since even scientists realize that carbon-14 dating is not accurate beyond a few thousand years. I find that the presumptions of this method of dating follow a strict set of rules (and rightfully so) that cannot be substanciated. There is no way that any of the materials that have been used to determine this method of dating can in any way be acccounted for as to their origin, as they are all elements that have entered the earth's atmosphere from space. In addition to this - there is no way that the atmospheric eternals can be measured to assure the uniformity needed to accurate detrmine the date of an item that is professed to break down into the daughter-element from the parent element over a period of a billion or more years. Which is the premise behind isotopic dating. It is impossible - for instance - to determine how much uranium turns into lead over a specific time period, because the specific atmospheric controls needed to assure the quality and validity of the test cannot be controlled, and thus the accuracy of the results of the test remain within the realm of presumption. Now - because the math works - they say "this is all that is needed to assure the test would be true". But uniforminity is crucial to this statement, else the math falls apart. In addition to this - the amount of time needed to assure that the infomation is accurate would necessitate that those conduction the test live to be more than a thousand or more years. However - I am still investigating and researching this stuff, and as of yet, have not accepted - or rejected it. But what I will say, is that as far as I'v determined, it is no more factual than the account of the flood in Genesis. We have more evidence of that occurance, than we do of material that substanciates an earth that is 4.5 billion years old. |
Do we not accept “scientific” explanations for phenomenon as “fact”, even though those explanations are based on unproven (and often unprovable) theories??? So how then, is an acceptance of a “scientific” explanation any different from acceptance of a “spiritual” explanation for any phenomenon? (e.g. OBE, NDE, RV, et al) Isn’t it all just a matter of which “primary assumptions” you wish to believe in/agree with? Just something to think about. didn't require much thinking. the spiritual world, gods and other delusional supernatural "phenomena" have none of the vast amounts of evidence to support them like many of the scientific theories do. i'll look at the reality of a god existing whenever somebody can produce even a shred of evidence that can withstand the severe scrutiny of scientific methodology. and no, testimony or scriptures just won't measure up. |
Edited by
Fri 10/03/08 02:32 PM
Your so wrong eljay, im not even going to go into it. I will say one and only one thing that blows your argument out of the water . . . . When we look at the results if it where 50/50 then we would see that they match the other fields of study only 50% of the time . . . . So when the tests are done accurately why do we then see it match up to the same degree of accuracy . . . Instead we see pretty functions which graph nicely . . and makes sense. You sir are not correct. Once again you fail to understand data analysis. I think its time for me to go study so have fun all. Go back and look over the data on how long it takes a readioactive isotope to change, and the accuracy of predicting when, and at what time intervals the changes occur. Absolute conjecture. However, science claims this doesn't matter. Ummm.. okay. Oh, yeah, and despite the fact that there is no emperical evidence to aqssure the test controls establish two different metiors as having been created at the same time period (an established criteria for the reliability of the experiment), the validity is established because the graph appears consistent. Ummm... okay. If I had offered conjecture like this in my advanced abstract calculus class - I would have flunked it. It matters not to me if you think I'm wrong and you want to invest yourself in this stuff. Just be weary of calling anyone a "blind follower of myths" I'm not saying I reject these theories - I just wouldn't bet a nickel on their validity until they can demonstrate controls that are only a hundred years old in theory to support an occurance that has lasted 4.5 billion years. Sorry - I don't buy it. That would be like asking a contol group of 5 Packer fans who the best qusarterback in the NFL is, and having the response be bret Favre - then claiming him as the best quarterback in the history of the NFL. It may be true - but not based on the experiment. You didnt really offer rebuttal to my post so I will respond to this one. In the past 150 years they have not found any fossils that Darwin would not have expected. So this is only part of the reason why I choose to accept this data rather than rely on a book of Christian mythology that professes to "give me all the answers if I only have faith." Science does not require faith. You either believe these theories based on the evidence they provide or you dont. You will not go to hell if you choose not to accept them either. An added bonus. ![]() ![]() Sorry K - been too long to remember what post you are refering to. As to this one... You say science doesn't rely on faith, then in the next sentence you refer to "educated guesses". If this isn't functioning on faith - what is? Of course science functions on faith. Even if one refers to the definition of faith in the bible - it applies directly to science. The results of those "educated quesses are the exprience of the experiment (if applicable) or the mathematical reasoning of the premise (as in isotopic dating). No different than one who has their faith in God - prays for a healing of an affliction, and experiences the healing. I would not call the rndom discussions about scripture on these forums as representative of much of anything if the topic being discussed is not bothered to be researched. Else it's just taking someone elses word for it. Sometimes that's okay - depending upon the level of intrest. But in terms of active participation - pointless if the topic at hand is based solely ion an uneducated opinion. Obviously since the early 1900s, science has made tremendous advances when it comes to the absolute dating of the fossil record. Im not sure if you were aware of this. Radioactive decay, though a major advancement in this field is not the ONLY method in which ancient discoveries can be dated. Phylogenetic trees are the family trees of particular groups of plants or animals, showing how all the species relate to each other. This to me demonstrates that, of course, we do not know everything (and clearly never will), but we know enough. Though the dating methods are fairly active - to a varying degree of error, the extrapolation into the distant past looses it's validity due to the principle of uniforminity - which is a premise that must be accepted before any dating method can be validated. There's always the small print which MUST state that the conditions of the present testing must have been present at the time the object dated is thought to be from - else the presumption is invalid, as the mathematical charts that support the presumption serve no purpose if any of the required fields are altered. However, your issue seems to speak specifically to the inaccuracy of radiocarbon dating so I will address this. Certain naturally occurring elements are radioactive, and they decay, or break down, at predictable rates. Chemists measure the half-life of such elements, in other words, the time it takes for half of the radioactive parent element to break down to the stable daughter element. Sometimes, one isotope, or naturally occurring form, of an element decays into another, more stable form of the same element.By comparing the proportions of parent to daughter element in a rock sample, and knowing the half-life, the age can be calculated. Ah, but you aren't finished yet. This holds true ONLY when the two items in the comparison (for you cannot determine the date of an isolated item using isotopic dating - which you just described - without a second parent item to compare it to) are known to have been formed at the same time. This is a requirement that validates the test. That is the same thing as a believer stating the bible is true because it says it is. I will agree that you have a right to either accept this dating method to be accurate or dismiss it permanently. I hope that you will not do that at least Put down the bible for one moment and simply make an attempt to have a better understanding of this process. Do you enjoy going to museums? Natural history or other? Have you ever done that? Yes, and largly due to your influence I have been doing extensive research on Isotopic dating, since even scientists realize that carbon-14 dating is not accurate beyond a few thousand years. I find that the presumptions of this method of dating follow a strict set of rules (and rightfully so) that cannot be substanciated. There is no way that any of the materials that have been used to determine this method of dating can in any way be acccounted for as to their origin, as they are all elements that have entered the earth's atmosphere from space. In addition to this - there is no way that the atmospheric eternals can be measured to assure the uniformity needed to accurate detrmine the date of an item that is professed to break down into the daughter-element from the parent element over a period of a billion or more years. Which is the premise behind isotopic dating. It is impossible - for instance - to determine how much uranium turns into lead over a specific time period, because the specific atmospheric controls needed to assure the quality and validity of the test cannot be controlled, and thus the accuracy of the results of the test remain within the realm of presumption. Now - because the math works - they say "this is all that is needed to assure the test would be true". But uniforminity is crucial to this statement, else the math falls apart. In addition to this - the amount of time needed to assure that the infomation is accurate would necessitate that those conduction the test live to be more than a thousand or more years. However - I am still investigating and researching this stuff, and as of yet, have not accepted - or rejected it. But what I will say, is that as far as I'v determined, it is no more factual than the account of the flood in Genesis. We have more evidence of that occurance, than we do of material that substanciates an earth that is 4.5 billion years old. I personally (correctly or not) draw a clear distinction between relying on blind faith and making an educated guess. Let me explain to you what an educated guess is exactly as it is applied to scientific research. In common usage, a hypothesis refers to a provisional idea whose merit requires evaluation. For proper evaluation, the framer of a hypothesis needs to define specifics in operational terms. A hypothesis requires more work by the researcher in order to either confirm or disprove it. In due course, a confirmed hypothesis may become part of a theory or occasionally may grow to become a theory itself. So for me at least, it is difficult to read some of these presumed fables in the bible and then have someone refer to them as irrefutable "fact" because there is no way to properly test or evaluate their validity. Not only that, the claims being made many times are downright incredulous and they have zero in the way of supportive evidence. I dont think it is fair of you to automatically assume that ALL of these debates that take place in the religion forum have no merit and are useless bickering. Sometimes they do indeed degrade to that level but not always. Many regulars (and some not so regular) who participate have in fact read the scripture and are every bit as capable of discussing it in great detail as yourself. Some posters have never cracked the bible yet their interests and own personal research have introduced some fascinating topics of discussion. So something productive can always come out of these debates. The point I was attempting to make was that the bible itself can be somewhat ambiguous and difficult to extrapolate meaning from. I think few people would argue this. Therefore it is often the subject of debate as it can be interpreted in any number of ways. This is the purpose for creating a "religion forum" as it were. Of course Christianity will come up quite often as it is one of the worlds three great religions and many people designate themselves as "Christian" even though the levels of commitment to the faith might vary. Scientists can use different chemicals for absolute dating.The best-known absolute dating technique is carbon-14 dating, which archaeologists prefer to use. However, the half-life of carbon-14 is only 5730 years, so the method cannot be used for materials older than about 70,000 years.I must admit I myself am more familiar with carbon 14 due to my background. Radiometric dating involves the use of isotope series, such as rubidium/strontium, thorium/lead, potassium/argon, all of which have very long half-lives, ranging from 0.7 to 48.6 billion years. Subtle differences in the relative proportions of the two isotopes can give good dates for rocks of any age. A key point is that it is no longer necessary simply to accept one chemical determination of a rock’s age. Age estimates can be cross-tested by using different isotope pairs. Results from different techniques, often measured in rival labs, continually confirm each other. So its not like one lab somewhere is conducting all of these experiments on rock and saying "this is it!" No, it doesn't work that way at all. Every few years, new geologic time scales are published, providing the latest dates for major time lines. Older dates may change by a few million years up and down, but younger dates are stable. For example, it has been known since the 1960s that the famous Cretaceous boundary line, the line marking the end of the dinosaurs, was 65 million years old. Well Im glad you are still researching it and at least you are not totally rejecting the premise. If the fossils, or the dating of the fossils, could be shown to be inaccurate, all such information that we have already gathered would have to be rejected as unsafe. Geologists and paleontologists are highly self-critical folks. Repeated and tough regimes of testing have confirmed the broad accuracy of the fossils and their dating but that does not mean that you personally must accept their validity. No one is saying that. Especially if it will effect your beliefs. ![]() |