Topic: The Religion Forum CoffeeShop | |
Pray for Gustav...that God will protect our land & people. For God's mercy...
It's such a beautiful day today. It's hard to believe what is happening in the gulf states. Pray for God's protection. ...and have a great & wonderful God blessed day! |
Edited by
Mon 09/01/08 08:11 AM
Pray for Gustav...that God will protect our land & people. For God's mercy... It's such a beautiful day today. It's hard to believe what is happening in the gulf states. Pray for God's protection. ...and have a great & wonderful God blessed day! From the BBC
Hurricane Gustav has made landfall south-west of New Orleans, battering the US Gulf coast with torrential rain and severe winds. Although Gustav has been downgraded to a category two storm, its winds snapped power cables in New Orleans, which was ravaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Some 90% of residents have evacuated, and 1.9m people living along the Gulf coast have sought safety inland. Forecasters have warned of sea surges 14ft (4.2m) above normal. |
Yes please pray and pray for sharpshooter (Tom) who is in tge gulf coast....
still in Palm Springs having a blast....will be home later tonight... |
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Yes please pray and pray for sharpshooter (Tom) who is in tge gulf coast.... still in Palm Springs having a blast....will be home later tonight... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I was hoping someone would start the christian coffee house back up again I missed it
![]() Especially today... Just before work I got a call that my Grandmom had a stroke last night. She doesn't really comprehend she's here, still alive, my Daddy made it up there (she lives in MI, we're here in OH) today and sat by her side and talked to her. We're trying to contact our minister so he can go up there, he's kind of become the family minister for both our family's weddings and other things...even if it is out of state. So please keep my Grandmom in your prayers for whatever is best and in God's Plans, I believe she's 89 years old, so she's lived as nice long life and her husband of what had almost been 70 years has already made his voyage up to our Father in Heaven about four years ago. I went up there on a kind of spur of the moment trip just a little over a month ago just to see her...just in dad has gone up every month for the past year...we were planning on going up this Tuesday. I wasn't going to be able to make it but Daddy was still going. So I'm thankful for my little week with her. Please keep her in your prayers, my daddy and the rest of our family. We have a large very loving family that she has guided as the loving matriarch through the years and loved very dearly by all of us... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I was hoping someone would start the christian coffee house back up again I missed it ![]() Especially today... Just before work I got a call that my Grandmom had a stroke last night. She doesn't really comprehend she's here, still alive, my Daddy made it up there (she lives in MI, we're here in OH) today and sat by her side and talked to her. We're trying to contact our minister so he can go up there, he's kind of become the family minister for both our family's weddings and other things...even if it is out of state. So please keep my Grandmom in your prayers for whatever is best and in God's Plans, I believe she's 89 years old, so she's lived as nice long life and her husband of what had almost been 70 years has already made his voyage up to our Father in Heaven about four years ago. I went up there on a kind of spur of the moment trip just a little over a month ago just to see her...just in dad has gone up every month for the past year...we were planning on going up this Tuesday. I wasn't going to be able to make it but Daddy was still going. So I'm thankful for my little week with her. Please keep her in your prayers, my daddy and the rest of our family. We have a large very loving family that she has guided as the loving matriarch through the years and loved very dearly by all of us... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I was hoping someone would start the christian coffee house back up again I missed it ![]() Especially today... Just before work I got a call that my Grandmom had a stroke last night. She doesn't really comprehend she's here, still alive, my Daddy made it up there (she lives in MI, we're here in OH) today and sat by her side and talked to her. We're trying to contact our minister so he can go up there, he's kind of become the family minister for both our family's weddings and other things...even if it is out of state. So please keep my Grandmom in your prayers for whatever is best and in God's Plans, I believe she's 89 years old, so she's lived as nice long life and her husband of what had almost been 70 years has already made his voyage up to our Father in Heaven about four years ago. I went up there on a kind of spur of the moment trip just a little over a month ago just to see her...just in dad has gone up every month for the past year...we were planning on going up this Tuesday. I wasn't going to be able to make it but Daddy was still going. So I'm thankful for my little week with her. Please keep her in your prayers, my daddy and the rest of our family. We have a large very loving family that she has guided as the loving matriarch through the years and loved very dearly by all of us... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I certainly shall remember you grandmom in prayer. ![]() Also remembering Tom. Hope all is well. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Good afternoon, hope you are having a blessed day. ![]() |
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." * Aesop (620 BC - 560 BC) ![]() ![]() |
So true.
God Bless America. May God bless this nation with leaders seasoned with resolve made victorious through trials and hardships overcome. There is a Spirit awakening this nation. Rub the sleep away to see it, folks. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Indeed honey, hope you enjoyed the speech last night. ![]() ![]() Good morning, everyone. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Good morning.
![]() The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. William Shakespeare |
WOW! This is a great word of encouragement,
"There's a Higher Place for Each One of You...I've Been Waiting for You to Come" Prophesied August 8, 2008 - Lancaster, California: The Spirit of the Lord says, "Hear the prophet and hear the prophets that speak from this territory, from the desert which carries water beneath it. They say the antelope valley had a gathering of prophets - that the enemy was able to come in and disburse them." God said, "Heaven is watching, for you have caught its attention. You have caught Heaven's attention. Why? Can I bring water from the desert? Yes!" There Shall Be a Sign in the Sky The Spirit of God says, "This is a day of new beginnings. Men have said, 'Numerically, it could not be possible.'" God said, "Forget about what men say - I'm giving you a brand new start. I'm causing the earth to tremble. You say, 'We don't want to hear about the trembling of the earth.'" God said, "It is only a sign that there is a shaking in hell and that Heaven is about to celebrate the Saints of the Most High God for the prosperity of the Lord that is about to come upon you." The Spirit of the Lord is working the miraculous. There is a supernatural intervention that is coming, for God says, "Look to the sky. There will be a sign in the sky again over California, over Oregon, over Washington; it shall continue north into Canada," for the Spirit of God says, "this sign shall cause people to tremble and to be afraid. Do not worry, for the wind will come," says the Lord. There is an experience that is similar to what took place on the day of Pentecost that is about to take place. What took place? The Heavens opened up - for they were united together - the day had fully come. The Spirit of God says, "The day has fully come. What day? The day," says the Lord, "that you've been waiting for, the day of the Lord. Men shall say, 'Shall we be caught away and be taken into the Heavens?' You are going to experience a different kind of rapture - it is a rapture that will take you into a new dimension of God's authority and God's power," says the Spirit of God. Let there be no fear of this calamity, for the Spirit of God says, "Men, I've told you there will be political upheaval and I will not take sides with any party in this nation, but I will rule with a rod of iron in this next election. This will be a rod of iron and a rod of correction that shall come from My people and shall come from those that have been anointed and shall be known as the elect of the Lord. My elect are about to arise to the occasion and there is a baptism of fire that is coming to the people. Get ready and rejoice," says the Lord. The Spirit of God says, "Hear these words - before you take your seat, because you know it is not time to walk, it is time to run. Acceleration has taken place. Your enemy has stood up against you like never before, but the rod of correction - it shall be upon this nation. No, not judgment, I said the rod of correction. What is this? Would a father chastise his son without loving him?" Watch the Watermelon "I'm about to show you the greatest love that I have for this nation and how I will take from the desert and bring oil, oil, oil and water," says the Spirit of the Lord. "There will be a combination - out of the water shall come the oil. They shall say, 'Why would these things happen?' Because I own the earth. Watch the watermelon, for My prophet ate the watermelon today, and there shall be a strange thing that will take place on the earth and they will say, 'Scientifically, it cannot be correct.'" I'm seeing something very strange right now. God said, "They'll say, 'It shall contain no water because of such and such a place and such and such a thing.'" I don't even know what I'm talking about, but geologically - God said, "I will prove them wrong. Why? Because I created the earth. I know what to do and I know how to change it and I know what it can yield - from the water will come the oil," says the Spirit of God. America, rejoice - this is your day. The Spirit of God says, "Why do you wonder what has been spoken? Shall the prophets re-prophesy what has been prophesied before? No! The Lord has spoken, who can but prophesy? You have to, for I have sent My Word into the atmosphere, therefore prophets rise up, open your mouth and prophesy," says the Lord. So there! We will prophesy, for He has spoken. Who can but prophesy? A Lion has roared who shall not be afraid. God has spoken, prophesy! God wanted David to be acquainted with what was on the earth - to use it against the enemy. If you could just catch what I'm saying to you right now. God said, "America, you don't need what they are providing for you. Out of your own soil you will destroy the giant of the Middle East. Your energy will come from sticks and stones - your energy will come from the water of the earth." God spoke tonight about the watermelon. Most of you are saying, "What in the world are you talking about?" I'm talking about God sharing secrets. If you've got enough intestinal fortitude, you'd say, "I believe if Moses could speak to the rock and it could bring forth water and you could strike the rock, then God can bring out energy from anywhere He likes, even a watermelon." Prophecy is something that He allows us to do in order to break the power of prognosis. The spirit of prognostication is the most powerful influencing force on the earth at this very moment. Bad news, a relentless flow of bad news, is causing the hearts of men to fail them and so we require an open Heaven. There is an open Heaven that is coming to us - the day has fully come. Suddenly is About to Happen The word of the Lord is, "Your day has fully come. Therefore, 'suddenly' is about to happen and the Heavens have opened up and something is going to rest upon your head." And there appeared to them tongues of fire and one sat upon each - one sat upon each of them. There is an expression that is sitting and resting upon each one of you right now. That day 120 people gathered in the upper room and were in one accord, one place, one mind and suddenly, suddenly, the house was filled with the sound as of a mighty rushing wind. There appeared to them tongues of fire and one sat upon each of them. I have read that so many times, but when I read that I realized that God has a unique expression for every individual in the house. In other words, they were going to have an expression of God that no one else had. You have an individual expression that has rested upon you for the purpose of speaking and prophesying. The prophetic is you going to the future and bringing it back. You bring back the presence of that event. You are a witness to an event that you are involved with, and when you return, you bring back the presence of that event called destiny. Prophesied August 9, 2008 - Lancaster, California: A New Sound for the Youth of this Nation The Spirit of the Lord says, "There's a higher place for each one of you. I've been waiting for you to come. I've been calling for you to come. The powers of hell are afraid of the higher place. Sickness and doubt don't belong in the higher place. Division, discord, they don't belong in the higher place." The Spirit of God says, "I'm bringing a new sound to the youth of this nation. I'm bringing a new sound to the young women of this nation. I'm bringing a new sound to the children. I'm bringing a new sound, the sound of David, the sound of Esther, the sound of Daniel, the sound of Ruth, Deborah, the sound of Jeremiah. I'm bringing a new sound upon this nation, I will break the mold. I will interrupt the programs. "I will collapse the system. My prophets will prophesy. They are playing games. The spoil has been left to the wrong hands. They are playing games. Saul, why do you play a game? Eli, you're playing a game. The priests aren't holy. Prophets arise. There is a new sound coming to the youth of this nation. I will collapse the system. I will destroy the habitual transgressors of liberty. I will destroy the habitual transgressors of liberty who bring bondage and law. I will arise. There is a sword in My hand. You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses." We have obtained a holy faith, and this generation - they're waiting for the sound - the sound of David, the sound of Daniel. They are waiting for you and me. We have obtained a holy faith. We have obtained a holy faith for America. We have obtained a witness. Now we stand, for they are waiting for the sound of David and Daniel, Ruth and Esther, and we have obtained a holy faith. We will give to them the sound of life. The Spirit of the Lord is prophesying to us now that a generation is about to arise in this country: young men, young ladies, children, white, yellow, black. They, they, they will arise, break down the system. They are not tainted by the wickedness of an unholy priesthood. They will arise. They will praise Him. They will fight with the sword of the Lord, they will overcome for America. Cities in America Will Be Purified The Spirit of God says, "Even at this very moment as you pray, I'm going to bring upon this nation, as I promised before, a brand new mantle. Elijah has gone - 50 strong men went to look for him and could not find him. They cannot bring back the glory of yesterday. They cannot recapture the glory of the past revivals," for God says, "I do not want to bring back. There stands in the midst of you and right in this nation the Spirit of Elijah, which speaks of a double portion. Do you want the 1940s or the 50s, 60s or 70s, or the 80s or the 90s? NO!" The Spirit of God says, "Raise up your voice, for today I am casting a mantle upon this nation - a prophetic mantle that is going and has already started to move in schools; has already started to move in the media. I'm going to take your silver screen and fill it with the Golden Fire of the Spirit of the Living God." God said, "Hear Me tonight as the prophetic word comes forth. I am raising up a banner and this nation - I am casting a mantle, a brand new mantle upon you. You will not deal with individuals any more. You will stand at the source of supply of cities and turn the bitter water and cause it to be purified by putting salt into the waters of the cities of the United States of America. "What do I speak of?" says the Lord. "Listen to Me, the waters of the cities of this nation are impure." God says, "I'm sending My prophets to the source of the supply of the waters of the cities of this nation. There is no greater purifier than salt. My Word shall become the salt that I shall place in a new bowl. For I told Elisha to get a new bowl and place salt in it and pour it into the source of the water supply of the cities and the cities will be purified. "I'm about to raise up, all over the nation, cities in America that will be purified and will bring forth and spring forth where great moves of My Spirit will take place. Miracles will be on every street corner and people will say, 'Where did it come from?' They will say, 'Where do these miracles come from? Was it this crusade or that crusade?' It shall come because of the prophetic restoration and the purifying of the source, going right to the source, right to the beginning." I Will Bring Back Prayer "I will bring back prayer. I'm not saying there isn't prayer. There's more prayer in the schools of America now than there was when it was legal, but I'm going to bring about a few legal things and legalize. They will say, 'We don't mind the Ten Commandments if we can also, side by side, have the commandments of the Koran.' It shall be a mockery, and as I proved to My great Israel when the Ark of the Covenant was placed next to Dagon, and the next morning Dagon had fallen flat on his face. This is what's going to happen," says the Lord. "America and the system and the government shall try to compromise and they will place My Holy Ark, My Word, and they will place it side by side with other things and beliefs. So it is when you have freedom of religion." God says, "The Ark of the Covenant is not a religion. The holiness and the Holy of Holies, My Christ, is not another religion. Therefore, it cannot fall, for My Christ and My Word will stand up next to whatever they put up. As Dagon fell, so shall it fall next to My commandments and next to My Word. This is My Word for this nation. "They shall say, 'Finally the Christians agree - finally they have agreed to a compromise.'" The Spirit of God says, "Not only My presence, the Ark of the Covenant brings cancers, boils and sores onto the people, but there was a plague and they began to realize the holiness of God cannot be placed next to something that is desecrated - that is brought down, to the Holy One of Israel. There will be an invasion of Islamic souls that will come in because they will see the proof and the evidence of the miraculous intervention of the Living God in this next great move." Kim Clement Prophetic Image Expressions |
Thank you for sharing that QS. ![]() “Marriage should be honored by all ...” Hebrews 13:4 (NIV) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Happy friday everyone
![]() "It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge." * Enrico Fermi (1901 - 1954) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Do little things as if they were great because of the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ who dwells in you: and do great things as if they were little and easy because of His omnipotence." Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sometimes in life,
You find a special friend; Someone who changes your life Just by being part of it. Someone who makes you laugh Until you can't stop; Someone who makes you believe That there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you That there really is an unlocked door Just waiting for you to open it. This is Forever Friendship. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Every Sunrise"
Every sunrise is a present, a gift from God above, Gift-wrapped with scarlet ribbons and tied with bows of love. Each is a new beginning, a time to start anew, While all the stars are sleeping, and the rose is fresh with dew. Each day's a new creation, too lovely to ignore, And we may not find a blessing, just outside our door. We cannot keep the past, like fireflies in a jar, Nor journey to the future by wishing on a star. Every sunrise is a blessing, a gift for just today, Rejoice, my friend, embrace it before it fades away! ~Author Unknown~ ![]() ![]() ![]() |
amen, honey.
New every morning. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |