Topic: Carbon Dating Fact or Fiction | |
![]() ![]() What do you mean coming from a place that has not dealt with fundamentalist christians? I am from Louisiana which is in the Bible belt. I was born and raised a Catholic. I am religious, I just tend to make my own decisions on the subject. I am fine with people having any beliefs they want, but trying to say certain things are true or not true when either they can't be proven either way, or there is evidence to the contrary requires my attention.
Chazster, You certainly have seen your share, haven't you. I was actually referring to the fact that I had not seen you in these threads before today. So dealing with folk here was new. So good to see you pay attention then. It's good for Christians to see that other Christians have found ways to reconcile the offerings of Science with their faith. It's the ones that never find that reconciliation that can stiffle, education, and freedoms of others. So it's good to keep their numbers from growing. There you go Wouldee, as sincere as I can be. Cause I have a love hate relationship with the religious threads. Ask JB, she has seen me around from time to time. When I get involved in a thread I usually am pretty involved. |
Did you say 'wouldee'?!?!?!
Was he here?!?!? Has he posted on this thread yet?! I know there is this weirdo that has been parading with his pseudo, but I haven't read 'wouldee' in a long time?!?? Kind of miss him. Yea Voil, At first I thought he was just trying to make us see the error of our argumentative ways. But I've grown concerned. I hope he returns to himself before I have to leave for the term. "he called me a snake in the grass" and insincere. uh um he did. I wasn't even playing unfare. |
Wouldee, whatever I have done to irritate you so, it's not right to take it our on other people.
I don't know what kind of picture of me you had in your head, but apparently I have severely damagaed it. I have not changed. I also cannot believe that I could have possibly done something so horrendous the you would put aside your normal intellectual ways of debating because of something I've done. Call me out to the group then, I don't care. If it will bring you back to who you used to be, then do it. But before you do, consider it all well. Consider my actions, my words in contrast to those of others. Be fair and fair minded then blast me. I can take it and if it get this off your chest, all the better. |
Edited by
Wed 08/13/08 08:10 PM
Wouldee writes:
listen up clowns.
no one can date a fossil. I guess that means we will never go out then. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
irrefutable evidence NONE there isn't any Wouldee's words above. He is asking for irrefutable evidence to disprove his unprovable faith in the greatest lie ever told, that mankind was formed out of the dust of the earth by an unseen god, and woman was formed from his rib. "evidence. irrefutable evidence NONE there isn't any.." The voices in his head are the true Wouldee, speaking to himself of his own irrational beliefs. He isn't listening, to reason or science or even to the voices in his head. You wonder where the real Wouldee is? He has stepped down from his position of reason and some other personality or psyche has taken over him. Get well soon Wouldee. Or get some help please. JB |
irrefutable evidence NONE there isn't any Wouldee's words above. He is asking for irrefutable evidence to disprove his unprovable faith in the greatest lie ever told, that mankind was formed out of the dust of the earth by an unseen god, and woman was formed from his rib. "evidence. irrefutable evidence NONE there isn't any.." The voices in his head are the true Wouldee, speaking to himself of his own irrational beliefs. He isn't listening, to reason or science or even to the voices in his head. You wonder where the real Wouldee is? He has stepped down from his position of reason and some other personality or psyche has taken over him. Get well soon Wouldee. Or get some help please. JB Maybe he was proven wrong so much he lost his mind? I don't know, but he just speaks nonsense now. |
Oh Cheezus H. Christ bleeding on a crutch! This has seriously gone on for 8 F*$%ing Pages?!
Why is it that Mentalfundalists can't quite clue in to the whole definition of FAITH and just kinda go with it that maybe those "mysterious ways" that the G.O.D. works in might just included millions of years, evolution, and perhaps a few astronomical events that have drastically shaped our world? Or does that whole "Intelligent Design" thing mean that Sky-Daddy had to actually create each and every thing like some sort of life size-claymation parody? Why isn't it intelligent to setup a self selecting, replicating, non-determinative and adaptive system of procreation that can adapt to a dynamic environment, overcoming challenges, and superseding competing life forms? Better yet why the heck wouldn't the manifest Word in The Beginning just be "Boo!" and then the whole predetermined pattern of sub-atomic assemblies that created the universe just kind of expand from there? If the good-old-G-man is spending precious fractions of a second making sure each ant has 6 legs and a butthole, I'm pretty sure he has his hands full, so I can excuse him for not miracling new legs for a cripple, or making sure all the brown babies are saved. |
If the good-old-G-man is spending precious fractions of a second making sure each ant has 6 legs and a butthole, I'm pretty sure he has his hands full, so I can excuse him for not miracling new legs for a cripple, or making sure all the brown babies are saved.
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Edited by
Wed 08/13/08 09:44 PM
Oh Cheezus H. Christ bleeding on a crutch! This has seriously gone on for 8 F*$%ing Pages?! Why is it that Mentalfundalists can't quite clue in to the whole definition of FAITH and just kinda go with it that maybe those "mysterious ways" that the G.O.D. works in might just included millions of years, evolution, and perhaps a few astronomical events that have drastically shaped our world? Or does that whole "Intelligent Design" thing mean that Sky-Daddy had to actually create each and every thing like some sort of life size-claymation parody? Why isn't it intelligent to setup a self selecting, replicating, non-determinative and adaptive system of procreation that can adapt to a dynamic environment, overcoming challenges, and superseding competing life forms? Better yet why the heck wouldn't the manifest Word in The Beginning just be "Boo!" and then the whole predetermined pattern of sub-atomic assemblies that created the universe just kind of expand from there? If the good-old-G-man is spending precious fractions of a second making sure each ant has 6 legs and a butthole, I'm pretty sure he has his hands full, so I can excuse him for not miracling new legs for a cripple, or making sure all the brown babies are saved. WELL, you had me until the brown babies part..... I agree. If there was such a superior being, I am sure that the simplicity of the religious would just irke the hell out of he/she/it. |
Depends on which Fundamentalist organization you have experience with I guess... my particular ex-faith spends all its time preaching too Africa and S. America... guess it's a sort of institutional racism... also probably a contributing factor to why it is an 'EX' faith.
I guess when your particular background centers around being holy on the Seventh Day, but the rest of the week your Advent involves defrauding the public and participating in hallucinatory sex orgies with cousins and under-age girls then it is no surprise that your doctrine is false. |
Depends on which Fundamentalist organization you have experience with I guess... my particular ex-faith spends all its time preaching too Africa and S. America... guess it's a sort of institutional racism... also probably a contributing factor to why it is an 'EX' faith. I guess when your particular background centers around being holy on the Seventh Day, but the rest of the week your Advent involves defrauding the public and participating in hallucinatory sex orgies with cousins and under-age girls then it is no surprise that your doctrine is false. Understood. |
Uhh evolution does actually exist and can be proven. I am not saying this is the case for humans, but in other places in the animal kingdom it is the case. There are animals that have evolved to better suit their environment. Animals may have had to ADAPT to fit their new Environment , but animals did NOT EVOLVE to fit their new enviroment. ADAPT versus EVOLVE .....Two entirely different words with totally different meanings. |
Uhh evolution does actually exist and can be proven. I am not saying this is the case for humans, but in other places in the animal kingdom it is the case. There are animals that have evolved to better suit their environment. Animals may have had to ADAPT to fit their new Environment , but animals did NOT EVOLVE to fit their new enviroment. ADAPT versus EVOLVE .....Two entirely different words with totally different meanings. I agree that adapt and evolve are too different words, but I think that animals do evolve and change and those changes are passed on to their offspring. Everything evolves and changes. The main problem with the word "evolve" is that it has come to be a bad word to Fundamental Christians who have been beat over the head with Darwin's theory and that is all they think about when they hear that word. It is not a bad word. It does not mean the end of God. Evolution is a fact. You can see it in nature ever so clearly. Creation is not finished. JB |
They have bones of prehistoric men with different bone structures, african americans have black skin because their people evolved that way to help shield their skin from sun light. We have different races because the people adapted differently based on where they lived. Many animals evolved different forms of camouflage fur/skin etc for better survivability and more. This is NOT "Evolving" you just descibed is called "ADAPTATION". You are using the Wrong terminology here. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 08/13/08 11:46 PM
Chazter wrote:
Again I am not saying humans evolved from monkeys, but we did ADAPT to better suit our environments. Thats y mexicans can drink the water in mexico and I cant. MorningSong wrote: Chazter....That was the right word you used there that time.... ADAPT !! Which is NOT the same as EVOLVE. Whether man has black skin , or brown skin or yellow skin or whilte skin, , he is still mamman............and all still come from the first man, Adam....and NOT from a chimpanzee or a reptile... ![]() |
Creation is not finished. JB Of course it isn't finished we can see new stars forming in the galaxy. Whole new solar systems. Why would God being doing all that if he was only concerened with idiot earthlings? Clearly he has much bigger plans in the works than ancient men could even imagine. They had the earth at the center of creation. They had humans at the center of creation. We know now that this isn't true. Humans on earth are clearly not the primay goal of this universe. People cling to this silly archaic ideas and try to denounce reality to support them. It's truly sad. In terms of humanity as a whole it's truly sad. They don't seem to realize it but the religion they worship isn't about a God at all. It's entire ego-centric. It's all about saving their own egotistical butt from damnation. It's not about God at all. How is it any skin off God's nose if a bunch of idiots choose to disobey him and he has to cast them onto the compost heap? Clearly the religion isn't even about God at all. It's entirely about the egos of the people who made it up. ![]() It's a silly waste of time. Instead of arguing about religion versus science we should all be studying science so we can all contribute to the advancement of humanity instead of trying to drag people back into the dark ages of superstition. Anyone who thinks that God would be against them using their brains it just using religion as an excuse to be cerebrally lazy. ![]() |
king abra says in his pontificance,
Clearly the religion isn't even about God at all. It's entirely about the egos of the people who made it up. It's a silly waste of time. Instead of arguing about religion versus science we should all be studying science so we can all contribute to the advancement of humanity instead of trying to drag people back into the dark ages of superstition. Anyone who thinks that God would be against them using their brains it just using religion as an excuse to be cerebrally lazy. evolution let you down again, huh? so tell us how we ought to do it so you save face. pathetic. you make no sense. you are so smug when you put down Cheriatianity, but you put down your fabrications of it and prop up evolution and your life long distraction of running from god and running to men that would kill Gd for harbor and have found only grief and sorrow and blame some boogeyman in your confudsed imagination for that and not yourself for your choices. here again, is another abra shortcut to coddle his little woes and find companions in his misery. good luck with that one your pontificance. you just don't get it. |
Chazster, you have a fresh perspective, coming from a place that has not dealt with fundmentalist Christians and their delusions and paranoia. Maybe you can bring some new information. Somthing we have failed to mention. It doesn't really matter much, except that at this point, getting all it committed to the thread will make it easier to look up the next time a fundie tries to say they won the last battle. ![]() The music goes round and round who o o o o o and it comes out ...... blow it out Wouldee. ![]() Redy, Did you say 'wouldee'?!?!?! Was he here?!?!? Has he posted on this thread yet?!?!?! I know there is this weirdo that has been parading with his pseudo, but I haven't read 'wouldee' in a long time?!?? Kind of miss him. I think Wouldee is Brilliant !! I Applaud His Writing !!! Truly A Work of Art. ![]() ![]() ![]() (((( ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Uhh evolution does actually exist and can be proven. I am not saying this is the case for humans, but in other places in the animal kingdom it is the case. There are animals that have evolved to better suit their environment. Animals may have had to ADAPT to fit their new Environment , but animals did NOT EVOLVE to fit their new enviroment. ADAPT versus EVOLVE .....Two entirely different words with totally different meanings. I agree that adapt and evolve are too different words, but I think that animals do evolve and change and those changes are passed on to their offspring. Everything evolves and changes. The main problem with the word "evolve" is that it has come to be a bad word to Fundamental Christians who have been beat over the head with Darwin's theory and that is all they think about when they hear that word. It is not a bad word. It does not mean the end of God. Evolution is a fact. You can see it in nature ever so clearly. Creation is not finished. JB Jeannie.......did you read the "Bible PROOF" thread, (part 1,2,3) and the "Scientific ACCURACY of the Bible" thread(part1,2,3)? Read them if you haven't already........they will help make a lot of things more clear. ![]() ![]() ![]() |