Topic: Carbon Dating Fact or Fiction | |
![]() ![]() Thanks Lee.....I heart you Mr... ![]() ![]() ![]() Okay okay, any more of that and you two should get a room. ![]() ![]() Get your mind out of the gutter woman.......gigglesnort. ![]() ![]() |
as each scientist dig with passion and might, propelled by an unseen vigor, with no care of their plight, secrets are uncovered and brought to light, for the stage of the world is set, for the unveiling to be let, visions of truth ringing home, and each see no man is ignorant, oh don't you see, for all have a purpose, for uncovering the mystery, to point the way back, to mankind the family, of the truth of oneness, and no more misery, and all are for one and one is for all........
ahhhh Merle I am sorry you had to see the nasty about the Matchmaking Game....and yes it was a low blow no doubt....but when they are corned they reach......You guys should not mess with my mathes....very protective bunch they are.
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ahhhh Merle I am sorry you had to see the nasty about the Matchmaking Game....and yes it was a low blow no doubt....but when they are corned they reach......You guys should not mess with my mathes....very protective bunch they are. ![]() ![]() And your a wonderful friend......and they all have to find something to get my dander's their greatest joy.....gigglesnort.....thanks merle...I heart you. The matchmaking thread will be here long after they are I am sure.... |
You got that right
ahhhh Merle I am sorry you had to see the nasty about the Matchmaking Game....and yes it was a low blow no doubt....but when they are corned they reach......You guys should not mess with my mathes....very protective bunch they are. ![]() ![]() And your a wonderful friend......and they all have to find something to get my dander's their greatest joy.....gigglesnort.....thanks merle...I heart you. The matchmaking thread will be here long after they are I am sure.... |
I find it interesting that a person who believes on faith, that cannot be proven to others, demands proof of a thing that contradicts that belief. If proof exists and if she really truly wanted it, she would have found it already. Has she really looked? Probably. But she looked for proof to support her belief not proof to destroy it. Seek and you will find whatever proof or evidence you need to support your belief. If you cannot believe it, you literally cannot see it. This has been proven by psychologists. So all the proof in the world would not be proof enough for one who cannot see it. Christians say the same thing about their faith. They say that you have to believe first before you can understand scripture. And people choose what they will or what they want to believe. Then they collect proof and evidence to support that belief. This of course is my opinion. ![]() JB wisdom of the nature of this shall break the backs of the law of ignorance, of the self professed wise......... |
wisdom of the nature of this shall break the backs of the law of ignorance, of the self professed wise......... That of course was David's opinion. ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 08/12/08 07:45 PM
I have not read this thread - I imagine it's just like the others threads of this nature we've had in the past. I would like to make one point, however.
The science that substantiates evolution in all its' variations (human, plant, micro organism,etc.) is the same science that gives us modern medicine, technology and physics. Heck even plastics, yep, figure that one out oh ye of little faith. Yet fundamentalist Christians will fight to the death against the idea of evolution, believing and spreading any half-baked ideas that remotely uphold their fundie views. In this, they are not above standing behind lies, half-truths and misinformation to prove their point. However, there is one thing you can count on. They all have medicine cabinets, see doctors, have faith in, and DEPEND on, the same sceince they abhore to keep them alive and healthy. The real qustion here is this. Why do they trust their life, their well being to, this, science over their god? |
I like science, it gives me a computer, and a television. But I could do without both of those things. I could even do without a telephone.
I wish I lived in a place where you could go to the store and buy something even when the computers are down. But newoooooo! If the computers are down you don't even know what things cost. They only have bar codes. The back up generators only keep the cash registers going for 15 minutes. I have nothing against modern medicine in general as Doctors do save lives. But today's family doctor only seems to prescribe drugs for everything. Glorified drug pushers is what many of them have turned into. I go to a doctor as a last resort and I rely on natural cures and natural healing as much as possible, but if I have a broken bone I'll go to the hospital. JB |
I'm all for a back-to-basics life style. Actually I love technology, I'd hate to have to do without power tools. ![]() But the problem with modern civilization isn't in the use of technology, it's in the abuse of technology. And that abuse actually comes from the manufactures, not from the end-users so much. Our entire society is economy-driven, including the Dr. Drug Pushers. The USA may have been mostly Christian, but those Christians only worship Jesus superficially one day a week. The rest of the week they actively worship Mammon. Mammon is their real God. They may preach the Bible, but they follow the laws of Mammon. They bow down to Mammon, and sincerely live their life being obedient slaves to Mammon. It doesn't need to be this way. As a society we have chosen to worship Mammon. And this is a huge failure of Christianity. There will be people who will argue that it isn't against Christianity to worship Mammon. All those people are truly doing is displaying a complete ignorance the scriptures. That would probably include the vast majority of Fundamentalists because they are the most ignorant of all when it comes to truly understanding the spirit of what the wise men tried to convey in the scriptures. They are too busy rooting though the bible for things they can use to support brotherly hate and judgmental bigotry. However, there are Christians who will agree that Christianity does not support the worshiping of Mammon. Those people will try to claim that the USA just hasn't been following the Christian moral standards. However, that doesn't wash either because there are far too many Christians who worship Mammon. All this would mean is that the vast majority of people who claim to be Christian are truly hypocrites (or completely misguided sheep) whichever you prefer. But the fact remains that most American companies were indeed run by Christians. Especially in the earlier history of the country up to and including the 50's and probably clear up to modern day actually. The only exception to this would be small pockets of true Christians like the Amish who understood the evils of worshiping Mammon. The problem is that if all Americans had been like the Amish Hitler would have conquered the world because the USA would not have been the military might that it needed to be to fight back when it did. There's a fine line between living 'godly' and living 'realistically' in a world that contains true demons like Hitler. Living too 'godly' can easily end in your demise. Going the other way and worshiping Mammon is not good either. There needs to be a middle of the road. And there is a middle of the road. There is a way to live that is halfway between the Amish lifestyle, and the full blown worshiping of Mammon. And that perfect balance is to accept technology and science, but not abuse it for all-out greedy capitalism. Religion isn't the answer. What is needed is some genuinely intelligent people running the world. Oh well, this turned into one of those all-night rambles. ![]() I probably should have started a whole new topic. I was just taking off of Di's thoughts. Goodnight all. ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 08/12/08 11:16 PM
voileazur, I am one of Debbie's matches and Tom and I are both christians, but what the hell gives you the right to judge Debbie. She matches people on their likes and dislikes, not their religious beliefs. Debbie is one of the best people I have ever had the honor to know and to call a friend and for you to say these things is vile. Leave Debbie alone, she does things that other people on this site wish they could do. Okay back to the subject of carbon dating... lets get serious now. (clears throat) I have a question about carbon dating. Is it anything like double dating? Is it a test to see who should date who? Can I be carbon dated? Will people find out how old I really am? Just sayin.... No Jeannie, people won't find out your real age through carbon dating!!! In fact it's not at all for people like you. On the other hand, it is for people like Feral. Her reaction to it all puzzles me greatly. Escpecially since she is the Queen of 'Carbon Dating', with her 'matchmaking' of 'perfect kinds' site. Carbon dating actually matches you with mates whom think exactly like you, so you never have to worry about sleeping with an unrepentent sinner, or worse yet, the devil incarnate. It finds your 'carbon copy' for a date so to speak! ahhhh Merle I am sorry you had to see the nasty about the Matchmaking Game....and yes it was a low blow no doubt....but when they are corned they reach......You guys should not mess with my mathes....very protective bunch they are. Feral, Quit the bible, religion, church and christian matchmaking stuff, and go straight into FEDERAL POLITICS!!! You could call yourself 'federalcatlady' and be elected to high offices of something!!! You don't know anything about politics you say!!! Well look at how far you got not knowing about the bible, religion, matchmaking and everything else you write about on these threads!!! People will follow you any ways!!! In politics, people not knowing go the whole distance! Straight to the presidency!!! WE'VE GOT REAL PROOF OF THAT JUST FOR YOU FERAL!!! As for all that stuff they don't sound too credible around, they do just like you, they call on party 'friends' to attempt filling the credibility gap, and then watch the polls to see if it worked. I don't know much much about politics myself Feral, but I know lots about deceitful politicians, whom spend their life building up one side of the opinion room for their own glory (they're asked not to admit that in public, so they say it's for the glory of god instead), only to better bash-up the other side the room (whatever 'other camp' they make-up). Presidency awaits you feral!!! Politics is a 'feralcatwalk' for you girl!!! And all your friends would follow you, every step of the way, ... and just think of all the 'god tihs' you could pull in the seat of the President!!! Now stop suggesting bad **** about me, that's unchristian. I just BELIEVE you'd be an awesome politician!!! |
I think you have a point Voil. Politics would be perfect for Feral. She can make a case out of nothing and keep it going forever without ever offering the anything of substance! She's a shoe-in for President! And after following Bush anyone will look GREAT! She could match up Muslims, Christians and Jews and settle the whole Middle East thingy. ![]() Great Idea Voil! |
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Tue 08/12/08 11:30 PM
you guys are up late. It is 12:26 in Colorado.
(_zzz_) <------- me ![]() ![]() |
Hey don't be setting Feral up to be President, she has to go to seminary.
She has to figure our what to do with all this biblical knowledge she has. Obviously debate is not for forte, but she could learn. Anyone ever been to seminary, do they study history at all? I would think they have to in order to understand the poeple in the bible. But with so many Christians now supporting Evolution, do you think their history goes beyond what Feral can accept. It would be a terrible shame if she could not complete her course work becasue of a little thing like the age of the Earth or humans for that matter. Sorry for the interruption but it seems things were off track anyway. So anyone ever been to seminary? |
Edited by
Wed 08/13/08 01:51 PM
Hey don't be setting Feral up to be President, she has to go to seminary. She has to figure our what to do with all this biblical knowledge she has. Obviously debate is not for forte, but she could learn. Anyone ever been to seminary, do they study history at all? I would think they have to in order to understand the poeple in the bible. But with so many Christians now supporting Evolution, do you think their history goes beyond what Feral can accept. It would be a terrible shame if she could not complete her course work becasue of a little thing like the age of the Earth or humans for that matter. Sorry for the interruption but it seems things were off track anyway. So anyone ever been to seminary? I have. As a visitor. Some uncles of mine were priests. Catholics. I'm afraid I can't help with the question you raise with respect to feral's biblical wall though. Catholics have their own little walls, but do not have the biblical inerrancy 'straightjacket' of a wall. They get the principles of mythology, and parables and all that stuff. So in a catholic seminary, no one would choke on 'dates'!!! (dried peanut butter maybe, but not on 'dates' of the biblical kind) I guess you could say, a bit more breathing space!!! :) |
So in a catholic seminary, no one would choke on 'dates'!!! (dried peanut butter maybe, but not on 'dates' of the biblical kind)
I guess you could say, a bit more breathing space!!! silly. ![]() |
Hey don't be setting Feral up to be President, she has to go to seminary. She has to figure our what to do with all this biblical knowledge she has. Obviously debate is not for forte, but she could learn. Anyone ever been to seminary, do they study history at all? I would think they have to in order to understand the poeple in the bible. But with so many Christians now supporting Evolution, do you think their history goes beyond what Feral can accept. It would be a terrible shame if she could not complete her course work becasue of a little thing like the age of the Earth or humans for that matter. Sorry for the interruption but it seems things were off track anyway. So anyone ever been to seminary? semitarys are where the wheat is sifted like the chaff. the Holy Spirit is the power of what we preach. and none of that enters the hardened heart that blocks entrance to the Word of God. You were taught that as a little girl Redy. Oh how you love to lay in wait to deceive and turn someone out. You clever little snake in the grass....... oops, I did what I shouldn't do in my Christian love, huh? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I was born again, redy, but not yesterday. How about trying something novel and being direct and sincere? no can do? well, you just keep on plugging away with your comtemptuous arrogance and you will continue to temper that stone of yours. dance, dear.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and hang on to that penny as you whirl and dip.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() dance , dance, dance...and oh do pay the fiddler. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What about uranium-lead radiometric dating? It is one of the most highly respected and accurate dating method for things that are really old.
Of course you cant trust carbon dating on dinosaurs, its halflife is only 5,730 years. This degrades too fast to measure something millions of years old. While the uranium to lead decays half life is about 700 million years. |
Edited by
Wed 08/13/08 03:41 PM
yeah, that will work.
great idea. gee, ya think they ate uranium and lead and it deposited in their bones one and all? you bet. Christians will never know the difference. why not? because they were standing behind the door when brains were passed out. I don't understand, whatever do you mean? are you a christian too? of course I am. What do you mean? well, I will tell you a little secret. Don't tell, OK? OK promise? pinky swear. OK. The uranium and the lead are in the sediments. maybe they leach into the bones and they won't notice the difference. What if the surrounding sediment is olderthan that? well, we got them because the earthw as made in one day as they believe and they will be caught in that. But the earth revolves around the sun and it wasn;t there when God said, Let there be light. go stand in the corner, you insolent brat. Better yet, go stand behind the door. I'm telling dad on you. brat!!! loser!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
yeah, that will work. great idea. gee, ya think they ate uranium and lead and it deposited in their bones one and all? you bet. Christians will never know the difference. why not? because they were standing behind the door when brains were passed out. I don't understand, whatever do you mean? are you a christian too? of course I am. What do you mean? well, I will tell you a little secret. Don't tell, OK? OK promise? pinky swear. OK. The uranium and the lead are in the sediments. maybe they leach into the bones and they won't notice the difference. What if the surrounding sediment is olderthan that? well, we got them because the earthw as made in one day as they believe and they will be caught in that. But the earth revolves around the sun and it wasn;t there when God said, Let there be light. go stand in the corner, you insolent brat. Better yet, go stand behind the door. I'm telling dad on you. brat!!! loser!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I have no idea what this means lol ![]() |