Topic: How Far You Say!!!!! | |
I love the fact that the more silentest and science digs the closer we get to God. Some of the great minds of all human history including Newton, Einstein, Angelo and many more all totally believed there had to be God... I agree 100% and you are a wise man ron. And if for nothing else your unbelievable observations about indoor bathrooms...that is genius. |
you can't. so off to the schools you go wqoth your charts and graphs saying, anyday now and we will have the missing links.
Modern science doesn't even recognize the term "missing links" as having any validity. The evolutionary pathways are complete enough to be undisputable. It simply isn't necessary to explain every single little detail to know that the Big Picture actaully took place. The term "missing links" is a Creationist's wet dream. ![]() modern science is nothing but a delusional shell game with the fossil record. science? that isn't science. It is conjecture. and not even good conjecture it falls down every time it cannot stand it has no legs it depends on word games, shell games science, imperical evidence, actuarial, probable. yeah right abra. those little catch buzz words in every comclusion are just filler..... perhapos, somewhat, overwhelming, most likly, assuming that, if, then ( oh that's the cute one...if, then ), in all probability, the consensus is..... etc I can exhaust a whole threads storage listing them all. nothing but caveats and back doors away from the conjecture attempting to charade as fact. yeah right. I am not fooled. no one with a thinking brain is when they read it like a contract some lawyer conjured up. All it takes is one well placed,'if', in any summation and the whole is not worth the paper it is printed on. and it must be in print, so the hidden 'if ' is present. Sometimes in a footnote cited and referenced...according to the learned conclusions of such and such esteemed fellow at such and such ivory tower who is professor emeritus confusoicus...... and then in the footnote the esteemd 'collegue' says, "IF, then". Give me a break. every single shred of proof is an if assumed. quit jerking my chain. show me the goods. no one can. they do not exist except in the minds of men that want to reinvent gods and morals. dance kids... keep dancing... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I love the fact that the more silentest and science digs the closer we get to God. Some of the great minds of all human history including Newton, Einstein, Angelo and many more all totally believed there had to be God... I agree 100% and you are a wise man ron. And if for nothing else your unbelievable observations about indoor bathrooms...that is genius. I have many more observation that many miss perhaps sometime we can speak of them and your intellect is certainly refreshing..... |
You're right. We should just toss out all the credible evidence from years of scientific investigation and believe the religious fantatics who have clear-cut agendas to convert the world to their religion. Why didn't we think of this before? How stupid we must all be! We need to all run out and buy bibles and learn how to stone our unruly children to death, especially the ones who want to learn about evolution. Those heathens don't deserve to live. We should put our daughters up for sale as wives and trade them for goats. And let's not forget the most important law of God,... Never listen to any woman who speaks out on important religious or social matters because she's clearly in direct disobedience of God and can only be working for Satan. No truly devoutly religious woman would ever disobey God's laws so blatantly. ![]() Can someone pass the mash potatoes please. ![]() Why these deflective posts? Why don't you just answer the question. Why aren't there evidences of writing before 3,000 years. Why aren't there cities. Why is the world population a mere 6 billion. The increase in population has been expodential in the last 100 years. Why wasn't it that way a million years ago? If she's wrong - give me something I can work with. |
you can't. so off to the schools you go wqoth your charts and graphs saying, anyday now and we will have the missing links.
Modern science doesn't even recognize the term "missing links" as having any validity. The evolutionary pathways are complete enough to be undisputable. It simply isn't necessary to explain every single little detail to know that the Big Picture actaully took place. The term "missing links" is a Creationist's wet dream. ![]() That's humerous Abra. If they recognised them as valid - they'd have to provide evidence. Why not just deem them invalid and save a whole lot of that research money. How scientific. |
some people cannot tell a horse from a jackass.
or a monkey from an ape. or a bird from a reptile or a man from a child unskillful in knowledge and bereft of wisdom. |
eidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.
NONE anything serving as such evidence: What proof do you have? NONE the act of testing or making trial of anything; test; trial: to put a thing to the proof. NONE The effect of evidence in convincing the mind. NONE an arithmetical operation serving to check the correctness of a calculation. NONE Mathematics, Logic. a sequence of steps, statements, or demonstrations that leads to a valid conclusion. NONE the state of having been tested and approved. NONE to test; examine for flaws, errors, etc.; check against a standard or standards. NONE ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
And let's not forget the most important law of God,... Never listen to any woman who speaks out on important religious or social matters because she's clearly in direct disobedience of God and can only be working for Satan. No truly devoutly religious woman would ever disobey God's laws so blatantly. ![]() Well that makes the majority of the female god-squadders non-religious. Is that the same as non-believers or .... athiest? |
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ask me....I am part Native American.....try again....and you childish rants......are so darn funny....... Make light of the Trail of Tears honey. I'm not impressed with the history of your religion. Teahing people brotherly love is obviously not its strong point. ![]() It will even turn against it's own intellectual community for it's savage lust to proclaim itself a superior authority. Where are we headed with this? ofBack to the Dark Ages? Proclaim that science is wrong? What's next? Burning witches at the stake? What the heck are you talking about abra........nothing was mentioned of the trial of rant and thats all you don't get your way and you have a lil abra fit......get over it.... |
I love the fact that the more silentest and science digs the closer we get to God. Some of the great minds of all human history including Newton, Einstein, Angelo and many more all totally believed there had to be God... I agree 100% and you are a wise man ron. And if for nothing else your unbelievable observations about indoor bathrooms...that is genius. I have many more observation that many miss perhaps sometime we can speak of them and your intellect is certainly refreshing..... ![]() ![]() |
And let's not forget the most important law of God,... Never listen to any woman who speaks out on important religious or social matters because she's clearly in direct disobedience of God and can only be working for Satan. No truly devoutly religious woman would ever disobey God's laws so blatantly. ![]() Well that makes the majority of the female god-squadders non-religious. Is that the same as non-believers or .... athiest? All this rambling did was show how lame his posts can be.....pfftttt is all I can say... |
HOW FAR BACK DO YOU THINK THE RECORDS GO? If mankind has been on earth over a million years, as the evolutionists tell us, then why do the records of their activity only go back a few thousand years. The evidence agrees with the Bible account, not with the evolutionists. Evolutionary theory is a myth. God created everything; the evidence clearly points to it. Nothing else can explain the mountain of evidence. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts. CONTENT: How Far Back do the Records Go? Languages - Ancient languages never back beyond c. 3000 B.C., and radiate outward from Mesopotamia Ancient Historical Records - The oldest dates go back to about 3000 B.C. The Oldest People - They do not go back before c. 3000 B.C., and were located in Mesopotamia Conclusion - Man, whom the evolutionists claim to have come into existence over a million years ago, is said to have "stopped evolving" 100,000 years ago. Why then do we not have at least 100,000 years of civilizations, cities, and human remains? Ancient languages never back beyond c. 3000 B.C., and radiate outward from Mesopotamia. Mankind is so intelligent that languages are soon put into written records which are left lying about on the surface of the earth. It is clear that language and dialect differences suddenly developed shortly after the Flood, at which time men separated and traveled off in groups whose members could understand one another (Genesis 11:1-9). The records of ancient languages never go back beyond c. 3000 B.C. Philological and linguistic studies reveal that a majority of them are part of large "language families," and most of these appear to radiate outward from the area of Babylonia. For example, the Japhetic peoples, listed in Genesis 10, traveled to Europe and India, where they became the so-called Aryan peoples. These all use what we today call the Indo-European Language Family. Recent linguistic studies reveal that these languages originated at a common center in southeastern Europe on the Baltic. This would be close to the Ararat range. Thieme, a Sanskrit and comparative philology expert at Yale University, gives this estimate: "Indo-European, I conjecture, was spoken on the Baltic coast of Germany late in the fourth millennium B.C. (c. 3000 B.C.) For more information on languages, see our book, Ancient Man. ANCIENT HISTORICAL RECORDS The oldest dates go back to about 3000 B.C. Historical records constitute the only dating information we really have. Prior to the beginnings of history, which is only a few thousand years ago, we have only rocks, water, sky, and conjectures. Here are additional statements in regard to the dating of our earliest actual information about recorded history: The earliest records only go back to about 3000 B.C. "It is a common error to think of man's existence in terms of recorded history, Historical records go back to about 3000 B.C., but this is only a small fraction of the time man has lived on earth. 4000 B.C. as the absolute limit of possible historical records. "Recorded history is no more than six thousand years old, whereas human beings have been making history ever since they have been on this earth, a period believed to be about one million years. Even with the use of certain time-extending devices, the very earliest possible dates given for the invention of writing only go back to 4000 B.C. "The invention of writing, about 6,000 years ago, ushered in the historic period of man. The time prior to 6,000 years ago is known as the prehistoric period. Although it is said that the earliest writing goes back to 4000 B.C., the earliest written language only goes back to 3500 B.C. "The earliest written language, Sumerian cuneiform, goes back to about 3500 B.C. We have no data on any human civilization prior to 4000 B.C. "Historical records of any human civilization before 4000 B.C. are completely absent. Oddly enough, man has accomplished more in the last 6,000 years than he did in the previous million years. This would be true in light of the fact that we have not one shred of evidence that man did anything in that previous one million years! "In the last six thousand years, man has advanced far more rapidly than he did in the million or more years of his prehistoric existence. The developer of radiocarbon dating was astounded to learn that there are no records of mankind prior to 3000 B.C. (His teachers had not mentioned it in college.) "The research in the development of the [radiocarbon] dating technique consisted of two stages—dating of samples from the historic and prehistoric epochs, respectively, they were shocked when they were informed that history extended back only for 5,000 years . . You read statements to the effect that such and such a society or archeological site is 20,000 years old. We learned rather that these numbers, these ancient ages, are not known accurately; in fact, the earliest historical date that has been established with any degree of certainty is about the time of the First Dynasty of Egypt. Prior to a certain point several thousand years ago, there was no trace of man having ever existed. After that point, civilization, writing, language, agriculture, domestication, and all the rest—suddenly exploded into intense activity! "No more surprising fact has been discovered, by recent excavation, than the suddenness with which civilization appeared in the world. This discovery is the very opposite to that anticipated. It was expected that the more ancient the period, the more primitive would excavators find it to be, until traces of civilization ceased altogether and aboriginal man appeared. Neither in Babylonia nor Egypt, the lands of the oldest known habitations of man, has this been the case. Dates going back to 3000 to 4000 B.C. are estimated as the longest possible dates. But "well-authenticated" dates from Egypt, which scientists consider to have been history's oldest civilization, only go back to 1600 B.C. THE OLDEST PEOPLE They do not go back before c. 3000 B.C., and were located in Mesopotamia. The various radiodating techniques could be so inaccurate that mankind has only been on earth a few thousand years. "Dates determined by radioactive decay may be off—not only by a few years, but by orders of magnitude . . Man, instead of having walked the earth for 3.6 million years, may have been around for only a few thousand. We have no records indicating human civilization going back beyond a few thousand years. There are no written records before about 3000 B.C. "In the Old World, most of the critical steps in the farming revolution were taken between 1000 and 5000 B.C. . . Only for the last 5000 years has man left written records. Almost as soon as there was civilization, there were towns and cities, and the oldest were in Mesopotamia. "In most civilizations, urbanization began early. There is little doubt that this was the case for the oldest civilization and the earliest cities: those of ancient Mesopotamia. The earliest king lists only go back to shortly before 3000 B.C. "The Egyptian king lists go back to the First Dynasty of Egypt, and little before 3000 B.C. Before that, there were no written records anywhere. CONCLUSION Man, whom the evolutionists claim to have come into existence over a million years ago, is said to have "stopped evolving" 100,000 years ago. Why then do we not have at least 100,000 years of civilizations, cities, and human remains? Evolutionary estimates of the age of the earth have constantly changed and lengthened with the passing of time. (It currently stands at 5 billion years.) But the scientific evidence remains constant and, as new authentic evidence emerges, it only fastens down the dates even more firmly. It all points to a beginning for our planet, about 6,000 years ago. Some may see it as 7,000 to 10,000 years, but the evidence points most distinctly toward a date of about 4000 B.C. for the origin of our planet. The evidence for a recent earth is scientifically solid. The earliest man is said, by the evolutionists, to have existed one or two million years old. Yet, they add quite emphatically, that he "stopped evolving" about 100,000 years ago. —Why then do we not have 100,000 years of civilizations, cities, and remains of all kinds? But we do not. The reason is the Bible is right and the evolutionists are wrong. The God of heaven created our world about 6,000 years ago. Then, about 2348 B.C., a gigantic Flood covered the earth. Keeping in mind that we are dealing with very ancient events, all the evidence can be reconciled with these figures. Can you explain Jericho too me if life started at 4000 bc.? Jericho existed as a city back as far as 10000 bc. |
The above link is an article by Kelley R. Ross, Ph.D. The title is: “Genetic Distance and Language Affinities Between Autochthonous Human Populations” Included in this article are several references to other works by other scientists. It also discusses DNA and genetic drift. Be prepared to be SHOCKED, to be mesmerized, and, maybe even, to become angry or feel betrayed by your previously held biblically guided beliefs. Warning: if you are a fundamentalist Christian who can not acknowledge that man may actually know something that is not from scripture, that man has ACTUALLY accomplished a feat so incredible as to stagger the biblical mind;that man has learned to use his brain, to read the markers of a physical world from which they have –oh dare I say it in the midst of such delicate company – yes I must be honest; from which man has EVOLVED…….. Only the brave and open minded guided by their unrestrained intelligent quotient can even begin to interpret and comprehend the phenomenal information this solitary, singular article has to provide. Sorry, those infested by the holy spirit may not qualify, so expect that they will continue on their mission to recruit those whose brains have been allowed to atrophy by the elitist governments of the world……. da da dada da da dada I now return you to the regularly scheduled fundamentalist thread (once again)... |
eve is 200,000 years old. that explains everything, doesn't it. funny how the mind works to confirm presuppositional rebuttal. well, all that article does is titilaate the initiate. it serves to remind us all that nothing is new under the sun. not even excuses for running from God. ever learning and never knowing, such is the habit of children that think that they know more than their parents. and for all that, the forest is not seen for the trees. oops. I stole 'trees' from this article and tainted it. I ma so bad. Redy, it never ceases to amaze me that you can't help being smug. Did you learn that or come to believe that you have found all the answers in rebelling from objectively seeking truth because truth cannot possibly be attached to the environment that you were escaped of? It is no surprise that the willful and ever learning cease not from it, since there is always something new to learn. But such distractions evade the simple truths when truth is sought in dissecting everything and not sought in simply rejoicing in everyth8ing. smug, indeed, to further delight in elitist distractions. I wonder. Do you hold children in contempt for choosing to embrace God? or Jesus? Do you imprison any as a means of saving any? Who are you to decide for another that anything is as you say in your marginal and licentious wilful and chosen sense of purposes. You choose to categorically deny that which you categorically accept as ignorance, but how is that you recognize not that you may be limiting others and not be creating the same dysfunction in others yourself but through a different means? Is everything reduced then to a means to an end? Or is hardship and neglect of purpose irritating to the intellect of those that barricade themselves in pursuing distractions according to their own choice. You see what you see, but if wisdom were to agree with your heart, wisdom would say to your heart that you cannot see all if you choose to see only what you will. Such is as such does. you will find what you seek and not find at all that which you ignore. Likewise, I and any. To pontificate that you are justified by assumptions about eve and embracing that assumption upon your own person is coddling the child as your own. As imaginative as that is to behold, it also a prison. such an eve? dating that find is suspect, but you choose to ignore that because it suits not your purposes. That eve is not homo sapiens may also belie your deceived absorption of conjecture as fact. that you rest your pride and superiority on estimations and contrivances is amusing. Tell us all, redy, are not your own to be seen as absurd as you hold ours to be that know God in Christ? The only conviction found plausible by your epithet that God is dead is that you have killed God in your heart. Don't make me wear that. It is abomination to me and therefore repugnant that you would suppose to force me to clothe myself with your pompous arrogance and elitist edicts. But you so do. love abounds, redy. have you seen it anywhere lately? ![]() keep dancing.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() and save your penny. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() but pay the fiddler you will. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() contempt from me? no, just laughter . ABSRDITIES ARE COMEDY. YOU DID IT, NOT ME. don't be offended. I am not. ![]() |
| The above link is an article by Kelley R. Ross, Ph.D. The title is: “Genetic Distance and Language Affinities Between Autochthonous Human Populations” Included in this article are several references to other works by other scientists. It also discusses DNA and genetic drift. Be prepared to be SHOCKED, to be mesmerized, and, maybe even, to become angry or feel betrayed by your previously held biblically guided beliefs. Warning: if you are a fundamentalist Christian who can not acknowledge that man may actually know something that is not from scripture, that man has ACTUALLY accomplished a feat so incredible as to stagger the biblical mind;that man has learned to use his brain, to read the markers of a physical world from which they have –oh dare I say it in the midst of such delicate company – yes I must be honest; from which man has EVOLVED…….. Only the brave and open minded guided by their unrestrained intelligent quotient can even begin to interpret and comprehend the phenomenal information this solitary, singular article has to provide. Sorry, those infested by the holy spirit may not qualify, so expect that they will continue on their mission to recruit those whose brains have been allowed to atrophy by the elitist governments of the world……. da da dada da da dada I now return you to the regularly scheduled fundamentalist thread (once again)... That information seems to be incorrect. Modern science has shown that the genetic diversity of human races could have been developed in as little as 1000 years. To suppose that it took hundreds of thousands of years would contradict hard science. I suggest you look into the work of Nina Jablonski on skin color, it's fascinating research. |
Edited by
Wed 08/13/08 10:08 AM
| The above link is an article by Kelley R. Ross, Ph.D. The title is: “Genetic Distance and Language Affinities Between Autochthonous Human Populations” Included in this article are several references to other works by other scientists. It also discusses DNA and genetic drift. Be prepared to be SHOCKED, to be mesmerized, and, maybe even, to become angry or feel betrayed by your previously held biblically guided beliefs. Warning: if you are a fundamentalist Christian who can not acknowledge that man may actually know something that is not from scripture, that man has ACTUALLY accomplished a feat so incredible as to stagger the biblical mind;that man has learned to use his brain, to read the markers of a physical world from which they have –oh dare I say it in the midst of such delicate company – yes I must be honest; from which man has EVOLVED…….. Only the brave and open minded guided by their unrestrained intelligent quotient can even begin to interpret and comprehend the phenomenal information this solitary, singular article has to provide. Sorry, those infested by the holy spirit may not qualify, so expect that they will continue on their mission to recruit those whose brains have been allowed to atrophy by the elitist governments of the world……. da da dada da da dada I now return you to the regularly scheduled fundamentalist thread (once again)... That information seems to be incorrect. Modern science has shown that the genetic diversity of human races could have been developed in as little as 1000 years. To suppose that it took hundreds of thousands of years would contradict hard science. I suggest you look into the work of Nina Jablonski on skin color, it's fascinating research. '... that information SEEMS to be incorrect...' Here you have it folks!!! In the spirit of the 'Beijing Olympics', a new world record in the 'LONG JUMP to conclusion' category!!! 37 minutes!!! That's all it took for 'spider' to fabricate a response to what he already knew he disagreed with. It takes most people a lifetime to achieve such performances, which 'spider' dazzles us with in mere few thousands of seconds (factoring the time it takes to write the response), time and time again. 'SPIDER's secret?!?!? BIBLE INFALLABIBLITY at all times, and no matter all the evidence in the 'world'!!! Know thy bible's hardcore milestones, and measure EVERYTHING, AND I MEAN EVERYTHING AGAINST IT, and move quickly, and always instinctively, without thinking, to a BIBLE FAVORED CONCLUSION!!! This is where bible inerrancy Olympians excell! They do a quick read of an article, spot milestone dates or keywords, and immidiately, instinctively jump to their biblical founded conclusion. In what may have taken most people 37 minutes just to read the article 'Redy' submitted, 'spider' had already delivered his 'long jump to conclusion' record. We asked our 'LONG JUMP TO CONCLUSION' expert observers to help us understand 'spider's outstanding performance, and here are their comments: '... from reconstituting 'spider's approach, we figure he went about it in his classic 'if white, not black' instinctive style, and spotted, through lightning fast scrolling, the infamous '200 000 years' giveaway in th 8th paragraph of the text. We figure he reached his 'black not white' instinctive conclusion in 3,2 seconds flat. (warning: we strongly recommend that you DO NOT attempt this at home without proper supervision). It was as simple as 200 000 years (black) is greater than 6 000 years (white), therefore REJECT!!! It may sound easy at first glance , but trust the experts, denying, discarding and avoiding instinctively everything you have pre-judged to be black, against what you have pre-established as the only shade of white, requires extreme harnessing and control of the free thinking neurones. It is not easy an easy task!!! Congrats to 'spider' and all the other wannabee 'LONG JUMP TO CONCLUSION' Olympians!!! |
![]() ![]() Just kidding. ![]() I didn't mention the Bible, I simply suggested that Redy look at the work of Nina Jablonski. If you would like to review Dr. Jablonski's work and see if you agree with what I wrote, that would be great. |
Redy, it never ceases to amaze me that you can't help being smug.
You can be funny at others expense, but I can't? What's that about? Refute the article with your own research then. I promise I'll check it out. |