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Topic: Throw down - part 2
Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:25 PM

Your believe is nothing but a way to forgive yourself for committing what you have neurotically convinced yourself of being sinful acts. Your neuroticism won’t allow you to be great enough to forgive yourself so you created a god who will reward you for saying “I’m sorry”. But you are not, because it’s too easy just to say “I’m sorry” again and again.

all that don't.........they will pay

Of course we will pay, we pay by having to deal with people whose dogmatic belief systems inhibit, in any way, the beauty that this life experience has to offer. Whether the inhibiting factor is physical torture, death, judgments, or twisting of innocent little minds, we all pay.

This is true. We're all paying by having to live with judgmental people who are paranoid. laugh

Most of the horror stories throughout history were caused by these terrible superstitions.

Hopefully someday we'll move forward. flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:33 PM
listen to yourselves pine away.LOL

you guys are soft.

suck it up will ya?

you sound like a bunch of spoiled brats.

are you guys all trust fund babies? LOL

JB I can understand, she is on a different planet.

but the rest of you have resally got some control issues and some serious deficits in the respect for authority dept.

That good Dr Spock really screwed you all up.

maybe its caffeine. LOL
or sugar. LOL

yeah, that's it.

eat some vegetables for goodness sake.

your bowel will love you for it.

try a bran muffin in the morning.

I sense a lot of constipation. LOl

vegetables, yeah, that's it.

they are at the other end of the store.

they are the things not wrapped up in pretty boxes like christmas presents

bye, kids.

:banana: drinks flowers :laughing: think biggrin rofl :angel: :thumbsup: waving winking



no photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:39 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sun 08/10/08 07:43 PM

There were other people on the earth when Adam and Eve were introduced to the breeding population.

Have you ever heard of the wild mustang populations? They were ragged ugly horses until people introduced some fine breeding stallions to improve the current population. Now the wild mustangs are quite nice looking horses.

That was the purpose of Adam and Eve. It was to upgrade the current primitive populations. (They were considered more like animals to the alien gods placing Adam and Eve with them.) But they were the humans that had been on the earth for a long time. They had no culture, and they lived in caves etc.

The alien gods taught them how to farm, taught them about religion etc. Read all about this stuff in the Urantia book. It goes into a lot of detail about the genetic improvements they were introducing. Its interesting.


The lines of genetics, and the fossil record show very clearly how we progressed, how and even a rough estimate of when we split off from our ancestor species. Genetics even show that we nearly became extinct and where down to a population of about 1000.

If two individuals that could somehow breed with a separate species . . . and produce offspring and not be sterile . . . the genes would show us this. . . and they do not.

Not to mention the very idea goes against the definition of speciation. A species is defined by its inability to successfully re-procreate and create off spring that are NOT sterile.

A perfect example is a zebra breeding with a horse, the offspring is ALWAYS sterile, thus horse have departed from zebras significantly enough to be seperate species . . . .

Redy, your AWESOME. Any person that can and is willing to read closely search out facts and incorporate those facts into there paradigm is truly worthy of respect.

listen to yourselves pine away.LOL

you guys are soft.

suck it up will ya?

you sound like a bunch of spoiled brats.

are you guys all trust fund babies? LOL

JB I can understand, she is on a different planet.

but the rest of you have resally got some control issues and some serious deficits in the respect for authority dept.

That good Dr Spock really screwed you all up.

maybe its caffeine. LOL
or sugar. LOL

yeah, that's it.

eat some vegetables for goodness sake.

your bowel will love you for it.

try a bran muffin in the morning.

I sense a lot of constipation. LOl

vegetables, yeah, that's it.

they are at the other end of the store.

they are the things not wrapped up in pretty boxes like christmas presents

bye, kids.

:banana: drinks flowers :laughing: think biggrin rofl :angel: :thumbsup: waving winking



Speak for your self, I am a vegetarian, and haven't been healthier in my life.

no photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:46 PM
If two individuals that could somehow breed with a seperate species . . . and produce offsping and not be sterile . . . the genes would show us this. . . and they do not.

If the story of Adam and Eve is true, they were definitely human. They were just humans with upgraded DNA. I don't think you will find the answers in genes. The DNA will have the answers. But we are just no beginning to study DNA. I think it will tell us a lot.


wouldee's photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:51 PM

There were other people on the earth when Adam and Eve were introduced to the breeding population.

Have you ever heard of the wild mustang populations? They were ragged ugly horses until people introduced some fine breeding stallions to improve the current population. Now the wild mustangs are quite nice looking horses.

That was the purpose of Adam and Eve. It was to upgrade the current primitive populations. (They were considered more like animals to the alien gods placing Adam and Eve with them.) But they were the humans that had been on the earth for a long time. They had no culture, and they lived in caves etc.

The alien gods taught them how to farm, taught them about religion etc. Read all about this stuff in the Urantia book. It goes into a lot of detail about the genetic improvements they were introducing. Its interesting.


The lines of genetics, and the fossil record show very clearly how we progressed, how and even a rough estimate of when we split off from our ancestor species. Genetics even show that we nearly became extinct and where down to a population of about 1000.

If two individuals that could somehow breed with a separate species . . . and produce offspring and not be sterile . . . the genes would show us this. . . and they do not.

Not to mention the very idea goes against the definition of speciation. A species is defined by its inability to successfully re-procreate and create off spring that are NOT sterile.

A perfect example is a zebra breeding with a horse, the offspring is ALWAYS sterile, thus horse have departed from zebras significantly enough to be seperate species . . . .

Redy, your AWESOME. Any person that can and is willing to read closely search out facts and incorporate those facts into there paradigm is truly worthy of respect.

listen to yourselves pine away.LOL

you guys are soft.

suck it up will ya?

you sound like a bunch of spoiled brats.

are you guys all trust fund babies? LOL

JB I can understand, she is on a different planet.

but the rest of you have resally got some control issues and some serious deficits in the respect for authority dept.

That good Dr Spock really screwed you all up.

maybe its caffeine. LOL
or sugar. LOL

yeah, that's it.

eat some vegetables for goodness sake.

your bowel will love you for it.

try a bran muffin in the morning.

I sense a lot of constipation. LOl

vegetables, yeah, that's it.

they are at the other end of the store.

they are the things not wrapped up in pretty boxes like christmas presents

bye, kids.

:banana: drinks flowers :laughing: think biggrin rofl :angel: :thumbsup: waving winking



Speak for your self, I am a vegetarian, and haven't been healthier in my life.

ok bushie.

you have a bit of a head start.

keep trying.

you might make it out then.

good luck.

you can do it!

:banana: bigsmile waving :thumbsup: winking

no photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:54 PM

If two individuals that could somehow breed with a seperate species . . . and produce offsping and not be sterile . . . the genes would show us this. . . and they do not.

If the story of Adam and Eve is true, they were definitely human. They were just humans with upgraded DNA. I don't think you will find the answers in genes. The DNA will have the answers. But we are just no beginning to study DNA. I think it will tell us a lot.



"Genes correspond to regions within DNA, a molecule composed of a chain of four different types of nucleotides—the sequence of these nucleotides is the genetic information organisms inherit. DNA naturally occurs in a double stranded form, with nucleotides on each strand complementary to each other. Each strand can act as a template for creating a new partner strand—this is the physical method for making copies of genes that can be inherited."

Genetics is the expression of DNA.

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:55 PM

Redy responding to Feral

19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return."

Question: I’m not a biblical scholar, so I can’t pinpoint the place or places but somewhere in the bible there is scripture that has led many Christians over the centuries to believe that their body is sacred. In fact that they will be raised to live “in body” on this ‘heavenly’ earth. That was one reason for moseleums, and the desire to preserve the body after death.

So NOW the question, was god cursing Adam by saying his body would return to dust? Would Adam not ever be raised to live in heaven?

Debbie's Answer:

16 To the woman he said,
"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
with pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you."

17 To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,'
"Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat of it
all the days of your life.

18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.

19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return."

20 Adam [c] named his wife Eve, [d] because she would become the mother of all the living.

21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." 23 So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side [e] of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Ok – at this point god is making clothes for two human beings (remember this)

Second point: “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.”

Are good and evil qualities (maybe like jealousy) that pre-existed god?

Or did god create good and evil and in the creation process became jealous of It’s own creation?

Debbie's Answer: Because of their sin.....is why they needed covering.

God was ashamed......and they knew it....and because of what they did generations to come would pay the price.

1 Adam [a] lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth [c] a man." 2 Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.

17 Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech.

Two things strike me here, first god had to make clothes for Adam and Eve but, secondly, their first generation child “Cain” was building a city. We went from cave man like knowledge of the life on this planet to a child building a city for his brothers and sisters and children.

Debbie's answer: not sure of your point here........

Ok, so – if Adam and Eve gave birth to children capable of building cities and farming the land, who lived in all the caves and painted all the pictures on the walls and left behind trails of primitive nomadic lifestyles?

Debbie is no laughing sorry I think your missing the point Redy.......because of the sin....They were living with the generational curses placed on them by God....Read above what God says to Adam and Eve.

19 Lamech married two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah. 20 Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock. 21 His brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all who play the harp and flute. 22 Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of [g] bronze and iron. Tubal-Cain's sister was Naamah.

It seems we go from Adam and Eve wearing animal skins, to Cain and Able building cities to Lamech and his kin living in tents raising livestock and the bronze and iron age simultaneously. Mmm – I have to say, it may not be the most intelligent child who knows this is all out of place, but any child learning about what science has to teach about their REAL world archeological and anthropological findings, will have some gut instinct that the bible is in no way in sync with reality. No wonder, me, Abra and so many others have grown up questioning what they were being taught.

25 Adam lay with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, "God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him." 26 Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh.
At that time men began to call on [j] the name of the LORD.

Debbie's answers again......Remember because of what adam and eve did the family had a generational curse for the disobedience to God.

Feral wrote:
So because of the fall of man a whole lot of people do not know of God.

Feral, you quote is in no way explained by ANYTHING you have written. First of all, god is portrayed as interacting on several occasions with humans. Why would these people NOT tell their own children that they were in touch with the creator. Where in the world do you see that man became ignorant of god?

Debbie's Answer: Again they were not favorable in God's eyes Adam and Eve and all that came for generations until Enosh.......And then once again they looked upon God....I need to do basic bible study with you people.

The last verse above shows Eve saying “God has granted me…” Who was she saying that to?

Debbie's answer: She was saying that to Adam.

5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

Again, what does god have to be jealous of. And here we see another quality that we, as humans, recognize as “bad” and that quality is “hate”. So who taught who, to hate?

Debbie's answer: Who said hate......God was a jealous God for worshiping any other.....this is God......why would he not be like that if someone is so stubborn to have "THEIR" way and worship when they knew God's greatest sin to worship any other God....or false idol...This is the first commandment for good reason. Now just because it doesn't fit your mold oh well redy get over it...So tell me Redy who was showing hate the people for their disobedience to God....or God.....and be very very careful of your answer here.

If I tell you Feral that you must teach your children how to fly with faith alone then tell you that if you defy me I will punish all your lineage to the third and fouth generations as those who hate me – what incentive have I given you to follow my words?

My children both come to Christ of their own free will.....And let me make something perfectly clear.....If God told me something directly like he did Adam and Eve....you can bet that I would never never disobey.....so who really is to blame.....God for being God....or them for not listening....

It makes no sense for any god who is powerful enough to be god to have feelings of hate or jealousy. In fact I see no need or reason at all for a god to have the human attributes of any emotion. Truth, knowledge, logic is all it should take for a god. To say otherwise is merely a WISH to have the most powerful being in the universe see YOU, notice YOU, hear YOU, love YOU, save YOU. In other words, it is ‘human’ fear that has given god emotions.

Debbie's answer: Well just because it makes no sense to you Redy just doesn't make it not so. But see sugar that is exactly the point God gave them everything and asked one thing.....which satan was able to squash...Now if that happen today with me no brainer I would not listen to anyone but God....and that is the whole point...How lucky were they to walk with him....to speak to him.....and no mater what disobey and pay.....THATS JUST HOW IT IS.

Deuteronomy 4:24
For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

Joshua 24:19
Joshua said to the people, "You are not able to serve the LORD. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins.

OK – “He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins”

Is that true or false? How can such a statement be made unless it is over the dying body(s) of someone? According to Christianity, the Christ redeems those who rebel and later repent?

Debbie's Answer: That is Christ........this is God.....BIG BIG DIFFERENCE.....Because of Christ.....He took all that could possible be done...and through his Grace we are forgiven....But then mess with God....and ohhhhhhhhhhh Big Big mistake.....

And it was not a matter of God changing the people.....He gives us free will....they have to seek him and follow him with all their heart, soul and mind.....Chance after chance they were given......did they listen nope.

And I must say to you likewise Chance after Chance YOU are given. You sin still, you have admitted it. You are no different than those whom you believe god condemns. Your imperfections are yours as a birthright and every generation born since the fall of Adam and Eve are cursed with those imperfections. You can sin and sin again and you think your tears asking for forgiveness are sugar coating pleas to an accepting god.

I say to you, you do not even understand the depth of the lies from whence your dogma arises. You do not understand the simplicity of that which has been tainted with the manipulations of the human ego. WE are all the same. Our conduct is not and can not be guided by any single set of rules or morals, and not a single god has been created by man who has been able to change that. Humans effect the course of their evolution and with that change comes varying viewpoints as to morality.

Debbie's answer: this is truth Redy.....The only difference sweetie is that I can THROUGH CHRIST be forgiven.....

To get caught up in the dogma of an unchanging religion, is to deny yourself all the experiences that the gift of having this life has offered. It’s a matter of degrees, the deeper you go into the dark the more you MUST believe because you have wasted so much time already believing. The only way to get back any of the ‘wasted’ time, is to hope you are given eternity.

Debbie's answer: You have to be joking I am truly laughing now......I have more in my life and blessings then you could even imagine.....And let me tell you something since your arrogance is just to much at this point...When you are facing God and the book of life is opened.....And all that you have done is put right their for the Father God.....I will be standing right their.....not judging....but saying, "I tried to tell you."

All those with Noah already knew and Loved God as Noah did....

Then why did not teach their children? How is it that a whole world was populated, for a second time, and within a very short time, god was forgotten and replaced by many other beliefs?

Feral wrote:
Now let's take what you said and change it to more accurately fit what truly happen

Debbie's answer: Free choice baby free choice and stubborn peoplke who want to live as they choose.

Some angels defied God.........they paid

What have they paid? They didn’t like where they were, the left. They are still here, supposedly tempting humans! If they cease to exist in the sight of god, do you think they care? They left, remember.

Adam & Eve defied God.......they paid

What did they pay that we are not still paying for? Sheesh, tick god off and all of humanity for all of it’s existence might be held responsible. I sure don’t blame the angels.
All of the people defied God......they paid

More than just those who defied god paid, according to biblical stories. Sometimes the lines distinction are seem of little concern to your god. Not even children may be spared.

All that followed Jesus and Noah and all the great men of the bible......Were favored by God.....

All that followed : please explain what that means. As in all that follow the teachings of Noah and Jesus or simply all humanity after Noah and Jesus? For certainly Noah and his family were unsuccessful at handing down their ‘knowledge’. The same holds true for Jesus, you have YOURSELF stated that even today, there are people without knowledge of god and Jesus. Doesn’t sound like the fairy tale ending you are trying to describe.


All the rest......they paid

And alot believe in God, Jesus and all that do will be rewarded.......

Your believe is nothing but a way to forgive yourself for committing what you have neurotically convinced yourself of being sinful acts. Your neuroticism won’t allow you to be great enough to forgive yourself so you created a god who will reward you for saying “I’m sorry”. But you are not, because it’s too easy just to say “I’m sorry” again and again.

all that don't.........they will pay

Of course we will pay, we pay by having to deal with people whose dogmatic belief systems inhibit, in any way, the beauty that this life experience has to offer. Whether the inhibiting factor is physical torture, death, judgments, or twisting of innocent little minds, we all pay.

Debbie's answer: This is what annoys me the most.....I have answered the same questions over and over different ways same people.......Pick up a Bible.....STUDY IT.....KNOW BEFORE YOU GET ON YOUR HIGH HORSE.....know what you speak of before you come and think you are superior to people that have Faith in abundance....because this above all else is what sets me apart from you....He has spoken to me.....AND I BY GOLLY LISTEN......

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 08/10/08 07:55 PM

Redy responding to Feral

19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return."

Question: I’m not a biblical scholar, so I can’t pinpoint the place or places but somewhere in the bible there is scripture that has led many Christians over the centuries to believe that their body is sacred. In fact that they will be raised to live “in body” on this ‘heavenly’ earth. That was one reason for moseleums, and the desire to preserve the body after death.

So NOW the question, was god cursing Adam by saying his body would return to dust? Would Adam not ever be raised to live in heaven?

Debbie's Answer:

16 To the woman he said,
"I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
with pain you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you."

17 To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, 'You must not eat of it,'
"Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat of it
all the days of your life.

18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,
and you will eat the plants of the field.

19 By the sweat of your brow
you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
and to dust you will return."

20 Adam [c] named his wife Eve, [d] because she would become the mother of all the living.

21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." 23 So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side [e] of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Ok – at this point god is making clothes for two human beings (remember this)

Second point: “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil.”

Are good and evil qualities (maybe like jealousy) that pre-existed god?

Or did god create good and evil and in the creation process became jealous of It’s own creation?

Debbie's Answer: Because of their sin.....is why they needed covering.

God was ashamed......and they knew it....and because of what they did generations to come would pay the price.

1 Adam [a] lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, "With the help of the LORD I have brought forth [c] a man." 2 Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.

17 Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch. 18 To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech.

Two things strike me here, first god had to make clothes for Adam and Eve but, secondly, their first generation child “Cain” was building a city. We went from cave man like knowledge of the life on this planet to a child building a city for his brothers and sisters and children.

Debbie's answer: not sure of your point here........

Ok, so – if Adam and Eve gave birth to children capable of building cities and farming the land, who lived in all the caves and painted all the pictures on the walls and left behind trails of primitive nomadic lifestyles?

Debbie is no laughing sorry I think your missing the point Redy.......because of the sin....They were living with the generational curses placed on them by God....Read above what God says to Adam and Eve.

19 Lamech married two women, one named Adah and the other Zillah. 20 Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock. 21 His brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of all who play the harp and flute. 22 Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of [g] bronze and iron. Tubal-Cain's sister was Naamah.

It seems we go from Adam and Eve wearing animal skins, to Cain and Able building cities to Lamech and his kin living in tents raising livestock and the bronze and iron age simultaneously. Mmm – I have to say, it may not be the most intelligent child who knows this is all out of place, but any child learning about what science has to teach about their REAL world archeological and anthropological findings, will have some gut instinct that the bible is in no way in sync with reality. No wonder, me, Abra and so many others have grown up questioning what they were being taught.

25 Adam lay with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, "God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him." 26 Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh.
At that time men began to call on [j] the name of the LORD.

Debbie's answers again......Remember because of what adam and eve did the family had a generational curse for the disobedience to God.

Feral wrote:
So because of the fall of man a whole lot of people do not know of God.

Feral, you quote is in no way explained by ANYTHING you have written. First of all, god is portrayed as interacting on several occasions with humans. Why would these people NOT tell their own children that they were in touch with the creator. Where in the world do you see that man became ignorant of god?

Debbie's Answer: Again they were not favorable in God's eyes Adam and Eve and all that came for generations until Enosh.......And then once again they looked upon God....I need to do basic bible study with you people.

The last verse above shows Eve saying “God has granted me…” Who was she saying that to?

Debbie's answer: She was saying that to Adam.

5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

Again, what does god have to be jealous of. And here we see another quality that we, as humans, recognize as “bad” and that quality is “hate”. So who taught who, to hate?

Debbie's answer: Who said hate......God was a jealous God for worshiping any other.....this is God......why would he not be like that if someone is so stubborn to have "THEIR" way and worship when they knew God's greatest sin to worship any other God....or false idol...This is the first commandment for good reason. Now just because it doesn't fit your mold oh well redy get over it...So tell me Redy who was showing hate the people for their disobedience to God....or God.....and be very very careful of your answer here.

If I tell you Feral that you must teach your children how to fly with faith alone then tell you that if you defy me I will punish all your lineage to the third and fouth generations as those who hate me – what incentive have I given you to follow my words?

My children both come to Christ of their own free will.....And let me make something perfectly clear.....If God told me something directly like he did Adam and Eve....you can bet that I would never never disobey.....so who really is to blame.....God for being God....or them for not listening....

It makes no sense for any god who is powerful enough to be god to have feelings of hate or jealousy. In fact I see no need or reason at all for a god to have the human attributes of any emotion. Truth, knowledge, logic is all it should take for a god. To say otherwise is merely a WISH to have the most powerful being in the universe see YOU, notice YOU, hear YOU, love YOU, save YOU. In other words, it is ‘human’ fear that has given god emotions.

Debbie's answer: Well just because it makes no sense to you Redy just doesn't make it not so. But see sugar that is exactly the point God gave them everything and asked one thing.....which satan was able to squash...Now if that happen today with me no brainer I would not listen to anyone but God....and that is the whole point...How lucky were they to walk with him....to speak to him.....and no mater what disobey and pay.....THATS JUST HOW IT IS.

Deuteronomy 4:24
For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

Joshua 24:19
Joshua said to the people, "You are not able to serve the LORD. He is a holy God; he is a jealous God. He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins.

OK – “He will not forgive your rebellion and your sins”

Is that true or false? How can such a statement be made unless it is over the dying body(s) of someone? According to Christianity, the Christ redeems those who rebel and later repent?

Debbie's Answer: That is Christ........this is God.....BIG BIG DIFFERENCE.....Because of Christ.....He took all that could possible be done...and through his Grace we are forgiven....But then mess with God....and ohhhhhhhhhhh Big Big mistake.....

And it was not a matter of God changing the people.....He gives us free will....they have to seek him and follow him with all their heart, soul and mind.....Chance after chance they were given......did they listen nope.

And I must say to you likewise Chance after Chance YOU are given. You sin still, you have admitted it. You are no different than those whom you believe god condemns. Your imperfections are yours as a birthright and every generation born since the fall of Adam and Eve are cursed with those imperfections. You can sin and sin again and you think your tears asking for forgiveness are sugar coating pleas to an accepting god.

I say to you, you do not even understand the depth of the lies from whence your dogma arises. You do not understand the simplicity of that which has been tainted with the manipulations of the human ego. WE are all the same. Our conduct is not and can not be guided by any single set of rules or morals, and not a single god has been created by man who has been able to change that. Humans effect the course of their evolution and with that change comes varying viewpoints as to morality.

Debbie's answer: this is truth Redy.....The only difference sweetie is that I can THROUGH CHRIST be forgiven.....

To get caught up in the dogma of an unchanging religion, is to deny yourself all the experiences that the gift of having this life has offered. It’s a matter of degrees, the deeper you go into the dark the more you MUST believe because you have wasted so much time already believing. The only way to get back any of the ‘wasted’ time, is to hope you are given eternity.

Debbie's answer: You have to be joking I am truly laughing now......I have more in my life and blessings then you could even imagine.....And let me tell you something since your arrogance is just to much at this point...When you are facing God and the book of life is opened.....And all that you have done is put right their for the Father God.....I will be standing right their.....not judging....but saying, "I tried to tell you."

All those with Noah already knew and Loved God as Noah did....

Then why did not teach their children? How is it that a whole world was populated, for a second time, and within a very short time, god was forgotten and replaced by many other beliefs?

Feral wrote:
Now let's take what you said and change it to more accurately fit what truly happen

Debbie's answer: Free choice baby free choice and stubborn peoplke who want to live as they choose.

Some angels defied God.........they paid

What have they paid? They didn’t like where they were, the left. They are still here, supposedly tempting humans! If they cease to exist in the sight of god, do you think they care? They left, remember.

Adam & Eve defied God.......they paid

What did they pay that we are not still paying for? Sheesh, tick god off and all of humanity for all of it’s existence might be held responsible. I sure don’t blame the angels.
All of the people defied God......they paid

More than just those who defied god paid, according to biblical stories. Sometimes the lines distinction are seem of little concern to your god. Not even children may be spared.

All that followed Jesus and Noah and all the great men of the bible......Were favored by God.....

All that followed : please explain what that means. As in all that follow the teachings of Noah and Jesus or simply all humanity after Noah and Jesus? For certainly Noah and his family were unsuccessful at handing down their ‘knowledge’. The same holds true for Jesus, you have YOURSELF stated that even today, there are people without knowledge of god and Jesus. Doesn’t sound like the fairy tale ending you are trying to describe.


All the rest......they paid

And alot believe in God, Jesus and all that do will be rewarded.......

Your believe is nothing but a way to forgive yourself for committing what you have neurotically convinced yourself of being sinful acts. Your neuroticism won’t allow you to be great enough to forgive yourself so you created a god who will reward you for saying “I’m sorry”. But you are not, because it’s too easy just to say “I’m sorry” again and again.

all that don't.........they will pay

Of course we will pay, we pay by having to deal with people whose dogmatic belief systems inhibit, in any way, the beauty that this life experience has to offer. Whether the inhibiting factor is physical torture, death, judgments, or twisting of innocent little minds, we all pay.

Debbie's answer: This is what annoys me the most.....I have answered the same questions over and over different ways same people.......Pick up a Bible.....STUDY IT.....KNOW BEFORE YOU GET ON YOUR HIGH HORSE.....know what you speak of before you come and think you are superior to people that have Faith in abundance....because this above all else is what sets me apart from you....He has spoken to me.....AND I BY GOLLY LISTEN......

no photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:03 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sun 08/10/08 08:03 PM

you assume much . . . There is no part of the Bible I have not read.

You see and believe what you want. There are sooooo many Christians that DO NOT believe the same way you do.

What sets you apart? If you say faith then that is a circular argument with no merit. How can you know the faith of others until you have walked in there shoes?

It seems you have little desire to actually explore any of the ideas set forth by anyone else. That is called Egocentrism.


feralcatlady's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:06 PM

7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

So in other words, they were wrong all along being naked but just didn't know it was a bad thing until their eyes were opened to the fact that is is wrong to be naked.

The more I hear the story the sillier it sounds.

The whole thing was written by a pervert. ohwell

abra......you guys are living up to the twinkleheads as I have so named you.....the sin made them see different they were fine until they "sinned"

This from a man who claims to know scripture....again so simply shows me you do not.

no photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:07 PM
As long as Feralcat is happy with her beliefs that is all that matters. She does not need to see things any other way. It works for her.

She has a purpose in the scheme of things. She is a stepping stone for others on the same path.

All paths lead to God. There is no place else to go.


feralcatlady's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:08 PM

listen to yourselves pine away.LOL

you guys are soft.

suck it up will ya?

you sound like a bunch of spoiled brats.

are you guys all trust fund babies? LOL

JB I can understand, she is on a different planet.

but the rest of you have resally got some control issues and some serious deficits in the respect for authority dept.

That good Dr Spock really screwed you all up.

maybe its caffeine. LOL
or sugar. LOL

yeah, that's it.

eat some vegetables for goodness sake.

your bowel will love you for it.

try a bran muffin in the morning.

I sense a lot of constipation. LOl

vegetables, yeah, that's it.

they are at the other end of the store.

they are the things not wrapped up in pretty boxes like christmas presents

bye, kids.

:banana: drinks flowers :laughing: think biggrin rofl :angel: :thumbsup: waving winking



I think for most it was pot.....and JB the sweet it might of been bad acid trips that she is now having to pay for.......those generational curses will get ya every time huh...

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:14 PM


you assume much . . . There is no part of the Bible I have not read.

You see and believe what you want. There are sooooo many Christians that DO NOT believe the same way you do.

What sets you apart? If you say faith then that is a circular argument with no merit. How can you know the faith of others until you have walked in there shoes?

It seems you have little desire to actually explore any of the ideas set forth by anyone else. That is called Egocentrism.


And this means what to me exactly. Again another newcomer who has no clue of who I am....All that I have studied......and how I came to believe as I do.........Lets check who's ego at the door........and please be very very careful with sticking that stick in my eye....before you take the log out of your own......pfftttttt

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:15 PM

As long as Feralcat is happy with her beliefs that is all that matters. She does not need to see things any other way. It works for her.

She has a purpose in the scheme of things. She is a stepping stone for others on the same path.

All paths lead to God. There is no place else to go.


lol thanks for part of that JB.....

no photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:17 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sun 08/10/08 08:31 PM
It seems clear to me some would prefer to cling to an old book, then explore the marvelous world of nature all around us and actually witness the awe of creation.

Genesis is an old tale. I implore everyone here to read, and attempt to understand relativity, the big bang, and (DNA) genetics/ evolution.

Then and only then can you move your mental state to a place of knowledge, your faith will grow due to knowledge, not shrink.

Finding 100% of your faith and belief from a single book to me is the epitome of close mindedness.

That is my own belief.

And this means what to me exactly. Again another newcomer who has no clue of who I am....All that I have studied......and how I came to believe as I do.........Lets check who's ego at the door........and please be very very careful with sticking that stick in my eye....before you take the log out of your own......pfftttttt

Im really not surprised it has little meaning to you. It takes alot of hard work to understand nature.

Show me your wisdom then! . . . I have fully read the bible, and apparently did not come away with the same things as you. . . that means quoting it will not have the desired effect on me you think it will, use your wisdom and create an argument that will speak to my knowledge . . . . I know why this would not be easy.

It would not be easy, because you would be forced to read the dozens of books on physics, genetics, evolution, chemistry, anatomy, ect ect ect in order to have anything what so ever to talk about in regards to the vast observations devoid obfuscation that science has taught us about nature.

If god is the ruler of nature surely your studies would include that ?

PS, how long you have been posting on this site has nothing whatsoever to say about your credibility . . . even mentioning it shows a lack of clarity.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:27 PM

It seems clear to me some would prefer to cling to an old book, then explore the marvelous world of nature all around us and actually witness the awe of creation.

Genesis is an old tale. I implore everyone here to read, and attempt to understand relativity, what is known colloquially as the big bang, and (DNA) genetics/ evolution.

Then and only then can you move your mental state to a place of knowledge, your faith will grow due to knowledge, not shrink.

Finding 100% of your faith and belief from a single book to me is the epitome of close mindedness.

That is my own belief.

When people have guilt and insecurity issues they turn to religion in desperation. When they start talking about how everyone else will 'pay' for not following the religion it's a dead give away that they are desperate to convince themsleves that they have somehow found salvation.

People who are truly religious don't behave this way. A genuinely religious person would never say anything negative to a non-believer. It just doesn't work that way.

Truly religious people are actually nice. :wink:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:30 PM

If god is the ruler of nature surely your studies would include that ?


Scientists are the only truly religious people on the planet.

wouldee's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:34 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sun 08/10/08 08:35 PM
ok, abra.

what's nice?

paying the electric bill?

do you want me to vote for Obama?

would you like me to make you a meal?

is a friend of yours destitute and in need of more than you can provide to aid?

is there a starving widow in your neighborhood?

or children suffering deprivation?

let me know.

waving :angel: winking

I'll send you a check from California.

Is that nice?biggrin

no photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:35 PM

ok, abra.

what's nice/

paying the electric bill?

do you want me to vote for Obama?

would you like me to make you a meal?

is a friend of yours destitute and in need of more than you can provide to aid?

is there a starving widow in your neighborhood?

or children suffering deprivation?

let me know.

waving :angel: winking

I'll send you a check from California.

Is that nice?biggrin

YES! that would be nice, but instead of sending me a check, send a check to a charity of my choosing . . . . are you being serious?

Because I am!

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:39 PM

OMG are you joking.....I rehabilitate and release wild cats and get to see creation at it's finest....again I say....you have not a clue who you are dealing with....

And the questions are asked....I give the answer and it is not a tale.......I did a whole series on Evolution, The Big Bang.......GOD SAID AND BANG IT WAS.

And again you have no clue about me....why don't you gather evidence and get to know someone before you "JUDGE" them.

And honey I have been working and dealing with nature and all of God's creates and this planet for more then 30 years.....get a clue.

I don't need to prove a thing.....It is you who is judging me....so you bring it on smarty pants. And had you tried to at least see who I was before you said all you have....I very rarely quote scripture as I do find it has more effect to just put it into todays terms......and I did with Redy for a purpose........

And pfffttttt bring it on.....I have yet met anyone who claims they know.....to truly know.

Your frankly boring me.

Bring it on lil boy.....bring it on.

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