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Topic: Drug of choice? "couldn't think of where else to post this"
post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:15 AM
Man, punk night was freaking crazy! I got so shwasted, 3 pitchers and some shots, and a couple beers at lauras before I left for the show...got a sweet ass kilroys t-shirt..I'll scan the front and add to my pics. have you ever lain on the ground holding onto the floor for dear life, because the room was spinning so fast that you thought you'd go flying into walls? yea....that was last night.

post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:16 AM
He makes a really nice body guard too. After we get him shaved at the barber shop, would you like him back for a while?

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:17 AM
Well done Dan!
Never held onto the floor but I once passed out in a basket swing in September. Got really cold and I couldn't get out of it cuz it kept moving...Oh it was rough.

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:17 AM
Hmmmm, maybe....Does he still fart so bad?sick

Frisco73's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:18 AM

Man, punk night was freaking crazy! I got so shwasted, 3 pitchers and some shots, and a couple beers at lauras before I left for the show...got a sweet ass kilroys t-shirt..I'll scan the front and add to my pics. have you ever lain on the ground holding onto the floor for dear life, because the room was spinning so fast that you thought you'd go flying into walls? yea....that was last night.

SWEET! My downfall is when I get that wasted, I start taking off my clothes. But you gotta love that whole 'the world is spinning' feeling.

post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:19 AM
F*ck yea you do.....hun, his farts smell worse than the sewage plant down the street from Michael Jackson's house.

Frisco73's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:20 AM
Flowers, he needs to eat more flowers. That should help with the stink ass.

post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:22 AM

Well done Dan!
Never held onto the floor but I once passed out in a basket swing in September. Got really cold and I couldn't get out of it cuz it kept moving...Oh it was rough.

hahaha nice job there hun

SunnyMcleod's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:29 AM
Then no. I couldn't take his stench. Winter up here was hellill

Frisco73's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:33 AM
With all that hair, I can only imagine the dingleberries.

post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:34 AM
They're freaking huge! and they smell like me after a weekend long show

joyce420's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:08 AM

I feel too retarded when I smoke weed, so I usually stick to my alcohol and other random things that people hand me at parties...I'll still smoke when I'm really drunk, 'cause at that point it doesn't really matter anymore

see, that's why i smoke pot. it gives me an excuse when i do dumb things. "whoops. didn't mean to do that. must be the weed."
smokin slaphead

Frisco73's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:08 AM
Worse than Bourbon street on a hot summer afternoon?

joyce420's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:11 AM
whew! i can smell it from here.(florida)

post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:11 AM
man it's worse than standing downwind of an elephant that just got done raiding a taco bell truck.

post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:12 AM

I feel too retarded when I smoke weed, so I usually stick to my alcohol and other random things that people hand me at parties...I'll still smoke when I'm really drunk, 'cause at that point it doesn't really matter anymore

see, that's why i smoke pot. it gives me an excuse when i do dumb things. "whoops. didn't mean to do that. must be the weed."
smokin slaphead

Hiya joyce! I still smoke my fair share of pot, I just complain about being retarded all the time....smoked a fat blunt at the after party last night....then got the wicked spins and lost my lunch...

Frisco73's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:13 AM
Thank God I was congested this past weekend. Maybe that explains why even the dogs stayed away from him.

post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:15 AM
We should take him to a southern baptist church...that'd be a blast

Frisco73's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:17 AM
Easy enough. I'm sure they'd love having him in the congregation, especially if the AC isn't working (per usual).

post_coitum's photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:18 AM
we'll throw him in the choir

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