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Topic: Sin....?.
tribo's photo
Sat 07/26/08 04:35 PM
ill look into it but not holding my breath, since your not a doctor nor were there any x rays likely taken before the healing you witnessed, your claims are superfluous at best. of course you expected such a response I'm sure. having been in your religion and attending several churches where these thing took place - i have had the chance to talk to those who went forward for healing over long periods of time - none who claimed healing dancing in the lord praising god and shouting hallelujah were ever really healed and most fell right back into the pain they had before the healing, is it possible for healing to occur? to come back from death? of course but it is not a sign of belief in god for it to be so. This is what I'm getting at.

as to whether there to busy healing those in their buildings, that crap, if they have that gift they could lay there hands on a TV screen and heal as Benny hinn says he can but cant. its a sick concept, and only foolish people would follow such contrivance, I'm sure i just wrote everything you expected, right? then lets drop the matter and not waste each others time anymore OK?

tribo's photo
Sat 07/26/08 04:41 PM
Edited by tribo on Sat 07/26/08 04:42 PM
I'm not stating that healings don't take place or people coming back to life - i know it happens but it is not just within Christianity that it takes place, the body and mind are marvelous things able to do many things not thought possible but it is not just because of prayer or belief in god that it takes place or happens OK? OK!

i've had healing without praying yo jesus or your god - so then what is that? proof that your god is answering something i did not ask him for? yeah right.laugh

dangurtner's photo
Sat 07/26/08 04:55 PM

people go to doctors but yet fail to give the doctors or their immune systems any credit for healing them ...so what's the point of going to the doctors if all you have to do is pray

I think (and I already expect some harsh criticism) that the greatest gift God has given man is science. And God has given us very sophisticated bodies. Yes, He sometimes heals in an instant..but he also heals over time..and he also heals through medical doctors who apply science to bring about healing..and yes, the mind is a very strong "thing" and being attached to our bodies it can bring about physical change in the body (that's why researchers have to do double blind studies, to make sure that the mind doesn't influence the healing that should come from the drug to be tested).

I'm the one that wrote all those reports for a sci-fi movie I was working on ...so do you have any other evidence ... is anything on youtube?

youtube is a very dangerous place to be searching for evidence...heck, i'm taking classes in school right now that teach me how to make things look real in movies that aren't in the actual footage. "Don't have the right background for that scene? No problem; we'll just draw it in..."
Sure, go to youtube, search for todd bentley or healing outpouring, or whatnot. There's no doubt in my mind that what's happening in Lakeland FL right now is real. The problem is that you're not actually witnessing it and there's no hard evidence for a video you watch on youtube.

dangurtner's photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:07 PM
Edited by dangurtner on Sat 07/26/08 05:08 PM

ill look into it but not holding my breath, since your not a doctor nor were there any x rays likely taken before the healing you witnessed, your claims are superfluous at best. of course you expected such a response I'm sure. having been in your religion and attending several churches where these thing took place - i have had the chance to talk to those who went forward for healing over long periods of time - none who claimed healing dancing in the lord praising god and shouting hallelujah were ever really healed and most fell right back into the pain they had before the healing, is it possible for healing to occur? to come back from death? of course but it is not a sign of belief in god for it to be so. This is what I'm getting at.

as to whether there to busy healing those in their buildings, that crap, if they have that gift they could lay there hands on a TV screen and heal as Benny hinn says he can but cant. its a sick concept, and only foolish people would follow such contrivance, I'm sure i just wrote everything you expected, right? then lets drop the matter and not waste each others time anymore OK?

okidoki...and i agree that "it is not a sign of belief in god for it to be so." I'd rather believe that it is a byproduct that can occur when having those beliefs...

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:15 PM

I think (and I already expect some harsh criticism) that the greatest gift God has given man is science. And God has given us very sophisticated bodies. Yes, He sometimes heals in an instant..but he also heals over time..and he also heals through medical doctors who apply science to bring about healing..and yes, the mind is a very strong "thing" and being attached to our bodies it can bring about physical change in the body (that's why researchers have to do double blind studies, to make sure that the mind doesn't influence the healing that should come from the drug to be tested).

"dangurtner" you will never find an atheist in a foxhole as you will never find a true believer going to the doctor

youtube is a very dangerous place to be searching for evidence...heck, i'm taking classes in school right now that teach me how to make things look real in movies that aren't in the actual footage. "Don't have the right background for that scene? No problem; we'll just draw it in..."
Sure, go to youtube, search for todd bentley or healing outpouring, or whatnot. There's no doubt in my mind that what's happening in Lakeland FL right now is real. The problem is that you're not actually witnessing it and there's no hard evidence for a video you watch on youtube.

come on if someone is growing limbs if would have been one of the greatest miracles every perform and surely would have been documented on video

it's funny with everyone practically having a mini digital high resolution video camcorder and camera video cell phones that there is no video of limbs growing or UFOs flying or of Bigfoot taking a dump

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:17 PM

You don't believe in Bigfoot? noway

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:18 PM


You don't believe in Bigfoot? noway

you never seen my cousin's feet

alexiateigra's photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:22 PM
Not taking a moment, now and then to breathe.smokin

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:25 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 07/26/08 05:27 PM
it's funny with everyone practically having a mini digital high resolution video camcorder and camera video cell phones that there is no video of limbs growing or UFOs flying or of Bigfoot taking a dump

There are lots and lots of flying UFO's on camera. Don't you ever watch the history channel? I've seen them on Nasa footage even. Where have you been?

I once had a great video of a UFO and I wanted to show it to the world as proof. Most people I showed it to thought it was cheesy fake stuff like the kind you create. LOL People just laughed at me. The video just sat around for a few months.

So I called the authorities who (I thought) investigated things like that and they said they were not investigating things like that anymore, they did not have the funding for it.

But the following week two very strange men dressed in black, with dark sunglasses, driving a black sedan drove up and asked me for the video. They were very scary looking. They had very white pale skin, and white hair, in an afro style. Totally freaky, I'm serious. They advised me not tell anyone about their visit. They took my video and I never saw them again.


krupa's photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:26 PM
All this for "Sin"?...okay....

Sin is when I do something that people who do not do those same things make judgements.

This ain't rocket science.

Got no use for the people who would Judge me for the talents that God gave me.

God should give more folks talents...or at least a sense of humor.

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:33 PM

it's funny with everyone practically having a mini digital high resolution video camcorder and camera video cell phones that there is no video of limbs growing or UFOs flying or of Bigfoot taking a dump

There are lots and lots of flying UFO's on camera. Don't you ever watch the history channel? I've seen them on Nasa footage even. Where have you been?

I once had a great video of a UFO and I wanted to show it to the world as proof. Most people I showed it to thought it was cheesy fake stuff like the kind you create. LOL People just laughed at me. The video just sat around for a few months.

So I called the authorities who (I thought) investigated things like that and they said they were not investigating things like that anymore, they did not have the funding for it.

But the following week two very strange men dressed in black, with dark sunglasses, driving a black sedan drove up and asked me for the video. They were very scary looking. They had very white pale skin, and white hair, in an afro style. Totally freaky, I'm serious. They advised me not tell anyone about their visit. They took my video and I never saw them again.


hey 'JennieBean" I saw that same X-File episode the one about "Lord Kimbo" with Charles Nelson Ridley in it...that was one of the best X-Files and they found some aliens in a UFO crash but it was really Men in an alien suit and the government was trying to fool people into believing that there were aliens out there to hide the secret aircraft tests they were conducting ...also on that episode it was Alec Trebek as one of the men in Black ...

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:39 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 07/26/08 05:42 PM

it's funny with everyone practically having a mini digital high resolution video camcorder and camera video cell phones that there is no video of limbs growing or UFOs flying or of Bigfoot taking a dump

There are lots and lots of flying UFO's on camera. Don't you ever watch the history channel? I've seen them on Nasa footage even. Where have you been?

I once had a great video of a UFO and I wanted to show it to the world as proof. Most people I showed it to thought it was cheesy fake stuff like the kind you create. LOL People just laughed at me. The video just sat around for a few months.

So I called the authorities who (I thought) investigated things like that and they said they were not investigating things like that anymore, they did not have the funding for it.

But the following week two very strange men dressed in black, with dark sunglasses, driving a black sedan drove up and asked me for the video. They were very scary looking. They had very white pale skin, and white hair, in an afro style. Totally freaky, I'm serious. They advised me not tell anyone about their visit. They took my video and I never saw them again.


hey 'JennieBean" I saw that same X-File episode the one about "Lord Kimbo" with Charles Nelson Ridley in it...that was one of the best X-Files and they found some aliens in a UFO crash but it was really Men in an alien suit and the government was trying to fool people into believing that there were aliens out there to hide the secret aircraft tests they were conducting ...also on that episode it was Alec Trebek as one of the men in Black ...

Yeh, that is called a double cover-up. First they cover-up the facts about the aliens, but then too many people see them and start to believe that the government is hiding aliens.

Then, the government does the double cover-up and pulls some stunt like that to make people believe that they are just trying to make them believe there are aliens, and that what they are really hiding is their secret new aircraft technology.

But that is just a double cover-up. They did the same thing with crop circles. They got a few drunk Irishmen to make a few of them and now everyone believes that all crop circles are created by two drunk idiots with wooden contraptions.

Very funny. Who do they think they are fooling. LOL laugh smokin

dangurtner's photo
Sat 07/26/08 05:59 PM

"dangurtner" you will never find an atheist in a foxhole as you will never find a true believer going to the doctor

so foxhole = doctor what

it's funny with everyone practically having a mini digital high resolution video camcorder and camera video cell phones that there is no video of limbs growing or UFOs flying or of Bigfoot taking a dump

as for ufos:

and bigfoot:

or growing limbs...couldn't find one this quickly sad2
try this instead:

you asked for it...

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:07 PM
...... you will never find an atheist in a foxhole as you will never find a true believer going to the doctor

I think I better become an atheist because I don't ever want to end up in a foxhole. huh

..On the other hand, I must be a true believer, because I never go to doctors. huh

There are always exceptions of course, like in the case of a severed limb. bigsmile

krupa's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:10 PM
Edited by krupa on Sat 07/26/08 06:14 PM
Must be really nice to have selective hearing....

I feel like I am dealing with only ex's on this site.

No...no...just go on and pretend like someone didn't make complete sense....

Now, pretend like you are suprized that there are so many single people here.

After trying to speak to you guys....I am happy as Hell to deal with my dogs...at least they comprehend the basics.

Good luck guys....(I feel like I am sending out a chickenleg to fight a beaten piece of liver)

Translation: I truly hope that someone here finds someone that they enjoy spending time with.

Good God!

Makes me wish my dog Black Betty would bite people...I would definitely send her you guy's way....maybe Jesus would stop her from shredding you...but, I doubt it.

tribo's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:31 PM

Must be really nice to have selective hearing....

I feel like I am dealing with only ex's on this site.

No...no...just go on and pretend like someone didn't make complete sense....

Now, pretend like you are suprized that there are so many single people here.

After trying to speak to you guys....I am happy as Hell to deal with my dogs...at least they comprehend the basics.

Good luck guys....(I feel like I am sending out a chickenleg to fight a beaten piece of liver)

Translation: I truly hope that someone here finds someone that they enjoy spending time with.

Good God!

Makes me wish my dog Black Betty would bite people...I would definitely send her you guy's way....maybe Jesus would stop her from shredding you...but, I doubt it.

did someone just post something?? krewpa?

dangurtner's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:41 PM
not sure.. possibly there was a dog barking??

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:45 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sat 07/26/08 06:47 PM

I to have seen many healings......including myself....ovarian cancer and breast cancer......And it was totally through prayer so again people I say to you......I am living proof over and over of the power of prayer....

Also my husband who the doctors said should of died....and no medical explanation of why he lived. I know it was through the prayer....and that my friends is where your "Faith" comes in...Because even though the doctors were saying he was not going to live....I never not even once doubted he was going to live...

I also have seen in right here on jsh.....ask snugglesbyfire ask madamx and others.....so it....is what it is.....

people go to doctors but yet fail to give the doctors or their immune systems any credit for healing them ...so what's the point of going to the doctors if all you have to do is pray

Sorry funch....but with the hubby not a case of immune system.....and the doctors already thought he was dead....man oh man......If I would of believed that......then he would of been dead....but no.....because I knew better......and It doesn't mean that I don't believe in the doctors or the immune system....It's just something I do.....It's something that I will always do...and thank God.....because now hubby will be here for a long long time........

tribo's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:47 PM

it's funny with everyone practically having a mini digital high resolution video camcorder and camera video cell phones that there is no video of limbs growing or UFOs flying or of Bigfoot taking a dump

There are lots and lots of flying UFO's on camera. Don't you ever watch the history channel? I've seen them on Nasa footage even. Where have you been?

I once had a great video of a UFO and I wanted to show it to the world as proof. Most people I showed it to thought it was cheesy fake stuff like the kind you create. LOL People just laughed at me. The video just sat around for a few months.

So I called the authorities who (I thought) investigated things like that and they said they were not investigating things like that anymore, they did not have the funding for it.

But the following week two very strange men dressed in black, with dark sunglasses, driving a black sedan drove up and asked me for the video. They were very scary looking. They had very white pale skin, and white hair, in an afro style. Totally freaky, I'm serious. They advised me not tell anyone about their visit. They took my video and I never saw them again.


hmmm? tell me more

krupa's photo
Sat 07/26/08 06:56 PM
Great!....The condescending attitudes only make it that much easier to reject the faith of the pious faithful.

If I would have to put up with your ass in Heaven....send me to Hell. (This is where you stomp away at the block button christian)...give me a big heapin helpin of unconditional love.....

I swear....never been an eaisier segment of the populace to deal with than the devout......

But, Don't worry.....God Loves you!...at least someone does!

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