Topic: Getting A Second Opinion | |
My puppies are four weeks old now and I was asking a friend of mine if they are too young to feed since the momma seems not to want to let them suck as often. She asked me if they had teeth. While I was trying to pet them they tryed to gnaw off the meat off my fingers. So I tried to pet them with the other hand and they tried to gnaw the meat off those fingers, too.
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I think you answered your own question dear!
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What was the question again?
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well 4 weeks is a bit young..and it really has nothing to do w/ teeth..well not only w/ teeth..mommas milk would be best..but umm see if there is like some other alternative..maby like enfamil..u know like the baby powder milk stuff..its just their tummies are gonna have a hard time digesting the real food..
I start pups off with oatmeal and then start mixing puppy chow in until it's all puppy chow in about two weeks. Happy chew time! Wash all your wooden feet with vinegar and they won't likely chew them. I used to use tabasco til I ended up with a whole litter that liked it hot.
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My puppies are four weeks old now and I was asking a friend of mine if they are too young to feed since the momma seems not to want to let them suck as often. She asked me if they had teeth. While I was trying to pet them they tryed to gnaw off the meat off my fingers. So I tried to pet them with the other hand and they tried to gnaw the meat off those fingers, too. ![]() What did you have on your fingers? Ouch! ![]() |
Keep an eye on the mom and make sure she is feeding them regularly. If not, you'll need to supplement them. You could probably get some good tips from your local vet.
Just fingers. Ouch is right.
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if there not gaining any weight you can always go to the vet and they can give you an idea what to feed them. I'm sure they have somthing you could put in a baby bottle to feed them.
yo queiro taco bell!!!!!!
4 weeks...just try a little puppy chow softened up in water or milk. They will go nutz on it and soon they can eat the puppy chow with no problems...Just be ready with the pooper scooper!!!
yo queiro taco bell!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
One didn't gain weight and lost one but the remaining four have bellies that drag the ground.
I found this on the web from a breeder...
Sweetie I start to wean my pups when they open their eyes and hear me. I crushed the puppy food in a blender, soak over night and make it sloopy and add a can of Pro Plan chicken Puppy food for more taste, warm it and they soon slerp it up and go on to make it drier and add more as they grow. I never have any problems weaning my pups just had 23 all sold, nice and big, fat and healthy and eating like piggies since two weeks old. I get large low lipped pans a Wal Mart, add Espilac also for milk taste until they forget momma. she knows that I start to feed so they start to dry up within a month pups are then a good 4 weeks old, playing and running about. My pups grow fast, I add liquid vitamins also and give a straight parve at two and half weeks for a boost of that dealy virus. My puppies are so healthy and happy, I temperment test all of them so they fit into the proper homes, all are so happy I never get a complaint, only a question or so to answer that I insist on them calling me rather than doubt. Just guess at amount of how they eat at first, throw away what is left, make fresh daily and warm it. Push the faces into it slowly but not to scare them to death. Soon they smell it coming and holler. |
One didn't gain weight and lost one but the remaining four have bellies that drag the ground. ![]() |
I found this on the web from a breeder... Sweetie I start to wean my pups when they open their eyes and hear me. I crushed the puppy food in a blender, soak over night and make it sloopy and add a can of Pro Plan chicken Puppy food for more taste, warm it and they soon slerp it up and go on to make it drier and add more as they grow. I never have any problems weaning my pups just had 23 all sold, nice and big, fat and healthy and eating like piggies since two weeks old. I get large low lipped pans a Wal Mart, add Espilac also for milk taste until they forget momma. she knows that I start to feed so they start to dry up within a month pups are then a good 4 weeks old, playing and running about. My pups grow fast, I add liquid vitamins also and give a straight parve at two and half weeks for a boost of that dealy virus. My puppies are so healthy and happy, I temperment test all of them so they fit into the proper homes, all are so happy I never get a complaint, only a question or so to answer that I insist on them calling me rather than doubt. Just guess at amount of how they eat at first, throw away what is left, make fresh daily and warm it. Push the faces into it slowly but not to scare them to death. Soon they smell it coming and holler. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Parvo is a big threat here. I was curious about that. I have been keeping them inside because of critters outside. I had to take a chance with a shampoo for fleas and ticks. Lost one due to a big seed tick in of the puppies ear. Not sure what age I can put flea collars on. I sure was unprepared.
Collars on little pups...not good...they can strangle..get hung up on things.
Get Front Line and read the box for directions on keeping the bugs away!! |
Parvo is a big threat here. I was curious about that. I have been keeping them inside because of critters outside. I had to take a chance with a shampoo for fleas and ticks. Lost one due to a big seed tick in of the puppies ear. Not sure what age I can put flea collars on. I sure was unprepared. sounds like you need to visit the vet or use this new thing called the internet and start researching or you will lose more than one! Good luck. |
Yeah. If only the Internet was around when I first got married. Sorry didn't mean to get sidetracked. I will check on Front Line, tomorrow. I will check the isle for worm medicine, too.