Topic: depression support
MoreBass's photo
Sun 04/01/07 11:54 AM
there's nothing "overrated" about depression. it's crippling; crying
yourself to sleep every night, wondering what it would be like to can be depressed and incapable of paying your bills. your
comment was not the least bit constructive or supportive.

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/01/07 12:10 PM
I agree Bass, that is what I was trying to point out in my response
above. People should not feel put down or belittled because they are
battling depression, it hits everyone different. There are many
different levels and some people have never experienced a true crippling
depression, and they are lucky, and it bothers me when they may make
flip responses to people who are.

Hottie, I doubt that your depression is postpartum then, but will share
with you that I have suffered depression starting probably about the
same time in my life, but after my daughter was born, did sink much
deeper, and the doctor didn't even pick up on it, back in 1974 they
weren't paying attention to postpartum depression like they do now, but
know maybe 6 or 8 months later it felt like a weight lifted off me, that
must have been when the postpartum part lifted, but I still had the
underlying depression. That is why I preach (sorry, suggest) getting
medical help, they can help sort it out. Take care.

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 04/01/07 12:47 PM
id like to get off ym stress and depression but its kinda hard right
now. money is thin and gas money is hard to scrouge much less than money
to go to a doctor

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/01/07 01:10 PM
Jeff- do you have a family member to help you with a temporary loan? I
have been there too. Have been lucky to be working for many years now
but was hard starting out as a single parent again. Call a mental
health center and talk to them, they know of any programs around that
help people, some may offer gas vouchers, etc., I know when I was a
receptionist in a mental health clinic a long time ago I had a list of
who provided what service and was always giving out information. Try
calling a center and see what they say. Good luck. Once you get an
appt. there are needy meds programs through the drug companies and if a
doctor decides you need meds and your income level is in the right
category, you can qualify for free meds from the company. Just need to
get the process going. So make some calls and see what you can find
out. Take care.

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 04/01/07 04:37 PM
not really.. life is a struggle here for most of my family proably one
of the reasons im stressing.

no photo
Sun 04/01/07 04:41 PM
well thank you marrie55 and i am going to see my doctor about this soon
thank you for the advice

Classyjeff's photo
Sun 04/01/07 04:45 PM
yes thanks
listneing is nice
i dont hvae many friends where i live and tend to hide online alot

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/01/07 05:42 PM
Life is a struggle for everybody, but that is what keeps us going. Glad
I had some information that was useful. Bass and others have a lot of
helpful information too. I have had the good luck to work around the
medical system for 26+ years and know a little about the availability of
some of the funding and programs that outsiders may not.

Anytime you want to talk, e-mail me, I am on every night after work, and
enjoy talking to people.

Take care and good luck.

MoreBass's photo
Sun 04/01/07 06:23 PM
jeff - even if you aren't religious, you might want to go visit a church
in your area. a clergyman isn't a doctor, but they still offer counsel.
he will listen to you, offer advice, try to help you find assistance,
etc, and he will do it for free. if you are comfortable with allowing
him to share your story with his church, people there will likely be
willing to also help you in any way they can. try to find a church with
a strong outreach program; they often advertise such things in their
weekly bulletins, or on websites if they happen to have one. if you are
nervous about people being too pushy, look for a non-denominational
church. they are usually more laidback. and as we are always saying, we
are all here when you need to talk. you have a way of emailing any one
of us from this forum, so take advantage of that. take care.

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/01/07 06:36 PM
Excellent Bass, I didn't even think of that. Glad you did.

MoreBass's photo
Sun 04/01/07 06:46 PM
haha, i just got back from church...

izzie's photo
Tue 04/03/07 01:07 PM
heres my problem.. any time you think you are finaly getting a handle on
things.. found a good med that helps you to keep it together, and you
are just starting to feel human again...
someone comes along and kicks your happy cloud out from under you and
you start to spiral fall again...

MoreBass's photo
Tue 04/03/07 09:18 PM
that's what we're here for. remember in cartoons when firemen would
stretch out that clothy trampoliney thing and catch people when they
jumped out the window? that's us.

Marie55's photo
Tue 04/03/07 09:51 PM
I know how you feel Izzie, I am bottoming out tonight too. Usually hold
it together pretty well, but my birthday is Thursday and daughter moved
the grandkids out of state so I am all alone this year and letting my
depression get the better of me. Stupid I know, but those babies have
been the light of my life since they were born, I have seen them every
day and babysit them since day one, miss them fiercely. Now that I am
looking at my birthday without them, suddenly I am crashing too. I am
so grateful for all my friends on here. You guys keep me going. Thanks
for listening.

no photo
Sat 04/14/07 08:49 AM
hey just wondered if anyone has ever meat someone and in just 3 weeks
know they were the one for you?? i meat a guy and he makes me feal like
i am an angle. he told me last night that he loves me and i am shour he
ment it. but i have been hurt so many times i am scard that it could be
to soon. but when him and i are together i dont feal depressed. i am not
scared of him and i am scared of most guys because my babys daddy beat
me all the time. i am scared that i might louse this one and he is so
good to me. anyone have any advice for me??

MoreBass's photo
Mon 04/16/07 06:37 AM
it sounds like all you really want is for one of us to assure you that
it's ok to trust yourself. so do it. you know how you feel, you know
what you want, and you know what you need. good luck!

no photo
Mon 04/16/07 09:10 AM
thank you and maby thats it i am scard of getting hurt again for me and
my daugther but thank you.

Meeshep's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:33 PM
Ok, I can't stand it!!! I am Bi-polar 1-manic/depressive for a little
histoy. I've wanted to be able to help others in some way form or
fashion. I was just asked today to attend a Peers teaching Peers Seminar
(this is through National Alliance for the Mentally) in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana. Fri, Sat & Sun from 8:00-4:00. Someone canceled so I get to
take her place. I finally got my foot in the door! I am just soooooo
excited i'm about to burst! I just moved back down south into my
parent's home with my two boys 4 mths ago. I was at a pretty bad low in
my life at the time. I haven't really been praying per-say but hoping
that this type of oppertunity would come my way. I was diagnosed with
this back in 2003 but not until the past 4mths have I learned so much
about it. So with all that i've said I want to say thanks for letting me
rattle on

liliuminterspinas's photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:47 PM
(((morebass, cybear))) flowerforyou
I told you I would be back :smile: but with good news. I still have
occasional depression but I have found my soulmate blushing He's been
helping me alot. His love is more than enough to see me through, even in
my darkest hours. He has seen my scars....both physical and mental and I
couldn't ask for a more caring, loving, and understanding individual
because he has those scars too. He knows what i've seen, what i've felt.
There is a quote i've read before that explains how i feel: "there is
only one happiness in love and be loved." It is a wonderful
feeling...loving someone and knowing that they will return that love. My
life has taken a turn for the better and I hope and pray that all of you
will be able to escape your own darkness as I have. It's a long, hard
journey but it can be done. May the light at the end of your tunnel
forever be shining. I love you all and God bless.
Your friend forever and always
Aprilflowerforyou :heart: :smile:

MoreBass's photo
Tue 04/17/07 06:57 PM
isaac suddenly has a really big smile on his face...