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Topic: How Many? - But WHY?
Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 02:11 PM

All research I have done on this topic has been from biased sources. Unbiased material is very difficult to find. Almost EVERYBODY has their own personal agenda. When doing research people have a tendancy to find information to back up the opinion they already have.

Does anyone out there have an unbiased source of information, other than the bible which of course would be biased, to help me start my "History of the Bible" research?

ok because the nature of this forum is to allow and not ban trolls that will break down information, twist and turn it, and vomit it back up if you need specific help you are going to have to exchange emails with me or get on my im list so I can teach you to do effective research.

That said...I will say this for everyone's benefit...

To look up information sitting where you are now reading this on a web search is amazingly easy. In a library a librarian can help but it has to be a non christian college library, or public library. A Christian College library will lead you the wrong direction every last time.

The amount of information to search through is staggering. I do check christian websites sometimes but usually avoid them, because they don't like to tell you about any text they disagree with.

Keywords to search are...Bible, creation, origin, original, direct translation, biblical texts, jesus ancient texts, Christ ancient texts, book of Judas, book of Mary, Jesus and herod, life of jesus ancient texts, Jesus and mary, Jesus Egypt (wildcard).

Read things carefully, once you do find a text source some text may be confusing. Read it with a grain of salt making sure you understand you have no idea what the context is or WHO it is they are talking about (so far I have five marys in the life of Jesus and which is which can be unclear at times). If you are going to read additional texts it's a good idea to find a source that explains language and phrases used in those times because it can change the whole meaning. As in...

If I read SON OF JOSEPH in the bible it is meant as Descendent of Joseph which may or may not be the actual son of Joseph. I don't understand this myself but that is why the bible is suspect the language usage of that time was nothing like modern language usage so it can completely change the meaning of a passage.

A while ago i started doing a detail search and I found that even more interesting I suggest it as a matter of fun for anyone that likes history. Check a part of the bible you want to know more about, a story in the bible, or key figures and do a search on that instead of the whole bible. A closely related story to the bible that could be considered to have everything or nothing to do with Jesus is a search for example on herod, Joseph, Mary (Marriame). Sometimes I wish that the RCC would release all of the texts it has so people could fit all of these pieces together. Even more Jewish texts would help.

Blackbird's photo
Fri 06/13/08 02:14 PM


RCC - Roman Catholic Church


THNX ejay

It was the only thing that made sense. However, I often find it odd that when church History is brought up, only RCC is deemed acceptable. Rather odd for a religion that determined that Peter was the 1st pope long after he was dead. :wink:

nothing about acceptable if you ask me I detest almost everything the RCC did, but it was the church in power, it held all of the cards, and it took possesion of or destroyed most religions texts. I know it isn't likely they actually kept them but i have always had a fantasy that they would release the information from their vaults. :)

The only thing that made sense...was I spouting jibberish in my fatigue again?

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 06/13/08 02:31 PM

All research I have done on this topic has been from biased sources. Unbiased material is very difficult to find. Almost EVERYBODY has their own personal agenda. When doing research people have a tendancy to find information to back up the opinion they already have.

Does anyone out there have an unbiased source of information, other than the bible which of course would be biased, to help me start my "History of the Bible" research?

ok because the nature of this forum is to allow and not ban trolls that will break down information, twist and turn it, and vomit it back up if you need specific help you are going to have to exchange emails with me or get on my im list so I can teach you to do effective research.

That said...I will say this for everyone's benefit...

To look up information sitting where you are now reading this on a web search is amazingly easy. In a library a librarian can help but it has to be a non christian college library, or public library. A Christian College library will lead you the wrong direction every last time.

The amount of information to search through is staggering. I do check christian websites sometimes but usually avoid them, because they don't like to tell you about any text they disagree with.

Keywords to search are...Bible, creation, origin, original, direct translation, biblical texts, jesus ancient texts, Christ ancient texts, book of Judas, book of Mary, Jesus and herod, life of jesus ancient texts, Jesus and mary, Jesus Egypt (wildcard).

Read things carefully, once you do find a text source some text may be confusing. Read it with a grain of salt making sure you understand you have no idea what the context is or WHO it is they are talking about (so far I have five marys in the life of Jesus and which is which can be unclear at times). If you are going to read additional texts it's a good idea to find a source that explains language and phrases used in those times because it can change the whole meaning. As in...

If I read SON OF JOSEPH in the bible it is meant as Descendent of Joseph which may or may not be the actual son of Joseph. I don't understand this myself but that is why the bible is suspect the language usage of that time was nothing like modern language usage so it can completely change the meaning of a passage.

A while ago i started doing a detail search and I found that even more interesting I suggest it as a matter of fun for anyone that likes history. Check a part of the bible you want to know more about, a story in the bible, or key figures and do a search on that instead of the whole bible. A closely related story to the bible that could be considered to have everything or nothing to do with Jesus is a search for example on herod, Joseph, Mary (Marriame). Sometimes I wish that the RCC would release all of the texts it has so people could fit all of these pieces together. Even more Jewish texts would help.

I know how to do an effective search and how to cross referance. What I am saying is that there are NO unbiased materials out there. EVERYONE has an agenda whether they want to admit it or not.

tribo's photo
Fri 06/13/08 02:42 PM
Edited by tribo on Fri 06/13/08 02:51 PM

All research I have done on this topic has been from biased sources. Unbiased material is very difficult to find. Almost EVERYBODY has their own personal agenda. When doing research people have a tendancy to find information to back up the opinion they already have.

Does anyone out there have an unbiased source of information, other than the bible which of course would be biased, to help me start my "History of the Bible" research?

ok because the nature of this forum is to allow and not ban trolls that will break down information, twist and turn it, and vomit it back up if you need specific help you are going to have to exchange emails with me or get on my im list so I can teach you to do effective research.

That said...I will say this for everyone's benefit...

To look up information sitting where you are now reading this on a web search is amazingly easy. In a library a librarian can help but it has to be a non christian college library, or public library. A Christian College library will lead you the wrong direction every last time.

The amount of information to search through is staggering. I do check christian websites sometimes but usually avoid them, because they don't like to tell you about any text they disagree with.

Keywords to search are...Bible, creation, origin, original, direct translation, biblical texts, jesus ancient texts, Christ ancient texts, book of Judas, book of Mary, Jesus and herod, life of jesus ancient texts, Jesus and mary, Jesus Egypt (wildcard).

Read things carefully, once you do find a text source some text may be confusing. Read it with a grain of salt making sure you understand you have no idea what the context is or WHO it is they are talking about (so far I have five marys in the life of Jesus and which is which can be unclear at times). If you are going to read additional texts it's a good idea to find a source that explains language and phrases used in those times because it can change the whole meaning. As in...

If I read SON OF JOSEPH in the bible it is meant as Descendent of Joseph which may or may not be the actual son of Joseph. I don't understand this myself but that is why the bible is suspect the language usage of that time was nothing like modern language usage so it can completely change the meaning of a passage.

A while ago i started doing a detail search and I found that even more interesting I suggest it as a matter of fun for anyone that likes history. Check a part of the bible you want to know more about, a story in the bible, or key figures and do a search on that instead of the whole bible. A closely related story to the bible that could be considered to have everything or nothing to do with Jesus is a search for example on herod, Joseph, Mary (Marriame). Sometimes I wish that the RCC would release all of the texts it has so people could fit all of these pieces together. Even more Jewish texts would help.

I know how to do an effective search and how to cross referance. What I am saying is that there are NO unbiased materials out there. EVERYONE has an agenda whether they want to admit it or not.

drinker you have uncovered a "core truth" my little winged one, flowerforyou the "gass hoppa" is finding enlightenment ~.^ - laugh flowerforyou

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 06/13/08 04:13 PM

BB wrote:
Keywords to search are...Bible, creation, origin, original, direct translation, biblical texts, jesus ancient texts, Christ ancient texts, book of Judas, book of Mary, Jesus and herod, life of jesus ancient texts, Jesus and mary, Jesus Egypt (wildcard).

I will say that everyone's search is personal. Most people will search out what they find most interesting. So choose a perspective in history that you might enjoy researching. (People, places, geography, or history)

Then when you begin, look into science journals, archeology, anthropology, any scientific finding that can be placed within the timeline of history of what interests you.

Example, you may be interested in OTHER people in other lands and their beliefs at the time that Jesus is supposed to have lived. Your research will lead into DOZENS of other paths.

Eventually you get a sense of the whole of the times. You learn about language, about geography about 'everything' as you spread your wings.

WARNING - becoming a 'believer' is easy, it takes only imagination, a will to be accepted, and proclamation of belief in the information others have HANDED you.

Becoming knowledgeable and honing your critical thinking skills, takes perseverance, hard work and a LONG TIME. You WILL NOT regret it. Gaining knowledge is empowering and I assure you, no matter what you end up believing, you will never loose sight of all the possibilities. And finally, what you believe will be through your own hard won efforts. If you still believe in judgment day after all that, you will know how to face it from YOUR point of view through YOUR truth an not that of another.

IT’S A WONDEROUS JOURNEY, after four decades, I’m still enjoying the ride.

tribo's photo
Sat 06/14/08 07:40 AM

All research I have done on this topic has been from biased sources. Unbiased material is very difficult to find. Almost EVERYBODY has their own personal agenda. When doing research people have a tendancy to find information to back up the opinion they already have.

Does anyone out there have an unbiased source of information, other than the bible which of course would be biased, to help me start my "History of the Bible" research?

ok because the nature of this forum is to allow and not ban trolls that will break down information, twist and turn it, and vomit it back up if you need specific help you are going to have to exchange emails with me or get on my im list so I can teach you to do effective research.

That said...I will say this for everyone's benefit...

To look up information sitting where you are now reading this on a web search is amazingly easy. In a library a librarian can help but it has to be a non christian college library, or public library. A Christian College library will lead you the wrong direction every last time.

The amount of information to search through is staggering. I do check christian websites sometimes but usually avoid them, because they don't like to tell you about any text they disagree with.

Keywords to search are...Bible, creation, origin, original, direct translation, biblical texts, jesus ancient texts, Christ ancient texts, book of Judas, book of Mary, Jesus and herod, life of jesus ancient texts, Jesus and mary, Jesus Egypt (wildcard).

Read things carefully, once you do find a text source some text may be confusing. Read it with a grain of salt making sure you understand you have no idea what the context is or WHO it is they are talking about (so far I have five marys in the life of Jesus and which is which can be unclear at times). If you are going to read additional texts it's a good idea to find a source that explains language and phrases used in those times because it can change the whole meaning. As in...

If I read SON OF JOSEPH in the bible it is meant as Descendent of Joseph which may or may not be the actual son of Joseph. I don't understand this myself but that is why the bible is suspect the language usage of that time was nothing like modern language usage so it can completely change the meaning of a passage.

A while ago i started doing a detail search and I found that even more interesting I suggest it as a matter of fun for anyone that likes history. Check a part of the bible you want to know more about, a story in the bible, or key figures and do a search on that instead of the whole bible. A closely related story to the bible that could be considered to have everything or nothing to do with Jesus is a search for example on herod, Joseph, Mary (Marriame). Sometimes I wish that the RCC would release all of the texts it has so people could fit all of these pieces together. Even more Jewish texts would help.

sorry BB been their - done that- about 2 decades ago - any material found in libraries, halls of education, secret societies,etc., if written by man - are biased. in my opinion your better off by far in learning who you are as intimitely as possible, for "you" are thae "only thing" you can know on an intimate basis - you have "inside information" - you are a "person" a man of mankind. your on a path that leads to knowhere when searching endlessly for knowledge of things you'll never know for sure. not I, or abra, or jellybean,or any living being will ever have "all" the answers to all that we have interest, question's,or desire of. i don't write this to belittle your belief's or knowledge you've gained, only as what see as a fact. much of what we could have known on a deeper level was lost in alexandria when the library their was destryed, from that point on much of what could be known by us today is impossilbe to ever know now. with that i gave up any more of my time thinking i could ever really know what was what - without biased writings. search yourself my friend, for as i say " you are the only thing you can really know for sure"

Blackbird's photo
Sat 06/14/08 03:25 PM

All research I have done on this topic has been from biased sources. Unbiased material is very difficult to find. Almost EVERYBODY has their own personal agenda. When doing research people have a tendancy to find information to back up the opinion they already have.

Does anyone out there have an unbiased source of information, other than the bible which of course would be biased, to help me start my "History of the Bible" research?

ok because the nature of this forum is to allow and not ban trolls that will break down information, twist and turn it, and vomit it back up if you need specific help you are going to have to exchange emails with me or get on my im list so I can teach you to do effective research.

That said...I will say this for everyone's benefit...

To look up information sitting where you are now reading this on a web search is amazingly easy. In a library a librarian can help but it has to be a non christian college library, or public library. A Christian College library will lead you the wrong direction every last time.

The amount of information to search through is staggering. I do check christian websites sometimes but usually avoid them, because they don't like to tell you about any text they disagree with.

Keywords to search are...Bible, creation, origin, original, direct translation, biblical texts, jesus ancient texts, Christ ancient texts, book of Judas, book of Mary, Jesus and herod, life of jesus ancient texts, Jesus and mary, Jesus Egypt (wildcard).

Read things carefully, once you do find a text source some text may be confusing. Read it with a grain of salt making sure you understand you have no idea what the context is or WHO it is they are talking about (so far I have five marys in the life of Jesus and which is which can be unclear at times). If you are going to read additional texts it's a good idea to find a source that explains language and phrases used in those times because it can change the whole meaning. As in...

If I read SON OF JOSEPH in the bible it is meant as Descendent of Joseph which may or may not be the actual son of Joseph. I don't understand this myself but that is why the bible is suspect the language usage of that time was nothing like modern language usage so it can completely change the meaning of a passage.

A while ago i started doing a detail search and I found that even more interesting I suggest it as a matter of fun for anyone that likes history. Check a part of the bible you want to know more about, a story in the bible, or key figures and do a search on that instead of the whole bible. A closely related story to the bible that could be considered to have everything or nothing to do with Jesus is a search for example on herod, Joseph, Mary (Marriame). Sometimes I wish that the RCC would release all of the texts it has so people could fit all of these pieces together. Even more Jewish texts would help.

sorry BB been their - done that- about 2 decades ago - any material found in libraries, halls of education, secret societies,etc., if written by man - are biased. in my opinion your better off by far in learning who you are as intimitely as possible, for "you" are thae "only thing" you can know on an intimate basis - you have "inside information" - you are a "person" a man of mankind. your on a path that leads to knowhere when searching endlessly for knowledge of things you'll never know for sure. not I, or abra, or jellybean,or any living being will ever have "all" the answers to all that we have interest, question's,or desire of. i don't write this to belittle your belief's or knowledge you've gained, only as what see as a fact. much of what we could have known on a deeper level was lost in alexandria when the library their was destryed, from that point on much of what could be known by us today is impossilbe to ever know now. with that i gave up any more of my time thinking i could ever really know what was what - without biased writings. search yourself my friend, for as i say " you are the only thing you can really know for sure"

I agree....any reasearch we do will offer hours of interesting reading, conceptual food for thought, ideas and theories about religion or the state of the world, the times, or even the teachings without giving any authority to known fact. It's a very personal search for knowledge and can be entertaining or enlightening.

So far as the libary of Alexandra I see that as one of the most tragic losses that we have experienced as a race cutting us off from our own history so that we can not know. Withought the library itself being a symbol I see the tragedy as a symbol of loss for the human race and demonstration that the powers that existed in that time did not want us to know something.

tribo's photo
Sat 06/14/08 04:09 PM

So far as the libary of Alexandra I see that as one of the most tragic losses that we have experienced as a race cutting us off from our own history so that we can not know. Withought the library itself being a symbol I see the tragedy as a symbol of loss for the human race and demonstration that the powers that existed in that time did not want us to know something.

i cant say for sure - but that's definitely the affect it has had - what wonders and answers might have been.:smile:

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