The Devil misconception
"I AM THAT I AM" means "the self sufficient one". God needs nothing to exist, not food, water, space, time, friendship, love, heat, shelter or worship. If he doesn't need worship, then how come everyone is always telling me to convert and worship him and telling me that he says people should worship him and only him and to convert as many people to worshipping him as possible??? (Sorry...just struck me as odd, didn't mean to hi-jack your thread there BB ![]() God doesn't need worship, you aren't doing anything for God by worshipping him. God deserves worship. Huge difference. You exist because God wants you to exist, pure and simple. Seems like you should take a little time out to thank him. EXCELLANT! God also doesn't force Himself on anyone but what He DOES DO is invite people to join Him. We all know this. The problem is others trying to force "God" on people as if they are more informed, own spirituality, or have special privilage. |
Pagan's don't prostelitize, we don't want you if you aren't ready... We don't want the mindless sheep, we want the well informed who have learned about all the other religions and seen their hypocracy... Not saying all Christians are that way, but I am so weary of the ones who are.. Live simply so that you may simply live. I truthfully just find that it is a matter of different paths to the same place. No one is better and none are worse it's just what works for you. I agree and I am glad that there are other people on here that understand that. Although I believe you said you follow a pagan belief system so that makes sense. I like that phrase though. "Live simply so that you may simply live" That is good advice. And so simple... ![]() ![]() The problem with "religion" is the humans get in there and screw it up... ![]() ![]() "Religion" has been around for millions of years, and really what have they done for anyone? Spirituality is what drives you, and makes you complete, you have to find a religion that helps your spirituality grow, not hinder your developement. Now if people could figure that out...the world would be a better place! |
That is a pretty general description of pagan. I had heard from somewhere that paganism was an actual religion. If this is so I expected more of a structured belief system. I don't expect a pagan to follow the teachings of Jesus, because that would make them more of a Christian. From what you describe it is just a term to tag on anyone who is not heavily into one of the other major religions. My understanding of Wiccans is that they worship the earth and the earth mother or goddess, the sun, the moon, the stars, and they practice their version of magick etc. I have friends who loosely consider themselves wiccans or "witches." I practice my "magick" through the creative techniques but they are not associated with the worship of a god or goddess. JB Right, Like I said. Pagan is a VERY broad term. It covers an entire set of beliefs and is not a structured religion at all. You could get 100 pagans in a room and they will each believe a different thing and perhaps even worship different Gods. Kind of why I said it is a religious Agnosticism really. They pick and choose what they believe and what makes sense to them and it could come from any religion or multiple religions. (By the way. Not all pagans believe or follow Jesus. I have just known some that like what he was preaching and incorporate that into their belief system.) You are correct with Wiccans though. There is a earth mother goddess and a God in Wicca. The Goddess is the dominant diety though. They do look towards the sun, the moon, the stars for guidance and understanding and incorporate that into their magick. I only said witchcraft because that is what it is commonly associated with and most wiccans fully accept that. They don't consider being called a witch deragoratory(sp?) Once during a lecture a pagan that I knew and was listening to with other pagans made a comment to the effect of: "Since christianity became a mainstream religion and dominated the cultures we live in our original spiritual paths were lost. After Christianity has proven to be a complete failure we have saught the lessons of our original cultures, and began to make our own religions so we can find one that works." This is a general statement of course...but conveys a somewhat accurate overall sentiment. Even in the cases of those that are trying to revive exactly ancient belief systems, much is unknown or unproven so they follow the old ways in theory without confirmation about details or significance in some things. I find it rather funny that all you care about is ousting Christians....And again I say to very care to judge as thee will be judged.. Corruption within religion is an ugly thing. It says nothing of the original religion, and speaks only to what the religion has come to represent to much of the world. |
That is a pretty general description of pagan. I had heard from somewhere that paganism was an actual religion. If this is so I expected more of a structured belief system. I don't expect a pagan to follow the teachings of Jesus, because that would make them more of a Christian. From what you describe it is just a term to tag on anyone who is not heavily into one of the other major religions. My understanding of Wiccans is that they worship the earth and the earth mother or goddess, the sun, the moon, the stars, and they practice their version of magick etc. I have friends who loosely consider themselves wiccans or "witches." I practice my "magick" through the creative techniques but they are not associated with the worship of a god or goddess. JB Right, Like I said. Pagan is a VERY broad term. It covers an entire set of beliefs and is not a structured religion at all. You could get 100 pagans in a room and they will each believe a different thing and perhaps even worship different Gods. Kind of why I said it is a religious Agnosticism really. They pick and choose what they believe and what makes sense to them and it could come from any religion or multiple religions. (By the way. Not all pagans believe or follow Jesus. I have just known some that like what he was preaching and incorporate that into their belief system.) You are correct with Wiccans though. There is a earth mother goddess and a God in Wicca. The Goddess is the dominant diety though. They do look towards the sun, the moon, the stars for guidance and understanding and incorporate that into their magick. I only said witchcraft because that is what it is commonly associated with and most wiccans fully accept that. They don't consider being called a witch deragoratory(sp?) Once during a lecture a pagan that I knew and was listening to with other pagans made a comment to the effect of: "Since christianity became a mainstream religion and dominated the cultures we live in our original spiritual paths were lost. After Christianity has proven to be a complete failure we have saught the lessons of our original cultures, and began to make our own religions so we can find one that works." This is a general statement of course...but conveys a somewhat accurate overall sentiment. Even in the cases of those that are trying to revive exactly ancient belief systems, much is unknown or unproven so they follow the old ways in theory without confirmation about details or significance in some things. Thanks BB. I know that back before Christianity when paganism was around that it was a more set in stone way of thinking which is what JB might have been referring to. But yes, now it is a much broader term as pagans try to find something that fits with their own beliefs. Which often differs from other pagans. The great thing about pagans are that even though you can have 100 pagans believing 100 totally different things. You usually never see a pagan condemning you to hell for your beliefs. Kind of a nice thought isn't it? This is quite true! However in all fairness I have to point out that I have been deeply involved in both cultures Christian and Pagan. I have seen the same nasty behavior sets in both groups. The problem is that the bad apples never really learn, and to them a a spiritual event isn't any different from any other opportunity to try to hurt people. Now one would think you could just toss them out, but this goes back to what my great aunt once said which was that it's the worst people that need organized religion the most (in hopes that they improve which I havent' seen much evidence of). So basically religion is there for all people, and even in private groups with "safe" groups you never really get rid of the hateful. It's largely because of this that I gave up on organized religion, even on the pagan side, because the truth is wherever you are in organized religion in America you are likely to see the worst ones, because their belief is twisted to keep them from being ashamed. I started doing general community events. My reasoning is that people don't always behave well there either, but when someone does something to hurt someone else they know it, and everyone else knows it. In a general community people have to take self responsibility. In religious communities people don't take responsibility because their right to blame their god or their beliefs isn't stripped away. This is why American democracy failed completely, religion was never removed in spite of claims. I learned that with general community we had the same problems, but as a group we eventually were able to work everything out and those making trouble drifted away. This was achieved through non aggressive passive resistence. I hope this makes's all just my views based on what I have learned. |
The Devil misconception
"I AM THAT I AM" means "the self sufficient one". God needs nothing to exist, not food, water, space, time, friendship, love, heat, shelter or worship. If he doesn't need worship, then how come everyone is always telling me to convert and worship him and telling me that he says people should worship him and only him and to convert as many people to worshipping him as possible??? (Sorry...just struck me as odd, didn't mean to hi-jack your thread there BB ![]() God doesn't need worship, you aren't doing anything for God by worshipping him. God deserves worship. Huge difference. You exist because God wants you to exist, pure and simple. Seems like you should take a little time out to thank him. ![]() Actually Scinn I do notice that although you had two entries disputing you, both ignored the question which is valid. If we are not one of them, we are the enemy, and should not be suffered to live! |
do you think
ok I'll go a totally different direction... I pick number three! Why? I've had some experience doing photo shoots, taking pictures, and long ago helping peopel build profiles. Some show the beauty of your skin, some show your smile. From my personal point of view number three looks more natural it's a classic pose, and your face in that shot looks more relaxed and natural for whatever reason... Just my two coppers... which do you like on mine? lmao thanks ![]() ![]() my favourite on your profile is number 5 ![]() ![]() Hmmm that's interesting. I've been told that on one or two occasions, but why? [/quot because you look sexy in that picture ![]() ![]() NOT...pardon me while I go burn that vest... |
First Contact
I usually just say whatever comes to mind. I read their profiles and if they sound interesting I bring that up. Though, I usually keep it light and simple. One of those things of (taking your profile as example): Heya :) Saw your profile and you seem pretty cool. Computers, chess and video games huh? lol Right up my alley! What sort of video games? I've been playing CoD4 lately. Then I just go about my day and wait for them to reply or not to reply lmao Whatever the case may be ![]() You, a conversationalist? NEVER! lmao :) |
First Contact
When you first message someone, what do you usually say in the message? What works, what doesn't? The question itself is individualistic. With each person I have a different reason for sending a message. Some I might be trying to make a friend because we agree on certain concepts regardless of distance. I might have a different reason for contacting some people, but I definately am looking to make a friend. Any idea about romance or anything else has to wait until we prove that we could make good friends. Because each person is different my attempts are usually different almost every time (even thought you can't always be completely original). This gives people an opportunity to get to know each other by picking a common interest or middle ground to discuss. For this to work, both have to actually put something in their profile so they can have a place to start from. If I send a message to someone it's because I have something to say or I find them interesting. It is their choice if they are interested in me and want to reply. If they choose not to they are meaningless to me, because I only want to talk with or know those that want to know me. |
do you think
ok I'll go a totally different direction... I pick number three! Why? I've had some experience doing photo shoots, taking pictures, and long ago helping peopel build profiles. Some show the beauty of your skin, some show your smile. From my personal point of view number three looks more natural it's a classic pose, and your face in that shot looks more relaxed and natural for whatever reason... Just my two coppers... which do you like on mine? lmao thanks ![]() ![]() my favourite on your profile is number 5 ![]() ![]() Hmmm that's interesting. I've been told that on one or two occasions, but why? |
do you think
ok I'll go a totally different direction...
I pick number three! Why? I've had some experience doing photo shoots, taking pictures, and long ago helping peopel build profiles. Some show the beauty of your skin, some show your smile. From my personal point of view number three looks more natural it's a classic pose, and your face in that shot looks more relaxed and natural for whatever reason... Just my two coppers... which do you like on mine? lmao |
Drug addicts and pushers
We have heard of this campaign "Just say no" for a long time. We have stricter laws if a person is caught near a school selling drugs. We are told this is one of the biggest threats to our children and actually you could say our society since they will be our future leaders. Now we all worry about sex offenders and say they/ we need to know if one lives close by. What about druggies? If we are so concerned about our childrens welfare and keeping them away from drugs why don't we have a DRUGGIE registry? personally I would like to know who does drugs next door. How about u? Would you be in favor of a Druggie registry? And them being on it for life no matter if they were just caught with a seed? Looking foward to your comments on this subject. thanks..Miles If people are so concerned about children, why do they allow people to diagnose children with ADD in our schools and put them on drugs that the long term affects of are unkown? Why tolerate a legal drug pusher when they can do the same damage? Answer...because there is profit in business for it. Answer...because the school system doesn't know what to do with a child with a quick mind so they would rather stupify them and turn them into a zombie. one cares if that child grows up healthy or if it has health problems later because of those drugs. Do you have any idea how many children's and teen's lives have been ruined or effected in a serious way by this practice of giving dangerous, untested drugs out? (Realistically to determine if a psychoactive drug is safe or what real effects it has takes decades.) If you want a registry, you should start with a registry of teachers, doctors, and anyone else who not only tries to falsly justify this practice, but those that try to pressure parents into accepting this practice. But then, if a drug pusher is working within legal laws they aren't a drug pusher especially if big business profits right? Nevermind that the child has no choice, and often parents have been made to believe they have no choice... |
Politics and your religion
Most minority religion members who are active are driven towards civil rights, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech issues because even if church and state are seperate non Christians are not awarded equal rights per the majority of the population in reality. Just for clarification I once had to get into an argument with a Judge in the performance of their office, who insisted it was not a violation of my civil rights for them to tell me to swear to "God". If not for four hundred witnesses watching I am not so sure I would have won the argument. What a man! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() It is a fact. I was asked to swear to god, and refused. It lacks any testosterone and I lacked any motive, other than refusing to swear falsly as it was against my beliefs. |
The Devil misconception
Edited by
Mon 06/16/08 11:33 PM
Nowhere else is there evidence of a spiritual warfare except in the Church of Jesus Christ, and to the degree with which makes it abundantly clear to the world that there are problems and trials and strife and contentions and issues unparalleled and uniquely troubling for so many that view the Church as incredibly hypocritical and arrogant in the light of the divisiveness displayed in full view world wide. So far as the rest of what you said some of it I agree with, and some I do not. Maybe you are right, but I was under the impression that there are three or so religions that wage war over spiritual matters. Wars of the physical, and cultural domination. BB |
i was speaking as a cherokee my friend hahaha you are totally correct in your response - but the indians only knew of the "bobble" as a white mans book - they had no real knowledge of other races per e outside of spanish etc, when we really came and settled we were the white man who told of a white god even the pics were not of middle eatern looks but of european looks - so that's why i used the phraseology - i was just joking with cherubkee anyway hahaha - she's worth talking to - not so ingrained in the mistakes of her betheren so to say. she is good person accept for jesus hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I knew what you meant Tribo I was following the conversation, but I thought some more comic relief might be in order. And yes Cherub seems like a great girl it's always nice reading her responses whether I agree with them or not! BB |
The Devil misconception
I must really have gotten under your skin, you can't stop talking about me. Actually, the truth is I only respond to the two of you in hopes that you might actually wake up some day. That said I think you are both fakes, and probably out just to make Christians look bad. If I were a Christian reading your entries I would be demanding your account be deleted for slander since obviously neither one of you is Christian. |
Many on here have stated that they "dont need or put their trust or faith" in the bible, that there trust/faith is in god through JC. Oh My Tribo...This should be an interesting thread you devil. ![]() As I told you before. You are more than welcome to come to my house and burn all my bibles. (I'll get the coffe going, we would have a lot to talk about while you are getting your flame thrower ready ![]() 1) If, your faith and trust is in jesus then explain how you found out how to have faith and trust in him without the bible, or without ""someone who had read it"", passing that information on to you or other's? after all - the christian new testament is only found within christianity? the muslims do not have it - the jew's neither? Neither of there concepts see JC as anymore than a man or a prophet at most?? so you certainly would not have gotten this faith and trust from there writing's? Even though my education in what I now believe started from the teachings in the Bible, you could take my Bible away today and my faith would remain the same. I can't unlearn what I already learned. Damage already done. I've been brain washed and have become completely sold out. I can learn more to add to what I already know. 2) Isn't it really true , that without the bible you read - you would not know anything of that which you put your faith and trust in? Yes that is true. We all have to learn someplace. I learned from home and church. I was fortunate to have been raised in a Christian home. Christianity is what I was TAUGHT to believe. As a teenager, I HATED it so as soon as I was out of the house, I renounced Chriatianity. Eventually, once I pulled my nose out of the Bible, I found my way back. (Difficult to explain we will talk about it when you come over for coffee with your flame thrower) 3) Isn't it also just as true that as a christian you by your own belief's have to have trust and faith that the bible is "the word of god/JC/holy spirit? No. Even though I DO believe that the Bible is the word of God. I do not believe you have to have trust and faith that the Bible is "the word of God" it just helps in most cases. I personally belive that you can read the Bible, consider them just stories but if you understand what is being taught and you take it to heart, I believe that people are capable of making the leap of faith that their is a God out there that does love and care for you and if you choose to live your life the way the Bible teaches, you will have a better life hear on earth. The rest...going to heaven...BONUS! and as you think on this - is the truth really that the only reason you believe in god/christ and all else is because you "first" "believed " in the ""word's of the book""? come on - be honest now, not with me - but yourselves. come on - YOU "need the book" - to support your own faith and trust and all else, why don't you just admit it instead of all the " my faith and trust is in JC/GOD - don't you realize how foolish and ignorant that appears to non christian's??? In order to have the belief system that I have today...yes I needed the Bible or someone who read the Bible to get me here. BUT now that I have already read the book, I don't have to have a physical copy on my coffee table for my faith to stand. Now time to get really radical. I'm sure I'm gonna get kicked out the the Christian club now... I don't think the Bible matters at all. I read these threads and I see over and over again the lines being drawn in the sand. Christian / Non-Christian And never the twain shall meet. I think that is soooo foolish. I personally don't care what "God" you believe in or worship. It doesn't matter to me in the least because I am CONVINCED that there is only ONE GOD and if you wanna call him Budda, I AM, Alla or Zeus, I don't think it matters a hill of beans to Him either. I just think that he would like for you to call him. I think he would really like it if you recognized what he has done for you just like any other father. BUT just like any other father...if you don' doesn't matter cause he will love you anyway. I will even go a step further. Even though I am CONVINCED that there is only one God and the Biblical God is it but you were to prove me wrong and show me that that could not be possible that the only God that exists is Alla and Jesus was just a profit...or worse yet...never existed. OK...I'm wrong. I don't fear being wrong about what his name is or if Jesus actually did or did not die on that Cross. I know that I know that I know... GOD DOES EXIST and he LOVES ME. Anything above and beyond that is icing on the cake. It breaks my heart to heart non-Christians and Christians alike talk about my God as this big bully that is going to throw everyone to the pits of Hell because they don't "believe". I don't see God that way at all. He doesn't need anyone to believe in Him. HE KNOWS who he is. I don't think anyone needs to find Jesus...JESUS isn't LOST. There is only ONE God. That God loves ALL his children and that includes those who do not call themselves "Christian". Peace and Love ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() cherub: As I told you before. You are more than welcome to come to my house and burn all my bibles. (I'll get the coffe going, we would have a lot to talk about while you are getting your flame thrower ready ![]() tribo: how are you going to make cofee til im there with the torch?? do you make fire with sticks my injun? bibles donot burn well they donot produce enough heat to warm womans feet - need much wampum to to buy good fire material. Will we talk of the prarie tribes or cherokee - me - or how the civilized white christian killed all my people? hmmm? we will need many baked or fried goods to consume during battle strategies, much fire water and arrow's, and white mans fire sticks - and plenty of peace pipe smokes. cherub: Even though my education in what I now believe started from the teachings in the Bible, you could take my Bible away today and my faith would remain the same. I can't unlearn what I already learned. Damage already done. I've been brain washed and have become completely sold out. I can learn more to add to what I already know. tribo: you speak with forked tongue - white woman - book is not education - book is white man's story, not unlike false tales of shamuk the upright apeman, like him in our tradition's he has been handed down thru stories for centuries, but no one has seen him for many many moons now. we have strong medicines to take care of your damages - the root of the beer plant is one of many. yes we sold out also we had no choice, your chritian means of killing us off - were to strong - to many of you, with powerful lightning sticks, but you did not wipe us out completely, we still have our beliefs also - it is to late for you my non ""cherubkee"" you are no longer one of us to roam the open plain's and hunt for buffalo - you are up to your eye's in american bull - no more tonka for you ![]() you have made your own personal point's cherubkee, may the wolves protect you as you continue your path to the great white god of the killer's of my people - ![]() ps remember that's just you talking that is not what most have posted on here in the past- ![]() TRIBO!!!!!!!!!!This could be up for interpretation but I think I have you flat cold busted on something. You stated that the bible is white man's story, but this is incorrect. Technically it is the story of an olive, tan, or brown man, stolen and altered by white man, and then further adapted by white man to eventually exclude the belief and culture of everyone but these white men, following what was the story of a non "white" man. ok so that is a somewhat complicated statement and possibly inaccurate, but it holds truth. |
CROSSES? One of my rentors collects crosses. I asked her why. She said "well look at the art work in them, they're so beautiful." Two iron swirly things, one with wire vines and roses, ceramic one, wooded ones, carved and glass. And, actually, some are very artistically done. Ok, so for her it's a decoration. She does call herself a Christian, and she says the cross has the traditional meaning for her, but she JUST happens to like the artistic shape and designes of a cross. How many people use religious icons "of any kind" to decorate with? Don't forget jewelry? Do you have any religiuos icons on display, and are they for decoration or to stand as a statement or declaration to guests about your religious conviction? My house is full of angels. Angel pictures, figurines and crystal sun catchers. I do not worship them. They are there as a simple reminder to me of a times were really tough and God answered my prayer. Wouldn't consider myself to have been a Christian at the time but I was hoping there was a God when I sent out a deperate prayer. I was alone at my Aunt's house and had been leafing through a coffee table book that had stories about how angels intervined in peoples lives to save them from danger. As I read the stories I scoffed at them and thought these people were delusional. I layed down on the couch and closed my eyes and sent out a VERY sarcastic and angry prayer to God. I told him that I was angry with him for allowing me to be in the position that I was in at the time. I proceeded to use some very colorful language with him and told him that it would take 10,000 of his precious "angels" to get me out of the mess I was in and challenge him to go ahead and send them if He was so MIGHTY. I instantly heard what sounded like a million birds flying around the room, I could feel the wind from their wings. It scared the crap out of me. I shot my eyes open and the sound disappeared but the drapes and papers on the counter were still fluttering as though a strong breeze had gone through the place and abruptly stopped. About that time the phone rang and I ran to catch it but missed the call. My heart was pounding and I am pretty sure I peed my pants. My 4 year old son called from the bedroom he was napping in and said "Don't worry mom, that was just God calling to tell you he heard your prayer." I heard his voice as though it he was standing right next to me. I went trembling to his room to find him fast asleep. Now it is entirely possible that I was dilussional even though I was not drinking or taking drugs at the time. BUT I did get through my rough time, through a series of very "lucky coincedences". I could be wrong. Maybe it was all a dream and everything that happened was just dumb luck but I like to think that God rose to my challenge and helped me regardless of what I thought about him at the time and regardless of the very disrespectful way I chose to ask for his help. So as a reminder, I have promised myself I am going to collect angels until I have all 10,000 that I believe God sent me. They are there to remind me that all of us in this world need help and even though we aren't alway nice about how we ask, we still need it. A starving tiger that has been backed into a corner is not about to "be nice" if you are standing in front of it holding a tbone but you should give it to him anyway. I also were a cross necklace to remind me of the day that I got "saved". That is another pretty emotional story for me. I will save that one for another time. One is enough for one night. That is actually a spectacular story, and a great explaination illustrating why many of us might keep reminders of particularly moving times in our lives. This is a very nice story defining your experience in finding faith. Faith is what religion is all about after all, isn't it? |
The Devil misconception
God said there'd be days like this... When right is wrong & wrong is right... Crazy counterculturists who hate anything that's good. It's pathetic... Which god? ![]() Who did he say it to? Which wrong? Who's wrong? Which counterculturists? And counter what? ![]() I was referring to the original post. ![]() What vain imaginations some people have. Counterculturist per : a culture with values and mores that run counter to those of established society Established society if defined by the one in power would be the American culture which is defined by the U.S. constitution, Bill of Rights, and Amendments to the constitution. now if the Culture in question is trying to discuss religion respectfully and trolls continuously pipe into forum threads to insult or dispute thoughts without actually offering any input that would make them counterculturists. I'm happy that you have learned to use large words. Using them effectively and appropriately would of course be more prudent. Per your use of the word your entry, and spiders would be considered those expressing countercultural behavior in the fact that they attempt to insult or deflame without offering substance. |
The Devil misconception
Christians don't worship a false God. That is totally absurb. Of course Christians believe that they worship the one true god. If they thought their god was a false god they would not worship him. They could be wrong. The Biblical picture is a picture of a god that passes a law of obedience and says that to disobey him is a "sin" and is punishable by death. Does that sound like a lovable god to you? It doesn't to me. NOW.. you may have people in the church who are not saved yet, and therefore, they are not christians ..yet.
But a Christian will never worship a false God...... simply becasue , a christian knows the Shepherd's Voice. There is that "Shepard" reference again. ![]() God says "my sheep hear my voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow". My cat does that too. He doesn't listen to anyone else. ![]() Meaning a christian recognizes the Shepherd's voice,and surely won't EVER follow a stranger's voice. Not if he is truly saved.
Saved from what? But then again ,a christian IS someone who HAS been saved ( born again)....meaning ...that born again christian now also has the Holy Spitrit living in him, to lead and guide him into all truth.
What's a holy spitrit? JB JB althought I understand your point and agree somewhat I think comparing christians to sheep is lunacy. when is the last time you have witnessed a sheep draw blood? When is the last time you witnessed a sheep kill another sheep for following a different sheppard? The Christian congregation compared to sheep is completely lunacy. The behavior set you are looking for is wild wolves. They willingly follow the alpha dog leader social organization. They willingly atttack minorities (their prey). They willingly engage in pack behavior including torture of anything that is not part of the pack. For those true christians out there reading this I apologize, it is meant as a general description of mob mentality portrayed by a large percentage of "christians" who will not accept the teachings of Christ. |
Politics and your religion
Most minority religion members who are active are driven towards civil rights, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech issues because even if church and state are seperate non Christians are not awarded equal rights per the majority of the population in reality. Just for clarification I once had to get into an argument with a Judge in the performance of their office, who insisted it was not a violation of my civil rights for them to tell me to swear to "God". If not for four hundred witnesses watching I am not so sure I would have won the argument. |