Topic: pt 3 "Our Unbelief" | |
You aren't doing God any service...your a pagan & we all know what God says about pagans. It's all devil worship & a great deception.
Quickstepper, "The devil" does not even exist anywhere except within the false doctrine of Christianity. This is just a lie spouted by a jealous false alien god that you worship. He wants you to be his slave. And apparently you are. If you aren't obeying God you are glorifying the devil. There is NO fence sitting here. Christians do not own god. They do not own copyright on god. You do not own the one true god. You only own your false god and his enemy that you call the devil. They are both aliens. They are not gods. You come here to argue with people of faith. That is your only reason to comment at all. Let's get that one straight. Yours is not the only religion or the only belief system on the earth. People of faith exist outside of your religion. Why on earth do you think you are so right? What if you are wrong? What if your god is really your very own Satan (an alien) playing tricks on you? JB People like you make a mockery of pure faith. I suggest you tell that garbage to someone who doesn't know better. What you engage in is devil worship. The other 'religions" are the real dogma you all like to cry about. You just can't get passed the natural, can you? Feel goodisms that leave the soul hurting. You are the ones who are raging against us because we KNOW what we believe & stand on it. I know that really hits a nerve in you all as expressed on these boards & I'm sure others who lurk are seeing the same thing too. That's what it's all about. Most of what I have seen here in your responses is finger pointing, name calling, and better than thou tripe meant to put people down without offering anything of spiritual value to a forum discussing religion. I am unsure who you are, or if your beliefs are genuine or you just use this account to Troll and pound your frustrations out through insults and verbal or psychological assualts. Most of the Christians dropped off supporting your posts long ago when it became clear what was going on. Actually all people in the matter of faith and religion have their own person experience. Whether you like it or not the God and Savior you worship in your mind are nothing like the God and Savior worshiped by most that proffess to have the same religion. This is true because of different versions of bibles that exist with different texts, different interpretations of those bibles, different denominations and sub groups that feel differently about interpretations and what is important to them, and different agendas for personal religion. What I have said here is non contraversial it is flat fact known by all Christians that understand the nature of their own faith. A Lutheran may (or may not) say you must accept the love of God, while a Baptist may (or may not) tell you that you must fear a vengeful "God". What we each follow as belief as human beings is our inherent birthright give to us to enjoy. When we discuss these concepts we are attempting to share, and learn from one another. When you threaten or with hostility "warn" another human being what you are doing is presuming the position of your god, because their spirit is owned by them and them alone. The Christian faith lacks justification for attempting psychological, spiritual, or cultural slavery. I personally believe that Christianity as a system composed and propogated by the hostile that do not follow the teachings of Christ is an abomination against Christ, and is a work of the Christian "Devil" if one seeks to define the movement in Christian terms. Although if one looks at Christianity itself everything is right, one must look at what Christianity as a whole has done to non Christians over the course of the last 1500 years to see my point. It is the best advertisement against Christianity. I would rather be a good person than a barbarian. It is a temptation that many Christians simply can not resist because they do not see it as a sin, it's a loophole they have created in their own understanding so that they can do something wrong and not be punished. The problem is that I believe this is an illusion, and that it is a worse sin if judged by it's own merit because one commits Blasphemy by blaiming their sin on their God or Savior. If anyone disagrees with this keep in mind it is my own attempt to explain a situation that is an oxymoron. I have asked time and time again of Christians how to deal with this type of Anti-Christian christian and most recently I was told by a lifelong stable Christian to just leave it alone, because it's stupidity and no one can make the stupid wake up. I'm seriously asking other Christians for help if you are reading this, because I believe there has to be a way to make people see their own behavior. |
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Wed 06/11/08 03:27 PM
You aren't doing God any service...your a pagan & we all know what God says about pagans. It's all devil worship & a great deception.
Quickstepper, "The devil" does not even exist anywhere except within the false doctrine of Christianity. This is just a lie spouted by a jealous false alien god that you worship. He wants you to be his slave. And apparently you are. If you aren't obeying God you are glorifying the devil. There is NO fence sitting here. Christians do not own god. They do not own copyright on god. You do not own the one true god. You only own your false god and his enemy that you call the devil. They are both aliens. They are not gods. You come here to argue with people of faith. That is your only reason to comment at all. Let's get that one straight. Yours is not the only religion or the only belief system on the earth. People of faith exist outside of your religion. Why on earth do you think you are so right? What if you are wrong? What if your god is really your very own Satan (an alien) playing tricks on you? JB People like you make a mockery of pure faith. I suggest you tell that garbage to someone who doesn't know better. What you engage in is devil worship. The other 'religions" are the real dogma you all like to cry about. You just can't get passed the natural, can you? Feel goodisms that leave the soul hurting. You are the ones who are raging against us because we KNOW what we believe & stand on it. Quickstepper, ALL RELIGIONS ARE DOGMA AND PROPAGANDA AND MYTH. I worship your Devil? You cannot possibly be serious. That is laughable. I think that you are the one who engages in Devil worship. I don't even believe in the devil. You invented him. You believe in him obviously. Or at least Christianity did. Christians believe in the devil. I don't. The concept of the Devil only exists within the confines of Christian or religious doctrine. It is not possible to worship something that does not exist. That is simply the "all or nothing" propaganda of cults who teach "You are either with me or with my enemy." I am highly suspect of anyone who says things like that. In fact, I don't worship anything. My concept of god is pure. It is love. It is faith. I don't believe in your devil, or your hell or you jealous false God. Sorry. You can believe in what you want but you should not be telling me that I worship your devil. That is just wrong. I don't even acknowledge his existence. JB |
hhmmmmmmmmmmm........ suspended belief is actually causal excuse. that God can know the heart of man and assuredly comprehend that spiritual wickedness will prevail in the human stage of things is elementary wisdom. The decveiver of the soul hates God and will inspire the causality that embraces diverse excuses to avoid the confrontation of the torn and empty conscience as unknowably secure and sacrosanct and impregnably sovereign and capable of deceptions so subtle and malicious that can be easily embracedby any seeking texture and form and substance for their own secret shames. But the torture suffered by Jesus was not from God, but known by God about man's propensity to embrace the role of usurper instead of grateful thanksgiving to God. It is easy to see that man would torture such a one as Jesus. The usurpers and their inspired "fearful leader" sought their own with the callous disregard of the advantaged and privileged that cry out, " I got mine, you can't have yours!!!". In one generation, these usaurpers established their shame and their guilt before God, and the snare of their own device seized them. But for bountifully prosperous and blessed generations since, they have only villified themselves with an ephitet that is descriptive of the struggle still faced undaunted by all men and the challenges man faces when wrestling with the Word of God. What is that? gratuitous depravity. At least some have the good sense not to lie to themselves and drag God into the fray, but those that do only display the greater need for all. What is that? mercy, grace and peace. Where does that come from? answer: reconciliation. BEAUTIFUL! That was awesomely said. BRAVO!!!! Ditto rich......said beautifully my friend. |
ok we don't need to get so mean and nasty people....everyone entitled to their opinion......and I love all you schumucks..
Jeannibean wrote on 06.11.08 at 03:24 p.m. site time and 06:24 p.m. my local time the following :
In fact ,I don't worship anything . My concept of god is pure . It is love .It is faith . JB: How can god be this wonderful pure, love and faith when the world around us is anything but pure , love and fairness ?. Isn't god responsible for what he, it, she created ?. How can only one god starting from zero ( nothing ) create all this planet and beyond ( of course )?. Just put nothing in your hand and see if nothing is going to create anything at all ?. In engineering , to make a small screw , you have to go through many processes including complicated machinery . When you observe science , math , chemistry ,physics ,......... engineering......etc : you can see that god starting from zero and creating all this universe just does not make sense at all . |
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Wed 06/11/08 05:40 PM
Life has to get started from non-living material, even today, nobody has said how that could happen. Then we are told about macro-evolution that is where an animal changes to a different kind of animal. Has anyone here ever witnessed the birth of an animal? Even human? Did the animal resemble its mother’s kind? No one has ever seen a dog produce anything but dogs. Dogs are probably the animal more people pay attention too then any other animal, even if the dog, wolf, coyote had a common ancestor every 1st grader knows they are the same kind of animal. The bible says the animals are going to bring forth after their KIND. The dog the wold are the same kind of animal but there are different species.
Darwin tried to fool everybody in his book Origin of Species by changing the work KIND to Species. Then lastly, we are encouraged to believe in micro-evolution. This is changes with the KINDS. Animals can produce a whole variety of offspring, long hair, short hair, long legged, short legged, that happens. But the first five are purely religious. Cosmic evolution, chemical evolution, stellar and planetary evolution, organic evolution, macro evolution, are all religion not science. We never have observed any of those in action. So to be a good witness for the Creator and stand firm in a debate, define first what you are debating as far as these evolution theories go? You will find that evolutionist give examples of # 6 only, micro evolution. Changes with the dog family. Problem is the debater usually implies micro-evolution is evidence for the other 5. It is not evidence. The teachers are taught to stress the earth is billions of years old, make sure the kids believe this since the intention is that if you have enough time anything can happen. But if these haven’t happened in all the years man has been observing creation why should anyone believe it is going to happen tomorrow. Don’t you think in science class, we should be teaching science. The results, of clear observations. Things we can observe and test and study and demonstrate. Things like the 1st law of thermodynamics. The scientific law, not theory, tells us “Matter cannot be created or destroyed.” If matter cannot be created or destroyed then how did the world get here? “Were here, you know” So that leaves on 2 choices. 1) Somebody made the world or 2) The world made itself. You can believe the Bible, which says God made the world with his hands, or can believe the humanists who say the world created itself. Humanists regard the universe as “self-existing and not created.” This quote is from the Humanist Manifesto Tenet#1. Well, if the world made itself how could this happen? The devil thought for along time and finally he came up with the big bang theory. It is rather obsurd what is published today and being taught to our kids. “Earth has changed.” In addition to (the planets) physical changes, life too, has evolved on earth.” The word evolved is a very tricky word. There are 6 meanings to the word and only one meaning is scientific. When someone speaks to you regarding evolution ask them what they mean? For some speak of cosmic evolution: The origin of time, space and matter. Also referred to as the Big Bang. Some believe it, I don’t. Then there is chemical evolution: The origin of higher elements from hydrogen the big band was to produce hydrogen and some helium, but how did we get the other 105 elements? Did they evolve? Are we to believe uranium evolved from hydrogen? The 3rd theory is stellar and planetary evolution: The origin of stars and planets. How did the star form? No one has even seen a star form. Scientists don’t even have a clue how a star could form. There are not even good theories on how a star could form. What happens all the time is vona and supernova, and that is when a star explodes. Man is constantly looking into the heavens and we see the stars exploding, not forming. Did you know that there are enough stars that every person on earth could claim 1 trillion stars for their own. Those are the ones we know about, thanks to the Hubble Telescope and fast computers. (psalm 147) tells us the “Lord determines the number of the stars and calls each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit.” Wow he named them all, has anyone named 11 trillion? Fourthly there is organic evolution: the origin of life. Life had to get started from non-living material. Even today, nobody has a clue how that could happen. Then are are told Page 3 about macro-evolution. That is where an animal changes to different kinds of animals. Nobody has ever seen a dog poduce anyting but dogs. The Pretae Hall General Science book say “about 18 to 20 billion years ago all the matter in the universe was concentrated into one very dense, very hot region that may have been smaller then a period on this page. For some unknown reason the region exploded. This explosion called the Big Bang goes on to say this is how the galaxies formed in the universe. By the way universe is form from 2 latin words uni-means single verse- means spoken sentence. Did you know we live in a single spoken sentence? “God said let there be.” But that is so different from the public school science book which says 18 to 20 billion years ago all the matter in the universe was concentrated into a dot on this page. What? That is one crowded dot. Do you see this planet squished into the tip of your pen? That isn’t the end of it. EarthScience text book say after many billions of years, all the matter and energy will once again be packed into a small area. This area may be no longer then the period at the end of this sentence. Then another big bang will occur. Can you believe they cut down a tree to print that? Where’s Al Gore when you need him. Honestly if you believe that then what is the use of living anyway if were just going to explode. Those words are not from the God that loves you, but your enemy who hates you, who says if your are told lies over and over you will believe them. This text book author was brilliant, he says, “Nothing really means nothing.” He said not only would mass and energy disappear, but also space and time. However, physicists theorize that from the state of nothingness the universe began. The universe began in a gigantic explosion. What? He is telling us that one day nothing exploded and here we are. Discover Magazine a few years ago wrote, “The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing, zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nothing /nowhere. How is that possible? Ask Alan Guth. His theory of inflation helps explain everything! He went on to say in Scientific American, “We all came from a dot and a dot came from nothing, they call that science. |
A theory is just a theory in itself .
Are all the myths of religions just theories too ?. . |
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Thu 06/12/08 02:37 PM
Jeannibean wrote on 06.11.08 at 03:24 p.m. site time and 06:24 p.m. my local time the following : In fact ,I don't worship anything . My concept of god is pure . It is love .It is faith . JB: How can god be this wonderful pure, love and faith when the world around us is anything but pure, love and fairness ?. Sam.. I said "my concept of god is pure." "Concept" is the subject in that sentence. It is my concept that is pure. I am not describing god as pure. I don't know what the true nature of god is. I tend to believe that god is love, (and much more) and I have faith in the workings of the universe. That is where the love and faith come in. I am not describing god or the world. I am talking about my personal concepts. They are just my opinions. I did not say that the world was "pure." By the way, your opinion of this imperfect world is simply your opinion anyway. Some people love this physical world with all it imperfections...and for them, its perfect! Isn't god responsible for what he, it, she created ?.
Yes we are. How can only one god starting from zero ( nothing ) create all this planet and beyond ( of course )?.
As soon as I figure out all the fine details you will be the first to know. Just put nothing in your hand and see if nothing is going to create anything at all ?.
In engineering , to make a small screw , you have to go through many processes including complicated machinery . When you observe science , math , chemistry ,physics ,......... engineering......etc : you can see that god starting from zero and creating all this universe just does not make sense at all. Then what do you suppose it started from and who or what started it? I have my ideas of how it happened, which I have continued to post about in many of my threads, but they are just my ideas. You ask me questions as if you think I claim to have all the answers and proof to back them up. I don't. You asked: "How can god be this wonderful pure, love and faith when the world around us is anything but pure , love and fairness?" Fairness? Are you whining about life not being "fair?" I said nothing about "fairness," but since you brought it up, I will mention that the law of cause and effect is what governs everything in this world around us. That means that everything has a cause. It may not seem or look "fair" to you, but it is the result of some action. There is a cause or reason for everything. JB |
A theory is just a theory in itself . Are all the myths of religions just theories too ?. . No, the myths surrounding the basis of religions are simply myths. They don't rank high enough to be called "theory." JB |
God can create all that is, was, and will be....,because he is God....And if you look at what I put as far as nothing being created by all boils down to therefore the creator makes much more least for me. And also remember this world is not all wonderful pure, love, faith, because of man not because of God. My Big Bang Theory = God said and BANG it was = |
A theory is just a theory in itself . Are all the myths of religions just theories too ?. . No, the myths surrounding the basis of religions are simply myths. They don't rank high enough to be called "theory." JB Thank you JB ......I am learning ! . |
A theory is just a theory in itself . Are all the myths of religions just theories too ?. . No, the myths surrounding the basis of religions are simply myths. They don't rank high enough to be called "theory." JB except these myths as you call them...are all backed up historically. |
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Thu 06/12/08 03:29 PM
God can create all that is, was, and will be....,because he is God....And if you look at what I put as far as nothing being created by all boils down to therefore the creator makes much more least for me. And also remember this world is not all wonderful pure, love, faith, because of man not because of God. My Big Bang Theory = God said and BANG it was = I think you are ignoring the fact that God as known is against science belief . The rest is only guessing and everyone says " I am right and you are wrong ". Sweetie , man did not create the world according to you ; it is God who created it and therefore it is his wrong doing . Bang theory is just an insane theory to say the least ....!. History is a man made thing and the strongest always writes it . |
A theory is just a theory in itself . Are all the myths of religions just theories too ?. . No, the myths surrounding the basis of religions are simply myths. They don't rank high enough to be called "theory." JB except these myths as you call them...are all backed up historically. When you mixed a little truth with a lot of myth it is very deceiving. They are not all backed up historically. Which ones particularly do you claim are backed up historically? Can they be proven? Are they called "fact?" JB |
Yes as a matter of fact they are....pretty much all of them...whether it be through the writers and details of history....not a myth...if historically backed up. I have done a series on this also JB....more then happy to dig it up....
Yes as a matter of fact they are....pretty much all of them...whether it be through the writers and details of history....not a myth...if historically backed up. I have done a series on this also JB....more then happy to dig it up.... Please give your best example. |
God can create all that is, was, and will be....,because he is God....And if you look at what I put as far as nothing being created by all boils down to therefore the creator makes much more least for me. And also remember this world is not all wonderful pure, love, faith, because of man not because of God. My Big Bang Theory = God said and BANG it was = I think you are ignoring the fact that God as known is against science belief . The rest is only guessing and everyone says " I am right and you are wrong ". Sweetie , man did not create the world according to you ; it is God who created it and therefore it is his wrong doing . Bang theory is just an insane theory to say the least ....!. History is a man made thing and the strongest always writes it . I think not....God is in no way against science....Why would you think that? Because of God we have science. And again where did I say that man created anything....God created all.....And you are now calling the world a wrong doing....oh man this is a sad thing. remember also now where is it written that God, Jesus Christ or the Bible is a myth that is a man label put on something that they just don't get. Well I do get it as I was shown it all to be as real as me writing this text. |
I will say this as clear as I can and then I will be done with it. I am a Christian....But my relationship with God, Christ and my use of the Bible are personal between myself and My Lord. And for you to have the arrogance.....(Call it like it is) to think you even have a clue as to who I am just amazes me. You are the perfect example of casting that first stone.
And if "my" God as you put it came and looked you in the eye and said I am who I am...the one true God.....would you even believe it then....I doubt it......But please don't think you have the all of all of knowing every single Christians or don't you dare at least put me in "your box" or conception of who you think I am...because honestly you don't have a clue. I get that people have all kinds of belief systems..and hey you just have fun with that every last one of you.....But I am frankly tired of the bashing and thinking you know not only Christians, but the doctrine, or any of it. You spew your crap and expect us to what......listen, not say a word...not while there is a breath left in me. And it's not for you....that my Faith and Passion are so strong but for the true seekers.... And I can say the same to you. "What if you are wrong" What if the God I am speaking of is.....was and always will be exactly who we have said He is. I can only speak for experiences my relationship....and you can bet that He is very real and very much integrated into everything that this woman does. Also another thing for myself I want to make perfectly clear....I have studied many Bibles, many versions......and just to dispel your "different version" theory......The Bible has remained consistent throughout history.....It might have a different thy and thou and written as to study or make more clear...but the context of the Bible has not changed.... I have also read all the books not included in the KJV, NIV, OBSB, and any other one you want to throw out their. It does not and will not change the fact that the Bible is of God.....and why do I think that...because there is no way God would allow something that was not solid and real...regardless if written by man to be here this long.....I could also pull up Bible facts....if you wish...It is the most read book ever...etc. etc. If for example you are talking about say the Mormon Bible.....well this is he re-wrote to feed his needs....and therefore just like him...his religion is a false religion. And just to dispel another rampant rumor.....There are many denominations of religion take it out of the equation;...bring it back to the simplistic relationship with God, & Jesus Christ. Now my main and greatest thought that I want to make perfectly clear as for me, myself and I. Shame Shame Shame anyone who comes into any religion thread and threatens anyone..... THERE IS ONE JUDGE....AND THAT IS GOD.....anyone who says this are either very young Christians...or just plain stupid....... when the Lord God Almighty called me to minister in different sites......I do so with love, humanity, caring, and most important....I put the information out there...what people do with entirely up to them. I am no ones judge and God gave you freewill to choose for yourself... Love & Peace to all |
Sat 06/07/08 08:12 PM Believe in one who sets me free I believe in one who heals me I believe in one who comforts me I believe in one who gives me joy I believe in one who softens my heart I believe in one who gives me everything I believe in one who leads me I believe in one who speaks to me I believe in one who gives me life I believe in one who shows me mercy I believe in one who prays for me I believe in one who is wonderful I believe in one who died for me So is it possible the person you believe in, is your Self? |
Sat 06/07/08 08:12 PM Believe in one who sets me free I believe in one who heals me I believe in one who comforts me I believe in one who gives me joy I believe in one who softens my heart I believe in one who gives me everything I believe in one who leads me I believe in one who speaks to me I believe in one who gives me life I believe in one who shows me mercy I believe in one who prays for me I believe in one who is wonderful I believe in one who died for me So is it possible the person you believe in, is your Self? You didn't read very well....I am still very much alive sweet lady. |