Topic: pt 3 "Our Unbelief" | |
The God that spoke to me was not a if your is abra then so be it.....
So now you're trying to claim that God actually spoke to you in a male voice? Are you sure it wasn't Funches? I noticed this and ignored it for specific reasons. Many people believe that God or gods, or goddesses have spoken to them personally during moments of revelation. Althought this is considered insane by modern psychologists in the world of spirituality it is acceptable. Many Christians might debate this saying it is not true and God only spoke to the writters of the bible and that God turned his back on the human race in silence after the first bible was written. This is a form of human psychology that is spiritually destructive. I almost did point out one simple fact and will now. If a voice (or presense) is perceived to be male or female it could well be accurate or could be individual perception as the voice would occur in one's perception rather than being a booming voice from the sky that the whole population heard. For that matter when there WAS a booming voice from the sky we do not know if it was within the mind of each individual or an actual sound that could be recorded by equipment. It may have been heard as the same voice accross the board, or with a different perception by each individual. Per my opinion this simply falls under a catagory of that which we can not know, and even if we believe we are unable to prove using empirical evidence. |
Edited by
Tue 06/10/08 04:12 PM
I come to your proselytizing posts because I know what you are selling. I come to serve the public interest. I am here for humanity. And for God's sake. Yes, I feel that I'm working for God too in a way. Just a different picture of God than you work for. You aren't doing God any service...your a pagan & we all know what God says about pagans. It's all devil worship & a great deception. If you aren't obeying God you are glorifying the devil. There is NO fence sitting here. You come here to argue with people of faith. That is your only reason to comment at all. Let's get that one straight. As for us? The Bible says this... Blessed are those who HEAR the word of God & KEEP IT! Therefore take heed that the light in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of the lamp gives lights. For we with the Holy Spirit's help, by faith anticipate & WAIT FOR the blessing & good for which our righteousness & right standing with God to hope. We bear one another's burdens & troublesome moral faults, & in this way fulfill & observe perfectly the law of Christ, & complete what is lacking in YOUR obedience to it. God does expect us to be patient not only with each other but unbelievers "until Christ is completely & permanently formed within you." God says our present "suffering" is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed. We live in hope unlike those who live in their vain glories. To hang tough... to not grow weary in doing good... in due time we will reap IF we faint not. We can afford to LIVE in faith that has something to hope for. I am pagan, does that make me a bad person, or wrong in my convictions about spirituality? Does it make my years of study and research both as a Christian and as a Pagan Well I don't indulge other people's "rants" but I will remark on a few things. You studying Christianity & paganism doesn't mean a thing. Apparently you chose to believe a lie over the truth. I'm not surprized you didn't "get it" but don't call me names. That was your choice. Like I said...there are no fence sitters. You are either for God or worshipping the devil. No sense in trying to kill the messenger with that cop out "your a hateful Christian" excuse. It lacks integrity. BTW...those Scripture I posted mean something to ME... to my very soul. You took them as some sort of hatred toward you. That means you really didn't get what I was saying. If you're looking for reason why you just found what the real difference between believers & unbelievers. |
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Tue 06/10/08 04:14 PM
Abra if you know me so well...then why do you come to my posts???????....they are not going to change...they are always going to be based on God, Jesus Christ and the Bible....... If you wish to discuss your God ,Jesus Christ ,and the bible ; you should give the reader some proof , evidence and logic . In the absence of facts you will be making a scene of imagination and myths at their best . By the way ....I am not Abra , I am just another reader of these threads . . |
Abra if you know me so well...then why do you come to my posts???????....they are not going to change...they are always going to be based on God, Jesus Christ and the Bible....... If you wish to discuss your God ,Jesus Christ ,and the bible ; you should give the reader some proof , evidence and logic . In the absence of facts you will be making a scene of imagination and myths at their best . By the way ....I am not Abra , I am just another reader of these threads . . Well quoting the word of God isn't enough proof for some. I have seen them twist even that. NEXT! |
......and if you want to believe in your have fun with that also... The bible was written by men, with concepts that were meant to be digested and acceptable in a male dominated ancient society. Because of this the pronoun He was used frequently. With all of this said it is my personal belief that when Feral says HE or Abra says She you are both right because it is simply your human tendency to apply known gender concepts to a being beyond our understanding and in essense unimportant. We use labels as a tool to understand things, and ANY god or goddess or higher power without gender is something beyond the understanding of humankind. Rather than define the nature of a higher power these pronouns simply aid us in conveying throughts or our personal views without effecting the higher power itself. The word of God is God inspired & not of us. It's very clear that "religion" is very different than living by faith & the word of God. In reference to a "she god" it's not about gender but made up gods that have no REAL power. It's called paganism & is clearly against God's word. In fact, it's an abomination to God. This is the second time in these forums you have implied that your knowledge of God or understanding of it is superior to others and that you alone are correct becauseyou said so. the bible itself is written by men, Proof of this is in the bible itself, and it was written in ways that could be accepted by ancient man disregarding any validity of woman or her spiritual quest outside of doing what she was told. I will reiterrate here that there is a difference between following the word of God, and the word of men claiming to speak for god, which is the same thing you have done here. Do you really think that rather than believe that the bible was written by or for chauvinists that the hebrew "God" is a chauvenist and would deny the spirituality of women? Do you really sit there typing out an accusation against your own proffessed god? The only right you have is to speak of your own convictions it is sacrilage to speak for god, or claim that you ARE god, and since GOD per you is a chauvenistic HE by your own explaination he would slap you down and tell you to shut up because you are a woman and have no say in religion. PICK OR CHOOSE a side, stop playing both. If you have personal religious confusion please discuss them with your pastor, priest, or spiritual leader including the discussion of what was said here so you can understand exactly what I am trying to say, or that they can calm you down and spell out the reality of religion to you. While you are at it you might pay attention to whether they wear an equal sided cross or one that is longer on the bottom. You see the following of God adopted a equal sided cross as a symbol, but the longer bottomed cross was before Christianity and remains a symbol of violence and pain regardless of how many view it. It is a shape borrowed from two things, archer windows, and swords. A four sided cross signifies equal sides, which encompasses all things, and all creation. The cross with an enlogated bottom has throur all times long before Christ existed represented a single direction ignoring the validity of all others. This is why it is used to remind Christians of Christ not because it has anything to do with his ways, but because it reminds them of his execution which in essense doesn't do much to remind them of what he taught rather than how he died. This is a bit of irony within itself. If you personally hate everything and everyone that falls outside of your own little view of how the world should be that is fine, but accept this rather than pretend you are doing the work of Christ while actually doing the work of your own Devil. |
Edited by
Tue 06/10/08 04:30 PM
Well quoting the word of God isn't enough proof for some. I have seen them twist even that. NEXT! With all due respect to all religious people I must say that the bible is just another book written by humans like millions and millions of other books around us . If you disagree , please provide your proof . |
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Tue 06/10/08 04:30 PM
I come to your proselytizing posts because I know what you are selling. I come to serve the public interest. I am here for humanity. And for God's sake. Yes, I feel that I'm working for God too in a way. Just a different picture of God than you work for. You aren't doing God any service...your a pagan & we all know what God says about pagans. It's all devil worship & a great deception. If you aren't obeying God you are glorifying the devil. There is NO fence sitting here. You come here to argue with people of faith. That is your only reason to comment at all. Let's get that one straight. As for us? The Bible says this... Blessed are those who HEAR the word of God & KEEP IT! Therefore take heed that the light in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of the lamp gives lights. For we with the Holy Spirit's help, by faith anticipate & WAIT FOR the blessing & good for which our righteousness & right standing with God to hope. We bear one another's burdens & troublesome moral faults, & in this way fulfill & observe perfectly the law of Christ, & complete what is lacking in YOUR obedience to it. God does expect us to be patient not only with each other but unbelievers "until Christ is completely & permanently formed within you." God says our present "suffering" is nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed. We live in hope unlike those who live in their vain glories. To hang tough... to not grow weary in doing good... in due time we will reap IF we faint not. We can afford to LIVE in faith that has something to hope for. I am pagan, does that make me a bad person, or wrong in my convictions about spirituality? Does it make my years of study and research both as a Christian and as a Pagan Well I don't indulge other people's "rants" but I will remark on a few things. You studying Christianity & paganism doesn't mean a thing. Apparently you chose to believe a lie over the truth. I'm not surprized you didn't "get it" but don't call me names. That was your choice. Like I said...there are no fence sitters. You are either for God or worshipping the devil. No sense in trying to kill the messenger with that cop out "your a hateful Christian" excuse. It lacks integrity. BTW...those Scripture I posted mean something to ME... to my very soul. You took them as some sort of hatred toward you. That means you really didn't get what I was saying. If you're looking for reason why you just found what the real difference between believers & unbelievers. I said nothing of studying paganism, I spoke of studying the bible, and the life and times of Jesus in depth with the aid and outside of the actual texts included in the bible.' I did not take, you offered your hatred and judgement of another which directly denies your Christianity going against the teachings of Christ. What I found was duplicity within your statements, and I did notice you completely ignored and even refused to quote everything I said other than one little part of it which you thought was the only important thing I said. That I was a pagan, not one of you, therefore fair game to attack or torture in the honored long standing practice of a following that denies Christ and has more blood on it's hands both physical and spiritual than any other religion I know of. |
......and if you want to believe in your have fun with that also... The bible was written by men, with concepts that were meant to be digested and acceptable in a male dominated ancient society. Because of this the pronoun He was used frequently. With all of this said it is my personal belief that when Feral says HE or Abra says She you are both right because it is simply your human tendency to apply known gender concepts to a being beyond our understanding and in essense unimportant. We use labels as a tool to understand things, and ANY god or goddess or higher power without gender is something beyond the understanding of humankind. Rather than define the nature of a higher power these pronouns simply aid us in conveying throughts or our personal views without effecting the higher power itself. The word of God is God inspired & not of us. It's very clear that "religion" is very different than living by faith & the word of God. In reference to a "she god" it's not about gender but made up gods that have no REAL power. It's called paganism & is clearly against God's word. In fact, it's an abomination to God. This is the second time in these forums you have implied that your knowledge of God or understanding of it is superior to others and that you alone are correct because you said so. The bible itself is written by men, Proof of this is in the bible itself, and it was written in ways that could be accepted by ancient man disregarding any validity of woman or her spiritual quest outside of doing what she was told. I will reiterrate here that there is a difference between following the word of God, and the word of men claiming to speak for god, which is the same thing you have done here. I didn't imply anything...according to God's word it is what it is...paganism is devil worship. That's in God's word so it's His words not mine. I already told you to stop calling me names & stop assuming anything about me. You know what they say about assume.... I do care about the "me" part regardless of what YOU "believe." Get it? BTW...a pagan isn't going to tell me what I believe...I believe in what God's word says & not what some man made thing you chose to believe in says I am or who God is. God? Slap me down??? Now I know you are circling the planet dear one. You are talking from your BACK side because your mouth surely knows better. Pagan is pagan no matter what you want to call it & God says it devil worship. This discussion is over. You have said nothing that even remotely edifies anything & you clearly don't have the ears to hear what is being said or you wouldn't say such silly things. Your bully attempts mean nothing to me & is just a waste of time. My little view??? ...Guess what??? ...I AM FREE!!!! |
Well quoting the word of God isn't enough proof for some. I have seen them twist even that. NEXT! With all due respect to all religious people I must say that the bible is just another book written by humans like millions and millions of other books around us . If you disagree , please provide your proof . Just like God proved He "is" to me, that is something each man must do for THEMSELVES. Logisitics my friend...Logistics.... |
Imagine the following scene and though it is not mine per se, it is applicable--and, well, you decide. This is an analogy and "WARNING" while not in violation of any rules of conduct here, it paints a disturbing picture.
Forgiven? You and a very good friend have a falling out. There are hurt feelings and the issue is fairly serious. Still, you begin to miss your friend, to wish for some form of resolution. You recognize in this case that your actions (what caused the divide) were on you. It is bothering you to no end that someone you care for so much has been hurt by your actions. As you begin to recognize the responsibility you have to owning your mistake and poor behavior you arrange to meet your friend at their home for what you hope is healing discussion. Your friend invites you in, gives you a hug and though there is tension in the air, offers you a chair and something to drink. For the next several hours you discuss the event, the ramifications and ask for your friend to understand that one event, one dramatic disagreement really should not define the entirety of a relationship. Many things are discussed and soon it is growing dark outside. As you stand to leave you once again embrace and thank your friend for the understanding. As you turn to leave your friend, says: "Hold on--we are not quite done." With that your friend calls for his son to come downstairs. Unsure what his son has to do with the situation it nevertheless holds your interest long enough to find out. Suddenly your friend's mood grows very serious as he states: "I understand that your apology was sincere and I really do respect your coming forward but I cannot simply forgive you this--it will require a sacrifice to be complete." With that, your friend grabs his son and begins to whip him violently. You are stunned. You cannot believe what you are witnessing. "STOP", you yell, but it does no good. The beating continues, and soon there is blood everywhere. As the beating grows even more violent you begin to weep and cry out again and again to stop. Attempts to stop your friend don't work and the suffering continues.....and continues. Finally, his son gasps a last breath and closes his eyes. The pain, the suffering, the horror. Blood is everywhere, his son's lifeless body lay on the floor. "OK", your friend states, wiping his hands, "Now you are forgiven." As stated above, this is an analogy and since no analogy is perfect I'm sure I'll get some rather predictable replies. But the questions I'd leave you with are: Why the need for such a bloody, painful sacrifice? What had the son done? And finally--after witnessing this--would you be able to paint your "friend" as being a loving friend for having forgiven you at the expense of his only son? -Drew |
Well quoting the word of God isn't enough proof for some. I have seen them twist even that. NEXT! With all due respect to all religious people I must say that the bible is just another book written by humans like millions and millions of other books around us . If you disagree , please provide your proof . Just like God proved He "is" to me, that is something each man must do for THEMSELVES. Logisitics my friend...Logistics.... When I hear a religious preacher and a parrot , I do not see the difference between the two . When I read a so called holly book and I read a fiction story , I definitely enjoy the fiction . I just can not understand why people believe all the religious myths and propaganda . Any religion is a contradiction after another after another ....!. |
It is important at this time to explain why our lives are considered impure in God’s eyes. Adam’s sin of disobeying God’s command in the Garden of Eden at our Earth’s beginning brought the curse of sin to rest upon all humanity, which includes us today. With his eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil which God had forbid him to do. Adam brought death to himself and all of humanity since. He listened to Satan’s voice rather then god’s and the consequences resulted in both physical and spiritual death.
Since the time of Adam, human nature has been sinful, which means we have a tendency to disobey God. First of all, the story is that Adam listened to Eve, not Satan. Satan (The snake person on two legs) tempted Eve first. Or so the story goes. The nature of the "forbidden fruit" is unclear. Was it really fruit from a tree or something else? If it was fruit from a tree-- how could fruit from a tree cause a person to now know the difference between "good and evil?" I don't think that the "forbidden fruit" was fruit at all. Some people say that it was sex. Eve was seduced and had sex with the snake man. She became pregnant with Cain. Then she seduced Adam and she became pregnant with Able. This sex outside the union of Adam and Eve was probably the "forbidden fruit." But I would be willing to bet that Eve was gang raped by the Snake man and Adam, and she just got the blame. After all, that's how women were thought of and treated. As property and sex slaves. This is the only way Eve's alleged "sin" (or rape) could have brought the curse of "sin" to rest upon all humanity, which includes us today, because the people today are now a mixture of the descendants of the serpent (or Satan.) who are called "The sons of Cain." and the descendants of Adam, who are called "The chosen people." The people of the world today are all intermixed between these two different species, along with being mixed with the original earth humans. (Adam and Eve were not original earth humans, they were brought in to mix with current privative humans.~~according even to the Urantia Book and other books, I think this is the case.) While you might look upon it as our tendency to "disobey god" I see it as a tendency towards our own inherent right to exist as free souls, not as slaves of alien gods who demand obedience and declare that those who do not obey will be put to death. "The wages of sin is death" means "The punishment for disobedience is death." But as individuals, we should not be held responsible for the crimes or disobedience of our ancient ancestors. That is completely ridiculous. I do not accept that guilt trip. I look at this story and if I assume there be truth in it I have to assume it was twisted to fit some agenda of some alien god who was in the process of raising a bunch of obedient slaves. So how do you make your slaves obey you? You tell them that they will surely die if they do not. They will be killed, or deprived of the long life they would normally have been given had they obeyed their lord and master. It is totally a master-slave relationship. It is not a father - child relationship. Fathers don't kill their children for disobeying them. JB |
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Tue 06/10/08 09:20 PM
You aren't doing God any service...your a pagan & we all know what God says about pagans. It's all devil worship & a great deception.
Quickstepper, "The devil" does not even exist anywhere except within the false doctrine of Christianity. This is just a lie spouted by a jealous false alien god that you worship. He wants you to be his slave. And apparently you are. If you aren't obeying God you are glorifying the devil. There is NO fence sitting here. Christians do not own god. They do not own copyright on god. You do not own the one true god. You only own your false god and his enemy that you call the devil. They are both aliens. They are not gods. You come here to argue with people of faith. That is your only reason to comment at all. Let's get that one straight. Yours is not the only religion or the only belief system on the earth. People of faith exist outside of your religion. Why on earth do you think you are so right? What if you are wrong? What if your god is really your very own Satan (an alien) playing tricks on you? JB |
Well quoting the word of God isn't enough proof for some. I have seen them twist even that. NEXT! With all due respect to all religious people I must say that the bible is just another book written by humans like millions and millions of other books around us . If you disagree , please provide your proof . Just like God proved He "is" to me, that is something each man must do for THEMSELVES. Logisitics my friend...Logistics.... When I hear a religious preacher and a parrot , I do not see the difference between the two . When I read a so called holly book and I read a fiction story , I definitely enjoy the fiction . I just can not understand why people believe all the religious myths and propaganda . Any religion is a contradiction after another after another ....!. Well if that's your outlook going into it then that's all you will see. Get it? You need to stop relying on man & just ask God to reveal Himself to you from His word. You gotta get past "religion." |
Edited by
Wed 06/11/08 03:58 AM
Imagine the following scene and though it is not mine per se, it is applicable--and, well, you decide. This is an analogy and "WARNING" while not in violation of any rules of conduct here, it paints a disturbing picture. Forgiven? -Drew This is a foolish interpretation of what God did. Why do you fail to mention the ressurection? Maybe because you don't know what that means.... Yes...Christ suffering for our sins... But there is life in His RESURRECTION power...God raised Him from the dead & all power was given to Him. We are more than conquerors in His name. |
You aren't doing God any service...your a pagan & we all know what God says about pagans. It's all devil worship & a great deception.
Quickstepper, "The devil" does not even exist anywhere except within the false doctrine of Christianity. This is just a lie spouted by a jealous false alien god that you worship. He wants you to be his slave. And apparently you are. If you aren't obeying God you are glorifying the devil. There is NO fence sitting here. Christians do not own god. They do not own copyright on god. You do not own the one true god. You only own your false god and his enemy that you call the devil. They are both aliens. They are not gods. You come here to argue with people of faith. That is your only reason to comment at all. Let's get that one straight. Yours is not the only religion or the only belief system on the earth. People of faith exist outside of your religion. Why on earth do you think you are so right? What if you are wrong? What if your god is really your very own Satan (an alien) playing tricks on you? JB People like you make a mockery of pure faith. I suggest you tell that garbage to someone who doesn't know better. What you engage in is devil worship. The other 'religions" are the real dogma you all like to cry about. You just can't get passed the natural, can you? Feel goodisms that leave the soul hurting. You are the ones who are raging against us because we KNOW what we believe & stand on it. I know that really hits a nerve in you all as expressed on these boards & I'm sure others who lurk are seeing the same thing too. That's what it's all about. |
Imagine the following scene and though it is not mine per se, it is applicable--and, well, you decide. This is an analogy and "WARNING" while not in violation of any rules of conduct here, it paints a disturbing picture. Forgiven? -Drew This is a foolish interpretation of what God did. Why do you fail to mention the ressurection? Maybe because you don't know what that means.... Yes...Christ suffering for our sins... But there is life in His RESURRECTION power...God raised Him from the dead & all power was given to Him. We are more than conquerors in His name. Foolish? Because I forgot the resurrection? So, the beating is OK, the sacrifice is fine and the torture of a son by his father is not an issue so long as when it is all over he is risen? That is like telling the mugging victim that there is not really a problem because after all--in time, he will heal. Isn't it interesting how the suffering of the innocent Christ is now employed as a reason and riddle solver for the suffering of man? When a man is down and out, when his home burns to the ground some people tend to take the stance that it could be worse---that suffering increases faith, and that the ultimate suffering was Christ and what he gave on the cross. If you want to keep worshiping a father who for no reason whatsoever felt the need to sentence is innocent son to a torturous death, then my best to you. -Drew |
suspended belief is actually causal excuse. that God can know the heart of man and assuredly comprehend that spiritual wickedness will prevail in the human stage of things is elementary wisdom. The decveiver of the soul hates God and will inspire the causality that embraces diverse excuses to avoid the confrontation of the torn and empty conscience as unknowably secure and sacrosanct and impregnably sovereign and capable of deceptions so subtle and malicious that can be easily embracedby any seeking texture and form and substance for their own secret shames. But the torture suffered by Jesus was not from God, but known by God about man's propensity to embrace the role of usurper instead of grateful thanksgiving to God. It is easy to see that man would torture such a one as Jesus. The usurpers and their inspired "fearful leader" sought their own with the callous disregard of the advantaged and privileged that cry out, " I got mine, you can't have yours!!!". In one generation, these usaurpers established their shame and their guilt before God, and the snare of their own device seized them. But for bountifully prosperous and blessed generations since, they have only villified themselves with an ephitet that is descriptive of the struggle still faced undaunted by all men and the challenges man faces when wrestling with the Word of God. What is that? gratuitous depravity. At least some have the good sense not to lie to themselves and drag God into the fray, but those that do only display the greater need for all. What is that? mercy, grace and peace. Where does that come from? answer: reconciliation. |
hhmmmmmmmmmmm........ suspended belief is actually causal excuse. that God can know the heart of man and assuredly comprehend that spiritual wickedness will prevail in the human stage of things is elementary wisdom. The decveiver of the soul hates God and will inspire the causality that embraces diverse excuses to avoid the confrontation of the torn and empty conscience as unknowably secure and sacrosanct and impregnably sovereign and capable of deceptions so subtle and malicious that can be easily embracedby any seeking texture and form and substance for their own secret shames. But the torture suffered by Jesus was not from God, but known by God about man's propensity to embrace the role of usurper instead of grateful thanksgiving to God. It is easy to see that man would torture such a one as Jesus. The usurpers and their inspired "fearful leader" sought their own with the callous disregard of the advantaged and privileged that cry out, " I got mine, you can't have yours!!!". In one generation, these usaurpers established their shame and their guilt before God, and the snare of their own device seized them. But for bountifully prosperous and blessed generations since, they have only villified themselves with an ephitet that is descriptive of the struggle still faced undaunted by all men and the challenges man faces when wrestling with the Word of God. What is that? gratuitous depravity. At least some have the good sense not to lie to themselves and drag God into the fray, but those that do only display the greater need for all. What is that? mercy, grace and peace. Where does that come from? answer: reconciliation. BEAUTIFUL! That was awesomely said. BRAVO!!!! |
Oh for sure the voice that spoke to me was NOT funches....giggle....
I can only go by what I know when I post in religion.... It's a long long story....but yes God has spoken to my heart. A prophet spoke to me about 12 years ago now. And told me God had big plans...At the time I didn't think much of it. And 10 years to the day she (the prophet) spoke to me, so did the Lord. I know the path that he has me on, is a narrow one. But I can't deny his exsistance and would not after what I have been shown. So for Him and Him alone I follow what he has for me. It has been an amazing journey so far.......And I know with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind that he is real. I can't speak but of what I have been shown and what I have been told. And everything I do is in His Glory. If people don't believe that God speaks to them or there are no prophets in this day and age....You my friends are so sadly mistaken. More so then ever it is needed for Christ is coming soon and every man, woman and child must know of God, and his Son. If they don't believe it....that is their choice but all will know of him. I tell this a lot to people....and I will ask you the same. If God came to you and said, "Son I am God, I am, I will be, and I always will be......Would you ignore it? If so then to me that is very sad. Because I did listen, and I will follow the path that is set forth for me. This frankly is between God and myself and the only reason I share is because for those really seeking to see that maybe, just maybe. I also tell people what do you have to loose, but oh the loss you could have. |