Topic: girls and image issues | |
And the fact it was her meds thats caused the weight gain, you should have been more understanding. you are a jerk!! im so sure it was ![]() And youre so sure it wasnt.. you said you were smart... when do we get to see that side of you?? Just curious is all !! Think Ill take my chubby ass and go get a burrito!!! Im starving!!! Anyone else hungry? ![]() ![]() ![]() Burritos and tacos for all!!! |
Edited by
Mon 05/19/08 10:12 AM
Humm okay my opinion on the situation. Yeah you were honest but a bit brutal. ![]() Where did you mess up right from the very beginning by not being honest what your looking for. ![]() We all have that right to have a preference, some say it is what is within. To a degree I will agree with that but...if there is not an attraction with the one you're looking at then most want take the time to see what is within. ![]() To some of us weight is not an issue maybe it is their teeth or their manners or their reactions to problems. What ever it is we all have our own standards. ![]() Problem is the way we handle situations as this. If you were honest up front by saying what you wanted and next time tell them to produce a picture first or see them on cam so you can see them first hand. Not saying that is shallow just that you want to see whom you're talking to first. ![]() I can't blame you for not wanting someone overweight if you're into fitness. That is your choice and whom you have to deal with. If a person does not look good within your eyes it will never work. ![]() Yeah I'm a full figured woman and have been passed by due to my weight. Have I always been this size Hummm no age and letting it catch up with me had a lot to do with it and a few medical issues in the past. But I would rather someone pass me up then stay with me and try to change me. For that is something I must do not someone else. I'm very aware of my weight and don't need anyone to remind me. But I don't need pity either. For I'm a whole lot more of a person within if only one could see past my weight. ![]() So with that said I would say be more honest up front that way down the road things don't get so complicated. ![]() Myself that is the reason I put up a full body shot of me that way if my size bothers them they will not even bother to e-mail me instead they will pass me up. So in reality she was not being honest either the way I see it. ![]() Honesty is the best policy!! ![]() you're lucky she is a Mod or your ass would be have no idea I really wanna show you down so badly to about the size of your willy but none of us have microscopes and "Honey I shrunk the kids".......IS a real movie. LOL.......oh just wait |
I was a heavy gurl in my teen years because of meds...It doesn't last forever and neither does the weight.LIke don't judge a book by it's cover,you shouldn't judge a person from their appearance
Yeah, you're really such a jerk All the good looking ones are No I've met very sweet good-looking men. But those are gay. ![]() ![]() |
arrogance comes with the job, along with pride, discipline, and honor (and a six pack) i never said everyone doesnt have a right to be picky they do. i only implyed that if i am overly picky it shouldnt be suprising If you are overly picky it is because you are shallow, narrow minded, and superficial. shallow... probably superficial... maybe narrow minded... i dont think so besides if she was so honest why didnt she tell me about her weight the whole time we were talking? you people are making a commoner into a saint why didnt YOU ask her, if its such a big issue?? yea you're right i should just have girls fill out an application with their age bodywieght bad habits and identifying marks right? women generally dislike being asked thier body wieght or did that change in the past 24 hours? |
I was a heavy gurl in my teen years because of meds...It doesn't last forever and neither does the weight.LIke don't judge a book by it's cover,you shouldn't judge a person from their appearance some meds are for life |
where did alexandria29 go.!!!
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I was a heavy gurl in my teen years because of meds...It doesn't last forever and neither does the weight.LIke don't judge a book by it's cover,you shouldn't judge a person from their appearance If he wants to judge someone for their appearance, than fine. But he shouldn't be rude about it, and he shouldn't assume he's better than other people and think he can be "picky" because of the virtues he's listed (good looking, "smart," in the marines etc.) Everyone should have to right to go after whoever they're attracted to. |
I was a heavy gurl in my teen years because of meds...It doesn't last forever and neither does the weight.LIke don't judge a book by it's cover,you shouldn't judge a person from their appearance It's not only true but it goes away....I hope that girl that you hurt turns into a super model cause eventually you will be hugging an old barrell for heat yo.......get the pic? |
Edited by
Mon 05/19/08 10:16 AM
arrogance comes with the job, along with pride, discipline, and honor (and a six pack) i never said everyone doesnt have a right to be picky they do. i only implyed that if i am overly picky it shouldnt be suprising
If you are overly picky it is because you are shallow, narrow minded, and superficial. shallow... probably superficial... maybe narrow minded... i dont think so besides if she was so honest why didnt she tell me about her weight the whole time we were talking? you people are making a commoner into a saint why didnt YOU ask her, if its such a big issue?? yea you're right i should just have girls fill out an application with their age bodywieght bad habits and identifying marks right? women generally dislike being asked thier body wieght or did that change in the past 24 hours? They also dislike being told that they can't walk 6 miles in a whole day. That didn't stop you. |
Isn't it funny how blatantly hypocritic people can be?
I was a heavy gurl in my teen years because of meds...It doesn't last forever and neither does the weight.LIke don't judge a book by it's cover,you shouldn't judge a person from their appearance It's not only true but it goes away....I hope that girl that you hurt turns into a super model cause eventually you will be hugging an old barrell for heat yo.......get the pic? i'm so hurt i think im gonna go to the head and cry lol |
arrogance comes with the job, along with pride, discipline, and honor (and a six pack) i never said everyone doesnt have a right to be picky they do. i only implyed that if i am overly picky it shouldnt be suprising If you are overly picky it is because you are shallow, narrow minded, and superficial. shallow... probably superficial... maybe narrow minded... i dont think so besides if she was so honest why didnt she tell me about her weight the whole time we were talking? you people are making a commoner into a saint why didnt YOU ask her, if its such a big issue?? yea you're right i should just have girls fill out an application with their age bodywieght bad habits and identifying marks right? women generally dislike being asked thier body wieght or did that change in the past 24 hours? but if its so important, then ask her. simple. if someone asks me, i tell them. id rather be upfront about it, than be insulted after meeting. |
You just continue to get uglier and uglier with every response xander...
Who do you really think you are to need anyone to fill an application to meet/get to know you. How superficial are you??? Physical beauty is only temporary while a great heart and a great pure soul lasts forever. We are all entitled to like different things, people, sizes, etc, however you seem to get off by belittling others. Shame! You're just showing your age and maturity lever. ![]() |
arrogance comes with the job, along with pride, discipline, and honor (and a six pack) i never said everyone doesnt have a right to be picky they do. i only implyed that if i am overly picky it shouldnt be suprising If you are overly picky it is because you are shallow, narrow minded, and superficial. shallow... probably superficial... maybe narrow minded... i dont think so besides if she was so honest why didnt she tell me about her weight the whole time we were talking? you people are making a commoner into a saint why didnt YOU ask her, if its such a big issue?? yea you're right i should just have girls fill out an application with their age bodywieght bad habits and identifying marks right? women generally dislike being asked thier body wieght or did that change in the past 24 hours? can you actually type .....on your own?.......or do you need to cut and paste all of your words? Today in the 3rd grade....we're gonna learn our alphabet.......A is for for ***** for Can't believe this get the picture |
Give him a break people he really needs a beautiful woman on his arn to make him look good ..cuse he has nothing on his own to do that!!
i'm so hurt i think im gonna go to the head and cry lol We can only hope potential suitors who meet your "picky" standards will read this one day. |
You know all at least he is being honest and deserves and honest opinion.
We don't have to lash back and put him down just because we feel the need to protect another from what he said. There are ways to say things to get our point over without bringing ourselves down. He is not attacking anyone here yes he was wrong in his choice of words. But..........wisdom comes with age, as we grow older or by asking questions and others answering hopefully maybe someone will see down the road where they were wrong and not make that same mistake. But if we lash out at him does he learn from us nooooooo. Why not say what one should have said and the down fall of what ones words does to another. If we bash back all that is going to do is make him bash back then all the words are lost and no one learns from what was said. ![]() |
Isn't it funny how blatantly hypocritic people can be? i won't deny it i may be... i'm only running on 1 hour sleep in the past 72 hours im starting to get a little loopy and cranky |
Isn't it funny how blatantly hypocritic people can be? it is indeed! |