Topic: Freedom at what cost | |
Actually we shouldnt even be talking about war right should be about "government".........the ones who dictate our lives......
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Finally, some clarity! Sheesh. Thanks.
I just don't see why people always complain about all this like it's something new... I like that quote: war doesn't determine who is right, war determines who is left! It's an unfortunate part of living in this world... we can't all get along. The world is going downhill and it has been from the beginning of time. I'm not surprised because I follow the bible and it's all in there. I find it surprising that no matter how old war gets, people still want to argue about it. If no one ever argued, we wouldn't have wars to begin with. Kinda funny how that works. If I was alive back in the 60s I probably would've been one of those tree-hugging, flower-loving hippies. ![]() ![]() |
do I think our country won ww2???? no...but yes we sure helped. we got into the war when Japan bombed us and france was taken over...russia was battling on their own homefront and england was having to fight it all and YES we did help
my son is almost 18...if he chose to serve in the military...I would be very proud of him. but my son wouldn't do it because it's "cool" - he was brought up better than that. he would do it because he felt it was the right thing to do. as a matter of fact...he is going to get a criminal law degree to become a cop to serve and protect...because that's what he believes in. my son is better than to do things just because they are "cool". he's not into drinking, smoking or drugs because the "cool" kids are doing it. he is a strong kid and thinks for himself |
Edited by
Tue 04/22/08 03:07 AM
yellow u may be right about the war,back then.
but if u or any of the others feel the need to send your kids or loved ones into war to possibly die thats your deal. but I wouldnt |
i have said it before in here...if someone can get everyone to make love not war...i'm all for it. but that's not reality
well i SURE hope your son makes it......I have only one son......I wont let him no matter how old he is
![]() And not to say that there is anything wrong with being a soldier.......I just have him and he is the world to me and I cannot and will not let him fight a war unless it is on our own soil! ![]() |
he is my only son and I went through HELL to have him. if he felt he was doing it for the right reasons...I would see him as a hero...just like I saw my dad that died while on duty. and if he chose to serve and protect the public...then I would be d@mn proud of him. I don't want to lose my son any more than anyone else does but I have brought him up to do what he feels is right and to think of others as well. not to mention..when he's 18...I really have little say about what he does and can't stop him. all I can do is hope he remembers what i have tried to teach him. he is his own person because I brought him up to be a good, responsible man and doesn't follow along with what is "cool". if he chooses to go into the military or be a cop...i will be VERY proud
I think this is a great saying for someone at war.
When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home. {Shawnee} |
i like that saying
![]() btw...another history leasson (not sure if you knew this or not...most don't) but most people think the yellow rose was santa ana's whore...when in fact she was a freed slave that was captured by santa ana and some gave her credit for helping capture him later more history than you wanted huh? lol |
come to think about this...we got our freedom from england through war, ireland and scotland did too...many countries went to war with england to fight oppression from them....IT'S ENGLAND'S FAULT lol (kidding btw)
LMAO first off I gotta say Spaceman! You Friggin rock I laughed so hard durka durka hahaha! Second, I saw earlier something about killing off the population.. Survival of the fittest, eat or be eaten, kill or be killed. Simple as that. And, finally if this war was about oil... We wouldn't be sending all of our diesel over there for our troops or w/e.. And, I wouldn't be paying 3.69 a gallon at the pump.. Because if we were getting a fraction of the ammount of oil that god forsaken country sits on, we'd be well below the 3 dollar mark. Hell maybe even below the 2 dollar mark I dunno. Oh wait.. That isn't it... AND, if we got the **** out of there and left. Every man woman and child that has turned around to help us would be slaughtered. No matter how it's looked at man cannot exsist without war! Mankind has fought amongst itself since the begining of time. Which takes me back to.. KILL OR BE KILLED!
i'll kill for it as the great General George S. Patton once said "never go into war to die for your country,instead let the other b@st@rd die for his!" right on... ![]() General George S. Patton was quite the dude ![]() |
Ok. Fine. You are right OC...I am living in a false reality....I never went to school...hell, I'm not even on these forums...why? they don't truck? forget' sin the junkyard. I also have to lay down my carpet east toward mecca and pray to Allah (peace be upon him) 5 times a day. If I do not, I will die. ****...I used to want to be a Christian, but since Christianity is non-existent, I guess I'll have to settle for Islam. So basically, if I die, I will die for something I do not believe in. What's that Yusef? The Islamic Republic of American States is attacking Canada because they don't want to convert to Islam? Wow...war sucks doesn't's too bad that the US couldn't stay stron to protect our that we failed, all other countries will suffer the same fate. I'm shiite, but Yusef? you are a sunni...I hate you and want to kill you....afte that, I'm going to declare war on the mexican islamic federation who just lost to the islamic republic of australia... Wow, you know, if the US were to have put a stop to this, we would all be living a peacful life....too bad too many people hated war.... ....because THAT war was the last war that would not have cost us our freedom This is my last post........I'm outta here...oh doesn't exist...I was never here in the first place!! In God We Trust .... this country was put here by God himself to balance the world we are a nation of all nations created to protect the world .... think about it . we have only been in exsistance fo a little over 200 hundred years . And God has his plan for us and Im proud to be part of that plan , Christ said no man hates war more then the soldier for he sacrifices the most and most of the time gets no thank you or reward ... God has blessed this country begrateful your here and try to keep an open mind . Peace will come soon but untill he does thank god we have our military standing gaurd at the gate , Cheers to you, Knightime! ![]() ![]() Cheers to both of you ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I think this is a great saying for someone at war. When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home. {Shawnee} yes, of course...a beautiful quote ![]() we mentioned this in the Native American Indian Thread... Sing your death song..... ![]() but not until you give it your absolute all ![]() to keep yourself and your comrades alive ![]() |
I don't care if oil is even part of the reason...the psycho needed to be stopped for the same reasons we went into Kosovo.
history is filled with wars for freedom...hence William Wallace and many others. they fight for their freedoms. civil wars happen as well for that reason. is that the only reson people start someone is fighting for their freedoms for something. it's not even about America only. again history is filled with many other countries taking over other countries for land etc. it's not just the US being war lovers when other countries are filled with it. but how can you say war has never brought about freedom? there were even conspiracies going around before we went to the current war like the other countries didn't back us because THEY wanted the oil deals. again I don't care about the oil...only the people that were murdered and tortured. I would hope if that happened in this country/...others would step up and help. you can't turn a blind eye to it or it would make you just as guilty. but i suspect if this happened somewhere else...we would be backed up more for helping that country. do we get support from other countries only when it benefits them or something? it was posted here earlier that we didn't get into WW2 fast enough for others and the "real heroes" died. first of all...our soldiers are just as much of heroes. every soldier has loved ones. but we didn't get overseas fast enough for a war that wasn't even ours. our fight was with Japan when they bombed us....we get condemned for not acting fast enough...but the current war we are condemned for not minding our own business. you can't have it both ways. until someone can make everyone play nicely...there will be war and the soldiers have loved ones that hold them just as dearly as I do my son. someone has to do it. but look through history about wars and even other countries wars. how many places did the french, english, holy roman empire etc...take over and the countries ended up fighting to get their freedom back. you can't say war is never good just looking at the current have to look throughout history |
I'm willing to give my life for it, I'm a soldier!
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Edited by
Tue 04/22/08 12:49 PM
I'm willing to give my life for it, I'm a soldier! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks Danette.... ![]() ![]() ![]() I admire you and respect you alot ![]() ![]() ![]() not many men i know would offer their lives... ![]() let alone a woman !!!! ![]() ![]() Cheers to our women & men in the Military ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I am all for peace but because no one can make everyone play won't happen so it's a moot point
I would love to see the world do the old coca cola commerical about I'd like to teach the world to sing...but that's not reality |
I am all for peace but because no one can make everyone play won't happen so it's a moot point I would love to see the world do the old coca cola commerical about I'd like to teach the world to sing...but that's not reality So... We are so going to start a new trend in reality tv.. It's called.. "So you think your country can dance?" LMAO we're gonna be rich! Then we might be able to afford to put gas in our cars haha |