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Topic: Freedom at what cost
OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:54 AM
we aint got freedom because of the war

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:00 AM
I don't know what truths you are talking about. I just hear an opinion. and if we hadn't gone to war with the British ... we'd still be under them or whoever else would have taken us over. so yes...we got our freedom from war.

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:02 AM
I aint trying to get any one else to believe what I say,I am stating what I believe that is all.

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:02 AM
Edited by Spaceman2008 on Tue 04/22/08 02:04 AM
Ok. Fine. You are right OC...I am living in a false reality....I never went to school...hell, I'm not even on these forums...why? they don't exist...my truck? forget it...it' sin the junkyard. I also have to lay down my carpet east toward mecca and pray to Allah (peace be upon him) 5 times a day. If I do not, I will die. ****...I used to want to be a Christian, but since Christianity is non-existent, I guess I'll have to settle for Islam. So basically, if I die, I will die for something I do not believe in. What's that Yusef? The Islamic Republic of American States is attacking Canada because they don't want to convert to Islam? Wow...war sucks doesn't it...it's too bad that the US couldn't stay stron to protect our freedom...now that we failed, all other countries will suffer the same fate.

I'm shiite, but Yusef? you are a sunni...I hate you and want to kill you....afte that, I'm going to declare war on the mexican islamic federation who just lost to the islamic republic of australia...

Wow, you know, if the US were to have put a stop to this, we would all be living a peacful life....too bad too many people hated war....

....because THAT war was the last war that would not have cost us our freedom

This is my last post........I'm outta here...oh wait...here doesn't exist...I was never here in the first place!!

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:03 AM
war now days is not fighting for freedom

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:03 AM
as I said I am only stating my opinion and what I believe I can care less if u do or dont believe it.its what I believe

DrX's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:04 AM
The war we are in now, is in no way related to our freedom, all it's related to is oil. Do you honestly think we care if they have a democracy over there;hell no. That's just a smoke screen, we just want oil.

there is always going to be diversion in this world, but to fight over something we really don't need anyway is well to put it simply dumb. We can make our own gas, we can take care of ourselves. Yes the US seems to play the part of the world's police, but the world is who put us there.

War makes money, the longer it lasts the more money that goes into the fat cats pockets. war is a company of death. That's what it deals in. So far the company is booming, I just hope the new CEO that gets voted in, changes the company up.

I can see helping a country if they ask us for aid, but we don't have to try and make another US, if we wanted this over it would be over, we have the weapons to end this tomorrow, one atom bomb, one stealth attack dropping hydrogen bombs, county is gone, we win, but there is no money to be made there.

War is like Cancer, sure they can cure it, but they make more money treating it.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:04 AM
and that is what I am doing too. But no one is getting pissy because they can't see the truth as you see it. I'm just glad we live in a country were we can openly debate...I thank a soldier for that

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:06 AM
well X speaks nothing but the truth there

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:07 AM
hMMMMMMMMM seems like the war is making your country poor.......dollar down? huh medical/dental? education down? huh

I can see why after 911.......but the reasons for this war are kinda "grey"........

Money for the president......no money for you!!!noway noway noway

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:07 AM
yes the rich get richer as the poor slowly die

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:10 AM
that maybe your truth of the current war...but go back in history and how this country became it's own country. we didn't get our freedom by telling the British to shoo and leave us alone

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:11 AM
All praise be to Allah! (PBUH).

OOPPS sorry, I'm still in a thread that doesn't exist....

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:12 AM
yellow u may be right but that was way back then,war now days is pointless

Knightime's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:15 AM

Ok. Fine. You are right OC...I am living in a false reality....I never went to school...hell, I'm not even on these forums...why? they don't exist...my truck? forget it...it' sin the junkyard. I also have to lay down my carpet east toward mecca and pray to Allah (peace be upon him) 5 times a day. If I do not, I will die. ****...I used to want to be a Christian, but since Christianity is non-existent, I guess I'll have to settle for Islam. So basically, if I die, I will die for something I do not believe in. What's that Yusef? The Islamic Republic of American States is attacking Canada because they don't want to convert to Islam? Wow...war sucks doesn't it...it's too bad that the US couldn't stay stron to protect our freedom...now that we failed, all other countries will suffer the same fate.

I'm shiite, but Yusef? you are a sunni...I hate you and want to kill you....afte that, I'm going to declare war on the mexican islamic federation who just lost to the islamic republic of australia...

Wow, you know, if the US were to have put a stop to this, we would all be living a peacful life....too bad too many people hated war....

....because THAT war was the last war that would not have cost us our freedom

This is my last post........I'm outta here...oh wait...here doesn't exist...I was never here in the first place!!

In God We Trust .... this country was put here by God himself to balance the world we are a nation of all nations created to protect the world .... think about it . we have only been in exsistance fo a little over 200 hundred years . And God has his plan for us and Im proud to be part of that plan , Christ said no man hates war more then the soldier for he sacrifices the most and most of the time gets no thank you or reward ...
God has blessed this country begrateful your here and try to keep an open mind . Peace will come soon but untill he does thank god we have our military standing gaurd at the gate ,

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:16 AM
lol based on your views of this current war...which I don't agree with you on either...but I have been saying look at the past this whole time. and unless you can get the world to be good little boys and girls...I will disagree with you.

so tell me OC...how do you propse to end all war and stop making people want power or to hurt others etc??? I don't think time out will work

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:17 AM

Ok. Fine. You are right OC...I am living in a false reality....I never went to school...hell, I'm not even on these forums...why? they don't exist...my truck? forget it...it' sin the junkyard. I also have to lay down my carpet east toward mecca and pray to Allah (peace be upon him) 5 times a day. If I do not, I will die. ****...I used to want to be a Christian, but since Christianity is non-existent, I guess I'll have to settle for Islam. So basically, if I die, I will die for something I do not believe in. What's that Yusef? The Islamic Republic of American States is attacking Canada because they don't want to convert to Islam? Wow...war sucks doesn't it...it's too bad that the US couldn't stay stron to protect our freedom...now that we failed, all other countries will suffer the same fate.

I'm shiite, but Yusef? you are a sunni...I hate you and want to kill you....afte that, I'm going to declare war on the mexican islamic federation who just lost to the islamic republic of australia...

Wow, you know, if the US were to have put a stop to this, we would all be living a peacful life....too bad too many people hated war....

....because THAT war was the last war that would not have cost us our freedom

This is my last post........I'm outta here...oh wait...here doesn't exist...I was never here in the first place!!

In God We Trust .... this country was put here by God himself to balance the world we are a nation of all nations created to protect the world .... think about it . we have only been in exsistance fo a little over 200 hundred years . And God has his plan for us and Im proud to be part of that plan , Christ said no man hates war more then the soldier for he sacrifices the most and most of the time gets no thank you or reward ...
God has blessed this country begrateful your here and try to keep an open mind . Peace will come soon but untill he does thank god we have our military standing gaurd at the gate ,

Cheers to you, Knightime! drinker drinker

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:18 AM
Hmmmmmmmmmm funny........who declares war??? Your president?? their leaders???? Is that freedom of the people??? You have a choice???? noway noway noway

War doesnt give you freedom!!! It just says......hey we beat your azzzzzzzz so you cant touch us......because my president paid your president off.......its about the money and all it is and your young kids are being killed because of it!!!!


OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:19 AM
like I said I care care less who does or dont believe what I say.

I didnt say I had a way to end it

but a start would be to get these rich moron out from running this world

DrX's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:20 AM

yellow u may be right but that was way back then,war now days is pointless

Exactly, our freedom is not going to be destroyed because of this war, al that's going to be destroyed is our young men and women of this country.

Our freedom is fine, now if we get bombed or invaded, yeah then it's war time, but not over oil, not just because war makes money. That's just tard logic, until the day a country invades us, I say we stay out of things, unless called upon and even then just lend a hand not reform a entire country, It's 2008, we have been free for a long time.

The time has come not to surrender, because what are we surrendering, nothing? the time has come to get our boys home and let that country find it's way like we did, if they can't that's on them. We are not babysitters with rifles.

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