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Topic: Freedom at what cost
OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:20 AM
it is all about money

the more money the better they can give a care less who dies,as long as they make there money

Knightime's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:22 AM
And God always be with you Spaceman2008
and feel sorry for them they truly have no clue .drinker right back at ya Bro.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:23 AM
congress declares war...which is made up of all parties.

but maybe we should just sit and twiddle our thumbs and let other countries attack us or attack their own people or attack another country. pass the popcorn

as far as the current war...I don't care about the oil...I cared about stopping a psycho and his sons from what they were doing to the people.

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:23 AM

And God always be with you Spaceman2008
and feel sorry for them they truly have no clue .drinker right back at ya Bro.

Thanks...I really appreciate that..I really do...

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:24 AM

congress declares war...which is made up of all parties.

but maybe we should just sit and twiddle our thumbs and let other countries attack us or attack their own people or attack another country. pass the popcorn

as far as the current war...I don't care about the oil...I cared about stopping a psycho and his sons from what they were doing to the people.

All praise be to Allah...(PBUH)!


OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:25 AM
thats another prob were to busy helping other countrys and not help people who actually live here

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:27 AM
you are right OC...shame on us for taking out someone that was cruel and an evil man...while we sit at home on our computers and safety. what was I thinking????

Knightime's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:28 AM

it is all about money

the more money the better they can give a care less who dies,as long as they make there money

you just dont get it we really could careless if these people make their money thats their sin and they will answer for it , we on the other hand see the big picture what we have to do is set before us by God Defend and Protect its just that simple its born in us , we will die for it and the leaders of this country my think they are the reason for it but as you , they have no clue . This country was born to DEFEND .. and we will with whom ever is in office , whom ever leads us , because it is GODS will not our own ... may God open your heart and mind . peace be with you .... later

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:29 AM
WOW THE internet was invented after the war>?>????because george bush invented it? please dont test my intelligence!!!noway noway noway noway noway

Freedom is what>????? huh Is it being dictated by a president????? I guess so!!!!laugh noway laugh

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:29 AM

you are right OC...shame on us for taking out someone that was cruel and an evil man...while we sit at home on our computers and safety. what was I thinking????

Your computer doesn't exist, Yellowrose, remember? This is a false reality...hostile nations took over our country because we stood by and did nothing.....

(I'm trying to contrast what the world would be like without freedom, that's all)

OrangeCat's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:30 AM
I am gone wasted time

I believe what I believe,u all believe wh at u all believe

that wont change

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:30 AM
I see there are people who will believe what they believe here.........noway noway noway noway

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:31 AM
hmmmmmmmmmmmm the history books may be alittle grey these years though........

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:31 AM

WOW THE internet was invented after the war>?>????because george bush invented it? please dont test my intelligence!!!noway noway noway noway noway

Freedom is what>????? huh Is it being dictated by a president????? I guess so!!!!laugh noway laugh

WOW who said it was invented after the war????

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:32 AM
apparantly the internet is part of the freedom of the war??? sooooooooooo your guess is as good as mine???huh

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:35 AM
not sure where you pulled that out from but what I did was give an example of our freedom that our soldiers have fought for throughout our history...psst...it's part of the freedom of speech. and ummm...i think i've been talking about our history this whole time and not this current war

Spaceman2008's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:36 AM
Edited by Spaceman2008 on Tue 04/22/08 02:36 AM
Praise be to Allah...(PBUH)!



no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:38 AM
So what youre saying is that because of wars you have the freedom of speech???? Ok lets look at the whole picture here.........and lets take war out of the equation.........without war,,,,,,,,you had freedom of speech........now with the war.......you have freedom of speech.....so does 1+2=6 here?huh

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:38 AM

Praise be to Allah...(PBUH)!


ALLAH AKBAR!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Knightime's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:39 AM

you are right OC...shame on us for taking out someone that was cruel and an evil man...while we sit at home on our computers and safety. what was I thinking????

Your computer doesn't exist, Yellowrose, remember? This is a false reality...hostile nations took over our country because we stood by and did nothing.....

(I'm trying to contrast what the world would be like without freedom, that's all)

YELLOWROSE great what was I thinking that ... of all the names to argue with . check it out .
Satan's golden rose: the expression for this is self-deification, "being as gods," the love of mammon, for the power money gives, materialism, the worship of the golden calf, fashion trends, unrestrained pleasure, alcoholism, pornography, perversions, superstition, magic, spiritism, Sodom and Gomorrah, demonism, animality, and sinking below the animal in behavior

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