Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:17 PM
hey whisper... how's yer snowstorm going??

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:18 PM
It stopped. But it looked pretty nasy out there for a while.

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:18 PM
nasty even darn typos.

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:19 PM
phew.. good to hear whisper... its comin my way so.. I REALLY don't
wanna have to shovel MORE.. crappy doo.. got 8' drifts here AND 5' on
either side of me drive way.. sad

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:21 PM
HOLY CRAP... OK every one together now ... yell with me .. ok ..ready

HE CAN'T COME OUT TO PLAY much homework ... :(

sorry kids but I have to go in the house now ... :(

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:21 PM
flashy lil car there Z sis bigsmile

1dreamguyGN's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:22 PM
hi everybody! im a new guy and dont know how this thing works so ill
say hi and see what happens

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:23 PM
Ok all...I'm out for the night. Gots me a hot date LOL! Not
really...just a friend and dinner.

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:24 PM
hi dream.. welcome to the bar.. go back a page or two and read the rules
LOL.. naw..

thanks sis.. it's SOOO much fun... weeeeeeeeeeeee.....

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:25 PM
chowder steph...

hey TT.. did you say you were LEAVIN?? sad

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:25 PM
hey New guy ... welcome .. LOL .

Z my Queen.. I must depart this cold life ...the hockey rink beckons me
yonder .. or is it YAWN-der ??...
HI Poet .. bye POET ...
LATER -- LB, whisper , Steph

I will await the send off , pay my tab , park your car, and BOLT ...

aleacim831's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:27 PM
I'm back yay bigsmile

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:27 PM
((((((((((((TT))))))))))))))))))... enjoy dude.. ma fave M&M :wink: a
domanee dude bigsmile

1dreamguyGN's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:27 PM
hi zero thanks for ansering hows it going

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:28 PM
yay.. mac's back LION.... *z watches as mac grabs lion and runs up the
stairs* won't be seein THEM fer awhile eh??


no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:28 PM
DAM I can barely get my SHOES , let alone my skinny white azz in this
car man ... lmao ...

Hey Mac ... Later Mac ..

TwoTallOne ... over and OUT ...

Later Z ... :)

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:29 PM
wouldn't be a good hostess if I ignored ya eh?? happy

my pleasure dude.. enjoy yer stay.. just jump in ANY time.. ask,
answer.. just like ya would in chat..

1dreamguyGN's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:30 PM
too tallone thanks for the hello . hows it going

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:30 PM
*goes over dips mac and gives her a deep passionate kiss*hey darlin

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:30 PM
smooched TT... laters dude.. watch that puck and ENJOY the ventin on
it weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa