Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:20 PM
you think just alittle ??... LOL... I was dizzy BEFORE I started
twirling hon .. lmao ...

BEER ME !!!!!!!

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:20 PM
Cya poet!!

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:22 PM
let's see..

brussels sprouts on shoulder for 20 mins.. done

american idol tonight (again).. not yet

must do treadmill.. not done

bummer.. my to do list.. isn't getting done

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:22 PM
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drinker drinker drinkerdrinker drinker drinker drinker
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:22 PM
:adding to the to-do list:

Do steph's accounting homework... not started

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:23 PM
*hands tto a beer*

*puts hands on his face so his head will stop spinning*

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:23 PM
HOLY crap LB .. slow down alittle dude .. ( let me catch up .. lmao )
thought I better go put my gun away if I'm gonna go BEERIN ... lol

wego ... lists are made to be scratched.. LOL

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:24 PM
drinks on the house happy happy

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:25 PM
wait wait.. where'd that come from..

*looks at do steph's accting homework on my list*

uhmmmmmm.. steph.. you think that's wise.. letting me do your homework?
me and math don't get along. everytime i add 2+2 i come up with 5

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:25 PM
Steph ... 1+1= debits then when applied to certain credits ,will over
come the ..blah blah blah ... lmao ,, I have NO clue ...

wego .. your hands are warm ... :) .. thx

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:26 PM
i know.. but i really gotta do that treadmill..

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:27 PM
tto.. if you only knew the truth.. of that comment..

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:27 PM
LMAO!! Welcome to my world...graduate level accounting is NOT for me.

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:28 PM
i tried accting.. and said.. see ya..

but would you believe it.. if i told you i was the payroll clerk for 5
yrs at where i work

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:28 PM
oh alright then off you go .. IF you must .. I know its good for you ..

I have hockey soon to peeps ,,, so if ya got any shots .. now is the
time to take'm .. :)

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:29 PM
Well ok Steph I see the problem now ... YOU are sitting on your homework
dear ,,,, LMAO

wego . warm hands .. SMOKIN heart ??? :)

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:30 PM
ohhhhhh.. you mean like putting my ice cold hands on your neck..

*ducks and falls on butt*

dang it.. i hate when that happens

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:31 PM
cold hands, cold feet.. really really warm heart

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:32 PM
how come you are down there on your butt ??/... lmao ..

Ah I see... well.. we need to find you some one to help warm up your
hands and feet ... :)

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:34 PM
oh.. i'm a looking