Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
FlyersSteph1212's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:55 PM
bye Wego

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:56 PM
you know of course that its a FRIDAY the 13 th right ???... lmao ....

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:56 PM
((((((((wego)))))))))) have a good night.

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:56 PM
i'm an outie.. see yas..


*trips over stood while exiting the bar*

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:57 PM
stool even

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:57 PM
lion... FUN?? dancing??'s FUN..but the rumpus room?? ain't that

nope steph.. won't hurt ya less ya hurt me or mine :wink: and don't WANT
to be called QUEEN.. LMAO. not when I'm in me civies LMAO Z is ok by
me...'s a 3 hr drive from here so.. it's the matinee rite wego?? or is
she gone already.. sigh..

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:57 PM
** gentle ...catches Wego, hugs and sends her on her way ..:) **

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:58 PM
it is out of this world fun. but we didnt have that kinda time laugh

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:00 PM
*goes back behind dj booth and cues up no leaf clover by metallica*

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:01 PM
BRB... alittle something has come up .... NO NOT THAT .. lmao ...
you guys are killin me today ... LOL

FlyersSteph1212's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:03 PM
I'll brb too...

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:04 PM
*z races past the dj booth and gives lion yet another noogie*

long hair.. short hair.. noogies are noogies...

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:06 PM
you know your the only one whos givin me a noogie in the last ten years
z. you should feel honored laugh laugh the short hair rocks when

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:09 PM
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. I DO feel honored lion... not like I can tie ya
down n tickle you so.. I'll settle fer noogies :tongue:

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:10 PM
*slips back in*

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:11 PM
huh only one tieing me down anywere is mac. and i still have to get
her back for letting that little piece of info out too.laugh

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:13 PM
*cues up allman brothers midnight rider*

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:15 PM
yay.. poet's returned to us... hey sis.. weeeeeeeeee... check out me new
wheels *z points to the flying bumper car parked on the pool table*
soo.. what do ya think?? pretty COOL eh?? *z giggles and hugs poet sis*

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:16 PM
*sneeks back in*

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 04:16 PM
awwwwwwwwwww don't be TOO hard on her lion.. she wouldn't let US do it