Topic: Bars Open.....................YEEHAA!! - Part 2
herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:58 PM
boy do i love the smell of brussells sprouts

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 02:59 PM
HEY who is given LB a noogy ??... lma o ....

Wego geez girl watch your step ... your trippin over everyhting AGAIN
... lol

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:00 PM
*grumble grumble grumble*

stooooooooopid.. treadmill it is staring at me and telling me to get off
my butt and start walking..

*grumble, grumble, grumble*

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:01 PM
z did laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:01 PM
tto.. it wouldn't be me if i didn't trip or something

and i really do it in real life too

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:01 PM
oooooooooo 61 posts left

Fanta46's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:01 PM
sorry, got hungry

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:02 PM
no lion.. no..

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:03 PM
Is anyone sitting here?

whispertoascream's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:03 PM
*wonders in looking for the blue juice*
Hey there
Lion and

How is everybody?

lionsbrew's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:03 PM
yeah only 60 nowdevil devil devil devil devil devil devil

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:04 PM
ahh 6666..a good number

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:05 PM
hi whipser & glenn

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:05 PM
I remember you telin me about the " trips " you have taken ... lol... is
why I said be careful...

* walks over and KICKS wego's treadmill... leave her alone for a few
minutes OK ??.. * lol

LB .. you let her ??... lol...

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:06 PM
if there isn't a body in that chair.. then it's not taken.

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:06 PM
Hey Whisper ...

Welcome Glenn ... have abeer on me dude ...

no photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:06 PM
OMG'll turn into a devil then...sad sad

*z runs by TT AND lion and noogies them both* heehee

NO...NO MORE SNOW>. crappy doo.. my FROST fence is alREADY gone!!!!

14th IS a saturday wego.. WEEEEEEEEEEE sounds like a plan.. me kids are
gone that weekend so... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa....

hey.. TT ya comin with??

herewego's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:06 PM
thanks.. TTO.. it backed itself into a corner and now is wimpering..

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:06 PM
Hey herewego. Nice to meet you.

BigGlenn's photo
Thu 02/22/07 03:06 PM
Hey herewego. Nice to meet you.