Topic: When chatting on here | |
have you ever looked something up on the web just to appear more knowledgeable than you are?
all the time
yes lol
not like i know everything |
have you ever looked something up on the web just to appear more knowledgeable than you are? Nope. I actually am that smart! Seriously though, if I feel like I don't know something, I will admit it. Why play games? |
nope, I feel the same as Enforcer I really am a nerd.
dont tell my secrets.. in fact i sill have a word in my serch bar from earlier today. |
yes i have im dumb when it comes to computers
No not to seem more knowledgeable. However if someone mentions something that I find interesting, sure I'll look it up to learn more. Never too old to learn. I am with Enforcer and Mirror, why lie. I really do have a lot of info in this not swelled head of mine. |
nope and if i dont understand something i'll ask
have you ever looked something up on the web just to appear more knowledgeable than you are? There you go Peccy! |
yes or i will learn something new everyday..dont see a problem admitting you dont know something..think it makes you more intelligent person to admit it and want to learn
No Albert Einstien is my dad duhhhhh...
No Albert Einstien is my dad duhhhhh... Albert Einstein?Hmmmmmmmmmmm.Away to Google i go |
I'm sure I have. Copy and paste is a wonderful thing.
I use my Magic Eight Ball when I need to know what to say to look more smarterest.
I use my Magic Eight Ball when I need to know what to say to look more smarterest. |
nope, i just avoid getting into conversations i know nothing about, but will nod my head on occasion.
no reason unless I find the topic interesting and I want to learn more about it. Other than that, no reason to come across as a rocket scientist
no reason unless I find the topic interesting and I want to learn more about it. Other than that, no reason to come across as a rocket scientist i agree-- |