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Topic: Depression support - part 3
Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/26/08 12:22 PM
you can that say that again jax

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 04/26/08 12:23 PM

That is interesting...........so what did the older person do? I hope there wasn't a problem for them.

The nurses and aides and I have had discussions on this resident. It reminds me of a clinical study done by a Dr. Spas. In the book Dr. Spas while doing a study on a sanitorium observed a person going in. The receptionist while taking a client in said that the person was crazy. Without anything but her word alone everyone from that moment on considered that person crazy. Later a doctor found that the person wasn't crazy. It reminds of the resident. Her mentality seems slow. Most aides and nurses treat her just like one of their kids. But one nurse who is just as fascinated about her as me think she is pulling a con act or is repressing some incident. The nurse gave her one of her papers and the resident read it well. Yet, when the resident's father came in she acted just like a child yelling Daddy just like a five year old child. It is a mystery to me because just when you think she is a child she is a woman and just when you think she is woman she is a child. And sometimes she acts like both at the same time. I feel that she is blocking something.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/26/08 12:48 PM

That is interesting...........so what did the older person do? I hope there wasn't a problem for them.

The nurses and aides and I have had discussions on this resident. It reminds me of a clinical study done by a Dr. Spas. In the book Dr. Spas while doing a study on a sanitorium observed a person going in. The receptionist while taking a client in said that the person was crazy. Without anything but her word alone everyone from that moment on considered that person crazy. Later a doctor found that the person wasn't crazy. It reminds of the resident. Her mentality seems slow. Most aides and nurses treat her just like one of their kids. But one nurse who is just as fascinated about her as me think she is pulling a con act or is repressing some incident. The nurse gave her one of her papers and the resident read it well. Yet, when the resident's father came in she acted just like a child yelling Daddy just like a five year old child. It is a mystery to me because just when you think she is a child she is a woman and just when you think she is woman she is a child. And sometimes she acts like both at the same time. I feel that she is blocking something.

sounds like me, roy, i would go from acting like a somewhat normal teenager to acting like a three year old in a matter of seconds, after a memory of a very traumatic event i'd repressed since i was a very young child finally came out it stopped.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 04/26/08 01:03 PM
sounds like me, roy, i would go from acting like a somewhat normal teenager to acting like a three year old in a matter of seconds, after a memory of a very traumatic event i'd repressed since i was a very young child finally came out it stopped.

That is the crux of it I think. I think she needs to be diagnosed. If she could lead a normal life without having to be in the nursing home. It reminds me of the movie, "Patches" we seen with Robin Williams in nursing school where Robin went in as a client and was talking to this other client who was a rich man. The rich man later sponsored the plans for Robin's hospital.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/26/08 01:22 PM
don't you mean Patch Adams? eh, i'd not be surprised if i had more supressed memories because of the traumatic childhood i had

RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 04/26/08 01:28 PM

don't you mean Patch Adams? eh, i'd not be surprised if i had more supressed memories because of the traumatic childhood i had

Yeah. Thats the one I meant.flowerforyou Yeah, trauma can start even when a child is in the womb. I deal with traumatic people at work. Nothing like a trauma ward per se but still trauma none the less.

creationsfire's photo
Sat 04/26/08 02:10 PM
Hey everyone.......I started having repressed memories back in 05 when I got together with my ex. He told me about a skeleton in his closet ( I wont say what) and they started a few months later. Nightmares and all. Before this happened,

I didn't believe in them but now I do. I had a talk with my mom not too long ago and with the info she gave me and my memories in patches, it all came together. I went into a deep depression. Since I have moved back here to Cali I have tried to check out 4 times. But this is the last time this will happen. I have a friend I can talk to and plan on making more.

I am quitting smoking again. I fell off the wagon, but will be back on it very soon here. My friend is quitting too so we are going to be support partners. Hope that works out.

Councelors said I should do something nice for myself. Both in the hospital and for the smoking. My friends dog ran away so I went to the pound to try to find her. I put up a poster, looked through the DOA files, filled out a lost dog report, looked at dogs for 2 hours trying to find her.

When I first got there, I spied a teacup chi puppie. He was up for adoption today, and they go very fast. Now I have wanted one for years but the opportunity never came around. Well I deliberately didnt take any money so I wouldn't buy a dog. So I kept checking out the other dogs looking for Tink. I thought and thought, and deliberately didnt go back to look at the pup.

I drove home and thought about it and thought about it and decided to pray about it. I figured it would be my happy special thing to do for myself. So I said God, if he is still there, he is mine and if not, it was not meant to be.

He was there! Sweet natured lovely lil guy. As I was buying him a woman came out of the puppy room and said that is the one I wanted....I said I was sorry but he is mine. I tried to be understanding, but she was not happy at all.

I told her there was another one about the same size in the puppy room so I think she was going to get that one. I really didn't want to leave him there, but they have to fix him and give him his shots and all that stuff, so they will call me when he is ready to come home.

I named him Charlie......he is too cute. Blond with a little white patch on his chest, and oh so tiny. My Peanut might not be too happy about that but I think in the long run, they will bond. She needs some company during the day while Im gone.

Ok Ive gone on and On......I am just so happy to finally have my tea cup and he will be microchipped as well.


RainbowTrout's photo
Sat 04/26/08 03:08 PM
Those are both positive replies, Amber and Karen. :smile:

Councelors were able to help me through denial with the help of doubt. Things I had to repress because I couldn't deal with them. The more they talked to me I began to doubt that I could solve my problem alone and that I needed help. My best thinking wasn't helping me so I had to reach out for help. They gave me new ways to look at things. Yup, an addict alone is definately in bad company.laugh Sure turned me from being a loner to a social being once I found I was in the company of others like me. Gee, I used to be so terminally unique but the program took that away.laugh Hope everyone is having a good day.flowerforyou

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/26/08 10:09 PM
Edited by Amberdee29045 on Sat 04/26/08 10:32 PM
well, i thought i found the one for me, but obviously not.....noway

i just busted him big time after someone else warned me about him at least i didn't have time to fall hard for him

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 04/27/08 06:13 AM
I have supressed memories from the abuse i took in my last two marriages and supressed anger too.sucks.
amber sorry about your breakup.frown
karen the dog sounds too cute for words :).

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 04/27/08 08:42 AM
oh well, i need someone closer to my own age anyway

creationsfire's photo
Sun 04/27/08 09:19 AM
Sorry about that Amber. Good to find out now than later. What happened? Email me.

Yeah Jax, Charlie is too cute and I forgot to take a pic of him b4 I left.:cry: Repressed memoried plague me right now. I think I got past some of them just by knowing then letting go but more just seem to keep coming in to take thier place. I have finals coming up and I need to get this **** out of my head.

Im hoping Charlie, Peanut and Bashee will distract me too. Freinds on here help so much. There are certain things I just cant post in public but I know I can talk to youall if I really need to. I hat eit when people say that if you talk about suicide that you are crying for attention and on a pity pot and if you dont and try to check out you are a selfish *****. Damned if you do and damned if you dont. Sucks big boners!mad

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:39 AM
I have suicidal feelings every now and again but I think people's lack empathy is what causes people to go the suicide route.If people would just sit and listen instead of offering platitudes,let people let out the bile so to spaeak,then I think there would be a lot less suicides.We have a wee kitten at our house named Ace and I'm hoping he will help my son and I also.
anytime you need an ear i am here karen.:heart:

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 04/27/08 10:53 AM
Edited by Amberdee29045 on Sun 04/27/08 10:54 AM
you can say that again karen and jax

creationsfire's photo
Sun 04/27/08 11:59 AM
Thannk you! (insert hug emoticon here)flowerforyou :heart:

creationsfire's photo
Sun 04/27/08 07:07 PM
"Chirp" "Chirp" I hear nothing but cricketsohwell frown

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 04/27/08 07:54 PM
Edited by Amberdee29045 on Sun 04/27/08 07:55 PM
it's been might quiet the past few days, hey karen, you know who's still at it....email me for more

Marie55's photo
Mon 04/28/08 12:14 AM
Karen - your pup sounds adorable, how awesome that you allowed yourself a treat with something you have always wanted. Hope he brings many smiles to your life.

Roy - they are still working you really hard, you are amazing to keep up with it. I do admire people who work in the nursing homes. I see it first hand when I visit my dad and there are some great aides and some that are "fluff" or excess baggage, but for the most part we are lucky with the home here.

Jax - hope things are going well with you and your son, good luck.

Amber - stay on top of things and don't let yourself backslide, I know that is my downfall, I will backslide and then hate myself for it. Sounds like you have been making good decisions.

I hope everyone has a good day. I am starting back to work on Monday, was going to take another week but my backup is about 5 days behind in my typing and the doctors are getting upset so I need to get back. I still have no energy and was hoping to be back to more normal by now, but my supervisor said 1/2 days only to start. Grrrrr, I lose my disability insurance if I work 1/2 days, so will lose money on the prospect of going in only for 1/2 time. I hope this helps me come back quicker.

Take care and have a good week. flowerforyou

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 04/28/08 06:21 AM
Marie, what amazes me is that the problems aides face is the same problems face in other jobs I have encountered. For instance, some of the new aides and nurses that come from other places that have these great ideas. Unfortunately some of the residents do not play well with others. I am learning that the change of rounds and documentation to be extremely important. "Home" is an operative word, too. When I come in sometimes they ask me didn't I go home? Have to differentiate between 'home' and 'home'.laugh Yeah, I do spend a lot of time there.laugh Since I have accumulated a lot of cell phone I have been told if I give those numbers out dire consequences could happen to my person.laugh Haven't heard from you in a while. Could to see you are still posting.:smile:

creationsfire's photo
Mon 04/28/08 07:09 AM
Edited by creationsfire on Mon 04/28/08 07:11 AM
((((((((Marie)))))))) Bless your heart! HIYA! So glad to see you posting agin. Sorry you can't stay hone for a bit more. Don't push yourself too hard ok? Charlie is still not home yet, and the anticipation is killing me. I got the house puppie proofed as best I could, wires, paper etc.......God help him if the parrot gets on the floor. She could take off a paw, lol.

Hiya everyone and good morning....hope everyone has a good day. I'm off to school, hi ho hi ho its off to school I go...........

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