Topic: Are You Sure
feralcatlady's photo
Tue 04/01/08 10:03 AM

Let me just say this.....I've held off from replying to this thread...cuz I hate debates. THere are always two sides to everything....and I hate it when people get abusive and call people ignorant. That's not what this is meant for.

Feral I don't think we should take saying "One nation under God" out of the pledge. I am a teacher and every day we say the pledge. If a student (who has FREEDOM) does not want to say the pledge he has to only stand and be polite and respectful while it's being said.

I am a christian, and yet I teach all kinds of multicultural things. We learn about other religions and the holidays they practice/celebrate. I teach ESL to Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Iranian, Lyberian (and forgive me if I've mispelled any of those it's early)and have come to respect and love people of other races/religions/countries.I hosted the xmas party where 40 peopel from diff. races/countries/religions came into my home and we sat infront/around my xmas tree and all shared what this time of year meant to us.

Please let's keep an open mind, and remember we're in America. Don't say the pledge (or that part of the pledge) if you don't want to......but don't take it away from those of us Americans who treasure the fact that the HISTORY behind USA was the embedded belief in GOD.

Thank you Thank you Thank I think it should of been done in the first place.......I will always say the pledge with God in it....It is my constitutional right to do so. And also my children' thanks Torrey.....Love ya gal.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 04/01/08 10:28 AM

With hurricanes,tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of

smokin Yes I do smokin

Dav777's photo
Tue 04/01/08 01:31 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong. But as a Christian I abide to the golden rule "treat others as you would like to be treated." Would you like it if someone put "In Alah we trust?"

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 01:51 PM
which is why I posted the posts I did

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 04/01/08 02:01 PM
i'll say it again, it should be removed. "under god" was added 62 years after it was first written in 1892. the original pledge read as

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

although francis bellamy was a bapstist minister, he knew well enough to write a simple and secular pledge

Lily0923's photo
Tue 04/01/08 02:02 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong. But as a Christian I abide to the golden rule "treat others as you would like to be treated." Would you like it if someone put "In Alah we trust?"

Oh that rule only applies when it suits them... not when it suites others...don't be silly Dave....

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 04/01/08 02:18 PM

which is why I posted the posts I did

yes you did...from the start.......

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 04/01/08 02:19 PM

Unknowingly to most u have put in much worse

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 04/01/08 02:26 PM
ty feral...not sure how many different ways I can say it and Im a christian

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 04/01/08 02:48 PM

I think it is sad that people don't say the pledge, yes it does have that in it, and do I feel like they should take it out...some days yes, and some days no. If you are of another faith besides Christianity, you should also be aware that you are the majority in this country, but I minority all over the world.

Do I think Christianity is wrong...NO, do I think the Christians who are Holier than thou, take it or leave it, get out of this country if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your saviour are wrong...HELL YES.

I personally don't care if people are PC, I certainly am not. however not being PC and being downright ignorant about other schools of thought, or ways of thinking or living, are two different things. You don't like the way I pray, or live, then don't pray or live with me..... but to throw YOUR views around like they are the only ones that count... well thems fighting words.

We should all say the pledge, and sing the national anthem, and be proud to be American, and support our troups....even as f'd up as our economy is, and whatever your view on the war is, the fact of the matter is that OUR men and women are ther giving their time and effort and lives to do so.... so if you don't like the pledge, change how you say it when it comes to the "god" part, but don't look down on someone for doing it, IT'S CALLED FREE SPEECH.... I personally don't care if they leave it in or take it out....Just don't be ignorant about it... EITHER WAY!!!!!

I haven't really seen you do much except argue with everyone in most of the posts you participate in. You tend to call people names when you don't like what they say. A lot of others are ignorant according to you.

You also twisted what I said into something I didn't say. I never said if you aren't Christian get out.

Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else.

That is what I said and I stand by it. It doesn’t give you the right to call me ignorant. You act as though I attacked you personally and you made stuff up that I didn’t say anyway. If you just want to fight go to a boxing arena because I have every right to say what I think just as well as you do. If you have a problem with what I say…I hate it for you. Don’t read it.

God, God, God,
God, God, God,
God, God, God,
God, God, God,
God, God, God,
God, God, God,

Honestly I realize others have rights too. I never said it was my way or no way. That is your interpretation. If you don’t like too bad.

spqr's photo
Tue 04/01/08 03:47 PM

With hurricanes,tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of

Hmm you're right..those are all acts of your imaginary friend to punish gay, lesbians, pot smokers and those damn liberals.
911 was just a warning he's watching you,. be very areful what you think..he know it allllll....

did I tell you I saw god in my coffe this morning? The end is near.

Party hard!

spqr's photo
Tue 04/01/08 04:48 PM

Let me just say this.....I've held off from replying to this thread...cuz I hate debates. THere are always two sides to everything....and I hate it when people get abusive and call people ignorant. That's not what this is meant for.

Feral I don't think we should take saying "One nation under God" out of the pledge. I am a teacher and every day we say the pledge. If a student (who has FREEDOM) does not want to say the pledge he has to only stand and be polite and respectful while it's being said.

I am a christian, and yet I teach all kinds of multicultural things. We learn about other religions and the holidays they practice/celebrate. I teach ESL to Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Iranian, Lyberian (and forgive me if I've mispelled any of those it's early)and have come to respect and love people of other races/religions/countries.I hosted the xmas party where 40 peopel from diff. races/countries/religions came into my home and we sat infront/around my xmas tree and all shared what this time of year meant to us.

Please let's keep an open mind, and remember we're in America. Don't say the pledge (or that part of the pledge) if you don't want to......but don't take it away from those of us Americans who treasure the fact that the HISTORY behind USA was the embedded belief in GOD.

Thank you Thank you Thank I think it should of been done in the first place.......I will always say the pledge with God in it....It is my constitutional right to do so. And also my children' thanks Torrey.....Love ya gal.

it's in GOLD we much for a misspeled word....
it says right there..on the money.." IN GOLD WE TRUST"

Lily0923's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:41 PM

I think it is sad that people don't say the pledge, yes it does have that in it, and do I feel like they should take it out...some days yes, and some days no. If you are of another faith besides Christianity, you should also be aware that you are the majority in this country, but I minority all over the world.

Do I think Christianity is wrong...NO, do I think the Christians who are Holier than thou, take it or leave it, get out of this country if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your saviour are wrong...HELL YES.

I personally don't care if people are PC, I certainly am not. however not being PC and being downright ignorant about other schools of thought, or ways of thinking or living, are two different things. You don't like the way I pray, or live, then don't pray or live with me..... but to throw YOUR views around like they are the only ones that count... well thems fighting words.

We should all say the pledge, and sing the national anthem, and be proud to be American, and support our troups....even as f'd up as our economy is, and whatever your view on the war is, the fact of the matter is that OUR men and women are ther giving their time and effort and lives to do so.... so if you don't like the pledge, change how you say it when it comes to the "god" part, but don't look down on someone for doing it, IT'S CALLED FREE SPEECH.... I personally don't care if they leave it in or take it out....Just don't be ignorant about it... EITHER WAY!!!!!

I haven't really seen you do much except argue with everyone in most of the posts you participate in. You tend to call people names when you don't like what they say. A lot of others are ignorant according to you.

You also twisted what I said into something I didn't say. I never said if you aren't Christian get out.

Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else.

That is what I said and I stand by it. It doesn’t give you the right to call me ignorant. You act as though I attacked you personally and you made stuff up that I didn’t say anyway. If you just want to fight go to a boxing arena because I have every right to say what I think just as well as you do. If you have a problem with what I say…I hate it for you. Don’t read it.

God, God, God,
God, God, God,
God, God, God,
God, God, God,
God, God, God,
God, God, God,

Honestly I realize others have rights too. I never said it was my way or no way. That is your interpretation. If you don’t like too bad.

Show me where I specifically called anyone a name please.....

I have said that certain behaviour is ignorant, but I never said that a person is ignorant.... now who's twisting?

I made general statements, i never said that YOU said to get out... I said people who do this....

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 04/01/08 06:44 PM
ok you people need to calm down.....take 5 minutes have a laugh and then come back.....grumble grumble grumble grumble

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Wed 04/02/08 03:32 AM
Edited by iamgeorgiagirl on Wed 04/02/08 03:37 AM

Show me where I specifically called anyone a name please.....

I have said that certain behaviour is ignorant, but I never said that a person is ignorant.... now who's twisting?

I made general statements, i never said that YOU said to get out... I said people who do this....

Well you started out by saying this to me…after quoting my original statement.

Our founding fathers were political prisioners who were banished from their respective countries. Have you read a history book?

Our founding fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence were mostly born in the original 13 colonies and were not political prisoners. Maybe our founding fathers should be defined here.
azrae actually made the personal attacks first by calling me ignorant for my original statement. Then you come in and quoted my rebuttal to him and said this

People like you make me laugh out loud...

Then you proceeded to make general comments insinuating that people who felt the way I did were ignorant. You actually did make the comments in general statements. Maybe I just took it personal because I was ticked already, if so I am truly out of line and I apologize. When you said this it seemed directed at me.

I think the Christians who are Holier than thou, take it or leave it, get out of this country if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your saviour are wrong...HELL YES.

Even though you never actually said I was one who said this. I did say something very similar “they have the option to go somewhere else”. Maybe it just seemed like the same thing but… maybe I am wrong.

It just ticked me off further quite frankly. I do respect others rights to have their own opinion but ridiculing or name calling just because they don’t like what was said is asinine and rude. It may have been misconstrued by me because of my ticked off frame of mind at the time and the nature of your comments.

However I do understand sometimes it just feels good to be a smart aleck. I like to be that way sometimes myself as you can see, after all it can be kinda’ fun sometimes even if it is childish. It just isn’t too fun being the object of the ridicule.

It seemed to me like that was your intention and it ticked me off further, if that wasn’t your intention then you have my sincerest apologies. If it was your intention then so be it. I’ll get over it. It’s a free country. Azrae was really who I was ticked at and you seemed to be egging it on by your comments regarding everything I said even though I was posting toward him.

Again if I am in the wrong I apologize


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Wed 04/02/08 03:37 AM
Edited by iamgeorgiagirl on Wed 04/02/08 03:38 AM

ok you people need to calm down.....take 5 minutes have a laugh and then come back.....grumble grumble grumble grumble

I apologize to you too sweet feral

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Lily0923's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:45 AM
Edited by Lily0923 on Wed 04/02/08 04:46 AM

Show me where I specifically called anyone a name please.....

I have said that certain behaviour is ignorant, but I never said that a person is ignorant.... now who's twisting?

I made general statements, i never said that YOU said to get out... I said people who do this....

Well you started out by saying this to me…after quoting my original statement.

Our founding fathers were political prisioners who were banished from their respective countries. Have you read a history book?

Our founding fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence were mostly born in the original 13 colonies and were not political prisoners. Maybe our founding fathers should be defined here.
azrae actually made the personal attacks first by calling me ignorant for my original statement. Then you come in and quoted my rebuttal to him and said this

People like you make me laugh out loud...

Then you proceeded to make general comments insinuating that people who felt the way I did were ignorant. You actually did make the comments in general statements. Maybe I just took it personal because I was ticked already, if so I am truly out of line and I apologize. When you said this it seemed directed at me.

I think the Christians who are Holier than thou, take it or leave it, get out of this country if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your saviour are wrong...HELL YES.

Even though you never actually said I was one who said this. I did say something very similar “they have the option to go somewhere else”. Maybe it just seemed like the same thing but… maybe I am wrong.

It just ticked me off further quite frankly. I do respect others rights to have their own opinion but ridiculing or name calling just because they don’t like what was said is asinine and rude. It may have been misconstrued by me because of my ticked off frame of mind at the time and the nature of your comments.

However I do understand sometimes it just feels good to be a smart aleck. I like to be that way sometimes myself as you can see, after all it can be kinda’ fun sometimes even if it is childish. It just isn’t too fun being the object of the ridicule.

It seemed to me like that was your intention and it ticked me off further, if that wasn’t your intention then you have my sincerest apologies. If it was your intention then so be it. I’ll get over it. It’s a free country. Azrae was really who I was ticked at and you seemed to be egging it on by your comments regarding everything I said even though I was posting toward him.

Again if I am in the wrong I apologize


So your anger is actually at azeal and not me...since he is the one who "name called" and I did not... I see... I will allow you to feel anger twords me if in some way it helps you out in life.

My intention dear, was to inform others of their mis-information. Simple as that, I don't dislike anyone who has ben in this debate, I feel some have been brain washed into their beliefs, but someones view does not represent them in sum and total.

So you admit that you were ticked off at azeal.... I suggest you go back and read what I wrote, I think you will find I did not attack any one person, rather ideas and schools of thought that I find harmful and degrading in today's society....

Hope you feel better.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:37 AM
in America...we all have the right to say it or leave out, change the words or say "under God"

I have yet to see any school force the children to say it if they don't want to and if it was something i disagreed with, i assure you, my child wouldn't

they don't even say the Pledge anymore in my son's school district because of the controversy

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 04/02/08 08:18 AM

in America...we all have the right to say it or leave out, change the words or say "under God"

I have yet to see any school force the children to say it if they don't want to and if it was something i disagreed with, i assure you, my child wouldn't

they don't even say the Pledge anymore in my son's school district because of the controversy

Asking a 6 or 7 year old kid to make a stand against a person in authority like a teacher is ridiculous. It is not the childes fault that they put that in the pledge. The child should not have to make a decision like that at 6. I checked the grade schools around here do the pledge every morning.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 08:22 AM

in America...we all have the right to say it or leave out, change the words or say "under God"

I have yet to see any school force the children to say it if they don't want to and if it was something i disagreed with, i assure you, my child wouldn't

they don't even say the Pledge anymore in my son's school district because of the controversy

Asking a 6 or 7 year old kid to make a stand against a person in authority like a teacher is ridiculous. It is not the childes fault that they put that in the pledge. The child should not have to make a decision like that at 6. I checked the grade schools around here do the pledge every morning.

where did you read I said that? in fact i debated this with you before and i still stand behind what i said back then. as a parent...i would say something. and that might be where you live but not where i do. like i told you a parent...if you don't like your child saying it...say something.