Spanking can be beneficial and have no long term effects when performed the right way. Spanking was found to not have any effects when:
1) Was not severe 2) Did not involve any implement 3) Was used less than weekly 4) Was used with young children two to six and possibly with children seven to twelve 5) Was accompanied by reasoning 6) Was used as a backup to other strategies 7) Was used by parents who were not violent with other family members "The process of parenting" (Brooks, 2008) p. 196 |
you can also goto this site and find updates to the bill. what is actually votes on. what they are striking down. |
Edited by
Mon 09/07/09 03:44 PM
here is the bill if you would like to read it. |
what do you believe?
While researching various religions I have come across something interesting that is hardly addressed. Fist most sites indicate what happens to a person who believes that particular religion. what I find that is not talked about is what happens to those who do not believe. So i pose this question to everyone. According to the religion you practice what happens to the person who has lived a good life and dies but does not believe your religion? It's interesting you say that the religions on't say what happens to non-believers. All the ones I researched in the judeo-christian realm all say that non-believers burn in hell, gnash teeth and are flung into outer darkness. They say the non-blievers deserve this because they have "denied a god", whatever that means. We are energy and condensed energy, i.e. matter. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. I didn't say that they do not say what happens to non-believers. I apologize if that is the way it came across. What I meant was this is not normally addressed on such sites as and a few of the other sites that attempt to tell you the beliefs of all the religions. To me this seems interesting. The biggest question I have for any religion and person who believes different than me. What does your religion say about the good person who does not believe. For example Mormonism says that all go to hheaven except the worst people in society. mass murderers. serial killers. terrorist. really the worst people in society. Now everyone else will goto heaven and get a chance to hear the Mormon doctrine. only the select few who did everything right according to the Mormon doctrine will become God of their own planet. So the way I would see this. i live a good life and I am okay. don't suffer in hell according to their religion but make it at least to heaven. so why waste my time because the opposite is what if they are wrong. What if another religion is right. then I wasted my time. More or less its an expansion of pascals wager. not so much a belief in God. But using it to apply to religion in General. if you are okay by living a Good life. no harm in moving on and researching the ones that may hold a different theology. As trunner pointed out. all those who do not accept Jesus are doomed well that to me should be worth looking into. Do you not agree? Religion is a deeply personnal choice to people and the product of years of instillment by the family, peers and community. But when you say "good life", we need to look at what comprises that sort of life. Is it merely following all human laws to a "t", being nice to all for your entire life and helping all those that you can in your power? That seems like a nice life, in that YOU get the personnal satisfaction that YOU are not a "bad" person. why do you need validation? Now, as to a "bad life", this can get a little grey. Circumstance is tricky when we make choices in life. Is a murder wrong if you are truly defending yourself from being murdered? Is cruelty or revenge wrong when you finally snap & crack from others treating you poorly? This can go on and on, I think ultimetly it resides in the person if they feel they have lived an appropriate life. Now as to the comment on all those that deny jesus burn in hell, I feel that is really BLEEPED up. The message there is not one of love, but an ultimatum: EITHER you are with this god OR you are against it. I feel that life is not so cut and dry. You are basically forced into subservience through fear of recrimination in an afterlife that NO ONE is really sure exists. Im just a human, so I can't really see the big picture, but the piece Im given to look at ( the arguement here) leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Question on your definition of religion. if it is "the product of years of installment by the family, peers and community", then why are there atheists? All societies of the past had a belief in religion. so if always the same values are taught over and over who is teaching the values of atheism? Also if each person determines if they lived appropriately well everyone has. How many people live day by day selling crack to kids. sexually exploiting women, etc. they all live an appropriate life if you ask them. They can justify everything they do. I would address the rest but we are going off topic. instead i will email the response and we can talk there. to address one of your questions, "Why are there atheists?" Some are raised that way. Some become that way after realizing that all they've been told about some belief system isn't necessarily true. Right I understand that part. but the question was if no one was teaching it how did it come about. The response was to a previous post where they had said that peoples belief in religion came from what they were taught, by family peers and community. I know this is not always the case. For example take the northern Sudan area. Just by claiming to be a anything but Islam there you can receive the death sentence. So how would people like that choose anything but Islam? Yet they still do. So many people in the rest of the world. Often turn from their family and communities religion with fear of death in order to follow the christian religion. So to say people just choose because they were taught that by family peers and community may be valid in the US. but is certainly not valid in other parts of the world. Why do the wealthy complain the most about religion? Don't think you are wealthy. get a new perspective. the site i listed shows where your salary is at compared to the rest of the world. How did it come about? By being able to think for oneself. I realize that. My point was if people only follow what they are taught and what society teaches than atheism could not exist since past cultures and nations were highly dominated by religion. Not everyone who chooses religion does it because it was what they were taught. So to the question of what me definition of religion is? Come on, we're in the general religion chat area, it's pretty clear ![]() ![]() Why are there atheists? That was how I was raised, to not believe in a higher power, I was always taught to always depend on Numero Uno, which is myself. I dont resent the upbringing, it's left me selfsufficient and Ive turned out to be a pretty decent person. I feel that its how you are raised as to what your views are and when you get older, you have EVERY right to decide for yourself. I should leave this next part for your email, but what the heck! One reason Im an atheist is Im gay. I refuse to bend a knee to any religion that has already promised me an eternity in a fryer basket for something I have NO control over. I've heard so often from many religous people just how sick,disgusting,abominable and unnatural I am soley based on me being gay. And I've been told that there is no hope, even though the Arms of Love open wide, just not wide enough for me. That's all. Later! Okay I do feel for you. Whoever told you there is no hope for you because you are gay is full of it and doesn't believe their own religion. I believe that you being gay either by design or choice is no different then the people who are judgmental they struggle with a different issue the issue of judging others. Everyone has some characteristic that is unique to them. Is this anything new? not at all. I work with a lot of diverse people. some gay, some straight, some whatever. I do not treat them any different because of their sexual orientation. Honestly if that is their only complaint about someone than they should be overjoyed. My beliefs teach me all these things are equal in the eyes of God A lie, being judgmental, rage, abuse, murder. I also believe that the Grace of Christ is sufficient to cover this. No where in the teachings of Christ does he say that one sin is not greater than another. So for those self-righteous Christians you have dealt with I hope they realize that the judging that they have done is just as bad as the sin they accuse you of. Just to let you know I also believe that I am no where near perfect. I know I will never be there either. So if you would like I would love to introduce you to the Christianity I know. Not the one that has been accusing you in the past. email me and we can talk more. |
Does your partner have to be religious or spiritual to have a chance to date you? Please explain your reasons. ![]() neither i dated a christian guy once (and i know not all of them are CRAZY) but this one was totally different views on EVERYTHING in fact we had this conversation(dont ask how it was brought up..i have no clue) we were taking about child rapists/whatnot and i asked him if he was married and had a child and found out if his wife was molesting his child..would he divorce he (any sane person would be like heck yes or id kill them!) no..his answer... *i would try to forgive..isnt that what god taught us?* something retarded along those lines AND he was against homosexuality LAME that doesnt mean an athiest and a religious person cant get along/have a relationship the religious person just has to be OPEN and not CRAZY doesn't religious and crazy go hand in hand? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() depends on the definition of crazy. how does it affect them. are they going on suicide missions to blow things up then yes. |
what do you believe?
While researching various religions I have come across something interesting that is hardly addressed. Fist most sites indicate what happens to a person who believes that particular religion. what I find that is not talked about is what happens to those who do not believe. So i pose this question to everyone. According to the religion you practice what happens to the person who has lived a good life and dies but does not believe your religion? It's interesting you say that the religions on't say what happens to non-believers. All the ones I researched in the judeo-christian realm all say that non-believers burn in hell, gnash teeth and are flung into outer darkness. They say the non-blievers deserve this because they have "denied a god", whatever that means. We are energy and condensed energy, i.e. matter. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. I didn't say that they do not say what happens to non-believers. I apologize if that is the way it came across. What I meant was this is not normally addressed on such sites as and a few of the other sites that attempt to tell you the beliefs of all the religions. To me this seems interesting. The biggest question I have for any religion and person who believes different than me. What does your religion say about the good person who does not believe. For example Mormonism says that all go to hheaven except the worst people in society. mass murderers. serial killers. terrorist. really the worst people in society. Now everyone else will goto heaven and get a chance to hear the Mormon doctrine. only the select few who did everything right according to the Mormon doctrine will become God of their own planet. So the way I would see this. i live a good life and I am okay. don't suffer in hell according to their religion but make it at least to heaven. so why waste my time because the opposite is what if they are wrong. What if another religion is right. then I wasted my time. More or less its an expansion of pascals wager. not so much a belief in God. But using it to apply to religion in General. if you are okay by living a Good life. no harm in moving on and researching the ones that may hold a different theology. As trunner pointed out. all those who do not accept Jesus are doomed well that to me should be worth looking into. Do you not agree? Religion is a deeply personnal choice to people and the product of years of instillment by the family, peers and community. But when you say "good life", we need to look at what comprises that sort of life. Is it merely following all human laws to a "t", being nice to all for your entire life and helping all those that you can in your power? That seems like a nice life, in that YOU get the personnal satisfaction that YOU are not a "bad" person. why do you need validation? Now, as to a "bad life", this can get a little grey. Circumstance is tricky when we make choices in life. Is a murder wrong if you are truly defending yourself from being murdered? Is cruelty or revenge wrong when you finally snap & crack from others treating you poorly? This can go on and on, I think ultimetly it resides in the person if they feel they have lived an appropriate life. Now as to the comment on all those that deny jesus burn in hell, I feel that is really BLEEPED up. The message there is not one of love, but an ultimatum: EITHER you are with this god OR you are against it. I feel that life is not so cut and dry. You are basically forced into subservience through fear of recrimination in an afterlife that NO ONE is really sure exists. Im just a human, so I can't really see the big picture, but the piece Im given to look at ( the arguement here) leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Question on your definition of religion. if it is "the product of years of installment by the family, peers and community", then why are there atheists? All societies of the past had a belief in religion. so if always the same values are taught over and over who is teaching the values of atheism? Also if each person determines if they lived appropriately well everyone has. How many people live day by day selling crack to kids. sexually exploiting women, etc. they all live an appropriate life if you ask them. They can justify everything they do. I would address the rest but we are going off topic. instead i will email the response and we can talk there. to address one of your questions, "Why are there atheists?" Some are raised that way. Some become that way after realizing that all they've been told about some belief system isn't necessarily true. Right I understand that part. but the question was if no one was teaching it how did it come about. The response was to a previous post where they had said that peoples belief in religion came from what they were taught, by family peers and community. I know this is not always the case. For example take the northern Sudan area. Just by claiming to be a anything but Islam there you can receive the death sentence. So how would people like that choose anything but Islam? Yet they still do. So many people in the rest of the world. Often turn from their family and communities religion with fear of death in order to follow the christian religion. So to say people just choose because they were taught that by family peers and community may be valid in the US. but is certainly not valid in other parts of the world. Why do the wealthy complain the most about religion? Don't think you are wealthy. get a new perspective. the site i listed shows where your salary is at compared to the rest of the world. How did it come about? By being able to think for oneself. I realize that. My point was if people only follow what they are taught and what society teaches than atheism could not exist since past cultures and nations were highly dominated by religion. Not everyone who chooses religion does it because it was what they were taught. |
Edited by
Fri 08/28/09 09:04 AM
Like you said you have only been dating a few months. What does it matter how he feels about someone else at this point. had it been for years then that would be a separate issue. I think he may feel the same at this point about both of you. But the fact that he is with you should say something. The butterflies. The face being flushed. The warm feelings when you around him. All of that is not love. That is lust. So he could still be feeling the same thing for her. The question is does he act on it? Feelings of lust in men is actually very common. Its how they handle it that makes the difference.
The reason he doesn't answer your question is because likely he knows it will end in an argument. Think about it. What if he answered honestly saying that I want to bang her, she is hot. but I wont because I love you. Likely you would not hear anything past the first sentence. Realize how much he does care about you. The fact that he chooses not to answer instead of lying to you should speak volumes. Give it time. Realize unless you are ready to hear what you do not want to hear then don't ask the question. How would you respond if the situation was reversed? Sure we all would like to say we would respond honestly but I doubt any of us would. Women and men lie to each other all the time. Don't think so "your the best I ever had" how many of us had said that when we really meant you suck but i can fix that because we are in a relationship. Also guys do not talk about feelings like women do? Most guys are raised with the notion of suck it up, be a man. Feelings are for women. Think about how he was raised. Does he talk about his feelings at all? Or is that just you? How does he answer other questions about how he feels? Not just how was your day but when other issues that cause stress come up. Are you rushing the relationship because you have known him so long? a couple months and you are already feeling insecure doesn't sound right. some questions that almost always end in a fight. What do you think of my family( family is psycho) How do i look? (after they had been dieting and only lost a few pounds) Do you think he/she is pretty? Why do you believe in ________? Who is a better cook me or your Mom? How do you feel about ________? |
what do you believe?
If you have not accepted Christ as your Savior you are domed. Sin is there everywhere you turn and as a human you can not avoid it. The problem with accepting Christ as my Savior is that it necessarily means that I must also accept that God is a desperate idiot who can't handle situations wisely. In order to accept that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of Yahweh, I'd first have to believe that Yahweh is in an egotistical war with a fallen angel, and that Yahweh is clearly desperate. So desperate that he had no choice but to sacrifice his own son in a bloody appeasement to himself just to prove something to Satan. I'd also have to believe that Yahweh solves all his problems using violent methods (because that's what the Old Testament stories reveal to us). So ultimately I'd have to accept that God is stupid and can't solve any problem using truly wise and constructive methods. I'd also have to believe that Yahweh is both consistent, dependable and trustworthy (because the Bible says he must be) yet I'd have to simultaneoulsy believe that God is confused and never does things the same way twice (because that's what the stories in the Bible demand is true). For example, at one point when mankind became sinful God simply wiped out the entire population of humanity via a flood and saved only a few people and some animals in a boat. But then later (after his first method didn't work) he decided to send his son to be butchered on a pole to save mankind from sin. Well, clearly if I am going to accept Christ as my "Savior" I must also accept that Yahweh is confused and is desperately trying differnt things experimentally at random. Since his first method didn't work, there's really no reason why I should place anymore faith in his second experiment. Clearly Yahweh has no clue how to solve problems. He's already displayed gross ignorance and no wisdom at all. Well, clearly this whole story has no more credibility than the stories of Zeus. Another God who was appeased by blood sacrifices for by some strange coincidence. Although I don't think it was ever claimed that Zeus was all-wise. I think he was also assumed to have human frailties like a jealous personality, etc. Plus Zeus wasn't a male chauvinistic pig. So by comparing these two ancient myths it sure looks like Zeus was both wiser and more highly moral than Yawhew. It is claimed that Yawhew is supposed to be perfect, but the first thing out of his mouth is the commandment, "Thou shalt not have any other Gods before me for I am a jealous God". Well, jealousy is not a perfect personality trait, so he already stuck his own foot in his mouth before the mythology even got off the ground. His very first commandment proclaims that he has an imperfect human personality. The whole mythology just shot itself in the foot right off the bat. Yahweh couldn't possibly be the all-wise all-perfect creator of this universe, and therefore Jesus could not possible be his sacrifical lamb. Next! interesting post but it brings up a few question. first. the intention of this post if you had read it from the begiing would be that we are just seeing what everyone's beliefs are. not what is right or wrong. just see what their beliefs say about those who do not believe. so had you been following along you would have seen that. Instead it appears you just did a find (ctrl+f)and looked for the first post with reference to Christ and attacked that. which brings me to the second question. why do you always look to attack something you do not believe in. If it were religion in general you would attack more than just christian beliefs. I suspect the christian religion or someone who has twisted the religion has hurt you in some way. Would you like to expand on this? Why do you take it so personally. It's not an attack at all. He could have spent far less time if he wanted to just attack something. He makes very good points, better than what I could have done. Of course I also agree with him. i didn't take it personally. just if you look at other threads where he posted no matter what the topic is he looks for a way to attack the christian religion. I have seen him linking teaching the christian religion to a form of child abuse. His only challenges he raises are on christian religion. I don't think i have ever seen one of his posts where he challenged a different one. Also what i was trying to do is explain to him that the purpose of this thread was not to debate religion but to discuss what others believe. To me that should be a warning that you will likely be offended. As you can see he was offended and which is why he commented on it. That was the reason for the comment. nothing more. |
what do you believe?
While researching various religions I have come across something interesting that is hardly addressed. Fist most sites indicate what happens to a person who believes that particular religion. what I find that is not talked about is what happens to those who do not believe. So i pose this question to everyone. According to the religion you practice what happens to the person who has lived a good life and dies but does not believe your religion? It's interesting you say that the religions on't say what happens to non-believers. All the ones I researched in the judeo-christian realm all say that non-believers burn in hell, gnash teeth and are flung into outer darkness. They say the non-blievers deserve this because they have "denied a god", whatever that means. We are energy and condensed energy, i.e. matter. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. I didn't say that they do not say what happens to non-believers. I apologize if that is the way it came across. What I meant was this is not normally addressed on such sites as and a few of the other sites that attempt to tell you the beliefs of all the religions. To me this seems interesting. The biggest question I have for any religion and person who believes different than me. What does your religion say about the good person who does not believe. For example Mormonism says that all go to hheaven except the worst people in society. mass murderers. serial killers. terrorist. really the worst people in society. Now everyone else will goto heaven and get a chance to hear the Mormon doctrine. only the select few who did everything right according to the Mormon doctrine will become God of their own planet. So the way I would see this. i live a good life and I am okay. don't suffer in hell according to their religion but make it at least to heaven. so why waste my time because the opposite is what if they are wrong. What if another religion is right. then I wasted my time. More or less its an expansion of pascals wager. not so much a belief in God. But using it to apply to religion in General. if you are okay by living a Good life. no harm in moving on and researching the ones that may hold a different theology. As trunner pointed out. all those who do not accept Jesus are doomed well that to me should be worth looking into. Do you not agree? Religion is a deeply personnal choice to people and the product of years of instillment by the family, peers and community. But when you say "good life", we need to look at what comprises that sort of life. Is it merely following all human laws to a "t", being nice to all for your entire life and helping all those that you can in your power? That seems like a nice life, in that YOU get the personnal satisfaction that YOU are not a "bad" person. why do you need validation? Now, as to a "bad life", this can get a little grey. Circumstance is tricky when we make choices in life. Is a murder wrong if you are truly defending yourself from being murdered? Is cruelty or revenge wrong when you finally snap & crack from others treating you poorly? This can go on and on, I think ultimetly it resides in the person if they feel they have lived an appropriate life. Now as to the comment on all those that deny jesus burn in hell, I feel that is really BLEEPED up. The message there is not one of love, but an ultimatum: EITHER you are with this god OR you are against it. I feel that life is not so cut and dry. You are basically forced into subservience through fear of recrimination in an afterlife that NO ONE is really sure exists. Im just a human, so I can't really see the big picture, but the piece Im given to look at ( the arguement here) leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Question on your definition of religion. if it is "the product of years of installment by the family, peers and community", then why are there atheists? All societies of the past had a belief in religion. so if always the same values are taught over and over who is teaching the values of atheism? Also if each person determines if they lived appropriately well everyone has. How many people live day by day selling crack to kids. sexually exploiting women, etc. they all live an appropriate life if you ask them. They can justify everything they do. I would address the rest but we are going off topic. instead i will email the response and we can talk there. to address one of your questions, "Why are there atheists?" Some are raised that way. Some become that way after realizing that all they've been told about some belief system isn't necessarily true. Right I understand that part. but the question was if no one was teaching it how did it come about. The response was to a previous post where they had said that peoples belief in religion came from what they were taught, by family peers and community. I know this is not always the case. For example take the northern Sudan area. Just by claiming to be a anything but Islam there you can receive the death sentence. So how would people like that choose anything but Islam? Yet they still do. So many people in the rest of the world. Often turn from their family and communities religion with fear of death in order to follow the christian religion. So to say people just choose because they were taught that by family peers and community may be valid in the US. but is certainly not valid in other parts of the world. Why do the wealthy complain the most about religion? Don't think you are wealthy. get a new perspective. the site i listed shows where your salary is at compared to the rest of the world. |
what do you believe?
While researching various religions I have come across something interesting that is hardly addressed. Fist most sites indicate what happens to a person who believes that particular religion. what I find that is not talked about is what happens to those who do not believe. So i pose this question to everyone. According to the religion you practice what happens to the person who has lived a good life and dies but does not believe your religion? It's interesting you say that the religions on't say what happens to non-believers. All the ones I researched in the judeo-christian realm all say that non-believers burn in hell, gnash teeth and are flung into outer darkness. They say the non-blievers deserve this because they have "denied a god", whatever that means. We are energy and condensed energy, i.e. matter. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. I didn't say that they do not say what happens to non-believers. I apologize if that is the way it came across. What I meant was this is not normally addressed on such sites as and a few of the other sites that attempt to tell you the beliefs of all the religions. To me this seems interesting. The biggest question I have for any religion and person who believes different than me. What does your religion say about the good person who does not believe. For example Mormonism says that all go to hheaven except the worst people in society. mass murderers. serial killers. terrorist. really the worst people in society. Now everyone else will goto heaven and get a chance to hear the Mormon doctrine. only the select few who did everything right according to the Mormon doctrine will become God of their own planet. So the way I would see this. i live a good life and I am okay. don't suffer in hell according to their religion but make it at least to heaven. so why waste my time because the opposite is what if they are wrong. What if another religion is right. then I wasted my time. More or less its an expansion of pascals wager. not so much a belief in God. But using it to apply to religion in General. if you are okay by living a Good life. no harm in moving on and researching the ones that may hold a different theology. As trunner pointed out. all those who do not accept Jesus are doomed well that to me should be worth looking into. Do you not agree? Religion is a deeply personnal choice to people and the product of years of instillment by the family, peers and community. But when you say "good life", we need to look at what comprises that sort of life. Is it merely following all human laws to a "t", being nice to all for your entire life and helping all those that you can in your power? That seems like a nice life, in that YOU get the personnal satisfaction that YOU are not a "bad" person. why do you need validation? Now, as to a "bad life", this can get a little grey. Circumstance is tricky when we make choices in life. Is a murder wrong if you are truly defending yourself from being murdered? Is cruelty or revenge wrong when you finally snap & crack from others treating you poorly? This can go on and on, I think ultimetly it resides in the person if they feel they have lived an appropriate life. Now as to the comment on all those that deny jesus burn in hell, I feel that is really BLEEPED up. The message there is not one of love, but an ultimatum: EITHER you are with this god OR you are against it. I feel that life is not so cut and dry. You are basically forced into subservience through fear of recrimination in an afterlife that NO ONE is really sure exists. Im just a human, so I can't really see the big picture, but the piece Im given to look at ( the arguement here) leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Question on your definition of religion. if it is "the product of years of installment by the family, peers and community", then why are there atheists? All societies of the past had a belief in religion. so if always the same values are taught over and over who is teaching the values of atheism? Also if each person determines if they lived appropriately well everyone has. How many people live day by day selling crack to kids. sexually exploiting women, etc. they all live an appropriate life if you ask them. They can justify everything they do. I would address the rest but we are going off topic. instead i will email the response and we can talk there. |
drop the pics of the kids for starters. Think about it anyone can look at your profile. how many child molesters do you want to date you just for your kids? pictures of kids are not for dating websites. Often they can attract the wrong type of people.
Sex before mariage
I was very torn on the issue for awhile, but i'm not anymore. We all agree sex is fun great whatever u want to call it but God wants that in the marriage. I have heard several say if u really care for the person, and when it ends it ends. I just came from a relationship where we had sex and i loved him a lot and had no intentions of being with anyone else then the guilt started I realized i was not and have not been in Gods will for a very long time. I tried to rationalize what i was doing by saying "well eventually we will get married so it will be ok". For me I could not live with myself like i was and so when i turned my life back over to the Lord my thoughts changed to what they should of been in the first place on the Lord, and in turn me and the guy and nothing but sex in common. Right now i am happier than i have been in a while and one day when the time is right He will send me the one He has for me not one of my making. I like the 4 questions Jon asked and if we all would ask those in everything we do we would be alot better off. Love the Lord with all your mind body and strength and you will be ok. Blessing to u all. The questions were from a book called strategy of Satan |
what do you believe?
While researching various religions I have come across something interesting that is hardly addressed. Fist most sites indicate what happens to a person who believes that particular religion. what I find that is not talked about is what happens to those who do not believe. So i pose this question to everyone. According to the religion you practice what happens to the person who has lived a good life and dies but does not believe your religion? It's interesting you say that the religions on't say what happens to non-believers. All the ones I researched in the judeo-christian realm all say that non-believers burn in hell, gnash teeth and are flung into outer darkness. They say the non-blievers deserve this because they have "denied a god", whatever that means. We are energy and condensed energy, i.e. matter. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms. I didn't say that they do not say what happens to non-believers. I apologize if that is the way it came across. What I meant was this is not normally addressed on such sites as and a few of the other sites that attempt to tell you the beliefs of all the religions. To me this seems interesting. The biggest question I have for any religion and person who believes different than me. What does your religion say about the good person who does not believe. For example Mormonism says that all go to hheaven except the worst people in society. mass murderers. serial killers. terrorist. really the worst people in society. Now everyone else will goto heaven and get a chance to hear the Mormon doctrine. only the select few who did everything right according to the Mormon doctrine will become God of their own planet. So the way I would see this. i live a good life and I am okay. don't suffer in hell according to their religion but make it at least to heaven. so why waste my time because the opposite is what if they are wrong. What if another religion is right. then I wasted my time. More or less its an expansion of pascals wager. not so much a belief in God. But using it to apply to religion in General. if you are okay by living a Good life. no harm in moving on and researching the ones that may hold a different theology. As trunner pointed out. all those who do not accept Jesus are doomed well that to me should be worth looking into. Do you not agree? |
what do you believe?
why do you always look to attack something you do not believe in. If it were religion in general you would attack more than just christian beliefs. I suspect the christian religion or someone who has twisted the religion has hurt you in some way. Would you like to expand on this? Sure, I'll be glad to expand on this. You ask, "why do you always look to attack something you do not believe in" I don't. I was responding to a direct accusation that was aimed at "me" or anyone in general actually. This was the charged: trunner69 wrote:
If you have not accepted Christ as your Savior you are domed. Sin is there everywhere you turn and as a human you can not avoid it. I personally don't care what trunner69 believes for himself. If he wants to believe that Christ was the son of Yahweh and that he's personally full of sin and need to find salvation, that's perfectly cool with me. ![]() But that's not what he posted. He posted that if "You" (the reader that he is addressing) has no accepted Christ as your Savior your are doomed. (I'm sure he didn't mean domed ![]() In any case he's making blanket statements about the fate of other people and he's claiming to know the 'will' of God for everyone. As soon as a person moves into that terriory they are no longer just spiritual, but instead they are claiming to speak for God! They are claiming to know what God wants from other people. I feel compelled to point out to him that the dogma that he claims to be the "Word of God" isn't even consistent much less divine. After all, if one human being can point to a mythology and claim that it's the word of God, then another human being has just as much right to point to the same dogma and express their opinion as well. And if their opinion is that the dogma is inconsistent, ignornat, and bigoted, and far from divine, then so be it. That's a valid opinion. To then turn around and claim that I'm 'bashing' his views is utterly asburd. Because he had already 'bashed' by views when he demanded that if I don't accept Jesus as my Savior I'm doomed. Do you see? He already told me what he expects me to believe, and he has already denounced whatever I might believe by implying that if I don't believe his views I'm "Doomed". Actually if he would have simply stated it as follows I wouldn't have jumped on him. If he would have simply said, "I believe that accepting Christ as my savior is the only way to salvation". I wouldn't have said a word. But that's not what he said. He said, "If you have not accepted Christ as your Savior you are domed." That's telling me what I must accept to be true, that's not telling me what he believes to be true for himself. As long as Christians engage in proselyizing their beliefs, and trying to push them onto other people I will always respond in a like manner by pointing out how absurd the whole Biblical picture truly is. The day that Christians quit proselytizing their beliefs is the day that I'll quit responding to them in kind. And by the way, I never even told the man that he is doomed. All I did was point out how absurd the mythology is that he is referring to. As long as the Bible is claimed to be the word of the creator of all human beings, then all human beings should be able to comment on what they think of it whether their thoughts about it are favorable toward it or not. Why should any human being be chastised for seeing the Biblical story of "God" as being utterly absurd? You say,... I suspect the christian religion or someone who has twisted the religion has hurt you in some way.
What does that have to do with anything? First off, no one needs to twist the religion to make it apper to be bad. Just look at history and you can see all of the evil works that were done in the name of this religion, and even continue to be done to this very day. The religion still inspires people to be hateful toward same-gender lovers, as well as inspiring people to denounce anyone who doesn't believe in the religion as being 'doomed' just as trunner69 has done. Secondly, why would you suggest that I need to have been hurt by this religion to recognize that it's utterly absurd? A supposedly all-wise God who always solves problems using violent gory methods? That's utterly absurd in IMHO, no need to be hurt to recognize that. A supposedly loving compassionate God who is appeased by blood sacrifices to begin with (not unlike Zeus who came before him) I don't need to be hurt to recognize the absurdity of that. A supposedly all-knowing, all-powerful God who's supposedly so dependable and trustworthy that he never changes his mind. At one point tells people to judge their brothers and stone sinners to death. (isn't that supposed to his job to judge people and deal them?) At one point he floods the planet as a response to sin, and the next moment he's desperately sacrificing his son to appease Satan. This is a supposedly all-knowng, all-powerful God who's at war with a fallen angel? I could go on and on and on at how absurd this story is. So what up with suggesting that the religion must have hurt me? As a human being who has read this story and has heard all sorts of supposedly 'excuses' for the behavior of this God, I've simlpy come to the conclusion that the creator of this universe couldn't not possible be as stupid and unwise as Yahweh. And I don't mean to offend anyone by that conclusion. As a human being that's my assessment of the mythology. I have every right to assess it since it's authors claim it to be the word of my creator. I reject it as nothing more than the controlling writings of mere mortal men who weren't even all that wise, much less divine. And clearly male-chauvinistic to boot. I don't believe that the creator of humanity would be a male chauvinist. That's absurd. Do I love to explain how absurd this story is? Yes I do. Because it's so absurd that's it's actually fun to make fun of it. ![]() In all honesty I think the story of Zeus is more reasonable. And no one has any problem dismissing Zeus as mythology. to respond if you feel it was an attack you must have a guilty conscience. the question that he was responding to was in the original post. what do your beliefs say about those who do not believe the same as you. That was all he was responding to. that was not an attack on anyone. if you pay attention i even commented on it and clarified it for others but i notice you had no objection to that. You go on and on about how bad the religion is yet that is not the intention of this post or discussion. if you want to start a post on why your beliefs are all that matter feel free to. bash religion that might say you are in the wrong. you keep bringing up zues in every post that you do. no matter the discussion you bring up how bad the christian religion is. yet you claim you do not have a problem with it. you referenced teaching religion well only the christian faith as a a form of child abuse come on now how much a stretch are you going to go. i guess only religion and beliefs you have are the right ones. how intolerant can you be? And back to the point so what if they are going to believe something that you think is absurd? What difference does it make it to you? Are they do anything to hurt you? On here likely not. Why is it you are the only one who had a problem with it. many others did not agree with him. Only comments they made was on the spelling. I think before you should follow the discussion before jumping in because you were hurt. And in that regards how can you be hurt by something you do not believe in. For me it would be like someone saying the bogeyman is coming to get me. Would i care? not at all. would i go on at how ridiculous that is? nope not in the least. Let me repeat this since the first three times you have missed it. What you have failed to realize is all beliefs systems claim to be the right way. "THIS DISCUSSION IS NOT ABOUT WHICH IS RIGHT BUT IT IS A DISCUSSION ABOUT WHAT DOES YOUR RELIGION SAY ABOUT THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE" I do not know if i could be anymore clear. "THIS DISCUSSION IS NOT ABOUT WHICH IS RIGHT BUT IT IS A DISCUSSION ABOUT WHAT DOES YOUR RELIGION SAY ABOUT THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE" So in case you didn't get that let me repeat it. "THIS DISCUSSION IS NOT ABOUT WHICH IS RIGHT BUT IT IS A DISCUSSION ABOUT WHAT DOES YOUR RELIGION SAY ABOUT THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE" Do you understand? |
what do you believe?
The Bible says that all will be resurrected, the just and the unjust. Some into age long shame and some to age long life. During this coming agetime, in resurrection, all those who were not able to hear and to acknowledge the Word of God will sit down at The Lord's table to eat of His truth, and ruled with a rod of iron. That every knee shall bow, and even includes provisions for those who wish to visit their family members for encouragement. If we believe all that is written, then what we find is a loving forgiving God who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, one whose judgment is that the sinner is set free. Of course this does not state that because of this anyone is at liberty to go against the great and mighty God, rather, that there is an additional reward for those who understand and acknowledge what the will of The Lord is. So there is a reward in view, also referred to as a prize. This reward is something that can be lost, moreover, those who lose it have their reward here in this life, whether that be their ego, their gold, their whatever, that is the only reward they will get if they do not seek The Lord and His understanding of what is going on. And what is going on can be summed up in one word: redemption. Christ came to save sinners. I wonder what Vishnu thinks of that point of view. He is after all the creator of time and the destroyer of all things and was around five thousand years before anyone even heard of Moses do you really want to argue from religious text on which deity is older. seems kind of a waste. since the Jewish God is eternal. always was. always is. seams like Vishnu came around a little late at that point. but as i pointed out earlier all we are doing is just looking at each others beliefs and how they view what will happen to those who do not believe. gain some knowledge instead of attacking the other person or their beliefs. ask some questions. such as is this a personal belief or is it found in the sacred texts somewhere. give them the opportunity to see if their beliefs are based on what they heard or a legitimate belief of the religion. |
Experiments have been done that prove "life" can come from an organic soup. Put the elements thought to be on the Earth before life in a sealed container. Add energy like electricity. And presto, you get self-replicating organic molecules. Tends to turn the inside purple. This experiment has been done dozens of times. Works everytime. Now, we've never had something crawl out, but we've never let the experiment run for a few billion years either. However, we have seen through this experiment, that over time, the molecules become more complex (information is added). To say "abiogenisis", as Eljay has defined it, hasn't been proved, is simply untrue. I haven't actually seen this experiment. The only question i have is what if they are wrong with the chemicals they thought were on the earth it would make the whole situation wrong. because if the premise is wrong then it doesn't matter what the result is. it is still wrong. I know they are likely using research and hypothesis but that doesn't mean that they are still correct. Sometimes the research of the past turns out to be wrong. so wish we had access to time travel. the whole debate would be over. go back in time see what was on the planet at the time collect a sample then come back. then that would open a whole another paradox of did we start the process. but that is a whole another thread. i guess we really could say one day the world will know for sure. could be in this lifetime. could not. no one knows for sure when that day will come. |
what do you believe?
If you have not accepted Christ as your Savior you are domed. Sin is there everywhere you turn and as a human you can not avoid it. The problem with accepting Christ as my Savior is that it necessarily means that I must also accept that God is a desperate idiot who can't handle situations wisely. In order to accept that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of Yahweh, I'd first have to believe that Yahweh is in an egotistical war with a fallen angel, and that Yahweh is clearly desperate. So desperate that he had no choice but to sacrifice his own son in a bloody appeasement to himself just to prove something to Satan. I'd also have to believe that Yahweh solves all his problems using violent methods (because that's what the Old Testament stories reveal to us). So ultimately I'd have to accept that God is stupid and can't solve any problem using truly wise and constructive methods. I'd also have to believe that Yahweh is both consistent, dependable and trustworthy (because the Bible says he must be) yet I'd have to simultaneoulsy believe that God is confused and never does things the same way twice (because that's what the stories in the Bible demand is true). For example, at one point when mankind became sinful God simply wiped out the entire population of humanity via a flood and saved only a few people and some animals in a boat. But then later (after his first method didn't work) he decided to send his son to be butchered on a pole to save mankind from sin. Well, clearly if I am going to accept Christ as my "Savior" I must also accept that Yahweh is confused and is desperately trying differnt things experimentally at random. Since his first method didn't work, there's really no reason why I should place anymore faith in his second experiment. Clearly Yahweh has no clue how to solve problems. He's already displayed gross ignorance and no wisdom at all. Well, clearly this whole story has no more credibility than the stories of Zeus. Another God who was appeased by blood sacrifices for by some strange coincidence. Although I don't think it was ever claimed that Zeus was all-wise. I think he was also assumed to have human frailties like a jealous personality, etc. Plus Zeus wasn't a male chauvinistic pig. So by comparing these two ancient myths it sure looks like Zeus was both wiser and more highly moral than Yawhew. It is claimed that Yawhew is supposed to be perfect, but the first thing out of his mouth is the commandment, "Thou shalt not have any other Gods before me for I am a jealous God". Well, jealousy is not a perfect personality trait, so he already stuck his own foot in his mouth before the mythology even got off the ground. His very first commandment proclaims that he has an imperfect human personality. The whole mythology just shot itself in the foot right off the bat. Yahweh couldn't possibly be the all-wise all-perfect creator of this universe, and therefore Jesus could not possible be his sacrifical lamb. Next! interesting post but it brings up a few question. first. the intention of this post if you had read it from the begiing would be that we are just seeing what everyone's beliefs are. not what is right or wrong. just see what their beliefs say about those who do not believe. so had you been following along you would have seen that. Instead it appears you just did a find (ctrl+f)and looked for the first post with reference to Christ and attacked that. which brings me to the second question. why do you always look to attack something you do not believe in. If it were religion in general you would attack more than just christian beliefs. I suspect the christian religion or someone who has twisted the religion has hurt you in some way. Would you like to expand on this? |
Many people would probably be surprised that their basic beliefs about right and wrong are very closely alligned, very similar, even if their religious semantics are totally different. People don't realize that right and wrong are basically the same from one religion to the next, regardless of the title that is attached to the belief system. For me, I'd like to find someone who believes in rather similar religious semantics, because that makes the whole religion thing much less complicated. I don't want someone telling me that because I don't believe in sleeping around, and I don't think that it's right to steal, and I think that it's in everybody's best interest to help each other, doesn't mean that I want for my boyfriend (or eventually husband) to try to convert me to his religion because I already know the difference between right and wrong, have morals, and don't try to cheat anyone, just because he thinks that those traits are only prevelant in his religious affiliation. (Wow, is that a run-on sentence) So, yeah, religion is kind of important to me when looking for someone to have a relationship with. if you are talking about well known religions the yes a lot of the beliefs about right and wrong are similar. once you start getting to not so well known then you get things that very. such as sleeping around is a positive thing in some religions. especially when having sex with priests or priestess. church of Isis is a good example this. priestess are expected to sleep with at least 1000 men as part of development. i know some of the guys here would like to know where to sign up, lol. So your views on right and wrong may be way different from those of another religion. And you say as long as they respect each others religion. well that only happens when neither take their religion seriously. if you honestly believe in a religion then you will want your partner to believe the same thing. Religion in itself claims it is the right way. whether it is a monotheism, polytheism, atheism or somewhere in between each one claims theirs is the right way and everyone else is ignorant. |