Question For the Guys...
It shouldn't be scary at all because if both people were thinking adults, then BEFORE they ever see your bed, it should be crystal clear as to whether or not this is taking our 'relationship' to the next level....
Or just a booty call! |
Ohhhh hell I think too many confuse love with lust they think they are in love with them when they rock their world in the bedroom ![]() ![]() ![]() EGGS - ACTLY!!!! |
Gargling Helps!
All the politically correct and easily offended aside:
This was freakin funny! |
Just to add my $.02
People who make this claim are not in love. They are simply attracted to a person. Attraction is instantaneous. You may like a person's looks, mind, humor, charm, wit,'s all attraction, and you will even experience some emotional attachment as a result. The problem is that most people think this is love and will claim a relationship, only to find out later on down the line that you don't have a lot in common, you don't share the same beliefs, one may have a five-year plan, the other doesn't, etc. You then claim that Oh I thought I was in love, but I found out I wasn't. Please. Love is a state of being and it takes time to develop. SERIOUS time. To be in love comes from knowing someone inside and out. Finding out that you have the same interests, goals, dreams, desires, etc. You find that you cannot be apart from this person for extended periods of time. You will put their needs and wants ahead of yours. You don't lose out because if they are in love with you, they will put you ahead of them. The beauty of love is that is defies emotions. If you stop loving a person because they made you mad, or because of any emotional reason, you were never in love. Two people in love will face any situation, good or bad, through thick and thin, as long as they are together. No outside circumstance can break the bond that two people in love share. I have witnessed homeless couples that sleep on the street together, but they are in love and don't even consider separating. That's all. PS Hi cutie! |
Is it just me or are
We live in an age of mass knowledge via the internet. A health study that came out in Europe would normally take years to reach here. It only takes seconds now.
People are therefore eating healthier, living a healthier lifestyle inside and out. I mean look at Chuck Norris, still kicking butt on those Power Gyms at 70! |
This Just In!!!
What about the early bird special? how about a senior discount??? ![]() Still applies as far as I know. |
This Just In!!!
Thats gay and is a horrible joke Oh Jesus Christ! Here's one just for you... What's black, white, and red all over? A NEWSPAPER! There you happy now? |
yo mama
Yo mama so ugly that your father takes her to work with him so that he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.
Yo mama so old she has a picture of Moses in her yearbook. Yo mama so dirty she has to creep up on bathwater. Yo mama aint so bad...she would give you the hair off of her back! Yo mama lips so big, Chap Stick had to invent a spray. Come to think of it, you that bad because yo mama's twice the man you are. It took yo mama 10 tries to get her drivers license, she couldnt get used to the front seat! |
This Just In!!!
The sex position previously know as 69 has formally been changed to 96.
Due to the recession, the cost of eating out has went up. |
Musical Impression
What is your impression of the person above you? But your answer must be a lyric from or the title of a song.
Say It In A Song
Maybe it's just me, but have you ever been in a situation or someone said something and it reminded you of a song?
The game is simple, I start with a question, Your answer must either be a lyric or title from a song. Then you ask a question but it must include a word from your lyric or song title. Of course I'll go first...What's your favorite color? |
Edited by
Fri 11/27/09 01:22 PM
I never ever go shopping on black Friday..Too much stress and I know me and I couldn't handle waiting all night just to see someone cut in the line 5 minutes before the store opens....
HOWEVER I broke that tradition last night when I went to Wal-Mart last night and waited from midnight until 5am and got my hands on a kick-azz laptop with all the bells and whistles for just $197. But my back was killing me by the time I got home and I slept all morning. I'll never do it again...unless it's a hell of a deal like this. |
Edited by
Thu 11/26/09 09:17 PM
A man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a bottle of his strongest stuff. The bartender gives it to him and the guy drains the bottle in less than 10 seconds and doesn't bat an eye. The bartender is impressed. He tell the guy, "Hey you look like you can handle yourself pretty well...I gotta proposition for ya." The bartender then points to a huge jar of money. "How much money do you think is in there?" "I don't know" "There's over 5 grand in that jar. I got three tasks for you and if you complete all three, the money is yours" "Ok" "First...out back, I have a six-month old rottweiler that needs a tooth pulled. Second, tell that seven foot bouncer over there he's fired, and third, My wife is upstairs. She weighs over 700 lbs and hasn't been laid in 5 years. Do all three and you can have the money." The guy asks for another drink and the bartender complies. The man goes out back and you hear a dog growling followed by a series of yelps. He comes back in and says, "OK that's one." The guy goes to the front door and tells the bouncer, "Hey you!" The bouncer says, "Yeah little man?" The guy tells him, "You're fired!" and kicks him square in the balls. The guy goes back to the bar and tells the bartender,"OK that's two where's that 700 woman that needs a tooth pulled!" |
A man dies and goes to Hell. As he walks around pissed, Satan approaches him.
"Hey buddy what's the problem?" "What do you think, I'm in Hell" Satan get closer and says. "You know, Hell has been getting a bad rap lately. Let me ask you, do you drink?" "A little." "Well Monday is drink night." Satan says, "Everything here is over 1000 proof and no hangovers!" "Do you smoke?" "I could use a cigarette now." "Tuesday is smoke night. No cancer, no tar....everything is only the finest Turkish blends." The Devil asks him, "Do you gamble?" "Of Course" "Wednesday is Casino Night. You win everytime. Let me ask you another question, do you get high?" The man replies, "To tell you the truth, it's kind of how I got here." "Well, Thursday is dope night. All pure, no overdosing and the high lasts twice as long." Satan leans closer and whispers..."Are you gay?" "No, I'm not" Satan shakes his head and as he walks away says, "Well, you ain't gonna like Friday night!" |
Crime In America
Edited by
Wed 11/25/09 05:25 PM
And I happen to believe that everyone is born with the tendency for self-preservation, not necessarily right from wrong.
A child knows how to do have to teach them how to do right. |
Crime In America
You should know the difference between right and wrong.Every action has it's consequinces.You live by the sword,you die by the sword.You do the crime,you do the time. Can I ask how they should know? Is it inherent? Or is it taught? If a child grows up without the father in the home and the mother is either working all the time, or an addict and let the streets raise them, where would they learn? Every one is born with a knowledge of right and wrong. I do believe how you are raised hardens people to things and clouds there judgement. But you can't let things go unpunished or the world will just get worse. Actually it's too late already. The world is a bigger mess than ever and there is no cure. If we still stoned people for crimes worthy of death every one would think twice before they did the crime. Our soft ways of dealing with serious crime has only made it ok for people to grow up thinking murder and so on is not really that bad. Hell ya get free food and a warm room. I strongly believe in the death penalty for serious crimes like murder. Cold blooded murder. They should be judge of course but then taken out side and shot on live tv. What happened to the real world? Every one wants to sugar coat life so it looks like a fairy tail. We need some leaders who still have a set between there legs. Just my point of view. If ya don't like it that's cool. lol...I actually agree with you in principle...just not to that extreme ![]() |
Holiday Family Triditions
The cooking has already started.
The women come over tomorrow and take over the kitchen, no guys allowed. The men are dispersed as follows: The jocks in front of the 60 inch watching sports polishing up for the odd chance that they can get a second job as a sports authority. The older ones in the back playing horseshoes, drinking, cursing each other out, and re-living the glory days of the 70's. The younger ones on the side of the house playing house. Everyone eats one big plate, then everyone start stealing like crazy taking home two and three plates apiece...never to see each other again until next year. |
Crime In America
You should know the difference between right and wrong.Every action has it's consequinces.You live by the sword,you die by the sword.You do the crime,you do the time. Can I ask how they should know? Is it inherent? Or is it taught? If a child grows up without the father in the home and the mother is either working all the time, or an addict and let the streets raise them, where would they learn? Each case is definitely different. I would say in your op though, at 60 , a person would have learned SOMEWHERE that society doesnt accept theft. The law allows for 'mitigating circumstances' in certain crimes, like justifiable homicide if I walked in on a molester who is raping my child. There are people out here who have lost everything and honestly don't know where their next meal is coming from... Would this be a mitigating circumstance? |
Crime In America
Our current "justice" system is broken beyond repair. I have long been an advocate of such things as private law and private law enforcement-not to mention repealing laws against non-crimes such as drug use and prostitution. A return to Constitutional law would be a good start. There is a vast grass roots movement that seeks to repeal so-called "consentual crimes" or crimes between two consenting adults, like prostitution and drug sales. |