Post funny pics!!!
This may not make sense to a lot of you but I lol'ed...
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money given out!!!!
Edited by
Tue 02/24/09 07:53 AM
well, i'm not getting worked up about the discussion, I'm very passionate about this whole situation. We have a habit of accepting what the government does and not doing anything about it. if we did what everyone of those 2 million people that went to obama's inauguration instead of just sitting here babbeling about what they should do with the money that they shouldn't even be messing with, then congress and washington would see that the days of their authority would be numbered. but, we won't do it. We would rather be sitting in our cushy life bubbles that we have created for ourselves until we actually get pushed out of it and onto the streets. Well it is hard for people to get up and do something when they are slaves to sustenance. One of the reasons big business has gotten it's way for so long is they can afford full-time lobbyists to push their agendas on government hill. I mean hell, I wouldn't exactly call what I'm living a cushy life bubble. I'm living paycheck to paycheck. If I get pushed out onto the streets I'm staying there so to speak. |
There is no question that the end of World War II left the United States in prime standing. We were pretty much the only ones left with an industrial infastructure with Europe pretty much bombed back to the stone age and Japan a radioactive nightmare.
Meanwhile in America... People are buying and selling. One person could work a single job and make enough money to afford a house, a car, and support a family while their significant other stayed at home to raise the family and care for the house. Now given that starting point, what decisions and events over the last 60 years were good and bad for us and why do you believe this? Play nice kids... |
money given out!!!!
Ah, but it is soooo easy to say "We love our children!", and "They are our future". But when it comes to act, we fnck them. Let them deal with our debts, they are our future, it is our debt, but it is their problem! Rhetoric. You say "we" are "screwing them" by our actions. The government protects the one's truly responsable for our current situation so the people then turn to the government for accountability. Handouts may not be the right answer, but I would just hate to see the wrong people walk away with the purse. I would much rather see this money secure homes for Americans, help people struggling with student loans, and stabalize consumer markets. Otherwise screw the government and their checkbook. |
money given out!!!!
Do you guys not understand that the reason they say that we are borrowing this money from our children and grandchildren is that they have to pay it back in taxes????!!!!!!! They will get so friggin taxed because people like you guys trying to accept more debt money from the federal reserve. to give you an understanding of what is happening, when our government borrows this money from the federal reserve, they borrow it at an intrest. guess who pays back the interest!! now, if we were to pay back every cent that we owe to the federal reserve, there would be absolutely no dollars in circulation. We would have given them all back. but we still would owe the interest on these loans, but guess what!!! the fed didn't print the interest. you people are so damn greedy its pathetic. our children and grandchildren are going to be paying for all of these bail out bills. the GAO report says we are already in debt to the federal reserve 65 trillion dollars. you can't keep borrowing money from the feds to pay the feds back. First of all calm down. Nobody in this thread is getting a dime. Deep breath, read between the lines. If the government is GOING to do something like this then it should go to the public sector and NOT the corporate sector. These should be treated as investments not handouts anyway. The underlying theme here is giving people who are already well-off more money will not stimulate the economy. Businesses require markets, markets require people with money to spend, people with money to spend require jobs, jobs require businesses... Ad infinitum. Don't worry about your grandkids having to pay taxes. Things keep rolling downhill like they are and they will be flat out homeless. p.s. What's pathetic is getting worked up over an internet discussion. Ixnay on the day ominemhay. |
money given out!!!!
The idea here is lets give the money to the real driving force behind America... John Q. Public
ummm didn't that money come from John Q Public in the first place? better than give it to him, why not just not take it in the first place? Unfortunately taxes are a neccessary evil. We need a standing military. We need federal education funds. We need national disaster relief. I just don't like what the powers that be do with our money. |
money given out!!!!
Actually, I just thought about something... Why would giving one million dollars to each and every american citizen drive up inflation, but giving one BILLION dollars to rich people not? After WWI, Germany started simply printing money to pay off war reparations. Now THAT caused severe inflation and people started bringing cash to the market by the wheelbarrel just for a single loaf of bread. Why? Because there was nothing backing their currency. It literally wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. The money we are talking about with government bailouts was collected from legitimate revenue sources and the money has solid backing. In Alaska, every citizen who has lived there in state for two years or more qualifies for something called the Alaska Permenent Fund Dividend. It averages $1,200 a year so a household of four would get $4,800. When these checks hit Alaskan's accounts it REALLY stimulates the economy. People go on spending sprees and local businesses profit from this. Inflation doesn't magically increase because a couple million dollars gets dropped on the public without them actually earning it. It is legitimate money with legitimate backing. Businesses don't raise their prices just because people suddenly have a boost of unearned income. If the government simply printed a bunch of cash to drop on the economy I would agree that it would kill us with inflation, but this isn't a house of cards. This is real money that is going to be spent, saved, or invested one way or the other. Why should people who are already rich be getting the lion's share? You're right, rich should not be given any money either. I hope I wasn't taken as advocating for that. But let me ask you this: You said: "...and the money has solid backing". What backing are you referring to? What is this money backed by? No, it was more of a side-thought. People are comming out of school, neck-deep in debt with no jobs waiting for them. People are living in houses that can be "here today, gone tomorrow." People aren't buying like they used to so people aren't investing like they used to. Debt is a SERIOUS problem in this country. As for "solid backing," what I mean is that it is tax money from the GDP. It's money made from every hot dog, sports car, video game, and any other good or service you can name. That's why I compared it to what post-WWI Germany did. When they started mass-printing money it was worthless as it had no real backing. |
money given out!!!!
$900B divided by 200M U.S. citizens (18+) is $4500. Even if everything nogames39 said is complete BS, what would that solve? Not everyone would qualify though... There are roughly 37 million immigrants included in that number. Now subtract the number of mental patients residing in this country who are not legaly competent to recieve that kind of money. Now subtract the number of prisoners serving 20-life. Finally, who says you have to give one to everybody in the first place? If the government can bail out big business, why not students, home owners, and people with extreme medical debt? If certain automotive companies were to fold, the damage to the working class would not be as steep if they could pay their mortgages off and own their vehicles free and clear. The idea here is lets give the money to the real driving force behind America... John Q. Public |
money given out!!!!
there are over 6 billion people IN THE WORLD they are talking about 900 billion in packages instead of coming up with all that packages that's only going to make the rich richer and not fix any problems. WHY: don't they give every U.S. citizen a million dollars and put a freeze on ALL prices so that people cann't charge a hundred dollars for a gallon of milk!!! don't you think that would stimulate the economy? plus it would save them a few hundred billion!!!! COMMON SENSE PEOPLE ARE WE NEED LEADING OUR GOV Well, here is how this common sense is going to work out: You give out money to everybody, this will be equal to raising prices. Because, it is the same as adding zeros to your existing bill. Now, you did foresee this, and freeze prices, which is called price controls. This will result in shortages, empty shelves. Why? Because nobody wants to sell for artificially low price. So, you withdraw your goods. We could accomplish the same thing, by lowering all prices by law. It is equivalent to giving away money and freezing prices. Now, would you sell your car for $1000 if you paid $10000? No, you'd withdraw. What you doing is you are looking for a solution to a problem that is only solved through default. Don't waste your time thinking. We have to either default, or work really hard and pay back. It is really no different than borrowing someone's money and wasting it all. No miricals or screwing with rules can create something out of nothing. Actually, I just thought about something... Why would giving one million dollars to each and every american citizen drive up inflation, but giving one BILLION dollars to rich people not? After WWI, Germany started simply printing money to pay off war reparations. Now THAT caused severe inflation and people started bringing cash to the market by the wheelbarrel just for a single loaf of bread. Why? Because there was nothing backing their currency. It literally wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. The money we are talking about with government bailouts was collected from legitimate revenue sources and the money has solid backing. In Alaska, every citizen who has lived there in state for two years or more qualifies for something called the Alaska Permenent Fund Dividend. It averages $1,200 a year so a household of four would get $4,800. When these checks hit Alaskan's accounts it REALLY stimulates the economy. People go on spending sprees and local businesses profit from this. Inflation doesn't magically increase because a couple million dollars gets dropped on the public without them actually earning it. It is legitimate money with legitimate backing. Businesses don't raise their prices just because people suddenly have a boost of unearned income. If the government simply printed a bunch of cash to drop on the economy I would agree that it would kill us with inflation, but this isn't a house of cards. This is real money that is going to be spent, saved, or invested one way or the other. Why should people who are already rich be getting the lion's share? |
Fed up with the IRS?
This is so easy and fun you never have to leave the comfort of your couch! Call the branch offices of H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, Liberty Tax and any other tax preparation office and ask them, "What is the statute or law that makes me liable to pay federal income taxes?" Then listen to them fumble around for an answer! THERE IS NO STATUTE! THERE IS NO LAW! IT FAILED IN CONGRESS TWICE AS BEING "UNCONSTITUTIONAL"! Remember be polite, these are Americans just like us trying to make a living in these hard times and they really don't know any better. However, their minds may come to the same conclusion that former IRS Special Agent Joe Bannister did who walked off the job and quit filing Federal Income Taxes. Go to this link and enter your zip code to find the locations near you to call: Wesley Snipes---you know the rich famous actor guy---tried this theory in court. Guess how it ended. |
Have you ever gotten
No, and I probably never will but not because I'm still in love with her. A sad story with a sad ending.
For men and women....
Edited by
Sat 02/21/09 09:01 PM
Man, I really have a mixed feelings about this.
I honestly couldn't say right now. I would have to be in that position. If she only did a film or two maybe. But if she has a standing archive then... ![]() |
Why Should I Give A !@#)
I think you are WAY over-generalising here.
Some people have a lot of potential in life and just need to overcome negative thinking or low self-esteem. Your stance seems to be "screw em'." That seems way too apathetic for my taste and I whole heartedly disagree with you. You can't MAKE somebody change, but you can lend a hand to those who would. |
I got Street Fighter 4 for my PS3 last week and I must admit I'm falling in love all over again. It truly captures the old skool feeling from the SFII Championship Edition era. Yet at the same time its new look is truly tantalizing.
My favorites in no paticular order are: Ken, Fei Long, Sagat, Guile, and Vega. So anyone else play this game or are at least all about Street Fighter? |
Think that's called havin' an affect, hon! ![]() I heard people on this site get peeved when corrected... So I've heard. |
Confucious say......
Man who stand on toilet, high on pot...
If you give a man a match...
![]() ![]() if you give a man a match he'll probably light a fart with it. Inbound ROFLCOPTER... |
Do you listen to Korn? And yes, RIP!!!!! Doesn't everyone? |
If you give a man a match...
This is why you get paid the big bucks, right? Its a growth industry. |
If you give a man a match...
If you set a man on fire he will be warm for the rest of his life. It depends how long this poor fellow will be alive, while burning. Reminds me of another sinister joke... How do you keep someone from going out? Pour more gasoline on them. |