anyone ever felt this...
Don't give in to hate. That leads to the dark side of the Force...
Here is a good example of what I was talking about.
I was raised old skool'. My grandfather was the only real male role model in my life. He was a marine veteran from WWII, a police officer for 20 years, and a security guard for another 10. I guess thats where I get a lot of my personality from. I am stern, and can sometimes be rather rowdy, but I am a gentleman at heart. I will open doors for people on instinct for men and women alike. I have never received grief from a guy for doing this, but on occasion a woman will act like I just tried hitting on her and respond with various levels of rudeness. I to this day don't understand that kind of attitude or what could possibly develop it. |
What's your
Fair is when I win...
Edited by
Fri 02/13/09 06:28 PM
I'm not trying to set anything ablaze here, and I expect people to be civil. That having been said... I think a lot of this just has to do with an overall decline of manners and respect in the world today. It just astonishes me when a simple smile, or a respectful nod can cause such vanity in some people to ooze forth. Oh I know. I didnt mean to imply you were doing anything wrong. I just mentioned that it had the "potential" for problems. Sometimes these threads devolve into gender wars but hopefully it remains civil. Peace. ![]() No worries milady. I'm not as scary as I look. ![]() Edit: That came out wrong... |
Regardless of whether or not you find them attractive...Why be rude to another who is being/saying something nice about you? Makes no sense... I say thanks alot!! and move on. Agreed. I like that attitude. |
I'm not trying to set anything ablaze here, and I expect people to be civil.
That having been said... I think a lot of this just has to do with an overall decline of manners and respect in the world today. It just astonishes me when a simple smile, or a respectful nod can cause such vanity in some people to ooze forth. |
...when the feeling is not mutual?
Have you ever been called out on this? Would others agree with you? I notice a lot of people -men and women alike- will become very short and rude with someone if they find out they are attracted to them and don't live up to their standards. What are your thoughts? |
Holy ****!
I was going to say you reminded me of a friend of mine from Alaska, then I looked at where you were from. ![]() I lived in Anchorage for about 10 years. Wow. That's some trippy stuff. |
Did you know
Very true...
I feed them in equal measure. Good wolf makes a piss poor guardian. He'll let anyone in with a dog treat in hand. Evil wolf is not afraid to bite somebody's face off if the situation requires it.
Then again I guess I just prefer a yin/yang approach to life. Both are equals each having a part of the other within. |
Remember: Its only illegal if you get caught.
Making travel plans?
Mostly physialogical things like not getting enough food or sleep.
Extreme hangovers can make a Tiger pissy too. ![]() |
Okay, deep breath...
Thanks for the handful of quick and honest replies. I guess "putting myself out there" is something I will need to work on.
I'm stepping WAY out of my comfort zone by being a member and participating in the forums. It's not so much of a confidence issue as it is that I'm just not use to this kind of interaction. Don't get me wrong, I am no stranger to forums. I guess I just need to get my sea-legs under me. I'm used to good ol' fashioned conversation as a means of getting to know somebody more intimately. Any advice on how I can loosen up other than a bottle of vodka? |
Your opinion
"23 year old man from Seattle, Washington Looking for woman for dating"
Help. |
Okay, deep breath...
I'm new here so please be honest but nice.
Why do I feel like I'm in one of those "naked at school" dreams? |
Hell yeah! Squirels are the sexy!!!
I like when the one guy walks away from the split green screen and right past "Snake." But otherwise it was kinda meh...
Then again I haven't seen very many good videogame parodies. |
Are you familiar with zeropunctuation?
If not then allow me to hook you up... |
The problem with immortality of this nature is you will eventually outlast the very planet you live on. This ball of rock will eventually become uninhabitable by humans simply by the earth slowly moving away from the sun. The rest of the race would die off and you would be left alone for all eternity.
I would probably be down with a 500 to 1000 year lifespan though. There would be difficulties associated with being so long-lived, like losing all your loved ones ten-times over, but I think I could deal. |