Community > Posts By > TenTigers

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:26 PM
Edited by TenTigers on Wed 02/11/09 06:27 PM
Ye Old Skool:

The Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, Metroid, Legend of Zelda (I'm known to whisltle that themesong unknowingly), Castlevania

Current Fav's: Gears of War 1&2, Anything with Tekken or Soul Calibur on the cover, Fallout 3, Armored Core series, the new Ninja Gaiden games are pretty hawt if not frustrating as HELL, Most of the Tony Hawk series, the new Skate series.

Seriously though, I could post a massive list of games. I really like a broad range of games though. Fighting games feed into my aggression. FPS games feed into my desire to frag things. RTS games feed into my god-complex. Skating games are the newest edition. I used to avoid them like the plague but I made myself play a Tony Hawk game once and I've been rollin' like that ever since.

One thing that does sadden me is I haven't had access to a gaming box in a while. I stopped being a console whore and fell in love with PC gaming. But my PC met with an unfortunate accident and I have yet to replace it with one that is up to snuff.

Two PC games that just will always spring to mind as some of my favorites are Aliens vs. Predator Gold, and Dawn of War.

Edit: I sense you tend to lean towards the fantasy settings.

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:05 PM


Gears of War 3!!!!

Sorry, not on the first date...

What not on the first date?

Sorry, I don't Rickroll on the first date. bigsmile Clever though. Nice left hook.

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 06:00 PM
Depends on how much I've had to drink...

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:55 PM


Gears of War 3!!!!

Sorry, not on the first date...

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:48 PM

<-----I will PWN you NOOB!


Now that's what I'm talkin' about. Be my scrublette.

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:44 PM
Roofie Ruffle Delight...

I joke!!! I kid!!!

*hides in his bombshelter*

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:39 PM
It is a complete and utter stereotype that women don't like videogames. One of the most competitive Tekken players that I have ever encountered was a girl in Phoenix, Arizona who's name now escapes me. A real cutie too.

That having been said, where is all the gamer girl luv? What genre of games appeal to you. What are your favorite titles? How do YOU feel about the stereotype that videogames aren't for girls?

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:15 PM
Right on. Thanks for the welcome. I was wondering about how much traffic this site got. Given how quickly all the responses came in, I am fairly impressed.

Oh yes, and I do bite. bigsmile

TenTigers's photo
Wed 02/11/09 04:11 PM
A friend of mine turned me on to this site and it is my first experience with a dating site.

So I figured it was time to man-up and start to mingle. I guess I should start simple...


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