Community > Posts By > RawB

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 05:02 PM

The sweet embrace of sleep
overcomes my weary body
A hazy vision coming to me
Of the silent stream
Gently shielded by the majestic oaks
The goldenrods yeilding to flower
Slowly, they open
Exposing the tender blooms
To the springtime air
But one
A single stalk
Awaits to open
Until the radiant sun
Has slipped beyond sight
When the cool night air
Rustles the gnarled oak
And the goldenrods sway
For night to draw near.

:thumbsup: awesome

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:51 PM

drinker smokin
drinks smokin

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:23 PM

Send me to my grave,
my keeper weeps upon my cold feet,
for a reaper has taken her slave,
when married men misbehave,
naive are we to understand the full plan given,
and out as flickering candles go out without a heart beat,
we all fall down while pretending we could control the waters,
washed away by the waves,
skin is cold and gray on the warmest of a summers day,
I pray you drink sweet honey due,
forget about sorrows now long since past,
love of this taboo,
how could you,
how could I,
sneaking in shadows away from peeping eyes,
lay with me once more,
and kiss guilty poisoned lips goodbye,
slip into the abyss with one more forbidden kiss,
my mistress,
my lover,
how I wish this,
my wife,
my downfall that crashes more fierce than rampant waterfalls,
and pierces flesh with sharpened talon claws,
our time was false,
though I ponder this when stiff old saps learn to relax and become youth,
we would dance as the leaves float on wind,
potpourri scents spoke to us truth,
only testimonies rapped twice over to form my noose,
set free our messenger dove,
and remember our story no more,
my everything,
my nothing,
my love whom I adore.

By: Roberto Loera

I've got my eye on you and your work Mister *smile*
Right back at you :wink:

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:18 PM
Feeling it bro.

"so take a walk with me, thrue these eyes i see, blazing hatred and fake @ss theory's, false philosophy, false prophecy, statements that occurred with hating peoples like you and me, such ideology, full blown capacity, never the less i walk alone with no one guiding me, i hate to see this path in some one elses eyes but mines, cause only God knows and can judge me on the decisions so divine...."

This has a great structure, like domino's...
keep at it and keep knocking'em down.

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:12 PM
I like it bro, kinda hard to pic up on the rhythm in a few spots and how you're saying it, but for the most part it flows well.
I would rather hear you spit it on track though, but that's just me.
keep at it.

Good write :thumbsup:

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:01 PM
Edited by RawB on Mon 01/19/09 04:24 PM

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 04:01 PM

<<< Becoming a Hugeeeeeeeeeeee fan flowers
blushing Thank you, anymore comments like this and I'll have trouble picking my head up off the groundhappy

I just caught this poem by accident. The writing is really, really good. I am struggling finding a compliment worthy of your wonderful poem. I CAN write that I FELT something reading it.
Thank you so much, it means the world to me when I get such kind comments about my poems and writing ability.
I hope I can continue to entertain you with my writings.
Thank you again blushing

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 12:24 PM

<<< Becoming a Hugeeeeeeeeeeee fan flowers
blushing Thank you, anymore comments like this and I'll have trouble picking my head up off the groundhappy

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 11:59 AM
flowers flowers flowers A+++

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 11:56 AM
<img src="">

Good stuff :thumbsup:

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 11:35 AM

WOW, really good.
blushing Thank you blushing

RawB's photo
Mon 01/19/09 11:25 AM
Send me to my grave,
my keeper weeps upon my cold feet,
for a reaper has taken her slave,
when married men misbehave,
naive are we to understand the full plan given,
and out as flickering candles go out without a heart beat,
we all fall down while pretending we could control the waters,
washed away by the waves,
skin is cold and gray on the warmest of a summers day,
I pray you drink sweet honey due,
forget about sorrows now long since past,
love of this taboo,
how could you,
how could I,
sneaking in shadows away from peeping eyes,
lay with me once more,
and kiss guilty poisoned lips goodbye,
slip into the abyss with one more forbidden kiss,
my mistress,
my lover,
how I wish this,
my wife,
my downfall that crashes more fierce than rampant waterfalls,
and pierces flesh with sharpened talon claws,
our time was false,
though I ponder this when stiff old saps learn to relax and become youth,
we would dance as the leaves float on wind,
potpourri scents spoke to us truth,
only testimonies rapped twice over to form my noose,
set free our messenger dove,
and remember our story no more,
my everything,
my nothing,
my love whom I adore.

By: Roberto Loera

RawB's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:54 AM


RawB's photo
Sat 01/17/09 05:26 PM
laugh laugh laugh classic

RawB's photo
Sat 01/17/09 05:25 PM
laugh waving high five

RawB's photo
Sat 01/17/09 05:21 PM
happy A+++

RawB's photo
Sat 01/17/09 05:15 PM
(What Am I?”
:By Roberto Loera

I was once beautiful and strong,
Something worth singing,
Something worth a song,
Something once right
Something now wrong,
I was once beautiful and strong.

(My Little Toy Boat)
:By Roberto Loera

Float my little toy boat,
I spent all day making you,
Little white sails made of paper and glue,
I even put on my little sailor coat,
Just to come and play with you,

Please float my little toy boat,
That’s all I want you to do,
I worked so hard to make you brand new,
Mommy I don’t feel so good,
I think I have a little flu,

I’m sorry my little toy boat,
I can’t come and play with you,
Mommy was sad when she read the doctors note,
I don’t know why she feels so blue,
She says I have to keep up hope,
And then I can go and play with you,
So until then my little toy boat,
I made for you a little paper crew.

RawB's photo
Sat 01/17/09 05:12 PM
:cry: A+++

RawB's photo
Thu 01/15/09 01:13 PM
pisses in the pool

RawB's photo
Thu 01/15/09 06:18 AM
What are we rating ourselves on, personality, looks or everything?

Looks= 6
personality= 8
overall= 8.5