Community > Posts By > Killua93

Killua93's photo
Thu 08/07/14 01:56 PM
for me it is logical that there isn't a god. i believe that, it is the basement of my being.

it is far more easy for me to insult your intelligence than to accept, that maybe you feel the same way. that god is logic and the basement of your being.

for us who never found evidence of god, only see the bad things religions does. therefore we start to hate it, and everybody believing in it. because we can't understand.

hm seems like i got a little bit out of this.

Killua93's photo
Thu 08/07/14 01:39 PM
Sorry sometimes i use wring words. Maybe releaving is better than amusing.

When i make my little nephew smile, think about how wunderful nature is. Where u would possibly thank god.
Hm all this coulndt get me to my answer, it kind of made it more frustrating.

Killua93's photo
Thu 08/07/14 01:33 PM
gotta love americans. <3

Killua93's photo
Thu 08/07/14 01:29 PM
care to share? what your evidence is?

even if it is something i can't understand, i would like to know. it must be amusing, to think that you could do everything you like with this life and then just go into the next.

Killua93's photo
Thu 08/07/14 01:01 PM
that is true! we call it introspection, not sure if i translated it correct. It means that your feelings or emotions can only be descriped.
for science this is obviously not very good. this is also known as the crisis of psychologie, which leads to behaviourism..offtopic

it still does not answer my question :( why do u believe in someone you will never find any evidence on?

Killua93's photo
Thu 08/07/14 12:26 PM
I can tell you why i refuse to believe in a higher being.

First of all, he wouldnhave known that eve would eat the apple, why put it there in the first place?
Second how could he/she create us with hatred and the ability to hurt one another?
Maybe he/she is giving us a chance, free will.maybe!!
Even a child could tell you that war is wrong, and that the experiment of god failed. Why doesn't he interfere? Why would he want us to believe in a thing we never can see, nor hear, nor touch, nor feel? I know i know...some of you will tell me that you can feel the love of god. We self proclaimed scientists however would say the brain tricks you in thinking it.

Why would an all mighty being, create a world so wrong, so cuel for us to live in?

Easy answer: he/she/it would not.

Killua93's photo
Thu 08/07/14 12:03 PM
I bet this topic has been here multiple times, but i find it extremely interesting. Especially here on mingle, since it is often a clash of cultures and beliefs.

I grew up in the hard of europe, i cant say my familie does not believe in god, they just beloeve.more in hard work. Living in vienna, there are a lot of street priest, and i had arguments for a lot of hours. But still, i can't grasp the phemomen "God".
It is like explaining colors to a colorblind person, i guess.

I alwqys followed marx and feuerbach, who said that religion exists because humans are afraid of.death, therefore they created a szenario in which they would live on. Which i considered always correct. But here on mingle, are alot of young people, who are extremely religios and i cant imagen that they fear death yet.
I bet it has a lot to do with education. Truth be told, even if was raised as a christian fanatic, i would ask questions, leading all to one answer, there is no higher power. We have to shape our world ourselves.

Please help me understand, why people refuse to understand?

Killua93's photo
Wed 08/06/14 11:35 PM
Nope i can't agree. I kinda like the idea of being romantic for the sake of being romantic.

We ended up like the altruism discussion.

Killua93's photo
Wed 08/06/14 07:23 AM
Lazy is such a negative word. Surely there must be a better word and a cure.

Killua93's photo
Wed 08/06/14 07:10 AM

People..i am bored, real bad.�
Normally i would go to the university and read books, drink coffee and watch the frustration on the faces of the others. That amuses me.�
But since i am on holiday for 1 month, i get really bored, there are a lot of things i could do, like doing work, but i dont feel like doing anything.�

Somebody knows the problem?

Killua93's photo
Wed 08/06/14 07:08 AM
Very interesting topic as well.

I know free masons, some of them are very high up the food chain, but they are not evil, nor are they greedy. They care a lot of knowledge and gathering knowledge.

I think a lot of you confuse the illuminati with managers of goldman sachs. ;)

it is quite easy to track down greedy people. :p just have a look into "nestle" for example.

Killua93's photo
Tue 08/05/14 11:20 AM

That probably did more to introduce yourself than your profile. Maybe you should do one for the "rate my profile" thread.

You seem to be a lot of fun!:wink:

You think? :laughing: i might think of something when boredom strikes again! rofl

make sure to let me know.

Killua93's photo
Mon 08/04/14 02:41 PM
U already changed your mind? :)

Killua93's photo
Mon 08/04/14 08:58 AM
No it is more like: screw everything and eat lots of chocolate.

Killua93's photo
Mon 08/04/14 05:49 AM
Thats a shame! I enjoyed it!

Killua93's photo
Mon 08/04/14 05:36 AM
That was refreshing. Very nice! You should do that once in a while again.

Killua93's photo
Mon 08/04/14 12:41 AM
Nice topic, i like it and will also be posting my daily challenges. :) but not today.

Killua93's photo
Mon 08/04/14 12:00 AM
I love discussions about this sort of topics! A nice book to read on this topic is zimbardos "luzifer effect". It is about why people are drawn to the "darkside", and why we find it so fascinating.

I believe that there is no good side and no darkside.
Serialkillers, psychopaths, soziopaths lack empathy, therefore they seem to be evil for us "normal" ones. To be fair, they do not understand what they do wrong. Helen morrison, a leading expert on the field of serial killers, believe that this kind of.people are on the emotional level of a baby. They do not know the the power of love, or other feelings. Without those everybody would seem coldhearthed.

A little bit off topic but interesting never the less.

I believe we all have the ability to live in extrems. To be really evil or unbelievably good. But it is not like to sides of a coin in one person. If it was you would get evil in an blink of an eye. But for me it is more like a develepment. When i realize that i get angry, i take a step back and try to reflect the reason and try to counterfit it.
It is all about balance isn't it?

Killua93's photo
Fri 08/01/14 12:53 PM
Wild untamed flower....please carry on...flowerforyou

Killua93's photo
Thu 07/31/14 03:31 AM
Romantic girls? Where do you think you are here? Smoky mc puff castle?