Community > Posts By > 23mBoredinKilleen
Matchmaking Game - part 168
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Fri 01/23/09 10:44 AM
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baby daddys
can I ask what those views are? Our views together pretty much coincide with saving children out of horrible situations that could have otherwise ruined their lives. I plan on adopting from almost every country that has children in need. I might not be able to adopt every child in the world but there are defiantly a lot of child's lives out there that I will be able to make better with the experiences I have had growing up way too fast. Also including the experience I have had with raising my son and seeing the different errors I have made in life with him I will be able to use that to be a better father in the beginning to the ones I adopt because of that. I'm always learning though and in no way an expert. |
baby daddys
Another thing.. no kid makes a good father when they start out so young. I wasn't for a long time. It takes a lot of learning. I was very hard on my son in the beginning and damn near up to my divorce before I realized that he is just a kid and I have plenty of time to teach him how to be tough. I have a lot to repair with my son as he remembers me now as being mean even though I thought of it as "tough love" but the times I get to see him now I am a completely different person. Luckily he is still very young and I have plenty of time to teach and help him become a good man.
baby daddys
I challenge it and I am very much willing to be a father to a child I did not birth. To be honest, once I find the right woman I want to adopt. Luckily I am talking to one wonderful woman right now and I'm not sure what will become of it as we haven't even met in person yet, but she has the same views if not more aggressive views on adopting as I do.
what do people mean???
I put average on mine because I'm a little "fluffy" and I consider that to be the average American weight. I gained a little when I was down for about a year waiting to have my gall bladder cut out of me, now that I'm back on top though It's time to shed those pounds. As far as "a few extra pounds" in my experience that usually means kind of large, the same being for no answer given. It's all good though, to each their own. I say do and be what makes you happy, screw everybody else.
baby daddys
Not all dad's are dead beat dad's.. I had my son when I was 17 and got married AND joined the Army just so I could take care of my family. Even though we divorced I still love my son more than anything and I will make sure he leads the fullest and happiest life that is possible for him to live.
Matchmaking Game - part 168
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Fri 01/23/09 10:22 AM
Hi!!! Ohhh i'm now surounded by pretty ladies!!!! *shoves the other guys out of the forums* Can't shove a soldier we shoot back. ![]() |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Soon I will have my dvd to start learning to play my violin and "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" will be within my reach!
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Matchmaking Game - part 168
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Matchmaking Game - part 168
Ty Skad same to you. I am one of Feral's hard ones to match lol email her and she'll tell you why, or email me and I'll tell ya ![]() I don't think I've been matched either, at least not that I've read. I guess me and you are just too good. We need goddesses! Although.. Skad is close.. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
I've enjoyed all the people I've been able to meet so far. Many of them have ended up being good friends, which I know is not exactly what single guys are looking for on a site like this (single girls either for that matter), but things take time sometimes. Hope it all goes well for you! It's always better to become friends before you date in my opinion. That way you know if you are really compatable or not. Also, yes that is me and I can't do back-flips, but if I get a big enough swing that I can go high enough on I wouldn't mind trying haha. |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
Edited by
Fri 01/23/09 06:29 AM
Beings though this is in fact a game. I have been told that to get women you need "skills." So I am going to showcase my best skill ever.. true skills never before seen by the human eye... skills beyond belief. edit.. ok so it's not that funny but ah well its still a skill! |
Matchmaking Game - part 168
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Matchmaking Game - part 167
i'm trying to get him to play Battleship with me ... I want to tell him "Hit and Sink". No worries, I will be back.. if only you lived closer =p |
Matchmaking Game - part 167
Ok.. It's been nice, time for me to try and sleep so I can get up early and run ! Oh what a joy.. running..
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Matchmaking Game - part 167
Oh I think I can handle that. Will Battleship do the trick? ;P I honestly couldn't think of a witty comment to come up with so I'll stick with no comment haha. |
Matchmaking Game - part 167
Hey, soldier .. you comin? ![]() ![]() Sure, but I'm an insomniac sometimes like tonight. Gotta wear me down until I'm tired. =p |
Matchmaking Game - part 167
lol ash i not kidding i have hard time sleeping some nights lucky im going to dr's again next month Check this out. I use this sometimes on the weekends. If I use it during work days I won't wake up. |
Matchmaking Game - part 167
Speaking of meds... Anyways, I went through the past 30 pages just now that I missed from be absent and I don't think I missed anything I was supposed to do. I did see my name a few times though! ![]() I don't think I said your name .. I think I just referred to you as the hot soldier guy in texas... woot! I missed that one lol.. Hi there.. ![]() |
Matchmaking Game - part 167