This is a trillion dollars question. What are the
things that can make a relationship perfect? Please dont say True love,there might be true in a relationship full of up and downs. Love can even cause more havoc to a relationship.for example, lovers become extremely jealous and insecure. .. Share your thoughts |
Attraction is emotional not logical. Its not a yes or no thing. Ever asked a chick out and she tells u yes...?..den later she tells u..she has a ex..dat she is trying to forget?...well...she stil feels dat gut level attraction for her ex..and not You.
# Av u gotten her digit,..maybe online or real one-on-one convo?.. Then make sure u call her or send a txt withing 24 hours. Don't stay too long, she myt just forget abt u. I usualy send them a tx.. "Hey dear, hope u got home was fun meeting u smiling face" # Don't stay too long.. So she doesn't forget abt u..and she asks "who is dis" wen u finally call her. Also.make sure u guys exchange nbrs...don't just get her nbr..if dere is time,get her fone and save ur nbr in it...get her nbr too..u can simply exchange fones. |
Edited by
Sun 11/15/15 07:00 AM
Keanote: u can use these concepts whether u r talking wit her one on one..or chatting wit her on fbook,whatsapp..bbm..blah blah
~~~ So friends, thats just about active listening...if she says sth she is proud of,repeat it to her, don't just av a blank still look, don't interrupt her until she is done. The BEST TOPIC U CAN TALK ABOUT WIT A herself. Talk her about her, show genuine interest. She..--yea I am aving a great day...chillin tins tho.. You-- oh..a great day..I see u r aving fun wat r u cooking today?... Blah blah...bounce to a different thread..based on her replies. ~~~ You can also echo and mirror her words. I like dis one wella..hehe. E.g. Clara - it was a tough exam...really tough..I just had to do ma best. You-- yea..It was a tough exam..but u survived...congrats.. #repeat d main point...wit a different wording..always make sure ..u keep the convo goin..don't get ur sef into a deadzone |
Continuation...Rapport Tips
If she mentions an experience or sth dat happened to her..u can follow up wit. ""What was it like?"" ~~~ What do u find challenging abt ur blah? What do u find challenging abt cooking....etc What do u find challenging abt X... Where X can be cooking, dancing,her work,swimming, a particular hobbie she mentioned...etc ~~~ If she says she is a nurse, makeup artiste..blah blah..u can ask..." So what inspired u to become...blah blah" ~~~ Get her to open Up to u..and make sure u use active listening. Avoid red flags..or sticking points..wen u can listen actively to a babe..u can tell what topics she is pounding on and d once she is avoiding. ~~~ I used these rapport tips on a chick..and she ended up telling me one of her secrets.. She was raped @ age 12 by one of her older cousins. It was a touchy topic for her, and she ended up crying. Well..I just had to avoid the topic all togeda..made her laf, and in no time..she was even laughing amid her tears. ~~~~ Avoid red flags... Notice her points of interests and feed on them. |
WYOll for starters, stop using the word "chicks". IF you want a lasting, true relationship then TREAT HER WITH RESPECT! She is a woman or a lady, NOT a chick. ![]() You are on point Ma . I agree with you on these. |
HAMy Shegsky....can I call you Shegsky?....just curious....if you have such great "dating game", why are you on a dating website? Am on a Dating site cos i believe in the phenomenon Termed " Knowledge Sharing " Knowledge Sharing is not like sharing a cake - you do not come away with half a cake each. Knowledge Sharing is synergistic. In other words - you each enter into a conversation with a whole cake and each come away with an even bigger cake. Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes and in doing these , i derive maximum utility in it. |
Okay.What does casual dating mean exactly...?.... it seems to have a bad connotation behind it.. like somehow all the person is after is sex.. But it has been my experience this is not true..... so what does casual dating mean exactly..?.. roll that around in your noodle for a little To the best of my knowledge,Casual dating or a casual relationship is a physical and emotional relationship between two people who may have casual sex or a near-sexual relationship without necessarily demanding or expecting the extra commitments of a more formal romantic relationship. Although, Motives for casual relationships vary. |
Pls note: all rapport techniques must be sincere. Am not a fan of the school that believes in lies to get a girl. If you like lie say your Dad is BILL GATE. If she aint feeling u...she aint bro. Being truthful she doesn't flake on u later wen she realizes tha "" you are just from the slum..
Here are some funny questions I have used with success.. So..what do u do for fun <insert her name>? - most chicks will reply wit their hobbies or sth along the lie... If u wana spice it up..some more...u can use... ""So what do u do for fun..don't say shopping oh""#smile..or add a funny smiley if u r chatting wit her. Where did u grow up? Are u like a middle born..or sth...?..u don't appear like last born to me though #dis question wil always open her up abt her true appreciation for her family...tell her abt urs too...u can end it up..wit ... " Lucy....u ve got a very interesting I love ur mum" dat will get her suprised..lols.... If she asks y..just tell her..her mum did a gud job..bringing a cute chick like her into d world..or sth along dat line. #other cool questions If she describes an event or sth dat happend to her..don't forget to ask.."How did dat make u feel" trust me..u can't over-use it. Ladies are all about..the passion...and how sth makes dem feel. A girl can buy a fancy stuff..not becos she likes it..but just becos of d way it makes her feel.... #to be continued |
Let's talk about how to build rapport. Rapport building wit a chick can be seriously..u know u..just jumping from one thread to anoda..applying humour and different teasing techniques.
Its essential u don't ignore d stage of rapport building with a new chick...cos if u ignore dis step..u will always start all-over from square one. What do u tink makes a chick reply u wit: ~~~ ""oh..sorry..we aint dat close yet" ..or y do u think she always flakes on u..wenever u wana invite her? ~~~ Or she gives u always stops u wen u wana go for the kiss or sth... ~~~ Building rapport will make a up to u...rapport building tips..applied wit crazy attraction tecniques will get her thinking u r a bf alredy.without even asking her out... |
Edited by
Fri 11/13/15 07:57 AM
Hey guys take this.... have used this a couple of times... you are talking to a girl and she aint responding at all....
#hey are u robot or something....""#where is ur remote control"" that usually cracks 'em up. Don't be a nuisance though. You see the problem with us guys is that, most times when a girl doesn't respond we tend to push it too hard. Several times, an unresponsive girl might just be going through lots of personal issues that are unrelated to you. Its not about your game...the girl might not just be in a good mood. So don't push too hard... Just smile....about it. Don't get angry or insult her in anyway. Don't focus on your shortcomings ...its better to focus on ur good qualities. Most guys give demselves 1000 and 1 reasons and excuses why they can't get a girl or date one. Ignore ur limiting beliefs and just go for it. Women find attraction by how a man makes dem feel. ~~~ Insecurity is always un-attractive. Don't assume everyone sees ur shortcomins...ur height, face , legs..etc. ~~~ A guy can be attractive wen he controls his presence. |
Some few tips friends.
There are always more women out be a challenge...have this mentality of absolute abundance..and stop killing yourself over one babe. There are lots of cute babes out there. Don't care or give a Bleep what she tinks about u..just attract her. Simple as abc.. Remove d focus from yourself and focus ur mental beams on her. Whatever method u are using, make it look spontaeneous...not pre-meditated. Its the act dat gets u women..not the act it self....stop thinking about the s***x too much and focus on the little things that u will get u there. Focus on the process..Not the outcome. |
Never ever ask a girl if she has a bf.. Because she already knows what you are tryna elicit.. If she is cute n hot..she wil most likely reply with yes... if she doesn't have..she will still say yes. No babe wants to be considered a lady without a bf. Assuming she says yes..then what next?..u gona reply..oh...thats cool..which makes u appear weak and not manly. If she says no..she already knows you wanna propose. Let her bring up d topic her sef..she will most likely bring it when she is getting attracted to u. And when she doest..just act like its nothing..ignore it. Or just laugh and are not the jealous type. the point is..don't stay on the bf topic. Move to something else. She is only telling you she has a u don't think she is cheap or easy. Dats the psychology. The quicker you grab it..the better.
#Attraction is not Logical. Its Emotional. |
I will be talking about emotional investment now. You see ..emotional investment is what makes a guy regret or lament after a breakup. It is no longer news that "" the one who invests more in a relationship or dating cover or chat, is d one that is more attracted" . Simple as ABC. Do you call her more than ten times a day and she barely flashes you or sends you pls call me? are the one that is more invested. Are you the one doing stuffs for her all the time? send her credit, call her, say hi, you are the one always starting the are the one that is more invested. see ..the basic stuff is this..once a girl is invested in U..she automatically likes U. Girls don't decide whether they wanna like a guy or not.
Attraction with a girl is emotional. If you like, buy her shawarma tire..if she no feel u..she no go like U. So my advice for you is this...Reduce your rate of emotional investment..and make her do some work. Relax and chil, don't call her for a while..give her d gift of missing u. Stop spending ur cash anyhow..when you know she aint feeling U. The person that invests little is the one that calls the short. No wonder..haha..if the babe say she doesnt wanna see u..or she is not interested again..after u don do lots of tins for her..u go begin cry like small pikin..#justjoking.. And don't forget. Sex is the greatest investment. Unto the next one.pals. |
Hi friends..u can start
posting ur dating issues or any area you having problems... I will do my best to help. Guys take dis.. Here is a working line I crafted. It works in populated places like your school department, motion grounds..or places where you have lots of peeps..going up and down. ""Hi, excuse me, I know this is really forward of me, but I was going to regret it if I didn't say dis..I think you are amazing cute..and I just had to say hello"" U can also remix it like dis ....""Hi.I saw u walking past, and ur dress sense attracted me....what dept are u" blah blah..or just introduce yourself. This line works cos an inherent excuse is already embedded in it. Note ,you don't have to use the exact wordings...but if you want to..Go ahead.It works. You can also remix it anyhow you like. By d way..never approach a babe from behind. It makes you seem like a nuisance. She might just be like "" who the Bleep is this again" Always approach.head on..with a smile..or coming from adjacent her. And Note, never take an approach too serious..Go out there and catch fun. And please don't forget ...""YOU DONT Av TO be GOOdLOOKINg...JUst be LOOking GOOd".. lols |
So we kick It off wit FMAC....FMAC is an acronym for Find Meet Attract Close.
Find-- this is basically the part where you have to look for the chick, be it online, or one-on one Meet- this is the part where you open the chick.. Or say hi. A simple line I crafted myself that works all the time is "" hey..hi..I have seen u around a few times, but we havent <insert ur name here>"" #smile...u can move ahead from there. Note its ur delivery that may or may not use d same exact words.u can frame it around to something that suits you. Attract -- this is d part where you ease her and make her relax using different methods. Humour,buying temperation,teasing,role play etc Close- this is the part where you get her contacts or you move the convo to a different location. Closing can also mean s**x too. So it all despends on your time constraints. don't have to be Goodlooking...Just be LOooking GOOOD. |
Have you ever seen a crazy chick u would like to meet.but you were just so scared you could'nt even look her in the eye or say Hi..?..well I guess you have... Do you have a chick you wana get all cosy with?..but you don't just know how or she keeps rejecting your moves. Pls note. Am not talking about prostitutes here...I mean real chicks.
Gonna be kicking this thread off with a basic concept. YOUR inner Game. That's basically about your beliefs or how you see your yoursef. Your sense of worth and other stuffs relating to Your inner pysche. Do you see yourself as ugly, tall, short, etc..well.if you are having a limiting belief..u need to fix dat first. Because in the long run..its gonna affect how you relate to girl...basically ur outer-game. More on that later.
Hey Samuel..aka shegsky. The purpose of this thread is to improve our dating game; and if you are having any dating can tell us here and get your advice. First things first..please no insults..if you don't like a post,simple ignore it. Let's help one another. Am gonna be posting stuffs that have worked for me over the Years. Thankx for stopping by.
Did she settle down with you....or did she settle for you?
George and Janice met in their university days. They were both law students in the same level and they had a connection the first day they met.They did a lot of things together like studying for exams all night, writing assignments and covering for each other when one couldn't make it to class..... as I always say "the more time spent together, the more emotions grow". George caught that sickness called "feelings" and decided to open up to Janice about it. Unfortunately for him, her reply wasn't what he had hoped it would be. Maybe she liked him too but felt he wasn't old enough because they were in the same level...its common to hear girls say "I can never date my classmate". Maybe she didn't find him attractive enough....there are countless "maybe's"but her reply was negative...It however didn't affect their friendship. They went through 5years of college together...Janice dated a few guys in that period and will always come to George for relationship advice.. After convocation, they proceeded to law school still as friends....infact at this point,Janice was in a serious relationship that seemed like it was heading to marriage but sadly it didn't and she became very brokenhearted.... In the process of consolation, Janice began to show interest in George.... according to the event, the guy was still crazy about her and they dated and later got married. But my question is - Did she settle down with him....or did she settle for him ?.... there's no way in hell the story will end like that if i were 6years of school, he wasn't old enough and he wasnt good looking enough ..... but he is still her age mate now....and he hasn't had any plastic surgery so he looks the same way he did when he wasn't attractive why the change of heart after distributing all the cookies in the jar right under his nose? So did she settle down with you or did she settle for you? |
For one to have a
SexFree Relationship, What are things He/She should avoid in Relationships? |