are any of us really qualified to answer this? I mean were all still alive, arn't we?
Windows or Mac
hiya, I've used both a lot and i count a pc as better for the fun side of computing and macs for me are true work machines. try keeping yr pc for the net and a mac for buisiness. they are both just as prone to virus assult with the mac being a tad more difficult to clean up afterwards. if you've not used one before get ready, totally different beast.
iv'e been given a machine an by all accounts it's not bad but at some point someone has installed windows xp and not bothered to install any of the relevent drivers, ie no sund card, 300gb raid drive i can't see, ect ect ect. diver detectiv andsoftware lik it would fix this little problem of mine but i don't fancy shelling out for a subscription if i can get a free something like for free. anybody know where i could get such a thing??? slowly but shurely doing my nut in.
gulp, here goes nothing!!!!!
thanks again,umm i've got to ask i've hada few serious nights out in my time so i know how it can happen but umm do you always let yr dog drink vodka? an how doyou deal with the hangover next morning? (looking at yr pics!)
gulp, here goes nothing!!!!!
have to get some better pics i guess, that ones from my phone so it's a bit crappy.
gulp, here goes nothing!!!!!
thanks hun, don't know if i want it to or not, pretty open minded
gulp, here goes nothing!!!!!
thanks hun, don't know if i want it to or not, pretty open minded
gulp, here goes nothing!!!!!
Hi everyone, umm is this going to hurt?
hello everybody