seipher coats his sword in the spiders poison
and find a spider
ahead of the party i cheak out the building for suprises
i head for the shadows to scout out the area
help i got kicked out!!!!
"and what of the lady in black?"
"krin" askes seipher "you up for a fight tonight?"
seipher walka over to zero and asks softly, "do you think tonight we get to leave this god forsaken place?"
Seipher looks up at the new arival, "not quite the usual customer, I wonder does she know she can not leave?" he thinks to himself.
With the main room all but empty for the time being he walks over and asks" a drink my lady?" |
The dark figure wakes with a start and for a moment has to think about where he is, then a thin smile spreads across his face, The green dragon, rumors of this place are rife for miles around. "Well i came here for a reason" he says to himself.
Standing up he throws back his cloak and hood and strides over to the bar. "Barman" his voice only betraying the barest hint of an accent "I belive i need a word" Sanding back to wait he passes his eyes over the other drinkers in the dragon. "My name is Sypher" voice loud and clear so all can hear him. "And i am here to burn that name on the pages of history forever!" he turns back to the bar and says "A drink for anyone that will fight by my side, barman your best grapan liquor." |
Felling warmed and a little more at ease a hand glides out and moves an empty ale mug from out of sight placing it close, knowing that the bar hand will come and collect it soon enough. " a quiet word in his ear" he thinks "mono a mono" slopes back and waits again.
swift and silent a figure slides through the door, intent on ozing into the darkest corner unseen, makes it half way and stops dead in his tracks. One of his kind are among the people here. Here talking to those not of his kin? strange magic is afoot. Strange indeed. With but the smallest pause in movement the shadow makes his corner and waits. "A stutter is all it takes" he thinks "I must have been seen".
where's the quote box gone? oops.
I'm sorry if that's the way it came off, lol, I know you didn't mean anything derogatory by your reply post, I was just kind of saying that yes, ironically, most of the stuff that gets people to that point is pretty basic stuff for most of us, but some just feel it more deeply and let it get to an extreme point, whereas most of us just shrug it off. Lol, sorry if I sounded snippy.
no need to apologise to lil ol me, an no you didn't come across as snippy, it's just this is a subject very close to my heart and i feared i had oversteped MY mark a little but thank you for the appologie all the same. |
This is a really dark subject, maybe we should all ask ourselves why we are drawn to answer it. There is one thing, an obvious thing nobody has mentioned yet. Fear. Is that not the base reason we do most everything? That's a good take. Why fear? I think it might be becuase once you get on the downward spiral, you are now afraid to sink lower, but at the same time afraid to pull back out of it...maybe for the fear of failing? One way to look at it, is that if you can't get any lower...then the only other way is UP. The problem with such extreme human emotion is that during those times we can't see that even if the problem/situation doesn't get better, (unless it's a terminal disease, or you're in the middle of some horrific injury/accident)nothing is that bad to just stop breathing, the only way to solve it is to actually do something TO solve it, or at least work around it. Someone once told me they heard a saying-"don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff." Although I don't agree that it is ALL small stuff, about 80% is, some things we can't change anyway, so if we focus on the things we can change, we (hopefully) won't feel so overwhelmed, or at least not to the point where we feel hopeless and helpless. We all have worth, courage, and strength, sometimes we just forget where to find it. a good point but this is remedial and the post is most definatly postulative is it In a way, but that is partly why things can get to a "desperate" place, we take the most basic, or remedial things for granted sometimes, and forget what is really important, and for some EVERYTHING starts snowballing until even the little inseconsequential things can seem hopeless, and we don't think to step back and see it for what it really is...or isn't. We all tend to over think, over rationalize, and even exaggerate things at times. I cry your pardon, I was not taking yr post for granted or to be fair trying to belittle it in any way. again i cry your pardon a thousand times. |
we could always try a weiji board an just
This is a really dark subject, maybe we should all ask ourselves why we are drawn to answer it. There is one thing, an obvious thing nobody has mentioned yet. Fear. Is that not the base reason we do most everything? That's a good take. Why fear? I think it might be becuase once you get on the downward spiral, you are now afraid to sink lower, but at the same time afraid to pull back out of it...maybe for the fear of failing? One way to look at it, is that if you can't get any lower...then the only other way is UP. The problem with such extreme human emotion is that during those times we can't see that even if the problem/situation doesn't get better, (unless it's a terminal disease, or you're in the middle of some horrific injury/accident)nothing is that bad to just stop breathing, the only way to solve it is to actually do something TO solve it, or at least work around it. Someone once told me they heard a saying-"don't sweat the small stuff...and it's all small stuff." Although I don't agree that it is ALL small stuff, about 80% is, some things we can't change anyway, so if we focus on the things we can change, we (hopefully) won't feel so overwhelmed, or at least not to the point where we feel hopeless and helpless. We all have worth, courage, and strength, sometimes we just forget where to find it. a good point but this is remedial and the post is most definatly postulative is it |
man this some spooky ****. you have to let us know if the camera enlightens you. by the way if you think it's supernatural as opposed to natural then try salt. Dont know why but ghosts hate salt.
Keep us informed please. ![]() |
Fear is obvious, look deeper at our behaviour,
we leave home, we fear lonelyness so we couple, how many of us truly have the courage to wait for the right one? We fear segrigation (is that spelt right?) so we smoke ,drink, take drugs, what ever our peers are doing around us. When oportunity knocks we would lie to get our hands on the prize, why? we fear to miss out. rare is the soul with the courage to wait, it is not in our nature. maybe not so far from the point as it first seems, bit of a thinker. |
This is a really dark subject, maybe we should all ask ourselves why we are drawn to answer it.
There is one thing, an obvious thing nobody has mentioned yet. Fear. Is that not the base reason we do most everything? |