Community > Posts By > MikeCarbellano

MikeCarbellano's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:52 PM
He/she is a he/she! o_o

MikeCarbellano's photo
Mon 11/30/09 08:59 PM
I don't care. There is a damn good reason why I wouldn't be with my ex.

If it affects you then you're a helmet wearing, short bus riding, remedial guy. :)

MikeCarbellano's photo
Mon 11/30/09 04:05 PM
It is POF. If I'm not their type, I understand. I had a forum topic on how I went from a loser to a winner. (Video game addiction, no exercise, depressed) I wrote what I did, and how I overcame it. The motivational topic became a place for other people (mostly men) to put me down. I'm hurt from laughing so much! Like I said before, I'm doing good things and people still complain! LOL!

If I get rejected, I brush it off. That's life.

I do have a date tomorrow night with a beautiful girl! Found her on Mingle2!

MikeCarbellano's photo
Mon 11/30/09 03:41 PM
First off, I do believe in God, and I'm Christian. I was wondering: How do the Christians on Mingle2 feel about stem cell research?

For those who don't know what it is, here is a summary. Stem cell research is the replacing of old cells with new ones. As we get older, our cells produce less and less until we eventually either have a degenerative medical condition or sometimes pass away. A 20 year old will have more cells than an 80 year old. In this case, someone who has been unable to walk, may be able to again. The goal would be for the younger cells to replace the old cells and hopefully walk again. This can cure many things. Today, it is not 100% successful but may be someday. Research is legal in USA, but not treatment.

I'm not talking about cloning humans...that's pretty weird. The stem cell research I'm speaking of is referred to as "theraputic." The simple process of reparing cells that are non-curable to this day. We actually do a form of stem cell research commonly known as "bone marrow transplant."
My Opinion:

I'm all for it. A man I talked to while on vacation was in a wheelchair, he can still feel his legs, but lost the ability to walk only 3 years ago. He went to Mexico and paid $30,000 to have some stem cells injected to hopefully let him walk again. He was advised there was no guarantee. The injections were unsuccessful. It really hit me hard. Its amazing that anyone would pay all the money they had just to walk again.

I am attending college currently and may look into a genetics field after obtaining a PHD. There have been Christians protesting about it. They claim the scientists are playing "God." Its not since we currently do it with bone marrow. I would love to see the look on their face when a loved one is impacted with an incurable condition. They would put that protest sign down so fast, I guarantee it. I hope it gets FDA approved. It could change the world. If I did actually become a geneticist later on in life, I would want to change the world. Why? Because I wouldn't mind speaking on a podium upon a large audience and say, "I'm playing God, now what?" That's how strongly I stand behind this subject.

What do you think? What is your opinion?

MikeCarbellano's photo
Mon 11/30/09 09:15 AM
...been the best free dating site? I've seen more shallow people on that other dating site. (The one who claims to be the most popular) Its really funny. Over on that site, I message someone. They then read the message, look at my pic, and then delete the message! I even posted some really helpful info on the forum but 80% (mostly men) were bagging on my having good advice! I have never had that stuff happen on this site.

I laugh at all of this, brush it off my shoulder, and keep going! =)

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 07:27 PM
Tease? I don't. I love these one-sentence questions with a vague meaning.

I don't play games, if that what you mean. I hate when someone would make me stare and wonder. I wouldn't do it to anyone else.

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 07:17 PM
For me, I don't really think about the bad things that can come out of the situation. Even if I do, nothing really bad would happen!

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 09:26 AM
Mindless Self Indulgence (MSI)
French-spoken Raggae
Slightly Stoopid

Found them on iTunes. I never knew those existed, lol.

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 01:04 AM
-I like the hair, you're beautiful. Too bad you're far and going to be J-Rocking it soon. :(

-Lucky you're going to Japan, I've heard a lot about it!

-You said "you really like to put yourself out there..." That's pretty cool. It keeps guys guessing but shows you want to be successful in life.


MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 01:01 AM
Honest Suggestions:

-You have a good smile. Some people don't!
-This is not offensive but I do hear the same verbiage like down to earth, etc.
-I do like how confident you are, with a dash of humor!
-You seem pretty chill to hang out with


MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 12:58 AM
Honest Comments:

-I wish I had Black Label. I envy you.
-I like your wittiness in your profile. Its funny, smart, but not cocky!


MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 12:56 AM
I'll be honest:

-Have more pictures of yourself in other places. (if you just started, I do apologize)

-Describe your goals

-If you haven't stated it yet, describe what makes you unique


MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 12:54 AM
I would give the sign maker a tough time, because my request is very important! I would have the Bible written in Celtic, then a picture of a White Siberian Husky doing the "Souljah Boy" dance.

Mine would say, "Danceaholic."

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 12:52 AM

He yelled at us all and he was brief. :(

To be honest, if you say that crap in real-life, you need to have some respect for women. Forget improving your "game," if the respect doesn't exist, neither does the game.

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sun 11/29/09 12:45 AM
No. He's mine. I want a failure in life as a...oh wait. He's a guy. Well at least he try to set anchor...


Seriously though, I do feel sorry for people like that. He can pull himself out of it. He just has to get his priorities straight!

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sat 11/28/09 11:41 PM
Edited by MikeCarbellano on Sat 11/28/09 11:41 PM
Lol...he does though, acknowledge he "...doesn't have a DUI anymore..." Lol. I am guessing that one site "Craig" owns.

I wish I could spell like him, then I'd get some respect.

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sat 11/28/09 11:27 PM
Welcome to Mingle2! Good luck!

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sat 11/28/09 11:07 PM
Edited by MikeCarbellano on Sat 11/28/09 11:08 PM
Female version is fine, though I think I'm playing this game wrong. Cool hair! :)

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sat 11/28/09 10:39 PM
Well, hopefully some people get some good advice from it! :)
Agreed, you don't have to be me, but I've found to be much happier this way.

MikeCarbellano's photo
Sat 11/28/09 09:45 PM

Were are all the real men at ?


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