So Shady
I don't really care. One pic is sufficient for random profiles. Shades, no shades, doesn't matter. Okay let's say you like what you see with the one photo of her wearing shades. You chat and one day decide to meet. When you meet her, you discover that one eye is shut or she is severely cock eyed. Would you still be interested? I won't meet anyone, after only a day of chat. If I'm curious, I'll ask if she has other pics. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Seems to me that he just wanted to have a discussion & hear opinions....not get sand in everyone's vagina. Hell yes social media causes negatives, so does cocaine but that didn't stop me & millions of others from having a Tony Montana nose back in high school, so just because something can be bad doesn't mean we won't choose to do it anyway. No need to defend it so vehemently ....It's social media ffs can be good OR bad. Depends on the who & the how.
Why Do Partners Cheat?
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Thu 04/21/16 09:51 PM
A disease isnt willingly accepted ...not a choice . Infidelity is. If both refuse to cheat and stick to it then yes that makes them immune. 2 people who aren't weak can resist cheating in any form. Its not that difficult ...we'll agree to disagree on this one ...if you don't take the drug then you don't get the addiction Keep in mind that I am not trying to change your view on this. The forum simply encourages different perspectives on things , which is why I will say the following. You said that two people who are not weak, can resist cheating in any form right? So my question is:- How do you know that when you get involved with a person that they will be strong 10 years from now or even 40 years from now? How do you even know that about yourself? Don't most people think they are strong until suddenly they show signs that they are not? I personally am challenging the basis of what people base the strength of their love, or their promises to the other person upon. People make teary-eyed well- intentioned promises of fidelity for decades down the road , based on the love they are feeling IN THE MOMENT, and on the fact that their partner is for the most part pleasing them PRESENTLY, emotionally and otherwise. But what about when your partner stops pleasing you for months or years at a time, or you stop doing it for them, as is the case with ALL long-term relationships, and you are juggling those failures along with stresses like miscarriages, deaths of loved ones, financial stresses, sickness etc. What keeps a person committed when those pleasant feelings that the promises were based on are gone or subsided ? The reason why I personally remained faithful in my 10 year relationship even when I was dissatisfied or unhappy, was because my fidelity to him was never based on whether his behaviour was desirable or not. We were human and were both falling short in some areas. My commitment was based on a law that I try to live by, which is to treat others the way I wish to be treated , and my commitment was on working on a failing marriage, and if we couldnt succeed, we part respectfully and seek love elsewhere. I didn't want to be cheated on ,and I know how vulnerable people are to the potential of it so I proactively created a climate in my life that wasn't conducive to affairs. eg I didn't hang out one on one with guy friends unless my ex knew about it and even then it was in public places. My ex knew of my whereabouts, all my male friends and my activities . I am not saying people should conduct their relationships like me or that it will totally protect you from cheating but it helps to minimize that potential. People take a lot of seemingly innocent chances that over time breed potential for danger and they are often not mindful of it because their focus is on everything, but their partner at that time for any number of reasons. So to address your statement that if you don't take the drug then you don't get the addiction, just like the social drinker who over time increases his intake till it becomes problematic, there are insidious things that people do that OVER TIME in their relationships that are not wrong , but have danger attached to it, and sometimes they don't see it until disaster strikes. And like I said before, if people base their fidelity on the good feelings they have for their partner in the moment they made a commitment to them, I don't think they stand a good chance of maintaining their fidelity in the long run. Those feelings ebb and flow over the years. And what are people going to base their resolve for commitment on during the times of ebb? It doesn't matter how terrible the relationship ends up. 2 people with a spine will leave the relationship .......not cheat. It is a choice. Simple as that really . Some are perfectly capable of being true to their values for their entire life & 2 of them together never have to worry. Some people aren't weak, there are plenty out there who will live and die, having never even come close to cheating ever .I already knew what the forums were for & I know you're not trying to change my opinion , hence the agree we'll disagree statement, because we obviously just feel completely different on this subject & there is nothing wrong with that. That's the way it should be IMO, otherwise it would get terribly boring. ;-) |
A Donnie Darko bunny suit and tool belt
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Thu 04/21/16 09:27 AM
This question is for the men mainly. But ofcourse the "womens " are welcome to weigh in as well. Guys.... If a woman online is attracted to your spirit and energy in your profile , and she is interested in you as a friend BUT NOT in a romantic or sexual way, ... Would you prefer it if she shoves her friendship intentions where the sun don't shine and leave you the hell alone? OR... Would you want her to still email you? I would play the odds...and try to seduce her over time. ![]() Somehow I suspect a lot of guys would do that . Men love a challenge. But I wonder how the other women feel about their boundaries being challenged . Hmmmmmmm.... ![]() From what I've witnessed & heard , most choose convenience over a challenge. Sadly its the reason an average girl with half naked pics & a trashy personality will always feel popular over the beautiful, classy girl with self respect. I think it's messed up but it's an obvious truth |
Why Do Partners Cheat?
Edited by
Thu 04/21/16 08:13 AM
A disease isnt willingly accepted ...not a choice . Infidelity is. If both refuse to cheat and stick to it then yes that makes them immune. 2 people who aren't weak can resist cheating in any form. Its not that difficult ...we'll agree to disagree on this one ...if you don't take the drug then you don't get the addiction
So Shady
Whether they truly are or not I treat every one photo profile as a scammer
Confusing men
Men can't read our minds. If you don't mention this to him, he'll think you're fine with the way things are already going. If you feel nervous about telling him, write it down. Even try saying it different ways. Then pick out the one you feel would be least intimidating for you. If he doesn't know, he can't act on it. He needs to know ;) 100%⤴ People need to just be honest & speak their mind. The truth takes courage because it's the right thing |
Why Do Partners Cheat?
Regardless of the reason why cheating happens , let us start being wise to the reality that no couple is immune to the possibility of infidelity no matter how strong they assume their love is. If both peoples love is truly strong and loyal then they should absolutely be immune. Infidlity is a choice and if it happens then I believe at least one of them didn't have the strong love that they thought. |
Why Do Partners Cheat?
Selfishness, lack of confidence, inability to mentally make the choice of not allowing the temptation, and the need to feed their ego. It is ALWAYS the cheaters issue. We all can exit one relationship before accepting another. That's what I think anyway.
This question is for the men mainly. But ofcourse the "womens " are welcome to weigh in as well. Guys.... If a woman online is attracted to your spirit and energy in your profile , and she is interested in you as a friend BUT NOT in a romantic or sexual way, ... Would you prefer it if she shoves her friendship intentions where the sun don't shine and leave you the hell alone? OR... Would you want her to still email you? I'd prefer someone just be clear & say that to me & then all questions & "what ifs" are no longer an issue. Maybe I'm too honest sometimes but I appreciate the same level of honesty. I think many may feel the same. I doubt anyone would reject the online friendship even if they wanted more, because there is no harm in that kind of friendship since it's not the same as a real life personal friendship..Just my opinion |
I feel that Blondey111 would identify with another passionate person. Yeah she's one for sure
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when my mind is quiet. That is a hard peace for me to attain. I'm so thankful for those rare times
Edited by
Wed 04/20/16 03:10 PM
Armani suit with gator slippers ...I hate hats ;-)
My Quote of the day!!
An addict will steal something from you and feel bad...a drunk will steal something from you and help you look for it.
-Nurse Hawkins- |
do you fall in love now , the same way you did as a teenager? All bright-eyed, confident,.and full of hope ? do still immerse yourself in that euphoric sensation, what gives you that feeling of hope and unbridled excitement after all these years? Absolutely 100% I've learned that Being prepared for heart break or expecting it, doesnt make it hurt any less. It only attracts moe of the negatives. Some think I'm an idiot for this but I will go in with no fear of the bad and offer immediate trust until it's been ruined. I'll gladly welcome 1000 heartaches if that's what it takes to find the one who keeps it safe. Wow... Its rare to hear a man say something like that and it's admirable. I dont think there is a wrong or right, or good or bad way for falling in love. I think as with most things in life, it is about realistically understanding the costs involved , and deciding if it is worth it or not. I think it is awesome to hear a man say that its worth it. ![]() Well thank you! I'm mostly considered foolish for being this way but it was a conscious decision I made a few years ago. I knew I had to stop wanting and hoping ....& start earning and deserving. It's made me welcome the risks and feel good about all of them, which was even if I ultimately don't end up with what I've sought, it is SO worth it knowing I'll never become bitter, jaded or scared. I'm glad to see that someone actually respects my mindset. ![]() |
The benefits of friendship
I've honestly never had a "good" friend. Just a bunch of acquaintances.
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