Community > Posts By > Delsoldamien
Ok here we go one more time..I brought up abortion as an expample of mans laws conflicting with Gods laws..only for that purpose
My churches stance on divorce is as the bible states..there are a few circumstances that allow divorce..cheating spouses is one of them..My pastor does not perform second marriges, he is not sure how God feels about remarriage and would rather fall on the safe side of the matter..he has a duty to adhere to the bible as close as possible. It doesn't matter if a person is married in the church by a pastor or priest, rabi, or married in an office by the justice of the peace..if you pledge yourself under the bonds of Holy Matrimony, then we believe in the eyes of God you are married...if your is for Him to deal with not mine. And your last statement, I didn't say that my interpretation was the right one, I stated that it was my belief.. |
Police Get The Wrong House
adj..if that is the case and a jury of their peer..regular citizens determine that they were wrong and broke the law..then yes, they should suffer twice the penalty for breaking the law from a positon of arguement here.
Should **** Cheney be hung?
I will check it, but one incident is not an entire statement of burning down villages, killing and murdering people everywhere.. you still cannot answer the questions...
See this is what I am talking about too simple for some to understand....
I do not have the power to forgive or not to forgive them for divorce...that wasn't even mentioned... There is nothing that you have stated that has caused me to question my don't have that power to make me question my beliefs.. And as Winx stated, I do not belive that I should force my beliefs on you, and nothing I have said says that I do, but as Jesus threw out the money changer from the Church, he expressed his displeasure with those that I not entitled to the same expression of opinion?? |
Police Get The Wrong House
Twist and turn as you may, but these are moral issues like right and wrong..maybe a new concept to you, but for most of us it is pretty simple..but of course it was written that the simplicity of the gospels would confound even the WISE...must be you He was talking about huh??
Laws have been passed to kill babies, this does not affect or impinge on your right to do that, just as my belief that it is wrong does not impinge on your right to kill them...simple enough??? or do I need to explain it again?? |
Should **** Cheney be hung?
So you have no response..just as I figured, you cannot answer the questions because you cannot deny my information...these people are better off with our help..
Prove to me that villages were burned and innocent people were murdered as the media claims, and anti-war whackos claim...Have you seen it,do you have inside information...almost all those that were accused by our great senator Murtha we all found to be innocent of the charges..but I guess that means nothing to you. 50 million men and women held a purple thumb up after voting and getting the chance to voice their opinion for the first time in many years without the threat of violence and death.. no big deal I guess. |
Police Get The Wrong House
You need to go back and re-read my other thread posting, I never said that we should wait, and never said that Gods laws are what this country should follow, I said that in moral issues, and sin issues, God is big enough to take care of those things..the bible teaches to respect the laws of the land as long as they don't oppose our basic belief. If you are going to accuse of wrong or mixed messages, please double check first.
"this thing is f@#$king ridiculous and I smell coverup.I'm sure a little street justice will be meted out to the three cops involved." And you wonder why police officers feel threatened all the time..this is a perfect example of a lack of respect for what they do..not all are bad, and just because the media spins it this way doesn't mean it is always that way...when money and lawsuits are involved and lots of it, perspectives change.. |
I am not conforming to anyones political belief, it is those politicians that are trying to hyjack religious views and twist them to benifit their ideology.. I try to live my life as I am called to do, but does that mean that because I am a Christian I cannot have a point of view, even if it conflicts with others?? Isn't that hypocrocy at it's best??
I stated my opposition on the issue only, like I said, if laws are passed that give gay people the right to marry, then that is the law, there is no conflict with Christianity or Religion,in the sense that Christians do not dictate laws, worldly people can pass whatever laws they want, we are not forced to adhear to them, so there should be no conflict. but when congress passes equal protection laws, THEY try to regulate who and what they must perform. Take abortion, the plan B pills that kill an infant after conception..or possibly kill.. If you oppose abortion rights or anything to do with it, you are in violation of the fairness act, and are discrimminatory to those that seek the forces a religious person to do something that is against his religious belief by distributing something that their religious belief tells them is wrong..
In some cities, churches are forced to hire gay people because of discrimmination, that is a violation of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; Who is really trying to restrict the rights of others. And the last time I checked, my forefathers, friends and family gave their life to protect yours and my right to protest things we don't agree with.. Under the guise of inclusion, gay right supporters are excluding christians and others that oppose that right?? |
Should **** Cheney be hung?
Do you realy buy this load of crap? face it 911 was a criminal act by criminals and not the work of Iraq. Our responces to it are what created this mess. We responded like Nazis we burned the village instead of finding the guilty party. If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. ~ Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda I never said that 9-11 was the fault of Iraqis, I said that it was terrorists that hate you, and everything you stand for, and want to destroy anyone they can who opposes them. The Iraq war was in response to the violations of the United Nation, joint resolutuions, to stop attaching those that were enforcing the no fly zones and to report all their weapons of mass distructions, that even Mr. Bill Clinton gave a speech about as them having and williness to use them, you seem to get the two mixed up.. While in Iraq, the terrorists made it the front lines in their battle against western civilizations, as stated by their leader Osama Bin Laden..those are his words, not our government. But you never answered my questions, before you move on to another subject, at least try to make a vain attempt to answer them.. 3million killed after we left Vietnam, hundereds of thousands killed by gas and other experiments of Saddam. Are they better off being killed and raped an pillaged?? And you want to know the truth..Obama will not pull the troops out of Iraq till the negotiated time of 2011 or beyond.. |
Police Get The Wrong House
Then the arguement should be on who is passing the laws and what is proper conduct and respect for their position..I do not stand for any Police officer that is operating oustide of the specific code of conduct, but things aren't always as they seem.
I have noticed that most (not all, I said most) men who are against gay marriage some how make it sound like two men marrying threatens THEIR sexuality? Two men being in love does not do any harm to a straight man, especially since most gay men are respectful enough to not hit on someone unless they know they are gay. Although, they don't mind seeing two women go at it as long as said women are hot. Most women who are against gay marriage (again, I said MOST, not all) aren't even really sure why they're against it other than because the bible told them so. Its a book. I will not take it as anything other than a book unless and until God himself/herself/their selves comes and tells me otherwise. I fully believe that God (whichever way you see him/her/them) loves unconditionally and doesn't have any grief with anyone being in love. The God I know is loving and does create such people to teach the rest of us acceptance and love. We're supposed to love everybody, not just those who are just like us. That would be the reason God makes gay people, so many different skin colors, and people with disabilities. We're supposed to learn to love and accept every single person we want to hate for being different. I oppose gay marrige, not for any other reason then my religious beliefs..I do not hate gay people or wish them harm..I believe that all Americans are guarenteed equal protection and rights according to our constitution..Now having said that, I am not sure what god you are talking about when you say that God is a god of love that teaches acceptance.. Unconditional love is a seperate issue to what you are referring to. But unconditional love does not mean that those he loves can do anything they want without reprocussions. The God of the Bible is a God of Love, Kindness, Forgiveness as well as a God of Wrath and Justness. We tend to highlight only the attributes that we know benifit us, and allow our conduct, but to not acknowledge the other attributes means that we don't comprehend His entirity. Gods word is complete and unchanged with time and just because we like to believe that it changes to meet our circumstances, doesn't mean that it is true. If you look at the Bible and how it deals with individuals and groups of people that live a life contrary to His will, he charges them to repent, and do not continue in the sin..Take the woman that was being stoned because she was a prostitue..Jesus stopped them because it was wrong to harm her, but told her that her sins were forgiven and go and do it no more..a clear indication of His intent and desire to live in His will..He did not treat her badly or wish her harm..but if she chose to live as a prostitue afterwards, then she would suffer Gods wrath..not mans..a pretty simple lession on how we should approach this subject.. |
I have noticed that most (not all, I said most) men who are against gay marriage some how make it sound like two men marrying threatens THEIR sexuality? Two men being in love does not do any harm to a straight man, especially since most gay men are respectful enough to not hit on someone unless they know they are gay. Although, they don't mind seeing two women go at it as long as said women are hot. Most women who are against gay marriage (again, I said MOST, not all) aren't even really sure why they're against it other than because the bible told them so. Its a book. I will not take it as anything other than a book unless and until God himself/herself/their selves comes and tells me otherwise. I fully believe that God (whichever way you see him/her/them) loves unconditionally and doesn't have any grief with anyone being in love. The God I know is loving and does create such people to teach the rest of us acceptance and love. We're supposed to love everybody, not just those who are just like us. That would be the reason God makes gay people, so many different skin colors, and people with disabilities. We're supposed to learn to love and accept every single person we want to hate for being different. |
Police Get The Wrong House
I wish that each of you that hate police officers could walk in their job for a see what they deal with every night..I don't know all the facts in this case, and if they acted outside of the guidlines, then they should be punished. Taking a snapshot of this and listening to the spin of people that are biased, make it difficult sometimes to see things as they are..not as they seem.
Should **** Cheney be hung?
How can I say this politely.. If you think that many families are facing a bleak Christmas because of the Bush policies, then name the policies that specifically caused it to happen. Gas prices rose because many countries like China, India are growing and using alot of oil to build the heavy industries that environmentalist have run out of your country. Food prices went higher because there was a rush to biodiesel and Hurricains( I'm sure you will blame them on Bush too)
Families that are in foreclosure are mostly there because they either are living beyond their income level or they signed contracts without paying attention to the details of it, A lawyer would have prevented that. Congress in 1992 let see, who was the president then?? Past a law requiring money lenders to give loans to people who wouldn't normally qualify come they didn't qualify..because they have bad credit. Liberals then wanted every to own a house, and they didn't care how many people would be hurt because of their bad policy. Does the threat of terrorism even would be singing a different tune if everytime you went to work or your children went to school, the mall or any group gathering, you would have to worry if they were going to make it there and back alive.. Everyperson in this country has a right to go to a hospital and receive care...even if they cannot afford it..and don't have to pay it back..that is the law. I am tired of whiners and complainers trying to handcuff our ability to defend and protect ourselves and others from BAD PEOPLE..Like TERRORISTS and blaming everything on Bush.. Remember is was the same people that were in office that really created this fiasco during the Clinton year, that Obama is now putting back in office..Who was it that allowed terrorists to bomb the world trade center, the barracks in Lebanon, and allowed intelligence to weaken to the point that we couldn't even determine what was going to happen before it happened. It is the same cry to complain about Iraq that complained about Vietnam..and to those I ask this question..Were the 3 million people that were killed after we pulled out of Vietnam better off dead?? Was it worth us getting out to find out that hundreds of thousand of people were tortured and killed when we shut the door in their faces and left their arms stretched out us as in those last pictures of our choppers leaveing?? Would the people of Iraq be better off with a mad man that killed people for the fun of it, tossed them off buildings to the pavement just because they didn't bow to their leader..Were the little girls better off being raped and killed a the whim of Saddams sons' just for thier pleasure..where the hundreds and thousands better off when we stood by and did nothing??? I think not If we lived in a perfect world, we could all stand in a big circle and sing songs and jump for joy and world peace..but the reality is that we live in a imperfect world, and terrorists are allow to kill people just because we don't share their ideology, millions of people are allowed to die in Darfur and Rowanda, and who will speak for them...who will defend the helpless, the impoverished and the don't know what that is here in don't have a clue.. |
I too lost my wife and daughter 7 years ago,As the days seemed to drag on forever and the pain seemed to never go away..I kept remembering the words of encouragement she would give me after a long tough day at work..I have now just decided that I am ready to start dating again, and even though they are forever in my mind and heart..I know that they would be the happiest if I was happy.. God cannot give you back those that you lost, but he holds you in his arms till you can walk again and only he can heal your broken heart..
why did
I thought it would be easier to meet women..but I may just go back to searching in person..
I kinda like women with some tat's and can be very sexy..
I wish daydreamer the best..I just wished she liked older men!! hahaha Good luck!
It is amazing that this man would respond back to you in this way..although I don't like getting replies that return with the lack of we all sometimes feel, it is better then getting no response at all. You showed him a very nice jesture in responding to him, and he revealed his true nature as well, at least this confirms your initial feelings.. I just hope that woman don't think that all us men are like that..