Community > Posts By > Delsoldamien
I think we should limit the appeals, trials and all the other excuses for delaying the process and give the victims family or the victim the change to do the deed.. I would gladly spend $1 to buy a bullet and put it into the head of the man that killed my wife and daughter..I do not seek revenge..but like a dog gone bad, needs to be put down.
Rick Warren
Do you know that Obama is the first to take office in a long time, not to have other religious leaders as part of his christening?? No Jewish rabbi, no muslim he pushing the Christian adgenda??
See, we can agree on some things! hahahaha
Thank you President Bush
Politicians on either side of the isle supported this bail out, and they are addicted to spending our money. It won't make a difference who is in the White House, Obama will spend more then George Bush. It is time to kick all their butts out of office and really vote for a change, not just the smooth words politicians spew out of their mouths.
You have alot to be proud of, it is a facinating field.. I believe that the death penalty is a deterrent, but with modern science we can be more sure of those that deserve it's fate.
Tea Party anyone?? hahaha
You are right temp..those shows are not the real world, but forensics is a facinating field.
Wow,it is amazing that you invisible can't even read what I was saying, call me sick, call me all the names you want, you don't know me or know what I really believe. If you want to talk about God, great, but I doubt that you know much about Him either. If you know that much about it, tell me your solution.. I doubt that you have one.
I on the other hand Invisible, and not judgemental like you apparently are, in a debate or discussion, you should look at all aspects and then form a educated opinion..not just jump to conclusions as you have. No babies are not terrorists, but if you raise them up with terrorists, telling them from birth that they should strap bombs on themselves and blow innocent people up and this will get you to heaven...then who is the sick one??
Thank you President Bush
I think that was his biggest mistake, it really upsets me that they are bailing anyone out..Leave my money alone.
hahaha I knew it wouldn't take long for you to show up...hahaha Show me those that are not. You don't want to talk to me about the bible, if you read it you would find that God did the same I am not advocating it now, but mostly trying to stimulate conversation.
Overtaxation is going to be a real problem even more then it is now, over the next 4 years...get used to it.. Communists and socialists use over taxation to support their ideals. Prohibition did not work, so taxation is the weapon of choice now.
I knew that you would focus on that part and not respond to the rest of lets put it a way that you can understand it....Israel wishes to live in peace, and have given them the land that Hamas and Hezbolla demanded and said that if they got back, they could live in peace with Israel. But they can't, tehy are committed to the destruction of Israel and will stop at nothing. Women, children are being taught to kill the Jewish people just for being Jewish and living in Israel..Hitler destroyed the Jewish people for what reason?? Did they attack Hitler?? Did they wrap themselves in bombs and kill other German citizens??? You cannot even compare the to. They are not moral equivialant to each other..
Another Nut Job
No not at all, just wondering why she sounds so surprised that politician in general say stupid things..
If you have an infection, you cut out more then the infected for what reason, so that it won't infect more area and to remove the area that might already be infected but not showing the symptoms... It is a drastic, but effective. Did Hamas care how many innocent women and children they killed with suicide bombers that walk into resturaunts and night clubs or busy shopping centers or buses?? I think not, to them any Israeli is a target, and open for destruction..why should they be treated any different?
Another Nut Job
And after the last 8 years of Dems saying all kinds of stupid stuff, you are surprised that politician are saying stupid stuff?? Where have you been??
I think it is time for Israel to just level gaza once and for all, then they don't have to worry about it any more..
The word conservative.
I understand the word is difficult for progressives, liberals and the intellectual elite to understand, but if progress is destruction of moral standards I live by, if progressive means giving up my freedoms to become dependant on the goverment for things I cannot acheive for myself, if progressive means anything goes, and live by no standards...then I gladly call myself a conservative. I admit that one thing I dislike about so called progressives is that they feel the need to insult those that don't share their beliefs while preaching the need to be diverse, open minded and accepting of those that don't share our idea of normal...execpt when it comes to conservatives. But then I would be broadbrushing people into categories and stereotyping..which by the progressive montra is bad..
The word conservative.
I am one of those "Real Conservatives" but it doesn't piss me off to put real in front of it..I am socially as well as financially conservative..much more the the so called conservatives in Washinton..
Sorry, I thought that you were talking to arrogant of me!! ooopps, anyway...