Need your opinion
Don't see anything wrong with it, why?
The worst thing you can do is second guess yourself or write what other people expect you to write. Just be yourself and if your happy with what has been written then it will show through. |
Here's a question that may raise a few eyebrows. If your in a relationship but NOT MARRIED or ever likely to be, you pass on the stairs in life and in the bedroom, the conversation has died but your too chicken to jump ship, is it wrong to want to find someone else before you leave?? That's what a lot of men do. It is wrong, it will hurt the woman you're with now, even if the relationship has faded away. Do you want that? It's not the right thing to do to a new woman either, as it's not the right start of a relationship. You need to get over a relationship in every sense of the way, before you're ready for a new one. Even if that's only letting go of household routines you have with your current partner. As for you, maybe you should find a coach or counselor so you learn how to get stronger and why you lack strength. Or maybe not get involved at all again as you can't and daren't handle things when it gets difficult? Plus, you not being strong may be the very reason why your relationship went sour to begin with. You should really work on that. All in all I think it's a pretty lame thing to do and yes it's wrong. And the fact that you're NOT MARRIED doesn't matter jack. Just makes it easier and less expensive to split up. You're in a committed relationship. A piece of paper doesn't make much of a difference. ![]() And what kind of woman would agree to such a thing? or maybe he needs to have this conversation with his wife? it is wrong. period. for either one, the man or the woman to put the next batter in the box before the first is through That seems to have worked. The other is to show how easy it is to jump to assumptions about a person before gaining all the facts. True I have posted a profile on here but that doesn't mean to say I want to fool around behind my partners back and yes things are tough between us but I wasn't looking for affirmation of my actions. Nor anyone's blessing. I have come across situations, the like of which I started this thread with and wanted to get peoples views. |
What Do Men Really Look For?
'm just curious about what most men look for when it comes to women. Do they actually look for a connection with someone? Do they just want to be used and abused? Give me your feedback, guys! XD Personally I look for, well, personality, outlook on life, spirit, then looks in that order. Romance and lovey dovey comes later when things start to build. Sure you (not you personally just generally) can look a million bucks but have the intellect and drive of a brick but adversely you could look like plain jane and be the most warmest, kindest, generous, witty, human that ever walked the planet. Sure I'm a guy and be lying if I said I didn't look at beautiful women but when it comes to giving them my heart , then I'm really choosy. |
Yes, two legs for a double leg kick. For a stronger first impression. :) I'm sure you'd make an impact ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hi Red Lace, seems I'v stirred up a hornets nest here!!!! One thing though don't make it personal. It was a question and not a statement of intent. I'm merely laying the ground work for discussion nothing more. My partner is fully aware of my intentions and we're currently on a hiatus. As for kicking my**** you'd need one helluva long leg. Like I said earlier not personal. I'm not being personal. It was an opinion given, which is why I stated in my last sentence, "personally", meaning, that would be what I would have done if it was done to me. And I not only have one long leg, I have two. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hi Crystal, thanks for the comments. However suggesting I'm weak is a bit harsh when you consider I have spent the last two years out of the last six being the stronger of the two not only in trying to make the relationship work but sacrificing a lot to do so, being more patient than any one person has a right or need to be and dealing with someone who is essentially dead inside but all to no avail. That aside regarding meeting someone prior to leaving the question was put purely as a topic of discussion and not as a declaration of intent. I maybe a guy and have a profile here but I'm not heartless. Again thanks for the comments though. So what if you spent all those years being a martyr, as you seem to describe yourself. Unless you were chained in a basement against your will, it was still your choice to do that, your choice to stay that long. The least you can do is to be honest with your current partner and with yourself. I believe you would ask the same from her, if the roles were reversed, eh? What you're trying to do right now is to justify something you already know is wrong, hence, the question. Also, you'd be disrespecting the new relationship if you're going to start it of like that. Personally, I'd kick your *** if I knew I was being used as a spare tire. Hi Red Lace, seems I'v stirred up a hornets nest here!!!! One thing though don't make it personal. It was a question and not a statement of intent. I'm merely laying the ground work for discussion nothing more. My partner is fully aware of my intentions and we're currently on a hiatus. As for kicking my**** you'd need one helluva long leg. Like I said earlier not personal. |
Here's a question that may raise a few eyebrows. If your in a relationship but NOT MARRIED or ever likely to be, you pass on the stairs in life and in the bedroom, the conversation has died but your too chicken to jump ship, is it wrong to want to find someone else before you leave?? What exactly do you mean by being "in a relationship"? Any kind of relationship whether living with someone as a partner but without the ties such as marriage on the cards, kids etc or living apart but seeing each other or whatever. As I said purely for discussion and getting other peoples point of view |
Living with someone as a partner but with none of the ties such as marriage on the cards, kids etc.
Believe me I've been betrayed too and know what it is like as I was married once and caught her on the couch with another man.
Made me realise that when it comes to relationships you can never fully trust someone and when things aren't working out you should leave. As I stated earlier this was just a topic for discussion and NOT and indication of intent. Seems to have roused a few people though!!! |
Marriage Lesson
How about finding someone you actually love? But guessing it's about obtaining a green card, not love. take her to a gym and buy her a rolex Hahaha, in my book that's under the heading "How to dump her". I wouldn't want my man to take me to the gym and what the he(k would I want a rolex for? I check the time on my cell phone. From what I understand here on Mingle is that American women are very materialistic. Or at least that's what you US men seem to think. Glad I don't have to find love in the States, lol: Black people are bitter and angry because they insist on having a white partner and white people don't want them. White men are angry and bitter because white women are materialistic. All in all a lot of angry and bitter people. I'm quite sure there are a lot of nice, respectful and descent people here to make friends as well a potential partners. |
Call me Mr Sceptic if you like but the Egyptian Artefact with the modern aircraft looks too new to be real.
Granted there is evidence to suggest ancient cultures have scribed or drawn about things that can easily be interpreted as being futuristic in nature. But these carvings look way too modern an clean. Photoshop???? Amazing what can be done on a computer these days. Seriously,I am a firm believer we are not alone in the universe, statistically impossible to be so, however until that little grey man parks in a populated area, is filmed by someone who doesn't take shaky, grainy, slightly out of focus film footage and is witnessed by all close by, then I'll treat all such "Evidence" with a large pinch of scepticism. |
Hi Crystal,
thanks for the comments. However suggesting I'm weak is a bit harsh when you consider I have spent the last two years out of the last six being the stronger of the two not only in trying to make the relationship work but sacrificing a lot to do so, being more patient than any one person has a right or need to be and dealing with someone who is essentially dead inside but all to no avail. That aside regarding meeting someone prior to leaving the question was put purely as a topic of discussion and not as a declaration of intent. I maybe a guy and have a profile here but I'm not heartless. Again thanks for the comments though. |
Here's a question that may raise a few eyebrows.
If your in a relationship but NOT MARRIED or ever likely to be, you pass on the stairs in life and in the bedroom, the conversation has died but your too chicken to jump ship, is it wrong to want to find someone else before you leave?? |
In the same vein as last post here's a question that should raise a few eyebrows.
If your in a relationship but your not married or ever going to be and you both spend a lot of time passing each other on the stairs both in life and in the bedroom and the conversation died a long time ago, is it wrong to look for someone else before you leave? Oh and on the subject of last post, I was in similar position many years ago with a married woman and it ended in complete disaster for all concerned. If your married and you want something or someone else get a divorce cause it ain't working. |
Hi all,
for what it's worth I'd like to add my pennies worth. I firmly believe a long distance relationship CAN work if both the people involved are honest, vocal and willing to go that extra mile to make it work. The biggest failure is lack of communication with one another and when the words die out then it's game over. However if you begin a relationship by talking and understanding everything about that person then I believe it make's that relationship stronger. As for meeting, heard of a plane have we? These days it takes less time to get to some places in the world in same time it takes to complete a days work. And if you are genuine about wanting the LDR to work why allow such an easily overcome obstacle stand in your way or TRUE happiness? |
Friends across the Pond???
Hello all.
I won't waffle on at great length. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi. Point of thread comes at end. ![]() I'm 46, 5'5, Scottish, a smoker and on occassion mental!!!But a nice mental not nasty mental. Oh I also have a weird sense of hunour!! ![]() I am here to meet new friends with the POSSIBILITY of it developing into something more. And some may understand this I am seeking my TRUE SOUL MATE. If you ask me I will explain. I especially would love to hear from you if your from the USA as I have friends who live in Philadelphia and visit them when I can and just love all thing American. Especially IHOP!!!!! Any who the point of the thread is this, is it possible that two people from different countries can find each other through the Internet? Sleepless in Seattle aside of course!! ![]() |