Community > Posts By > greeneyedlady42

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 05/09/07 06:48 AM
Hey connors mom-
My son did the same thing...and lulu is right do use positive
reiforcement and show him by example..
However the "root" to my sons screaming was that he was frustrated
because he had hearing loss to a degree in both ears and he was
frustrated. He couldn't hear properly and felt he wasnt being heard
He had alot of ear infections due to a defect in his inner ear
which was correctable and he had scarring on his eardrums.
This info is not to scare you but in my experience the earlier this was
discovered the better it is for the child.
I took him to a hearing center and they evaluated him and once they put
tubes in his ears within two weeks not only did the screaming subside
but his speech was dramatically improved.
This made a huge difference when he started school as he was not
impaired from learning and felt more confident.

Mind you this is just telling you my experience and it may not be the
case with your son. If it is tho my hope is that it is discovered early
enough to benefit you both. It could be just a phase but it never hurts
to check.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 05/05/07 11:06 AM
I was certain hillary had already been president once...
Wasnt bill the dummy on her lap?
Or was that Monicas lap?..

Sorry Just couldnt resist that one --Tee Hee

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 05/04/07 06:14 AM
Thanks everyone. It just kinda came to me...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 05/04/07 06:10 AM
Hey sweet- I have two grown and one 16 yr old still at home.
If mine didnt want to get off the phone when asked then guess what?
NO MORE PHONE. Trust me it works.My kids use to count on me being
distracted with something else like I wasnt paying attention. It is a
good ploy of kids today because our lives are so busy.
I use natural consequences. My son ran up my phone bill by almost $200.
He begged and begged for a phone and for his 16th I got him one.As soon
as he wasnt responsible I took it back 2 weeks of no talking to g-friend
etc. He was taking out the trash and doing chores and I finally gave it
back to him.He's much more responsible now.There is no screaming no
arguing I just take action very calmly and sit back and wait for them to
see the benefits of responsible choices verses the consequences of bad
ones. So far I can say our home is much more peaceful. Being a single
parent hasnt been easy. But you learn as you go.
Trust me Ive been where you are its not fun. Im not so stressed now and
I take a dont care attitude if they dont want to listen its on them...

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 04/30/07 08:12 AM
Yes , buttons first instincts are usally right on-
Better to be wrong now than sorry later.
There's a tactful way to back out....Or just block him out all together.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 04/29/07 07:28 PM
The road is rocky the road is long
Full of turns and twists-
As you pass thru forests green
and the way is sheilded in mist.
But the scenery is nice
If you watch along the way
So when you hit a bumpy spot
Just stop to kneel and pray.

For even tho we may not see
the path that lies ahead
We dont have to travel in fear
theres no need for dread
Just put on some music
enjoy the ride, there is much to see
And I'll enjoy the journey
God has placed before me.

The wind may try to veer us off coarse
And sometimes theres a heavy load
But theres a destination we seek
As we travel on lifes road
So look for the sun to light
Dont mind alittle rain
Always know theres peace ahead
to overcome every pain

Try to take it all in stride
Give it all its place to rest-
Cuz every journey on this road
is a chance to pass a test
The only failure is to let life
quietly pass you by
You will always find your way
Until then enjoy the ride....

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sun 04/29/07 07:16 PM
No lucky guy-
Just writing and wishful thinking at this point...
But thanks for the encouraging compliments!
Its great to be back!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 04/28/07 08:20 PM
Sitting across from you
I gaze into your eyes
Bluer than blue they call to me
With a vastness of the skies
They say you are sincere
they tell me you're true
I can get so lost
in your deep eyes of blue.
How crazy is this love?
How colorful its become
Sitting here with you
I feel that I am home.
You are family, you are friend
Theres nothing I wouldn't do
To have another chance to see
Into your eyes of blue.
I see future, I see hope
And all I could realize
Is all right before me-
When I look in your eyes.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 04/28/07 09:21 AM
I sit out side the garden gate
Wondering how long I will have to wait
To find a love worthy of mine
Who'll patiently win this heart, in time.
Pondering in silence fighting the tears
Wagering in my mind-counting the years.

I eagerly anticipate stepping inside
To another heart thats open and kind
Waiting to bloom, wanting to grow
displaying the colors, also eager to know
The feelings of freedom that a love brings
To dance to the music my heart glady sings

I sit at the garden gate like a child
A heart full of innocence ready for the wild
Feeling the warm earth between all my toes
Loving lifes highs-embracing its lows
I feel it calling-waiting for me
But I have to wonder who my true love will be.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 04/27/07 03:28 PM
Then he realized if he was a fireman he should be putting out fires...
Instead he had started one!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 04/27/07 03:17 PM
Wow I must ve been gone longer than I remembered there are so many new
Its good to see and meet everyone. Hope this day is bringing great
things for you all.
Nice to be back. Feels like home Ahhhhhh!!!!love

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 04/27/07 03:15 PM
Thats a good one UK- I needed a good laugh!! thanks

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 04/27/07 10:54 AM
Hey Ralph,
Your not old- you've just had a few b-days...
Age is a state of mind.
Go for it...
Sweet sincerity is just what a ture lady looks for.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Fri 04/27/07 10:21 AM
Havent been on in awhile just wanted to "pop" by and tell everyone hey
and that Im still alive out here.
When the next poetry thread???
sign me up!!
Have a great day you guys. Ive missed ya!!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 04/04/07 12:10 PM
Adam that is remarkable writing. WHat a natural.
Tell him to keep up the great work!!
He gets a thumbs up from me.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 03/07/07 07:09 PM
Thanks guys havent posted in a while-
Been crazy 'round here and I been having a dry spell
I guess LOL.
Thanks for the sweet words.
Have a great nite!

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 03/06/07 08:02 PM
Mr KatOwner.
I can SO empathize with your situation. It is truly sad that good
people get taken advantage of. I too have found in hindsight that I have
been to eager sometimes to help people. But you did a good thing. You
should be proud. It's sad how it turned out, but you have a good heart.
As for the death in your family and your wrestling friend, I am truly
sorry for your loss. Just know in their way they added to your life and
you can always cherish that about them.
Things will soon look up. 2007 is the year of restoration.
Wait to be restored!
have a good day.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Tue 03/06/07 07:52 PM
The cap is on the toothpaste
And Yes, -the seat is down;
There's no glasses half full
Scattered all around
The TV's not on ESPN
The paper is neatly stacked
No socks flung on the floor
The towel is on the rack

But theres a silent echo here
Where your love used to be
ANd no one has an incling
Of how hard this is for me

I see traces all around me
That tell me you were here
But theres no whisper -in the night
But you can't just disappear.

Your picture's not on the dresser,
& Your shirts arent in the drawer
Since you left and took my heart
This dont feel like home no more.
It isnt the same without your smile
When you're not here I cant breathe
Yet when Im with you -you steel
My breath away.
Babe you're everything I need!

But theres a silent echo...
Of where your love used to be
Now your love's not here to warm me
This dont feel like home to me.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Mon 03/05/07 07:36 AM

You captured exactly what I am going thru at this moment.
I think you pretty much covered it all.
Thank you for that truly "from the heart" beautiful writing.

greeneyedlady42's photo
Wed 02/28/07 02:26 PM
Hey Jen..
I just went thru the whole lump in the breast thing-
Very disconcerting to say the least but everything is fine here.
Just to let you know so you wont worry for 2 weeks like I did...
When they do the mammogram or ultrasound they'll pretty much tell you
right then if it is anything to be concerned about.
As for your depression- You are facing alot right now. There are
naturally many thoughts racing thru your mind.
Please try to take one thing at a time and not be overwhelmed.
If you need to cry, cry,-if you need to scream, scream.
Trust me you'll feel better.
You will definately be in our prayers here and please let us know how
you're doing and if you need anything.
Theres a great group of folks here who are really a wonderful support