Why do you need a hug?
Because I am highly huggable!!
Love or sex
Why do you have to choose? I think they are complimentary.
Edited by
Wed 02/26/14 01:03 PM
Last night that I got the results of some tests.
Bright Brown Eyes
Edited by
Wed 02/26/14 07:30 AM
I have never been stroken so fast and so hard as the first time I saw your beautiful bright brown eyes.
I felt the world shaking. Suddenly the earth halt and everything went collapsing with so much force. Those bright brown eyes were burning deep inside my mind, that beautiful simple smile gravitated me towards your life. If I have known how much those deep brown eyes would change my life I would have tried to found you earlier in my life. You don't know it yet but I have waited for you ever since I remember. I have been missing you since I first had a reason to cry. Your world and mine are upside down but somehow we manage to find a reason why to come back into each other's lives. You're strength and peace and I am storming tease. You built me up when I am down and I when I am sad I only need to look into your bright brown eyes to feel this burning passion inside my heart as I never did before and... its good enough for me to know you are a part of me I never knew how bad I was missing until the day my world was stopped by those beautiful bright brown eyes. |
Why focusing on the TV beauty standards? If you don't accept yourself and stop trying to fit on that "beauty pattern" you would never feel satisfied and won't be able to see not only that you ARE beautiful on the outside but also that you have a lot to offer to any given guy. But think about it a little deeper. Why do you need to convince someone that you're beautiful enough? I understand that living in such a materialistic society doesnt help but you can truly and honestly do a soul search and realize that man or no man, extra pounds or not what really matters is that you accept yourself, work with what you have and be happy with who you are and then you won't care if there is a guy or ten that find you pretty but what would fill that void is your self-esteem going up. By all means don't give up on love because If you do you would give up on yourself and by the way you are beautiful!
What Do Men Really Look For?
well, we pretty much figured out which different kinds of women there are by what their boobs are wearing. does this answer your question? :D Seriously? wow |
finding someone
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Wed 02/26/14 06:45 AM
I am starting to think that maybe why no response is because there are very few real people here like yahoo chat was You are being judgmental. Want real people not on a computer, go to a gym. You are letting your pain and frustration talk. The fact that a few people look at your profile and decide not to contact you may not be because of your looks but because of what you wrote and the message it comes across. If you are putting yourself down and expecting for people to appreciate you and value you then you're waisting your time. You need to love yourself and feel worth it and nobody has to bear your needs to make you feel handsome or attractive enough. When we change our point of view about ourselves and begin to feel not only good enough but great and worth it then you have something different to offer and people begin to notice you. Good luck working on yourself and learning how to love yourself. |
Possitive Human Relationships by Mario Pereyra
Really nice! I loved it. Very meaningful.
Okay, let me get this straight. You "love her very much" BUT you're looking for a way to make her do something she already said no she doesnt want to? So, in other words. You are basically ignoring her needs and wants because you're focusing on your sexual needs but that's how you are showing her how much you love her by going against what she has told you she doesnt want to and given you her reasons but still you're determined to cunning her into it? WOW, really nice way of yours to love a woman.
So...what is hot?...
a healthy smile healthy skin healthy hair confidence rhythm wit humility chivalry broad shoulders masculine facial features family values and ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Definitely all of the above!! and also I humble guy with a great personality and awesome killing smile. |
Older or younger?
You will know what attracts you, be careful of overanalyzing. Use your instincts, imagination and have fun. Sometimes we put labels on things unnecessarily. Pay attention to how someone expresses themselves. That is a start. The bottom line, that question can only be answered by you. Thank you so much! Have a great day. |
You seem to have feelings for her and obviously that's not going to end good. I have always wondered if a relationship starts with deception on any given way, then how can you really trust that person? How do you know she hasn't been talking to other men the same way she has been talking to you or over more how do you have the certainty that even If she were to choose you that she wouldn't do the same thing to you that she is doing to her current husband? I don't believe that you can be only friends and she shouldn't be looking for "friends" If she was an honest person. Its only my opinion I feel really strongly against cheating or deceiving within a relationship. I wouldn't risk investing more time and feelings into it.
when a man is too busy
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Mon 02/17/14 10:42 PM
I understand someone can be busy with their own activities and such but if it's like the usual thing then girl by all means move on. Don't give someone that doesn't care about your time the benefit to dwell on your thoughts. Move on and dedicate time for those that do want to be there. If someone wants to be a part of your life he will always find time to be with you.
Hit me up :) Why should I? How do I know that you're not a loser? Well, the downside on saying something like that is that you kind of make people wonder If you're fat and bitter or cute and nice or even more If you're twisted and shallow or smart and funny. But analizing your comment I would say that you're going through PMS or bitchy is your general mood. |
Older or younger?
Since I got divorced I have been meeting either guys on their 20's or on their 50's as a general rule. I have met a few that are on their 30's as well but not that many. I have always wondered when young is too young and old is too old.
I am a dreamer and so I believe true love exists and If we were to open our heart and mind more than our eyes often times we would see it in the people we least expected it.
Personally I would miss the sharing and communication areas more. I understand sex is an important aspect of a relationship but mainly for me the advices, kindness and affection the person shows towards me is what I would miss the most. Not what would satisfied my needs as much as who he really is and what I am missing out.
lonely valentine...
I know your life can go on without me, That you can be happy without me, That you can survive without me, But even if you turn me away, I will still choose you to stay with you, Be with you sweetest stranger Forever. Happy valentine's day to all mingle.. WOW!! I LOVED IT!!! Hope you are not alone this valenties but even if you are hope you know that someone someday would see how nice you are. |
Milky White
I was cleaning a house for a couple from church. The husband came home and told me I looked just like my mom. Told him I've never been so insulted in my life and laughed. Told my mom and she said the same thing LMFAO!!!! ![]() ![]() Wow I guess it has a lot to do where and how you are raised. In some circles referring to a lady as Mam is showing you consider her with respect and deference to her authority that has NOTHING to do with age but the sanctity of her space. My sons were taught from a very young age to follow this respect for women as not only the woman, but for me, and their grandmothers, also their wives, and daughters in law when they come along. That also followed them address men as sir. Not Hun, Sweetie, Babe, Buddy, Bro, Hey man blah blah blah like strangers or acqaintences are some familiar friend or peer they care about when of course they don't. AND more importantly themselves. They have been taught that respecting another, regardless of their gender, shows you are confident that you deserve respect. Totally, in my culture is a sign of age and the older the more you get it. I understand your culture though but it feels awkward to me. |